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– Posting fake comments under my name –

A troll is stealing not only my identity, but also the names of other prominent commenters of this blog, and posting comments on racialist forums pretending to be other persons (see how he also stole Mauricio’s name here). Since this has already happened on more than one forum, I’ll have to warn others about the behaviour of this troll.

To the admins of other racialist sites: Please, ban this name grabber or just contact me ([email protected]).


Bardamu in Spanish

I am now translating, step by step, Ferdinand Bardamu’s anti-Christian essay into Spanish.


Required readings

Hellstorm (review)
Worst generation
Judea vs. Rome


Time of introspection…

‘Adversity introduces a man to himself’ was my quotable quote this morning. Today American Renaissance published an article by Gregory Hood worth reading: ‘An Open Letter to Trump Supporters’. The article contains a passage in which Hood tells us that Trump’s legacy was to have forced the Regime to show its true colours: it’s now an openly anti-white Regime that will continue its vehement anti-white agenda for years to come.

But Hood and other American racialists who have republished the article today in other forums fail to ignore the basic and fundamental aetiology of this hour, the darkest for the white race.

Those visitors who have not found out that this site has diagnosed the aetiological double-helix of such a dark hour, should make a pause in this memorable day to read two texts that appear in the books whose images are seen on the sidebar: something that happened 1,700 years ago—the surreptitious war that some Semites fought against Aryan Rome—, and the founding story that white traitors invented after World War II. This is the double-helix of a mental virus that now has conquered the soul of whites.

In medicine it is known that a disease whose aetiology is still unknown hasn’t come to be understood from a strictly scientific point of view. I would say the same about humanities and history. It’s about time whites who want to save their race from the coming apocalypse become familiar with at least those two essays linked above.


Ask me anything

A good idea from Tikhar!

Postscript of 2:14 afternoon: Even banned commenters can post any question.


Three themes

Two years ago my first cousin, the one I got along with the most in the 1980s, killed his teenage daughter and then hanged himself. As far as I know, he was exasperated by the very aggressive feminism that reigned at home, and it is rumoured that in the posthumous letter he left he said that he also planned to dispatch his wife (who was absent on the day of the two deaths).

The cold war against the Aryan race is becoming hot. The first step in white genocide will be to remove the police. If that were to be implemented, the only line of defence that the Americans would have are their firearms. Once Americans start using their weapons defensively in their homes that will be considered racism. After Trump, someone like AOC will try to confiscate the guns of right-wingers to leave them at the mercy of BLM. The ball is in their court: either they will continue to behave like lambs in the slaughterhouse or like the characters of The Turner Diaries.

Since WordPress software will automatically close the vaccine discussion thread this day, anyone interested in answering Peter can do so here.


Several subjects

One of the regular visitors to this site has been infected with the coronavirus.

It is a disgrace that the media continues to believe China’s spurious statistics about the virus. If not millions of deaths, to the official figures of Chinese deaths we must add at least two zeros.

Those in quarantine who are getting bored could see Shane. Netflix is one of the most notorious poison injectors for the mental health of whites. More than ninety-nine percent of their films contain a cocktail of super-toxic messages. So I was surprised that Shane can be seen these days on Netflix.

If you watch this 1953 movie compare it to the crap filmed today. Yesterday, I immediately cut a recent YouTube video when Richard Spencer praised Tom Cruise.

The contradictory behaviour of alt-right folk was what forced me to conclude that the white nationalist diagnosis, blaming the Jews for everything, was wrong. Otherwise neither Spencer nor his ridiculous McSpencer group would be speaking well of a Hollywood monster, nor Greg Johnson would have liked monstrosities like Pulp Fiction. If, like the normies, Jew-wise pundits are also contaminated by a Hollywood controlled by Jewry, surely there must exist an Aryan problem in addition to the Jewish problem.

A comment today about the Christian doctrine of ‘forgiveness’ reminded me of a passage from a book by Will Durant:

Imagine the exhilarating optimism of explicit Stoics like Aurelius or Epictetus. Nothing in all literature is so depressing as the Dissertations of the Slave, unless it be the Meditations of the emperor. “Seek not to have things happen as you choose them, but rather choose that they should happen as they do; and you shall live prosperously.” No doubt one can in this manner dictate the future, and play royal highness to the universe.

When it comes to mental disorders (the linked comment was made in a thread about the trauma model), let’s not forget Ross’s class in my Day of Wrath. What the doctrine of forgiveness is asking us is precisely what Ross calls ‘the locus of control shift’: a passport to madness.

Finally, to conclude this miscellaneous post you can also watch this funny clip about the coming hyperinflation.

3-eyed crow Miscellany

One of the problems…

with ‘sticky posts’ is that they are useful to new visitors, but for old visitors to see the same thing above a blog can tire them. For that reason I changed the image yesterday.

The problem is that in several articles I mentioned ‘the mummified character that appears in the sticky post’, and visitors could get confused if instead they see the crow that appears today.

In the novels of George RR Martin, the old man tangled up in the tree and the three-eyed raven are the same entity.


Two JFG podcasts

Update of 11: 45 pm

Below I mentioned yesterday’s podcast of Jean-François Gariépy. In his podcast today JFG interviewed Richard Spencer, who despite his imperfections is a much more mature figure than Nick Fuentes to lead racialist Americans.

JFG and Spencer touched on topics that interest us on this site, such as Judeo-Christianity—a term used by both—and the need to change the moral paradigm about the Third Reich, instead of believing that pure revisionism about the Holocaust will make a difference.

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In the recent ‘blood sport’ of Sargon of Akkad vs. Vaush, the latter brought out his anti-white ideology when saying he cares about a damn that some UK schools are 70 percent non-white. A YouTuber commented yesterday: ‘Just needed to get this off my chest after watching what is possibly the most insufferable debate I’ve ever seen’.

People like Vaush exemplify what I have said a lot of times: the Aryan problem is more serious than the Jewish problem, as it means betrayal of the white race by whites. And there are many, many whites like Vaush.

If there were no countless people like him, who claims to have Polish and Irish ancestry, the Jews would find themselves isolated in their anti-white campaign. It is traitor whites who empower them.

If Vaush tells the truth about his Polish and Irish ancestors, that means he was one of those typical Catholics who, when distancing themselves from the church, become ultraliberal. In the country where I live I have met many former Catholics who embrace ultraliberalism, which includes feminism, that not only affects Creole whites but mestizos and all the gamut between them (castizos, harnizos, etc.).

Fortunately, Jean-François Gariépy did a good job yesterday debunking Vaush.

As a side note I would like to say that a commenter has been complaining that I am not letting his comments pass. I do not have time to answer them. And it irritates me that, instead of complaining about my antichristianism, he doesn’t digest what was said in previous articles about the millions of Aryans holocausted by Justinian.



with the masthead of this site!