Turd Flinging Monkey (TFM) is a YouTuber who creates content for the community known as Men Going Their Own Way that advocates for the revoking of women’s ‘rights’. His unusual penname has to do with a clip in which a zoo chimpanzee throws a piece of his stool at humans. In one of his videos (or rather audios) TFM explains that his penname is perfect because men are unable to change the anti-male System, and the only thing they can do is complain on social media, like the chimpanzee locked up in the zoo.
A previous version of The Fair Race includes the text that is currently linked on the sidebar, in the words ‘Women understood: here’, where I used TFM’s work to understand the sexuality of women and men.* It is a brilliant essay that makes us understand feminism beyond what, in the forums of white nationalism, we can read in the work of F. Roger Devlin. If I do not include it in the latest version of The Fair Race, it is because TFM is a degenerate who has a sex doll at home as a substitute for a flesh-and-blood woman.
But I understand TFM and the MGTOWs who follow those steps so as not to fall into a rigged system that takes away their property and children in divorce courts: a system that did not exist when I was a child. (One of the things I mention in my autobiographical book is a memory from the mid-1960s when my dad told me and another kid that divorce cases didn’t exist.) The flaw of that group and the Incel community consists in that, like the white nationalists, they are not discussing the racial revolution, as recovering Western nations means recovering white women.
Although the text in which I collect the ideas of TFM does not appear in the latest version of The Fair Race (or in the PDF of the sticky post), it is vital to read it. The welfare state is mentioned several times. According to TFM, feminism was ultimately responsible for the emergence of the welfare state. This is pivotal to understand the runaway feminism of our days. Except for personalities as opposed as Andrew Anglin and Roger Devlin, very few racialists have a profound grasp about the anti-white ravages that feminism causes in the West.
TFM is a professional when it comes to feminism; Devlin and Anglin mere dilettantes. Although TFM’s analyses are deeper than Anglin’s and even Devlin’s, there is another flaw in the worldview of the Incels, MGTOW in general and TFM in particular. None seems to know exactly how feminism originated. Evropa Soberana and Robert Morgan have tried to ponder at the root of the whole issue, blaming civilisation and technology respectively. But a technological civilisation does not need to reject patriarchy with the anti-male vindictiveness of the third feminist wave, unless it is contaminated by another factor.
‘Why Europeans must reject Christianity’, an essay by Ferdinand Bardamu that does appear in the latest edition of The Fair Race, begins with these words:
The disease of Christianity. The classical philologist Revilo P. Oliver once described Christianity as a “spiritual syphilis.” The musician Varg Vikernes said Christianity was a “problem to be solved by medical science.” He described it as an “HIV/AIDS of the spirit and mind.” Only the paradigm of sexually transmitted disease can shed light on the true nature of the Christian religion.
In the case of syphilis, there is a latency period. This is analogous to the growth and spread of Christianity across the Roman empire, until the reign of Constantine in the early 4th century. The symptoms of syphilitic infection increase in severity, leading to a plethora of life-threatening consequences. The neurological and cardiovascular degeneration caused by syphilis weaken the body of the host. If the infection continues without medical intervention, death ensues. In similar fashion, Christianity weakens and then destroys the state through proliferation of its most degenerate Christian-derived ideologies, such as liberalism, socialism and feminism [emphasis added].
It seems to me that Bardamu is closer to the truth than Soberana and Morgan. As we never saw a victorious Hitler, we cannot know if the project of a patriarchal civilisation throughout the Third Reich would have succumbed to feminism. I doubt it very much! Following Bardamu, I believe that current feminism is more a product of the terminal stage of Christianity, which is a secular phase, than of Western civilisation itself.
To those who have read the sidebar text and wish to delve into the matter, I suggest a recent interview of some Frenchmen with TFM. Just as I ‘translated’ the TFM audios into text, these Frenchmen translated TFM’s philosophy in the interview in English (here) into an audio in French (here).
Remember these words that I have quoted more than once: ‘We don’t stand a chance unless our men become killing machines and our women birthing machines’. Reclaiming the West means not only that we become men again (like George Lincoln Rockwell). It also means that women should become women again.
Update of 8:47 pm:
It is not surprising to me how the people who have a good grasp of a field of knowledge are perfectly sane but, in other fields, they go become completely bananas.
I refer not only to racialists who see absolutely nothing wrong with feminism (they are crazy, of course), but to MGTOWs like TFM who see nothing wrong with the ongoing destruction of whites throughout the West.
None notice that the egalitarianism they fight (racial equality / gender equality) is only one facet of a geometric body greater than the single facet they are focusing on.
This day for example I listened to other TFM audios and realised that this guy doesn’t see anything wrong with a third facet of what we may call the trinitarian god of today: sexual orientation. He said he sees nothing wrong even with extreme sexual practices of people who, literally, like that the sexual partner ‘shits on you’. In other words, for TFM the current god of egalitarianism of racial and sexual preferences is okay. He only revolts against one person of today’s Holy Trinity: gender egalitarianism.
In another recent audio TFW talked about an Ethiopian immigrant who murdered his wife. He didn’t specify whether the wife was white, but TFM sided with the Negro because of the simple fact that he is a man! He is unable to digest that, with their spouses, blacks commit more abuse than whites.
It is not even clear that TFM is white. In one of his not-so-recent audios in Bitchute, ‘News: Unite The Clans (TFM 42O)’, he talked about the post-war Nazis as if they were the bad guys. The image he chose for that program is two muscular arms shaking hands: one of a white and one of a black. TFM said:
This is a call to put aside racial prejudices… We need to stop isolating ourselves as men. We need to stop dividing ourselves along racial lines because women got their shit together.
Although I won’t listen to this guy again, I still recommend the PDF on the sidebar.
(*) I used strong colours in the images that appear in the text so that, when printing the PDF at home, the images appear well demarcated.