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Category: Kevin MacDonald
KMD’s apologetics, 5
This entry has been edited and incorporated into
a single article: ‘Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics’.
KMD’s apologetics, 4
This entry has been edited and incorporated into
a single article: ‘Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics’.
KMD’s apologetics, 3
This entry has been edited and incorporated into
a single article: ‘Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics’.
KMD’s apologetics, 2
This entry has been edited and incorporated into
a single article: ‘Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics’.
KMD’s apologetics, 1
This entry has been edited and incorporated into
a single article: ‘Kevin MacDonald’s apologetics’.
‘The TOO website is down because Sucuri says we violated their terms of service’ said Kevin MacDonald yesterday on Twitter. But now that I review book #6 of this series I don’t have time for the moment to reply to his Christian apologetics (cf. what I said to Robert Morgan today). Per Thomas Kuhn’s principle, I see more and more clearly that the old guard of racialists must die so that younger minds can break away freely from the toxic paradigm, like this letter I just received:
______ 卐 ______
Hello Mr. Tort. I am a Romanian in his mid-twenties who has been a fan of your blog for quite some time. I admire your work and your efforts to save White Culture from the poison that is Christianity and it’s spawns, Communism and Liberalism.
I became a devout Orthodox Christian when I was a teenager and until I became 21, my life was a horrible nightmare, filled with anxiety, weakness, low self-esteem and fear of Hell.
I freed myself from the Christ-god but I can still feel the scars inside me. Sadly I cannot go back in time and warn my 16-year-old self. Around 24 I began embracing the Red-Pill through the videos of Varg Vikernes (Thulean Perspective). Later I began familiarising with other Youtube content creators that held politically incorrect views.
What I admire about you is that you are aware of the Christian plague that has ruined Europe and still acts like a tumour today. Sadly many Nationalists fail to see beyond the Christ-Matrix.
Now I am 26 and while I feel free from the plague of modern society I am at the same time sad and lonely because I fail to meet people who share my ideas. I have good friends online but real life is another story. I am an introvert and sadly social skills have never been my specialty. I feel alienated from the South-Eastern Balkan world, dominated by an Oriental Telluric Christian spirit and race-mixing (I am a tall guy with brown hair and blue eyes, I think I might be a ‘Nordic’, a Nordic subtype of the Dinaric race).
When you live in a society dominated by the backward Orthodox Christian faith and by remnants of the old communist mentality, it is hard to find people who subscribe to a way of life and thinking in accordance to Nietzsche’s ideas.
The greatest thing in my life was that I was able to travel a lot and I have managed to see almost all of Europe. I have seen the true splendour and beauty of North-Western European cultures, particularly the Nordic-Germanic culture and it makes me sad that our corrupt politicians want to destroy it and replace our race with non-whites from Africa and the Middle-East.
I am currently working at a museum, a XVII century manor, built in South-East European fashion. I have a bitch of a co-worker who, two days after I got hired, yelled at me that the museum will decay because of my accent (sometimes I tend to talk with an Anglo-Germanic accent) and my Western visions. Never have I been so insulted in my life, by some dumb degenerate Christian Balkan woman, 39 years old, unmarried (going to work on days when she is also present feels like a drag).
I also wish to find myself a decent girlfriend but so far no luck, and I am struggling on the subject of children. Yes Whites need to make more children, but are all whites worthy of having children? I don’t know if I can be a good parent, and how can I raise a child in this insane world?
I accept any advice that can lift my spirit and motivate me to keep fighting the good fight. I might be a lonely Nordic son under the Balkan sky but I will never again subscribe to the slave morality of the brainwashed masses.
I wish you all the luck in the world and may you be triumphant in your work to save the White Race. Wotan mit uns!
The reason I practically don’t interact in other racialist forums or follow them on Twitter is that they don’t feel infinite hatred, and I strongly believe that the only way to save the race is through the amalgamation of your soul, your whole being with the spirit of The Turner Diaries: to be at the right of Himmler during the West’s darkest hour, so to speak. Furthermore, the pundits of white nationalism are ignoring the Christian problem. Counter-Currents posted yesterday ‘Kevin MacDonald’s Individualism & The Western Liberal Tradition. Part 7: White Maladaptive Altruism’ by Ricardo Duchesne. Since the pundits of white nationalism follow MacDonald and not the Führer, they are able of writing things like the following, which appeared yesterday in Duchesne’s article:
The Quakers were “highly principled and deeply Christian, with a powerful sense of fairness and egalitarianism.” They had, in MacDonald’s words, a “genuine empathy for the slaves,” morally outraged by “acts of great injustice done to their fellow human beings.” The Quakers were also “highly egalitarian” in their institutional organization; “there were no bishops or ordained ministers, and any person (including women) could speak.” They emphasized the “intellectual and moral equality of African slaves.” Although the Methodists were more into self-help, diligence, and hard work, they too believed that all humans were equally valuable, and that’s why they opposed slavery.
MacDonald’s point is not that whites were wrong to seek the abolition of slavery. His aim is to understand the excessive moral preoccupation whites exhibited about the plight of Africans coupled with their current pathological empathy for aggressive immigrants occupying their lands. In light of this reality, and the complete indifference Muslims have to this day about their thousand-year-old enslavement of Africans, these Puritan-descended movements do seem incredibly naive, child-like, and devoid of realism. What is there to admire about this?
I will make the argument that the eighteenth century was period of “radical change” in the conception of the Western self…
The 18th century? I would say that the West took a very wrong turn from the 4th century! By targeting putatively genetic rather than ideological altruism (Christian malware) this MacDonald disciple doesn’t directly blame the inversion of values on Christianity pure and simple (not only Quakers): something that Nietzsche detected for the first time in the history of ideas.
Like the Quakers Parsifal was child-like. He felt great compassion for those who suffer, especially King Amfortas, who had fallen out of favour since Klingsor struck him with the holy spear: a wound that was not healing. Nietzsche loved Parsifal’s music but hated the message of his old friend’s last opera.
Musically, I think Parsifal is Wagner’s most accomplished work. The overtures of each of the three acts, as well as the magnificent music when Gurnemanz takes Parsifal into the castle in the first act; the background music and the voices by the end of the discussion between Parsifal and Kundry in the second act, and let’s not talk about the Good Friday music in the third act, are the most glorious and spiritual I have ever listened. No wonder why Max Reger (1873-1916) confessed: ‘When I first heard Parsifal at Bayreuth I was fifteen. I cried for two weeks and then became a musician’.
I recently recycled a Wikipedia text talking about the religious aspects of National Socialism and I don’t see why not to do it again with a wiki passage about Parsifal, albeit with a pro-White spin instead of the philo-Semitic POV of that encyclopaedia.
Some writers see in the opera the promotion of racism or anti-Semitism. One line of argument suggests that Parsifal was written in support of the ideas of Arthur de Gobineau who advocated Aryanism. Parsifal is proposed as the ‘pure-blooded’ (i.e. Aryan) hero who overcomes Klingsor, who is perceived as a Jewish stereotype, particularly since he opposes the quasi-Christian Knights of the Grail. Such claims remain heavily debated, since there is nothing explicit in the libretto to support them. Wagner never mentions such ideas in his many writings, and Cosima Wagner’s diaries, which relate in great detail Wagner’s thoughts over the last 14 years of his life (including the period covering the composition and first performance of Parsifal) never mentions any such intention.
Wagner first met Gobineau very briefly in 1876, but it was only in 1880 that he read Gobineau’s An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. However, Wagner had completed the libretto for Parsifal by 1877, and the original drafts of the story date back to 1857. Despite this chronological evidence, Gobineau is frequently cited as a major inspiration for Parsifal.
The related question of whether the opera contains a specifically anti-Semitic message is also debated. Some of Wagner’s contemporaries and commentators (e.g. Hans von Wolzogen and Ernest Newman) who analysed Parsifal at length, make no mention of any anti-Semitic interpretations. However the critics Paul Lindau and Max Nordbeck, present at the world premiere, noted in their reviews how the work accorded with Wagner’s anti-Jewish sentiments. More recent commentators continue to highlight the perceived anti-Semitic nature of the opera, and find correspondences with anti-Semitic passages found in Wagner’s writings and articles of the period.
However, the conductor of the premiere was Hermann Levi, the court conductor at the Munich Opera. Since King Ludwig was sponsoring the production, much of the orchestra was drawn from the ranks of the Munich Opera, including the conductor. Wagner objected to Parsifal being conducted by a Jew (Levi’s father was in fact a rabbi). Wagner first suggested that Levi should convert to Christianity, which Levi declined to do. Wagner then wrote to King Ludwig that he had decided to accept Levi despite the fact that he had received complaints that ‘of all pieces, this most Christian of works’ should be conducted by a Jew. When the King expressed his satisfaction at this, replying that ‘human beings are basically all brothers’, Wagner wrote to the King that he ‘regarded the Jewish race as the born enemy of pure humanity and everything noble about it’.
Here we have once again the pathological altruism of influential Christians, in this case the very king. Not only the 19th-century Quakers practiced out-group altruism (Parsifal felt in-group altruism) but the Germans themselves, even Wagner’s sponsor.
It has been claimed that Parsifal was denounced as being ‘ideologically unacceptable’ in the Third Reich, and that the Nazis placed a de facto ban on Parsifal. In fact there were twenty-six performances at the Bayreuth Festival between 1934 and 1939 as well as twenty-three performances at the Deutsche Oper in Berlin between 1939 and 1942. However, it was not performed at the Bayreuth Festival during World War II.
Today at dawn, yesterday and the days before yesterday I watched the complete Parsifal directed by Daniel Barenboim (another Jew!) and compared it with other representations. It was the first time that I watch it with Spanish subtitles. After finishing my book El Grial I was impressed that in this 1993 performance the spear ended on the Grail cup at the very end. I couldn’t help but compare it to my extremely analogous metaphor in the climax of my book.
But I can’t use Parsifal in my book because the opera is riddled with Christian allusions, and my book is as anti-Christian as the last page of Nietzsche’s The Antichrist. But I also projected myself with what Parsifal says to Gurnemanz: that I lost my path for decades before finding my way back to Amfortas (all of this will seem cryptic to anyone who hasn’t read the book).
‘Only Orga [humans] believe what cannot be seen or measured…’
—Gigolo Robot to David in the film A.I.
Years ago, when I blogged here without counter-signalling what white nationalists said in other forums, I sometimes had as many as two thousand daily visitors. Together with the donations, these statistics collapsed when I started criticising them. I am not going to blog as I did before as, after crossing the psychological Rubicon, there is no going back.
In ‘How Awake Are You?’ Mauricio is right that the leap from a naïve white nationalism to a mature one is as dizzying as crossing a suspension bridge. The transit is, in fact, much more spatially extensive than what it may seem at first glance with mere blog texts.
For example, secular pro-whites maintain atavisms of the previous paradigm, as the belief in the hereafter.
If one revises the texts in The Fair Race about the healthiest moments of the Aryan—Sparta (as unlike the Athenians the Spartans did not have sex with the native Mediterraneans), the Early Rome, the Germans who conquered the decadent Rome, the Vikings and the men of the Third Reich—we won’t see an obsession with the hereafter. Decadent whites became obsessed with death only in the mongrelized Imperial Rome, the dark Middle Ages and more recently with the flowering of the New Age. Even in the most lucid moments of Christendom, let’s say Elizabethan England that flourished thanks to the expulsion of the Jews, we don’t see this obsession with the hereafter. Shakespeare for example seems far more akin to secular Montaigne than the ‘spiritual’ madness of the New Age. (By the way, there isn’t anything genuinely ‘spiritual’ in the New Agers’ beliefs and I hate that they still use that term referring to crazy metaphysical systems.)
The white nationalists who argue that, since prehistory, man believed in life after death are ignorant in one respect. Those same men practiced, at the same time, horrific infanticide rituals—by billions!
I confess that most of my life I believed in life after life. These beliefs began to diminish more or less at the stage when I realised that my belief in psychokinesis was unfounded. But the spiritual odyssey of one does not say anything to the other, unless they intend to cross the psychological Rubicon.
Perhaps the best way to overcome this afterlife obsession is to study the Jews, starting with Kevin MacDonald’s first book: my favourite of his trilogy. In that book it is striking that, unlike Christians, Jews base their Judaism not on the hereafter but on the here and now and in a tribal way: not in an individualistic manner like the Christian (‘Save your soul!’, ‘Get to heaven!’). If we take into account that the healthiest moments of Greece and Rome were also focused on the here and now, it is obvious what we have to do.
But I don’t get my hopes up. I know that very few white nationalists will cross the suspension bridge, ‘the leap from 5 to 6’ in Mauricio’s list. They are much closer to Normieland than to the other side: the land of the winning Aryan. That shows not only in that secular nationalists share Christian ethics but other Christian cultural waste, such as the unhealthy obsession with an imaginary life after death.
Unobsessed with the afterlife, the Jew will continue to beat the Aryan unless the latter repudiates the last vestige of the Christian infection (see the video I embedded in my first comment in the comments section).
MacDonald the lapsed Catholic?
(Robert Morgan’s most recent comments)
Johnny Rottenborough: “[MacDonald] considers Christianity’s role as a major source of Jewish hatred [for whites].”
Sadly, erroneous and ridiculous as it is, what you say is true. MacDonald the lapsed (?) Catholic does consider Christianity a source of white racial solidarity. Christianity, a doctrine created and spread among whites by Jews, which has convinced whites that one Jew in particular is God and that Jews are a special race “chosen” by God, and further teaches that all men are equally creations of God and equal before him; Christianity, whose doctrines and adherents vandalized and collapsed white civilization once before already—this is what MacDonald thinks defended whites, and can continue to defend them!
One would think that his scientific pretensions would require him to explain how this symbiosis came about, and when and how it ended, if it ended. Weren’t Jews in competition with whites then the same as they are today? Doesn’t early Christianity fit the prototype of what, in The Culture of Critique he identifies as a Jewish movements designed to subvert whites? It has all the features: a charismatic, authoritarian Jewish leader, some white figureheads, a “moral, intellectual, and social vision”, etc. How did this wonderful gift received from Jews end up collapsing white civilization in the ancient world, and should it really surprise anyone that its doctrinal features may collapse white civilization again? Not a word from MacDonald on any of this. And his followers are too stupid to notice the omission!
Johnny Rottenborough: “Whites offer Jews a home …”
Why do they do that? And doesn’t choosing to do that make whites responsible for the consequences? After all, if I invite a known arsonist to stay in my house, and he burns it down, it’s at least as much my fault as his.
At this point in the exchange, I suspect there is likely to be some babble about “pathological altruism”, “white guilt”, etc. But really, those aren’t very good excuses, both sickeningly self-laudatory and ad hoc, seemingly tailor-made to exonerate whites and paint them as helpless victims. If they do describe real phenomena though, and are not just figments of MacDonald’s imagination, it should be noted they are things that only developed post-Christianity. MacDonald however not only passes over in silence this connection to the Christian religion, but has been unable to point to even a single instance of white guilt or pathological altruism in white civilization before Christianity. So much for them being part of whites’ “evolutionary psychology!”
Anon: “He doesn’t talk about technology beyond dancing around it since like other ‘White Nationalist’ spokesman he has a narrative of ‘Whites’ as both masters of the world and also hapless victims of the Jews. He won’t talk about the disaster technology and other feats Whitey have wrought since he doesn’t want to consider that just maybe Whitey’s state is at least a bit self-inflicted.”
Yes, you’ve put it succinctly. As I see it, there are two fundamental problems with MacDonald’s attempts to apply evolutionary theory in the context of whites’ interactions with Jews.
- By failing to consider unintended consequences of technological development as a cause of white cultural and racial decline, and focusing exclusively on Jews and their alleged “group evolutionary strategy” to manipulate whites, MacDonald presents a worldview that leaves whites with no responsibility for their own actions; they become just “hapless victims” of Jewish machinations. On the other hand, when it comes to things of which he approves, such as whites building world empires or technological “progress” generally, then in his view whites suddenly become responsible for their own actions again. This applies to technological development of all kinds, so long as we are talking only about its “good” effects.
- The second problem is allied to the first. MacDonald simply doesn’t go back far enough in history and carry his theory to its logical conclusion. For example, his big book The Culture of Critique focuses only on the twentieth century. But if whites and Jews are in Darwinian competition with each other, then haven’t they always been so? And if so, what does that say about Christianity, whites’ adoption of it, and the liberal ideologies that later arose from it? Were whites’ responsible for their actions then, or were they just as much helpless victims of Jewish manipulation then as he claims they are now? Like the role unanticipated side effects of technological development have played in the white decline, MacDonald doesn’t really want to talk about Christianity’s role either. Nietzsche, Revilo Oliver, and others have put forward the theory that Christianity, a cult which arose from Hellenized Judaism, was developed with the specific intent to undermine white civilization. MacDonald has never addressed this issue as far as I know, and it’s fairly easy to see why. Adopting the pose of an impartial scientist, he claims that Christianity can’t be to blame for the white decline, since it was the religion of whites at what he sees as their peak. If he posits that Jews are responsible for “manipulating” whites into becoming Christian, his theory breaks down into incoherence. Having agreed that in the singular case of Christianity Jews and whites formed a symbiosis that was, in his view, to the great benefit of whites, would commit him to having to explain how that symbiosis broke down, or indeed, if it ever has broken down, and doesn’t still continue; and that, apparently, is something he has no wish to try to do.
Editor’s note: I omitted this comment. My only difference with Morgan is that, as I see it, Asians imitate westerners in everything decadent (technology, capitalism, etc.) but not in suicidal mass immigration. Obviously, the Asians are not infected with Christian and neo-Christian (i.e. secular) altruism, nor they have a Jewish problem. That’s why I focus more on axiology than on technology.