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‘Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable’.

—John F. Kennedy

This month will be one year after the event in Charlottesville, which incidentally happened on my birthday: an ambush on the white nationalists of the United States in which the government of the state of Virginia colluded with the antifa and the media. If there is one thing that emerges from that day, it is that the System has decided to make a peaceful revolution impossible. They were able to violate their own laws and decree a state of emergency in order to sabotage the right of peaceful assembly of those protesting against the government’s decision to remove a Confederate statue.
With the hindsight of a year later it should be increasingly obvious that the System itself is telling us that there is no other way but violent revolution. I have spoken with Norman Spear and Joseph Walsh about this matter via Skype. Although I disagree with Spear that the federal government of the USA would never allow, in my opinion, a Neo-Nazi state as Covington dreamed in the Northwest, his Twitter account is a treasure trove of FAQs on how to make a Revolution.
Using chess terms I would say that I disagree with Spear’s ultimate strategy. In my humble opinion, the strategy should be to checkmate Uncle Sam à la Turner Diaries. But we completely agree on tactics about what guerrilla fighters should start learning right now.

Blacks Civil war Emigration / immigration Mainstream media Miscegenation

A remainder to Anglin et al

Editor’s note: Five years ago I discovered this text as a sort of online flier and linked it for this site as a PDF. Now I am reproducing the text as a regular entry because of its very first words:
Defense of U.S. No Longer in White Man’s Interest
The highest priority of a country that any White man should fight to defend must be the protection of his race by prohibiting sexual contact between Whites and non-whites, thereby preserving the biological basis for European civilization. This is most effectively accomplished by the establishment of large geographical areas set aside for the exclusive use by those of wholly European ancestry. Those areas must be eternally defended against non-white entry by irrevocable law and military force.
European-descended people are now in a planet-wide race war as non-whites from every point on the globe seek to migrate to White countries, while our nation’s courts render legal decisions requiring Whites to feed, house, medicate and educate these non- whites. The United States Government, the State and City governments and the courts have failed us regarding these things and all of them are illegitimate. They are illegitimate because they do not serve the long-term racial interests of European-Americans. The government’s policies serve only the interests of the non-white races on American soil. The U.S. Congress and the state legislatures have enacted anti-discrimination laws and the courts have ruled “unconstitutional” certain racial laws enacted by our ancestors to protect them and their descendents.
What we have instead is Affirmative Action, non-white trade contractor “set-asides”, the defilement of our universities by the admission of low I.Q. Negroes, and an explosion of non-white crime that is many times greater than their percentage of the U. S. population. We have the mass media promoting sexual contact between White females and non-white males on nearly every TV program and in nearly every movie the American public sees. The same people who author these television programs are promoting the mainstreaming of queer “marriage”, the adoption of infants by queer “couples”, transsexualism and the encouragement of Whites to adopt non-white infants domestically and from overseas, “gun control” and massive non-white immigration into the U.S.
Any White person in the U.S. military, employed in law enforcement, or anywhere in the judicial system, is fighting to defend all of the above degeneracy and its practitioners.
Anybody who ridicules what is happening is usually portrayed in the media as a White male, and is always cast as a misfit, an outcast, an oddball or a pervert. The mass media expend a great deal of energy pacifying the White population and try to keep them off-balance and always on the defensive on racial issues by unending accusations of “racism” and “discrimination”— as if there were something morally wrong with us taken measures to protect our European race, our culture, and our ancestral and New World homelands. There is nothing wrong with it!
As the complexion of America continues to darken, Whites will become increasingly impatient, angry and conscious of the fact that something must be done. The Democrats, the Republicans and the Independents are all against us, and all now openly embrace multiculturalism, so we have passed the point where these developments can be reversed peacefully and the only avenue available to us is to encourage civil war and secession, in which individual states and clusters of contiguous states become race-based sovereign nations, or ethnostates. The coming civil war will be a guerrilla war and is actually underway now in its embryonic stage. That means that a weakened, chaotic, crime-ridden, unstable, and cash-strapped America with a flourishing underground economy is good for now. There are many things that we can do to hasten that day and be prepared for it. Among them are:

  1. Above all, understand that Whites are currently engaged in a low-level guerrilla war. In other words, we are in a planet-wide race war against all non-whites and that there will be no normal life for us from now on. This guerrilla war is about to escalate. Get ready!
  1. Raise your children with a strong sense of racial awareness and pride in their European heritage.
  2. Do not join the U.S. military or law enforcement. Do not defend the U.S. in any way and discourage your children from doing so.
  1. Home school your kids if you have an acceptable amount of education.
  1. Try to be self-employed so you can have control over your income, or at least have a small home-based cash-only business plus your day job. Try to barter your goods and services with individuals and businesses for items you and your family use daily, like food, gas, clothes, or other items that you know you can quickly sell for cash.
  2. Disassociate yourself from non-white acquaintances and, if possible, move to an all-White area. If you cannot avoid contact with non-whites in your work or school, keep those relationships on a formal basis—do not socialize with them away from work.
  3. Remember: Homeland security begins with a racially homogeneous society. Multiculturalism/racial integration = racial death.

Our enemies band together to protect their group interests with organizations like Rainbow Push Coalition, NAACP, La Raza, MEChA, AIPAC, Anti-Defamation League of B’nai Brith (ADL), Southern Poverty Law Center and others. They have a political agenda. Their political agenda promotes the racial homogenization of all of the Whitelands, destroying the biological basis for European civilization, and is extremely hostile to the interests of European-descended people.
The enemy is organized! Are you? Copy and Pass On

2nd World War American civil war Civil war Currency crash James Mason Mainstream media

Annapolis shooting – novelist wanted

Siege’s most recent entry is important. Let’s take a look at Mason’s words:

At present the worst enemies of a revolution happening in America are: the unbroken sway of the System’s thought-control, i.e. the mass media; and the continued existence of this economy, as agonizing as it is protracted (and miraculous).

Regarding Mason’s second point, Mike Maloney, like millions of normies, may be a perfect western idiot. But it is worth watching his first four videos of why the American dollar is going to suffer a great setback in our lifetime.
Regarding Mason’s first point, there are limits to what one can say online. Perhaps a talented writer could write a series of novels in which the revolutionaries silenced the media by means of dozens of assassinations of anchors after the revolutionary front had warned: ‘An anti-white message in MSM leads to certain death’.
Strategically, those novels would be quite different from the quintet of Harold Covington. I’ve recently seen, on Twitter, that the Covingtonista who appeared on the last WDH podcast believes it’s possible to hostilely take over a piece of territory from the US and that, unlike what Uncle Sam did in Atlanta during the Civil War in the 19th century, and unlike the genocidal bombing of cities in Germany in the 20th century, this time Uncle Sam is going to behave and respect a neo-Nazi state!
The Covingtonistas are dreaming. Mason is down to earth. Again, regarding his second point above, the System itself will do us the favour of collapsing its own economy (those who have not yet seen the first four videos of Maloney’s course should watch them today).
Regarding silencing the media, we need a novelist with the talent of Covington who elaborates, in a fictional saga, the question of settling accounts with the media (as yesterday happened, in real life, in the Annapolis shooting).

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 44

Readying for revolution

The mood of much of the population and the state of the economy both indicate that everyone could have a surprise in store for them at practically any time. Belief in the rottenness of the System coupled with the belief in ourselves and in our power to make revolution will guarantee that, even if we are surprised by any suddenness of events, we will not be found unprepared and helpless, to become victims rather than masters.
At present the worst enemies of a revolution happening in America are: the unbroken sway of the System’s thought-control, i.e. the mass media; and the continued existence of this economy, as agonizing as it is protracted (and miraculous). In short, the System survives and functions so people are not allowed to think, to know. Plus they can still be alternately rocked to slumber or subtlety coerced into inaction.
Our agenda at present then, as indicated by the prevailing conditions, would include: focusing all our concentration on the ideological swing from reaction all the way over to total revolution.
In other words, effecting a revolution within our existing Movement first; learning rapidly to live outside of the economy and live off of the System in order to help hasten its demise and to insure our own survival—whether there remains a month or twenty years left to this state of affairs; getting away from metropolitan areas and quickly establishing solid, independent enclaves for ourselves and our families; practicing both the subtle and overt undermining of naive faith in the existing government or System on the part of the people around us, not as “radicals” but as friends and leaders for the future; and having prudent stocks of weapons and sufficient stores of ammunition. Going “overboard” in quantities or in grossly exotic and illegal weaponry is a serious blunder.
Concentrate on safe refuge and let all words and actions go toward undermining the System and toward strengthening the Revolution.
In the future, at any time, the best friends of a revolution in this country will be any worsening or collapse of the economy along with any large-scale disaster, disruption, or upheaval from any source. We want, first, for the System to “crap out” before one and all so that the evil Jinni, the illusion that’s been holding it together for these past decades, will be once and for all dispelled. We want its pimps to be deprived of their entire purpose, their entire excuse for living (as well as their protection)—which depends completely on this economy’s survival.
And we especially want to see the System and its hired hoods under attack by the identical forces they created and unleashed upon our segment of the population as part of their “master plan” of control. We want to see the System’s strength and structure largely destroyed, initially by forces independent of our own. Only at that time will we be able to begin undertaking bold and sweeping actions toward assuming open control for ourselves.
By that time, and it could come much sooner than anyone expects, we will absolutely need to have a strong and well-functioning revolutionary organization already operational and with a full spectrum of direct experience under its belt. It is in this area and nowhere else that the breakthrough must be made: the area of revolutionary organization. Without it, the revolution must go to someone else who does possess the strength of discipline and the will necessary to move and achieve it.
First and last, the responsibility is entirely ours.

Vol. XIV, #12 – December, 1985

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 41

There was no time to say goodbye

You can’t exist it the middle of an embryonic revolutionary movement and expect to live trouble-free indefinitely. We around here never did. At present if the System decided upon one, big midnight raid on all known Movement members, he’d probably make his bag with little difficulty and that is because we are nowhere nearly enough prepared defensively. But then neither are we properly prepared offensively and so Big Brother is not likely to be contemplating such a strike.
I’m speaking instead of the kind of situation where there exists the immediate threat of arrest and/or jail for a so-called “criminal violation” which on the surface would appear, legally and otherwise, to have no political connection. That, as all of you should be aware, remains our #1 threat individually as it has been for twenty years.
What would you do this minute if you were made aware that an arrest might be imminent? Not the kind of arrest that could be seen as the System vs. the Movement, but merely as the police against you. Would you, could you, leave your home, your family, immediately? Do you have dependable transportation readily available? Do you have safe accommodations nearby which you can depend on without notice? Do you have safe accommodations out of state which are likewise dependable without advance notice?
How about out of the country if necessary? Do you have lines of communication back home which can act as your eyes and ears in your absence? Do you know which foreign governments—and how to approach them—might offer aid and sanctuary should you have to depart permanently? Could you and would you go if you had to? Or would you be caught flat-footed, paralyzed by terror and indecision, without instant recourse?
If your answer to any one of these questions, except the last one, is “no” then I suggest that you take steps to correct the situation while you still can. Your liberty may depend on it. Forget a glorified, dramatized guerrilla war in which hundreds or thousands are involved. In more or less “normal” times, could you, on a one-to-one basis, evade the damned police if you had to? Just pick up and go on a few, precious moments’ notice??
If not, you’re living under a deadly disadvantage and possibly fatal handicap. We were suddenly faced with this very thing here and managed to pass the test. Our lines of communication discovered afterward—once we were out of reach and safe—that the situation was one which could be controlled or at least looked to be a decent enough gamble and not a one-way ticket to Who-Knows-Where. We’re back in the saddle now and making our moves.
Whatever the outcome of that, it afforded a priceless and 100% realistic “dry run” for what can happen in life under a police state, in life in the reality of revolution, and not the fantasy of books. I urge all of you to think about it. Then act.

Vol. X, #6 – June, 1981

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 38

Brief your people

As we’ve said often enough in the past, not everyone is a leader type. Not everyone can be expected to do all the thinking, all the time. If you are working with others, under whatever pretenses, it is a serious mistake to assume they will be able to think things through and make all the right moves under a sudden and stressful situation—such as a police attack—with no preparation. The only best way to prepare for such an event—which you may safely assume WILL occur sooner or later—is by BRIEFING YOUR PEOPLE in advance of any contingency.
A briefing is just that: it is a going-over, aloud, of only the essential points involved in any specific situation. Only the crucial, critical facts and principles that are known to be involved.
I personally have worked miracles through the successful use of briefings. A person totally unfamiliar to a given situation can be made to pass as being intimately familiar with it after a thorough briefing. And a thorough, successful briefing should require no more than thirty minutes time, maximum. Anymore than that and you run the risk of confusing your people. At times I have taken people either by car or on foot from place to place while I have briefed them on the essentials and facts (and if there is a fabrication to be made, then that is to be injected after the known, indisputable facts have been introduced and established).
The key is to remove all confusion and uncertainty. Avoid redundancy and concentrate upon making as many important impressions on the minds of your subjects as possible. Making them acquainted at first hand by sights and motions only aids in making those impressions. Once they grasp the workings and are aware of the facts, then most anything can be added, including extra events and even extra people. This, of course, comes in most handy when prepping or coaching witnesses before appearing under oath.
When getting ready to head off a possible mess involving the law, as in the case concerning a revolutionary circle living and existing outside of legal bounds, briefings made well in advance of any expected investigation or attack and rehearsed periodically, designed to DELETE certain group activities, are what is required.
A successful briefing will never involve an attempted recital of a cut-and-dried script. To be credible and, thus, be effective in practical use, whether offensively or defensively, one’s given story must flow naturally and show all the characteristics of a normal, relaxed conversation. It must never go in direct contradiction of the known facts but instead merely present an “unknown side” of the story, basically in agreement with all the others. It must never include easily, readily demonstrable lies. Further, when under investigation or attack by any Pig agency of the System, it is of the utmost importance that everyone KEEP THEIR STORIES STRAIGHT! Consistency is one of the most basic keys to successful briefing.
A shrewd individual will know how to brief his people so that the enemy will provide the cues for the prepared stories or answers. To be really successful at briefing people, you must make them able to recognize dangerous or trick questions when they are asked. Most generally, the appropriate answer will be only too obvious. With practice, all involved will get better. Briefings should properly provide what amounts to “instant experience” in whatever area it is you are going into. Its effect should be of building confidence within, and robbing the enemy of any element of surprise.
I have done this successfully with groups, with individuals, with the elderly and with very small children. The object is always the same: defeat the Pig.

Vol. XIII, #7 – July, 1984

Why we are reproducing articles from Siege can be surmised: here.

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 34

Helter Skelter is coming down

But while membership and support for the traditional Movement has just about died, look what has been born in just the past year or so! To call it the “Movement” or to call it the “Right” would be a bad misnomer.
From the forces favoring Life itself there has begun an assault, not just in the United States but in Europe as well. Not more parliamentary garbage which plays by Master’s rules but armed assault! A few of the more aspiring attempts were frustrated but, as we have said, only because they were first, infant steps. Others will follow and will succeed. Those which have been the most uniformly successful have been the one-on-one, gut, animal-level encounters. Encounters one might well, only a few years ago, have ascribed as peculiar to the jungle.
The System’s “Justice Department” announced that it has fourteen major U.S. metropolitan areas under surveillance by what is referred to as a “Community Relations Service”. It means that one, at least, of the milestones we set for the scenario immediately preceding a revolution has arrived: when the System can no longer pay billions in tribute to the millions of savages in its cities, then we might look for some action.
The means by which the System hopes to prevent this from happening lies in their trying to “re-direct” violence or, in other words, defuse the bomb. The main weapon they have to do this with is the infiltration of both sides of the radical sphere. Black and White, and using the infiltrators to screw things up. Is this not what we have been reading about so often lately? But problem upon problem will compound for the Big Brother System and the time will soon come when, first, he has trouble paying enough pimps to keep the revolutionary movement from climbing to its feet and, second, the time is going to come when few individuals will want to take that kind of chance—for any money—once infiltrators start being killed as soon as they are uncovered.
The elements, already in motion and proceeding at the same pace along routes destined to converge at some future date, will come together suddenly.
This year it was reported in the System’s media that 1980 saw no fewer than nine major riots in large U.S. cities. But during 1980 I recall only one riot—Miami reported as such by the media. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell exactly how far along things actually are at any given moment because of the controlled media. Big Brother will never allow Dan Rather to report that he is hanging on the ropes by his eyelids.
Look at the situation in Britain. When that occurs on a comparative scale here it will mean the END OF THE SYSTEM!
Media reports indicated only weeks ago that a dam was blown in New Jersey (already in critical shape for usable water) and resulted in the System’s puppet-in-charge declaring a state of emergency. The balance the System maintains today is incredibly delicate and highly vulnerable to attack by just individuals. It isn’t a case of kill or be killed, instead it is a matter of killing in preference to allowing Death to win by default.
I believe that through past experience, by weighing in cause and effect, and by taking these incidents that have occurred over approximately the past year, we can estimate closely the time-table for the destruction of the System. The weakening of society, the increase in the number of those fighting for their life who step outside Master’s rules, what the Blacks can be expected to do, almost universal apathy all the way to hostility toward the System among the masses, etc., will increase until the current balance becomes absolutely untenable. That’s when all bets will be canceled, the gloves will come off, and Helter Skelter will commence.
Those already dead in the Jew’s money, and especially those now exercising power through the Jew’s money, will fall like flies when, first, the System can no longer maintain artificially—as it now does—the hellish, unnatural life-support of the megalopolis which contain the bulk of the genetic morass and the clonish, zombie-like lost “Whites”, and, second, with the money-weapon having evaporated into thin air from their hands, the sold-out politicians and pigs become fair game for a population bent on bloody lust.
Those who own the show today will go to their reward wondering why and how this could happen to them, how the tables could have turned so fast. The beginning is HERE and few recognize it. The end will be even more unexpected.

Vol. X, #8 – August, 1981

Civil war Hate James Mason Justice / revenge Miscegenation

Siege, 33

On the way into Poland in 1939

…or more accurately, on the way back into the Polish-occupied German territory at the outset of World War Two, Adolf Hitler told his troops, “Close your hearts to pity”.
A strange thing for a Nazi to be telling other Nazis. After all, that is supposed to be a foregone conclusion if we have been taught right. Didn’t Hitler start the war for the pure fun and brutality of it? We know otherwise but there is still a subtle message in what Hitler told his men in 1939. In spite of Polish occupation of German territories since 1918 and in spite of some of the worst outrages done against the German inhabitants by some over-zealous Poles, Hitler knew he had to spell out plainly to his men what the mission was if it was going to be done right.
It is part of the White Man’s makeup to forget, to know pity… it is found in no other race. And this trait has cost us plenty over the centuries because we have let so many enemies get away.
As we all too painfully know, THAT was the prime reason for the loss of World War Two: Hitler was not the bad guy he is made out to be. Had he been, the British Army at Dunkirk would have been annihilated; every Jew in Europe WOULD have been killed; and idealism would not have been so high as to prevent the immediate use of millions of Russians and Ukrainians in the fight against Marxist-Leninism.
But in a lot of respects, those German soldiers crashing their way back into their lost provinces had it a lot easier than we shall in closing our hearts to pity, for when an enemy is shooting at you, the instinct is to shoot back. And in the case of a war between European States, once the issue was settled on the field of honor, life could go on as before… not so at all for the United States in the civil war that is coming up.
One well-known Right Wing leader has already said that we must not neglect to assemble our own “lists” of enemy operatives and sympathizers in our own locales for quick reference later on. His argument—and he is correct—is that you know damned good and well that they certainly have us on their lists, in triplicate! On the surface this isn’t a bad idea but I know how lazy the Movement is.
It is by no means wishful thinking for me to draw you this picture: not many months ago I had regular occasion to screen people in their homes in the line of work. Conversation invariably drifted to the topic of the neighborhood. More than once I found myself standing in windows or yards being given a visual guided tour of where the race-mixers lived. At those times I could visualize myself in the same circumstances only this time in official capacity as a “Revolutionary Clean-Up Man”. And THAT is part of how the civil war is going to shape up.
The real White Americans who are left (and there are many) HATE the very sight of race-mixing even though they scarcely understand the larger, genetic meaning of it. They HATE those of their own race who are involved in it. Don’t you think they’d LOVE to come to us later on, after this existing race-mixing System has been smashed down by revolution, and “finger” every single race-mixer known to them, knowing fast action on our part will follow instantaneously? This sort of renders the need for “lists” unnecessary. As far as the System’s kingpins are concerned, everybody knows who they are. As far as the System Sucks are concerned, we here know ours by heart very well and you can and should be the same in your area.
The truth is that assembling and keeping these so-called “hit lists” for us at this time is a DANGER. Looks bad as hell in case of a raid and it is UNNECESSARY. Actual System bureaucrats will get it during the full-phase course of the revolution as we go about the real business of smashing the power of the System.
The larger “clean-up” phase during and after the civil war, which even then will be raging, is a different matter. As most of you have long ago noticed, a lot of the most rabid, sneering miscegenators are blond, blue-eyed doll babies. If you can’t close your heart to pity, if you couldn’t blast the head off of one or a thousand of these types, then you had better bow out right now.
War is war and it is something highly impersonal. But White renegades, be they government officials or plain bleeding hearts, are another matter. We must swear an oath to ourselves now—while we’re down, while things are tough, while the Enemy is in full power, while the vile race-mixers daily promenade openly in public protected by this evil System, now while it is easy to HATE—that for the United States there will be no need for concentration camps of any kind, for not a single transgressor will survive long enough to make it to that kind of haven.

Vol. IX, #6 – October, 1980

Christendom Civil war Inquisition Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) Theology

Kriminalgeschichte, 67

Below, an abridged translation from the first volume of Karlheinz Deschner’s Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity). For a comprehensive text that explains the absolute need to destroy Judeo-Christianity, see here. In a nutshell, any white person who worships the god of the Jews is, ultimately, ethnosuicidal.

Augustine’s campaign against the Donatists
To the Donatists, whom the African had never mentioned before, he finally paid attention when he was already a priest. Since then he fought them year after year, with greater fury than other ‘heretics’; he threw his contempt to their faces and expelled them from Hippo, their episcopal city. Because the Donatists had committed ‘the crime of schism’ they were nothing but ‘weeds’, animals: ‘these frogs sit in their pond and croak: “we are the only Christians!” but they are heading to hell without knowing it’.
What was a Donatist for Augustine? An alternative that was not presented to him, because, when he was elected bishop, the schism was already 85 years old. It was a local African issue, relatively small, though not divided into ‘countless crumbs’ as he claimed. Catholicism, on the other hand, absorbed the peoples; it had the emperor on his side, the masses, as Augustine blurts out, ‘the unity of the whole world’. Frequently and without hesitation Augustine insists on such demonstration of the majority, incapable of making the reflection that Schiller will later formulate: ‘What is the majority? Most is nonsense; intelligence has always been only in the minority’.
The Donatist was convinced of being a member of a brotherhood. Throughout their tragic history, they collaborated with a religious-revolutionary peasant movement, which inflicted vexations on the landowners: the Circumcellions or Agonistici—temporary workers of the countryside and at the same time the left wing of this Church, who first enjoyed the support of Donatus of Bagai and later that of Gildo.
According to his adversary, Augustine, who characterized them with the psalm of ‘rapids are their feet to shed blood’, they robbed, looted, set fire to the basilicas, threw lime and vinegar in the eyes of Catholics, claimed promissory notes and started with threats his emancipation. Often led by clerics, including bishops, ‘captains of the saints’, these Agonistici or milites Christi (followers of martyrs, hobby pilgrims, terrorists) beat the landowners and Catholic clerics with decks called ‘israels’ under the war cry of ‘Praise be to God’ (laus deo), the ‘trumpets of the massacre’ (Augustine). The Catholics ‘depended to a great extent on the support of the Roman Empire and the landlords, who guaranteed them economic privileges and material protection’ (Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum). It was also not uncommon for the exploited to kill themselves in order to reach paradise. As the Donatists said, because of the persecution they jumped from rocks, as for example the cliffs of Ain Mlila, or to mighty rivers, which for Augustine was not more than ‘a part of their habitual behaviour’.
The centre of their offices was the cult to the martyrs. Excavations carried out in the centre of Algeria, which was the bulwark of the Donatists, have brought to light innumerable chapels dedicated to the adoration of the martyrs and which undoubtedly belonged to the schismatics. Many carried biblical quotes or their currency, Deo laudes.
A Donatist bishop boasted that he had reduced four churches to ashes with his own hand. They, as so often emphasized, even by Augustine, could not be martyrs ‘because they did not live the life of Christ’. The true background of the Donatist problem, which not only led to the religious wars of the years 340, 347 and 361-363 but caused the great uprisings of 372 and 397-398, Augustine failed to understand or did not want to understand. He thought he could explain through a theological discussion what was less a confessional than a social problem: the deep social contrasts within North African Christianity, the abyss between a rich upper class and those who owned nothing; that they were not in any way just the ‘bands of Circumcellions’, but also the slaves and the free masses who hated the dominant ones.
Augustine did not know or did not want to see this. He defended with all tenacity the interests of the possessing and dominant class. For him the Donatists were never right: they simply defamed and lied. He maintained that they were looking for a lie, that their lie ‘fills all Africa’. Initially, Augustine was not in favour of violence. He questioned any attempt to use it. ‘I have no intention of forcing anyone against their will to the religious community with anyone’. Of course, when he learned about the wickedness of the ‘heretics’ and saw that they could be improved with some force, which the Government already commissioned in an increasing way from the year 405, he changed his mind.
The faith of the Donatists, no matter how similar it was—even, essentially, identical—was nothing but error and violence. Catholics, on the other hand, only acted out of pure compassion, out of love. ‘Understand what happens to you! God does not want you to sink into a sacrilegious disunity, separated from your mother, the Catholic Church’.
As the Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte says, or more precisely, the Catholic Baus, ‘here speaks the voice of a man who was so driven and encouraged by the religious responsibility to bring back to an ecclesia the lost brothers in the error, that all the other considerations remained for him in the background’. How typical! He must exonerate Augustine, make his thoughts and actions understandable. Thus, over the course of two millennia, the great crimes of history have been constantly apologised and exalted; they have been glorified. Only in the name of God can they always allow and commit certain crimes, the most atrocious, as will be demonstrated more clearly each time throughout this criminal history.
With an extensive series of astute sentences, without missing those corresponding to the Old and New Testaments, the great lover now demands coercive measures against all those who ‘must be saved’ (corrigendi atque sanandi). The coercion, Augustine teaches now, is sometimes inevitable, because although the best ones can be handled with love, to the majority, unfortunately, it is necessary to force them with fear.
‘He who spares the rod hates his son’ he says, quoting the Bible. ‘A spoiled man is not corrected with words’. And did not Sara chase Hagar? And what did Elijah do with the priests of Baal? For many years Augustine had justified the brutalities of the Old Testament against the Manichaeans, from whom came that book of princes of darkness.
The New Testament could also be used. Did not Paul also give some people to Satan? ‘You know?’, Augustine says to bishop Vixens, explaining the Gospel—:

no one can be forced to justice when you read how the head of the family spoke to his servants: ‘Whoever finds them compels them to enter!’

—which Augustine translates most effectively as ‘force them’ (cogitere intrare). Resistance only demonstrates irrationality. Do not the feverish patients, in their delirium, also revolt against their doctors? Augustine calls tolerance (toleratio) ‘fruitless and vain’ (infructuosa et vana) and is excited by the conversion of many ‘through healthy coercion’ (terrore perculsi). It was nothing else than the program of Firmicus Maternus, ‘the program of a general declaration of war’ (Hoheisel), whether Augustine had read it or not.
‘Under extreme coercion’, the ‘professional speaker’ preaches, rich in tricks, ‘the inner will is realised’, referring to the Acts of the Apostles, 9,4, to John, 6,44, and finally, starting from the year 416-417, to Luke, 14, 23—the Gospel of love! In proceeding against his enemies, he gave the impression that he was also ‘sometimes a little nervous’ (Thomas), although what seemed to be persecution, in reality, was only love, ‘always only love and exclusively love’ (Marrou).
‘The Church presses them against their hearts and surrounds them with motherly tenderness to save them’—through forced labour, fustigations, confiscation of property, elimination of the right of inheritance. However, the only thing that Augustine wants again is to ‘impose’ on the Donatists ‘the advantages of peace, unity and love’:

That is why I have been presented to you as your enemy. You say you want to kill me, although I only tell you the truth and, as far as I’m concerned, I will not let you get lost. God would avenge from you and kill, in you, the error.

God would take revenge on you! The bishop does not consider himself by any means an inciter. But, yes, when it seemed appropriate, he demanded to apply the full weight of the law to the recalcitrant, not granting them ‘grace or forgiveness’. Better said, he authorized torture!
The most famous saint of the ancient Church, perhaps of the whole Church, a ‘so affable person’ (Hendrikx), the father of ‘infinite kindness’ (Grabmann) ‘and generosity ‘(Kotting), who against the Donatists ‘he constantly practiced the sweet behaviour’ (Espenberger), which against them does not formulate ‘any hurtful word’ (Baus), which tries to ‘preserve from the harsh penalties of Roman law’ even ‘the guilty’ (Hümmeler)—in short, the man who becomes spokesman of the mansuetudo catholica, of Catholic benevolence, allows torture…
The thing was not so bad after all! ‘Remember all the possible martyrdoms’, Augustine consoles us:

Compare them with hell and you can imagine everything easily. The torturer and the tortured are here ephemeral, eternal there… We have to fear those pains as we fear God. What the human being suffers here supposes a cure (emendatio) if it is corrected.

Catholics could thus abuse as much as they liked, it was unimportant compared to hell, with that horror that God would impose upon them for all eternity. The earthly torture was ‘light’, ‘transient’, just a ‘cure’!
A theologian is never disconcerted! That’s why he does not know shame either.
In the Christian Empire of those times there prevailed everything except liberality and personal freedom. What prevailed was slavery, children were chained instead of the parents, everywhere there was secret police, ‘and every day could be heard the cries of those whom the court tortured and could be seen the gates with the whimsically executed’ (Chadwick). The emperor’s assassins automatically liquidated the Donatists who had mutilated Catholic priests or who had destroyed churches. Augustine endorsed in practice the death penalty. ‘The greater the hardness with which the State acts, the more Augustine applauds’ (Aland).
Here we see the celebrated father of the Church in all its magnitude: as a desk author and hypocrite; as a bishop who not only exerted a terrible influence during his life, but who was the initiator of political Augustinism: the archetype of all the bloody inquisitors of so many centuries, of their cruelty, perfidy, prudishness, and a precursor of horror: of the medieval relations between Church and State. Augustine’s example allowed the ‘secular arm’ to throw millions of human beings, including children and the elderly, dying and disabled, to the cells of torture, to the night of the dungeons, to the flames of the fire—and then hypocritically ask the State to respect their lives! All the henchmen and ruffians, princes and monks, bishops and popes who from now on would hunt martyrs and burn ‘heretics’, could lean on Augustine, and in fact they did it; and also the reformers.
When in 420 the state minions persecuted the bishop of Ta-mugadi, Gaudentius, he fled to his beautiful basilica; fortified himself there and threatened to burn himself along with his community. The chief of the officials, a pious Christian, who nevertheless persecuted people of his own faith, did not know what party to take and consulted Augustine. The saint, inventor of the sui generis doctrine of predestination, replied:

But since God, according to secret but just will, has predestined some of them to eternal punishment, without a doubt it is better that, although some are lost in their own fire, the vastly greater majority is gathered and recovered from that pernicious division and dispersion, instead of all together be burned in the eternal fire deserved by the sacrilegious division.

Once again Augustine was himself, ‘of course the first theoretician of the Inquisition’, who wrote ‘the only complete justification in the history of the ancient Church’ about ‘the right of the State to repress non-Catholics’ (Brown). In the application of violence, the saint only saw a ‘process of debilitation’, a ‘conversion by oppression’ (per molestias eruditio), a ‘controlled catastrophe’ and compared it to a father ‘who punishes the son who loves’ and that every Saturday night, ‘as a precaution’ beats his family.
The ‘edict of the unit’ of 405 followed other state decrees in the years 407, 408, 409, 412 and 414. The obligatory withdrawal of the Donatists was ordered, their Church was relegated more or less to the underground and they started pogroms that would last several years. The Donatist Church was forbidden; its followers forced to convert to Catholicism. ‘The Lord has shattered the teeth of the lion’ (Augustine). Entire cities, hitherto convinced Donatists, became Catholic out of fear of sorrow and violence, such as the episcopal city of Augustine, where once the ovens could not bake bread for Catholics. Finally, he himself expelled the Donatists. However, when the State tolerated them temporarily during the invasion of Alaric and they returned, for the great saint they seemed ‘wolves to whom it would be necessary to kill with blows’. Only by chance did he escape from an ambush that the Circumcellions had laid out for him.
The masses of slaves and settlers, of whom only their labour force was of any use, were to be maintained within the Catholic Church, through forced labour and the lash of their lords, for the maintenance of ‘Catholic peace’. In the year 414 the Donatists were deprived of all their civil rights and the death penalty was threatened to those who celebrated their religious services. ‘Where there is love, there is peace’ (Augustine). Or as our bishop later declared triumphantly: Quodvult deus de Cartago: the viper has been crushed, or better still: it has been devoured.
After the year 418, the theme of the Donatists disappears for decades from the debates held in the synods of the North African bishops. In 420 it appears the last anti-Donatist writing of Augustine: Contra Gaudentium. In 429, with the invasion of the Vandals, the anti-Donatist imperial edicts also ended, which continued to call for annihilation. However, the schism lasted until the 6th century, although very weakened.
The sad remains that managed to escape the constant persecutions were destroyed a century later, along with Catholics, by Islam. African Christianity was undermined, bankrupt; finally, completely separated from Europe in the religious aspect, and escaped from its area of influence to fall into that of the Near East.
The most important ancient of the Christian churches, the only one in the Mediterranean, disappeared without a trace. There was nothing left of her. ‘But it was not due to Islam but to the persecutions against the Donatists, which made North Africa hate the Catholic Church so much that the Donatists received Islam as a liberation and converted to it’ (Kawerau).

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Civil war James Mason

Siege, 25


At this stage of things, kidding ourselves would probably prove fatal, sooner or later. I urge against taking it on the chin or “leading with the chin”, as there are violent, revolutionary types out there aplenty to get things kicked off good and proper. Blacks, every shade of color in between, not to mention fanatic Reds, etc., plus nuts and more nuts. Add to this the slowly but steadily deteriorating conditions in the country, economic and otherwise, and you have a cake baking in the oven. You don’t want your cake to fall and you certainly don’t want to get yourself burnt. Instead, you want to be around for the ICING and most definitely the EATING of the cake! (Meaning the final seizure of power and exercising of same.)
Most communist outfits share so much in common with the Democratic Party platform that they’d be stupid to start any general disorder, and they know it. Only the extreme Left can be looked to for hope in this area. Black and colored nationalists as well. The cities, where these types reign supreme anyway, will always be the first to erupt when it’s time for things to jump off. As far as the “first wave” up against the System’s Pigs is concerned, I’d much rather it be them instead of us. They’re primed and “psyched up” for it already, armed to the very teeth, and suffer no shortage of expendable manpower. And any blame would be leveled towards them in the event of a miscarriage. Wish them well.
Recall the cornerstone of the U.S. Nazi Movement’s “grand strategy” of the Sixties? Rings crazy as hell today in light of developments over the past ten or fifteen years. It involved depending upon and even HELPING the Pigs against the urban revolutionaries!! We’d be absolute idiots to attack the Pigs ourselves in any attempt to initiate something of the nature of a general rebellion.
I cannot urge strongly enough: stay out of their way; deprive them completely of any excuse to come after you. This does not mean stay legal. It means stay sane and rational. And stay alive and at full liberty, because dead or locked up you’re no good to yourself or the revolution. Let the revolutionary mobs over whom we have no control and who would also kill us take the brunt of the first, strongest System counter-attacks, and let these same numberless mobs in the cities chew the hell out of the System’s hired elite. It couldn’t happen to a sweeter bunch.
There’ll probably be more than one revolution, back-to-back. The Reds and the Blacks, because this is what they’ve preached and prepared for all along, can be expected to lead the way. In the opening days and weeks of this phase, we can watch how the System is going to react, and how well it reacts. For us to attempt the same thing in the middle of an atmosphere of order would be outright suicide. Once there exists an air of disorder, the cards will be more in our favor. And we’ll be dealing in the smaller cities and towns, the countryside, where it might be possible to take things without the massive death and destruction that will occur in the major cities. Ultimatums, backed up by very real force, handed to local governments once they’ve learned what happens to their big city brethren, might just work wonders.
Only after the System is BROKEN and DISCREDITED will there come a hope of mobilizing the masses of Whites to tackle the job of winning what will soon enough assume the characteristics of a civil war.
Until then, for the present, give the Pigs nothing to do regarding ourselves but sit and get edgy. Once the shooting starts, keep out of the way of the mobs because they only perceive us as friends and allies of the Capitalists and the System. In the opening phases of any revolution, if the Red mobs don’t get you, the Pigs will. Let them instead kill one another. Developments will progress rapidly once all central power is gone and people realize they have nothing to lose anymore.

Vol. XIV, #9. September, 1985