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Blacks Daybreak Publishing Eugenics Miscegenation Prehistory Science

Eugenics and Race, 1

A passage from the first chapter of Eugenics and Race,
a booklet now available from Daybreak Publications (here):

This theory of an African origin is interesting as the African Negro remains the most ape-like in appearance of all the existing races of man…

With the improvement in climatic conditions he [Cro-Magnon man] started to roam the earth, and in Europe, in a few centuries, probably, he exterminated Neanderthal sub-man: the evidence of broken skulls would tend to suggest, at least, that the disappear-ance of the latter was due to his work. He exterminated them—all, that is, except the females, some of whom he definitely retained.

Like all conquering races of mankind, he would appear to have kept for his own use females from the tribes he conquered, for several fossils of this period show characteristics which point clearly towards an admixture of the two species, the one highly advanced, the other considerably lower on the scale; and isolated throw-backs to Neanderthal characteristics have ever since appeared amongst the various human races, admixture being greater in some areas such as Asia than in others.

Ever since man became more mobile, this retrogressive tendency towards the mixing of the sub-species has progressed with increasing rapidity, until we have the complex and generally blurred pattern which we know today.

Daybreak Publishing James Mason

SIEGE is available

A comrade has complained that he recently requested James Mason’s Siege from Counter Currents Publishing but that he received a note that, soon after its re-release, it’s already sold out!

This has moved me to make it available through my own Daybreak Press. I am enjoying Siege and hope you’ll enjoy it too…

Daybreak Publishing Fair Race’s Darkest Hour (book)

Foreword to the 2017 edition


Perfect-bound Paperback
6.14 wide x 9.21 tall, 380 pages
Prints in 3-5 business days
$15.46 – Order it: here

The present edition greatly differs from the previous editions of The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour. I have removed many articles, substantially abridged others and added other texts that appear in my blogsite The West’s Darkest Hour.

The longest additions have been essays exposing feminism, and a new racial classification by the Catalonian blogger of the internet site Evropa Soberana. I must acknowledge his work as well as the work of another Spaniard, Manu Rodríguez. Their writings in Spanish have influenced my thought in a way that goes beyond the provincial point of view of most white nationalists. I have also added more essays from those who believe that, for Aryan preservation, Christianity is far more a serious problem than Judaism; including an introduction to National Socialism for the layman.

I chose the title of the darkest hour because what I treasure the most is Aryan female beauty and, unless whites awaken from what Dominique Venner called “Europe’s dormition,” the fairest creatures on Earth will become extinct. The Frenchman Veneer committed suicide a few years ago. The last section of this edition ends with an open question. Who is right: those who believe that whites are only “in dormition” or those who believe that they are actively committing racial suicide?

Unlike the previous editions, presently I lean toward the suicidal pessimism of Revilo Oliver reproduced in the penultimate essay of this collection; and what David Lane said, from prison, in his open letter to a dead race, also included here. The reason of my pessimism is that the flourishing white nationalist forums over the internet are ignoring their intellectual heritage, from Gobineau to the nordicist societies that existed, previous to the Second World War, at both sides of the Atlantic. Instead of carefully studying the literature published by Ostara Publications, present-day white nationalists have no problem to confer amnesty to the off-white population in Europe, and in America most of them consider nordicism a relic of a distant, and a now defunct, past.

The American William Pierce wrote something that can be said not only about the average man, but also about nationalists: “The only way to persuade the population of this country that they need to change their ways is to give them a good, hard boot in the ass—about six hundred times.” In other words, only if the convergence of catastrophes occurs—fiat currency collapse around the globe, energy devolution after peak oil and the subsequent demographic apocalypse—will a window of opportunity be opened for whites to rethink over their whole Weltanschauung and deranged sense of morality. Make no mistake: I am blaming not only the Christians but also the atheists and white nationalists who fanatically have taken Christian ethics to its logical conclusion: ethno-suicide. (In addition to Pierce’s story of the white race reproduced here and another long article on Sparta, see also the companion of this book, Day of Wrath: a collection of my own essays.)

If there is any hope, as we shall see in the last article, it depends on the coming of people like Rockwell, Pierce or a mustached Chancellor whose birthdate ought to replace the fictional nativity of a Galilean that even “anti-Semitic” so-called “nationalists” worship.

1 January 2017 (Common Era)
1 January 128 (Anno Hitleris)

Civil war Daybreak Publishing

Hunter in German!


Hosted in my own Daybreak Press, Pierce’s second novel is now available (here) in the language of the nation that ought to rebel the most. Why not order a copy as Christmas gift for your German comrades?

Child abuse Daybreak Publishing Hojas Susurrantes (book) Psychohistory

Fourth book of “Whispering Leaves”

Hojas Susurrantes
(Whispering Leaves)

Book 1. Letter to mom Medusa
Book 2. How to murder your child’s
_____ soul

Book 3. My childhood
Book 4. The Return of Quetzalcoatl
Book 5. Whispering leaves

Only most of the fourth book will be published in this blog. The rest would be even harder to sell to the nationalist community; though I believe that child abuse studies are germane to understand the whys of Western self-loathing.

Of The Return of Quetzalcoatl, an introduction to the shocking field of research known as Psychohistory (leaf through “The Feathered Serpent” linked below), its three chapters can be read in this site:

1. The Trauma Model

2. The Feathered Serpent

3. Psychohistory