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Martin Kerr


Greetings to All!

by Martin Kerr

Let us start off this update with some good news: This has been a strong week for the NEW ORDER on social media, which is now one of the important battlefronts on which our struggle is being waged.

Specifically, we have had two very succesful posts within the space of four days on Gab. Together, these two posts combined have had 50,588 views (!), along with 820 likes, and 336 reposts (including quotes). These numbers will likely go up a little bit over the coming week. Those reading this update who have engaged in “real world” activism will realize that the amount of time, effort and expense it would take to distribute 50K leaflets, stickers or message cards would be immense. A single social media post (or two of them together) is not going to change the world, but spreading our message to tens of thousands of our White brothers and sisters is certainly a step in the right direction!

You may view the two posts here:


New Mini-Leaflet Campaign Gaining Some Traction

Starting in October, the Central Office mailed out packets of our new mini-leaflets to key activists for public distribution. So far, we have received word of distributions in eight states, namely Arkansas, Florida (multiple locations), Kentucky, Maryland, Nebraska, New York, Virginia (multiple locations), and Wisconsin. I suspect that that activists in other states have conducted additional distributions, but have not reported them to the Central Office. In one location – Brooklyn, NY – our good work was mentioned in the media. See:


These mini-leaflets are designed primarily to drive traffic to our website. We are not trying to “convert” normies into Hitlerists with a single leaflet, but rather to attract people who are already sympathetic (or merely curious) to our website, where serious education can take place. Mini-leaflets have been used to enhance the content of books in libraries, bookstores, used bookstores and newstands. Some have been place on bulletin boards or left at the coffee stations in convenience stores. Other comrades, using spray adhesive, glue and/or packing tape, have used the mini-leaflets as stickers.

Anyone wanting a packet of these cheery little fliers to distribute in their area should contact the Central Office, either by email or postal mail. To see what some of our designs are, check out this post by Racial Consciousness on Gab, here:


March 9th – Day of Action

March 9, 2025/JdF 135, will be the 107th anniversary of the birth of George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of post-War American National Socialism. This would be an excellent occasion for comrades nationwide to spread the Good Word of Adolf Hitler far and wide, operating either in small groups (preferred) or as lone wolf activists. Whether it is by the distribution of printed material or in some other manner, seize this opportunity to join with other National Socialists in bringing our message to our racial brothers and sisters.

If you choose to participate, be sure to report your activities – whether large or small – to the NEW ORDER Central office.

In Memoriam

We are sorry to report the passing of our longtime comrade, Douglas Winkleman. We are informed that he died from complications due to cancer on Dec. 12, 2023. He was 66. Comrade Winkleman is survived by his wife, five children and seven grandchildren. In the 1970s and 1980s, he was an officer in the Los Angeles Unit of the National Socialist White People’s Party. He also served for a year at party National Headquarters in Arlington, Va., as Corresponding Secretary and aide to Commander Matt Koehl. A full obituary of Doug will be forthcoming.

Webste News

We are still in recovery mode from the deplatfoming of our website in August. We are retaining counsel to get our previous URL restored to us. In the meantime, our new platform (https://theneworder.net/) is up and running. This past week we were able to get our Leaflet Library page back up, with the new URL on all leaflets. See:


You may use this resource to download leaflets for reproduction and distribution.

The two most-recent posts on the website are:

Matt Koehl’s classic 1967 essay, “Adolf Hitler: German Nationalist or Aryan Racialist?” This is the first time that we have had this important treatise on a NEW ORDER website or blog. Read at: LINK

A new short article by Martin Kerr, entitled, “An Historical Footnote: The Meeting between George Lincoln Rockwell and Otto Strasser.” See: LINK

Please excuse the tardiness of this update. There is a lot going on with the NEW ORDER right now, and we are operating with a very small staff that stretches us to the limit. We ask for your patience.

Stay in touch!

Heil Hitler!

Martin Kerr
Chief of Staff

Currency crash Videos

An artist

A couple of days ago, in the comments section, I mentioned the documentary End of the Road, which I watched again yesterday. In 2014 Tim Delmastro, one of the documentary’s producers—an artist—kindly sent me the DVD as a gift when the documentary could only be seen by buyers.

Not long ago I said that Mein Kampf and the book by Bernal Díaz, one of the conquerors of the Aztec Empire, were marred by the prolixity of that pair of books and that ideally they should be abridged.

A fundamental part of literary art is to write as compactly, clearly and didactically as possible; and I believe that both Mein Kampf and The True History of the Conquest of New Spain, a first-person narrative written in 1568 should, under the supervision of an accomplished artist, be abridged.

Well: in less than an hour End of the Road presents the POV of the Austrian school economists in such a way that a layman can perfectly understand it! Economics is not an esoteric subject. It is a relatively simple subject that only becomes convoluted if one only has, as a source of information, conventional economists (i.e., those who fail to predict any currency crash).

The End of the Road interviewees are the economic equivalent of Jared Taylor’s race realism compared to the pseudoscientific anthropology taught in Western universities. In fact, in 2025 the ‘Big Boys’ of the financial world have already begun to buy tons of gold. Too bad I, in the Third World, lack the resources to get at least couple of coins but those who, like the racialists of the First World, are presumed to be dissidents of the system should start to do so.

Axiology Might is right (book)

Might is right, 15

Leo Tolstoy, undoubtedly the ablest modern expounder of primitive Christliness, in a much-translated volume entitled Work While Ye Have Light writes: ‘Our Faith tells us that bliss is to be found, not in resistance, but in submission; not in riches, but in giving everything away; we have not quite succeeded in casting off every habit of violence and property.’

To the most inept understanding, could any proposition be placed in a clearer light? Is it not as simple as ‘rolling off a log,’ that the individual attempting to become a true and honest Christian must become like unto a tame sheep?

What a sublime Ideal! How heroic! The bliss of a sheep! How superlatively delightful! How divinely glorious! And a Jew as the Good Shepherd, who leadeth his lambs ‘to green pastures, and quiet resting places, the pleasant waters by.’ For two thousand years, or so, His fleecy flocks have been fattening themselves up with commendable diligence—for the shearing-shed and the butchers-block.

Let any nation throw away all ‘habits of violence,’ and before long it must cease to exist as a nation. It will be laid under tribute—it will become a province, a satrapy. It will be taxed and looted in a thousand different ways. Let any man abandon all property, also all overt resistance to aggression and behold, the first sun will scarcely have sunk in the west before he is a bondservant, a tributary, a beggar, or—a corpse.

Property is necessary to the complete and free development of personality, and therefore human animals should somehow obtain a full and fair proportion thereof at any cost—or perish in the attempt; for he who cannot possess himself of property is much better buried out of sight. Our cities are honeycombed with treasure caverns, heaped up with gold, title deeds, silver, and instruments of credit: our valleys and our mountains are bubbling with wealth untold; and yet, poor miserable ‘servants of Christ’ pass idly by. Men, they call themselves! I call them—castrates.

If Tolstoy’s obsequious principles are derived from the Sermon on the Mount, then who can deny but that the Sermon on the Mount is a sermon unto decay and slavery? If they are derived from the Golden Rule and if the Golden Rule is the word of God, then can it be doubted that the word of God is the word of Fraud. There is far too much of this ghastly ‘goodness’ in the nation, far and away too much. It is time men who can think began to emancipate themselves, and consider the fact that: Morals, laws and decalogues were made by liars, thieves and rogues.

Liberty is honestly definable, as a state of complete bodily and mental self-mastership (which included the possession of property; also defensive weapons) and thorough-going Independence from all official coercion or restraint. Liberty in the conventional sense is a miserable Lie.

To be independent is synonymous with proprietorship. To be property-less, and unarmed, is the condition of actual dependence and servitude. Unarmed citizens are always enslaved citizens, always. Liberty without Property is a myth, a nursery tale, believable only by babbling babies and ‘fools in the forest’—fools in the city also. ‘Liberty regulated by Law’ is, in practice, tyranny of the darkest and foulest description; because so impersonal. There are numerous worthy, reasonable, and practical methods whereby individual tyrants may be removed; but a tyranny ‘regulated by Law’ is only removable by one method—the sword in the hands of men who are not afraid to use it, or to have it used against them: that is to say—the Sword in the hands of the Strongest.

During the whole course of human history, there is not upon record, one authentic instance wherein a subjugated people has ever regained property-holding Liberty, without first butchering its tyrants (or its tyrants’ armed slaves in battle) thereafter confiscating to its use, the lands and realized property that previously had been in the possession of its defeated foes and masters.

This statement is made with cool deliberation and aforethought. Let it be disproved by any one creditable example to the contrary, and the Author is prepared to forfeit 50,000 ounces of pure gold and enough ‘dimes and dollars’ to erect in Chicago, a bronze statue of ‘Our Blest Redeemer’ (crown of thorns and all) 100 cubits higher than the Masonic Temple. This offer is strictly bonafide and shall remain open till 1906, so that philosophers, editors, statesmen, divines (and other accomplished liars) may have enough time to blind themselves, wading through National Archives, and the putrid rubbish heaps that men call Public Libraries.

Currency crash


by Gaedhal

Metaphysically, I disbelieve in classically theistic gods, and revealed gods. I believe that most religions cause more harm than good most of the time. However, that said, I prefer ‘secular Catholic’ as an identifier rather than ‘atheist’. However, we in Europe have come to terms with things like secularism—which is not the same thing, at all, as state atheism—and the social safety net.

America, though, seems to be regressing into a hypercapitalist Christian Nationalist dystopia, though.

For billionaires, like Elon Musk, a third-world country is actually what they want. Third world countries are poor, religious and uneducated. In a third-world country, Churches and business are rich… it is only the majority of the country that is starving. Beside every third-world slum, there is a resplendent cathedral and Bishop’s palace. Paying attention to the first few weeks of Trump’s presidency, he seems to be doing everything in his wit and ken to turn America into a 3rd-world Christian theocracy.

An abstract wood burning art representation of a political rally, deeply infused with Christian symbolism.

Placing Pentecostalist lunatic Paula White as head of a White House “Faith Office” is exactly what we would expect, if Trump and Elon wanted to turn America into a 3rd-world Christian theocracy. And, to reiterate: billionaires, oligarchs and conmen—such as Trump and Elon—love 3rd-World Christian theocracies, because in such a polity, they are completely unaccountable.


______ 卐 ______


Editor’s 2 ¢

Neither Trump nor his followers (or the Woke Democrats!) will get away with it. Finally, after much prediction from Austrian economists, the Big Boys—the Central Banks—are starting to buy tons of gold. Translated this panic into our language, they are dumping dollars. The day when the dollar collapses and is no longer the international reserve currency is no longer so far away…

Kali Yuga Sparta


The fact that Donald Trump was present yesterday in a stadium watching the American football final, or that Emmanuel Macron was present at the final of the last FIFA World Cup—both football finals featuring teams with a huge number of blacks—, is a symptom that we are suffering the darkest hour for the white race (which the title of this site designates with the euphemism ‘the West’).

What a difference from those times when only pure Aryans attended the Olympics! This was before a Christian emperor banned the Olympic games (‘resumed’, centuries later in the Christian Era, admitting people of colour). Those who haven’t read our abridged translation of Eduardo Velasco’s essay on Sparta should read it now.

Holocaust William Pierce

Wm. Pierce

on the Holocaust

Thanks to the comments section of yesterday’s post, I discovered an article by William Pierce from 1981. I quote a couple of paragraphs:

Actually, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to determine the truth of the matter. There are reckless “revisionists” who assert that no Jews were killed, solely for being Jews, by the German government. That is almost certainly not true.

I have spoken with SS men who told me that they shot Jews, and I believe them. They also told me that the claims of mass killings of Jews put forth after the war have been greatly exaggerated, and I believe them on that score also.

Read it all here.

Holocaust Miscegenation


and prosecutor

I still can’t find a place to move, so I don’t have time to resume my full-time activities for the sacred words. But today, at the bank, and already at home watching a video on how the old left thought (‘How the Left Destroyed Itself’ with Yanis Varoufakis), my mind doesn’t stop its train of thought.

Recall once again the faces of white Mexicans in my recent post ‘Blue pill’. In one of Mexico City’s best-known malls, where I was today because the banks are open there on Saturdays, I saw a huge billboard in the car park showing a Caucasian male with a black couple. I had seen such billboards in London but apparently, they are now catching on in the third world. The West suffers from an endless hatred: an exterminationist hatred of the white race even in countries where, like Mexico, there are very few true whites.

I didn’t take a picture of the huge billboard I saw in the mall with my mobile phone (although as a priest of the holy words I don’t use a mobile phone in a city without friends, for banking matters I have to carry it). But I think we Westerners have seen such billboards in various countries.

On the other hand I must confess that, although I don’t have time to read at the moment, I find fascinating what I have barely read of the 1455-page Spanish translation, which I recently acquired, of the classic book The Destruction of the European Jews. In digital form, I own the revisionist counterpart: the Holocaust Handbooks series (pic of one of them on the left). It would take a lifetime—many years that I no longer have on my horizon—to assess both sides. Hopefully, future priests will follow my method: listen to both the prosecutor and the lawyer before rendering an educated opinion.

In any case, as we can see from my featured post ‘The Wall’, the priest is not affected by the official story as he is a man who has already transvalued his values. As a Swede said on page 83 of my anthology On exterminationism:

What is certain is that the Holocaust would not have produced any debilitating psychological effect on non-Christian whites. (By Christianity I mean ‘Christian morality.’ Most atheists in the West are still Christian, even if they don’t believe in God or Jesus.) Being emotionally affected by the Holocaust presupposes that you think: (1) Victims and losers have intrinsically more moral value than conquerors and winners, (2) Killing is the most horrendous thing a human can do, (3) Killing children and women is even more horrendous and (4) Every human life has the same value.

None of these statements ring true to a man who has rejected Christian morality. Even if the Holocaust happened, I would not pity the victims or sympathise with them. If you told the Vikings that they needed to accept Jews on their lands or give them gold coins because six million of them were exterminated in an obscure war, they would have laughed at you.

Who within the American racial right, which largely subscribes to Christian ethics, thinks like this neo-Nietzschean Hyperborean?

Axiology Racial right


responses on The Unz Review

Eagle Eye: “Even back then, scientific authors were required to recite these politically-correct shibboleths to be allowed to publish at all.”

I wouldn’t say so. Phillipe Rushton and Arthur Jensen were able to publish their heretical ideas on the hereditary nature of racial differences in intelligence “back then”, along with other racial characteristics. In fact, plenty of others, too, were questioning the standard line: Hans Eysenck, Chris Brand, William Shockley, James Watson, Richard Lynn, Herrnstein & Murray (in 1994’s The Bell Curve), etc.

The biggest stumbling block was that in our Christianity-derived culture, all “souls” are supposed to have been created equal, and rightly or wrongly, most people appear to think a “soul” has something to do with mental abilities. To proclaim otherwise is looked at as a kind of blasphemy, so people are reluctant to agree, and they self-censor any doubts. I think it likely that Cavalli-Sforza actually believes what he’s saying in the quote above, although I don’t myself believe it.

Spencer J. Quinn: “In the past 15 years, geneticists have been struggling with the idea of early human ‘introgression’ with archaic hominid populations. Through introgression, members of two disparate populations mate and produce hybrid individuals, which then mate with members of either parent population.”

“Disparate populations”? LOL That palaver is a kind of cleaned-up way to put it. What it really means is that two different SPECIES crossed and produced a fertile hybrid, which of course boggles the mind of every good American, who has been told for years that the proof that niggers are the same species as whites is that a nigger/white cross can produce fertile offspring. But it’s been known for a long time that animals as taxonomically separated as sheep and goats (not even in the same genus, let alone same species) can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Oxford biologist John Baker, in his book Race, says:

These and many similar experiments were performed by others, but Buffon himself supervised experiments on the crossing of sheep with he-goats. The fact that this intergeneric cross is sometimes successful, and that the hybrids are not infertile, appears to be established. It was accepted as true by Broca, who mentions that the French have a special name, chabin, for the hybrid. Several examples of the successful outcome of this cross are quoted by Alfred Russel Wallace in his famous work Darwinism. The information he quotes suggests that the hybridity is paragenesic. The cross appears to be what Broca called ‘unilateral’, since there is evidence that the ram does not produce progeny with the she-goat.
– John Baker, Race, p. 94

America’s (and the West’s) culture of equality demands, however, that niggers be ranked as the same species as whites, even at the cost of the falsification of reality and the betrayal of scientific truth. This new information about nigger genetics, which underscores how different they really are from whites, may someday help reality break through the complex network of lies that has been constructed to obscure it, but in all frankness, I wouldn’t expect that to happen for many years, if ever. America and the entire West have bet so heavily on racial equality that both would rather immolate themselves on its pyre than admit that the whole thing has always been a lie — a lie inspired and kept in force by the most grievous Christian ignorance and misconceptions about the nature of the world.

Gregory Hood: “American Empire must serve white interests, because the core American identity is white identity. … White identity remains forbidden in public life while non-white identity is celebrated. ”


White identity is the “core” American identity, but it’s somehow “forbidden” in public life? LOL What kind of “core” identity is that?! And how can American Empire serve it, if it’s forbidden?

The truth is, the average white American doesn’t identify as white at all, and that’s why white nationalism never gets anywhere. If forced to, a white American might reluctantly check that box on a form, but he’s not proud of it. His culture has taught him that thinking of his race as being important would be racist! Unpatriotic! Hitlerian! Anti-Christian! Almost blasphemy!

Until that changes, the downward spiral will only continue.

Rich: “The Whites I know are proud of their heritage and are angered by the anti-White, anti-Christian actions and rhetoric of leftist Americans. They vote White, they seek out White neighbors and associates. They are the largest segment of American society by numbers. It’s why republicans win elections.”

If the average white man were proud of his race, then “racist” wouldn’t be the toxic label it is. By their reaction, you can tell that whites think that that is about the worst thing you can call them. LOL Even Jeffrey Dahmer took pains to let folks know he wasn’t a racist. A serial killer, a cannibal, and a homosexual, sure, but NOT a racist!

Christianity, with its emphasis on the idea that it’s the “soul” and not the body that’s the thing that’s really important about a man, is responsible for a lot of this. Race is a property of the body, not the “soul”. A typical white Christian would rather his daughter marry a nigger who’s a Christian than a white man who’s not. It’s hard to see how that’s a sign of racial pride.

As for voting Republican, Trump explicitly condemns racism, and especially white racism, as he carefully said after the Charlottesville fiasco. He’s not a racist who values the white race above all others. He favors a race-blind meritocracy. Anyone who voted for Trump expecting him to make America white again is going to be sorely disappointed.

John Johnson: “I don’t think that is an accurate term as liberal religious beliefs are not derived from Christianity nor do they require belief in Christ or God.”

Not derived from Christianity? That’s just historically inaccurate. John Locke, often called the father of liberalism, was a Christian theologian who based his arguments about human rights on his reading of the Bible. The case for these so-called human rights is a cultural legacy of Christianity, and only Christianity. Liberals didn’t invent human rights ex nihilo.

John Johnson: “The most closely held liberal religious belief is related to evolution and not Abrahamic religion.”

This is just another way of saying that human equality is one thing there are fanatics about, and I agree. But a faith in human equality, human rights, and a supposed “brotherhood of man” reeks of Christianity, and is obviously derived from it. The genius of Christianity as a belief system is that this ethical perspective can persist without any “belief in Christ or God”, as you put it. Thus, there are even atheistic versions of Christianity, such as Marxism.

Above in #230, I made a racist revision of John Lennon’s song “Imagine”. But as historian Tom Holland observed in his book Dominion, the original version is Christian through and through.

Correspondence Philosophy of history

Dear Herr Cesar,

I hope you are doing okay on your process of realocation.

Today, I am writing to you regarding the following subject. Yesterday, I found a book on a bookstore of rare books titled Early Civilisations of the Nordic peoples by Pearson Roger.

Have you heard this book before?

Within the passages, I found some sections that caught my attention.

It states that the nordic warlike spirit has been the race downfall since ancient times, as they will keep fighting with one another with passion while sparing/pitying darker races whom they seem not worthy of challenge.

It also mentions how ironic and tragic it was that, after the nordic people have dissappeared, the darker races will also keep the culture, language and teachings brought by the fair invadors.

Very interesting book, although short and out of print now, and I found it on the “racist/white supremacist” section. It also has some references to German/French books in order to learn more about the subject of Nordic migrations. The book was first printed by the beginning of 1965.

Can you believe we still had such books just 60 years ago? Even after Germany lost the war and when commander Rockwell was still alive.

Now, the shelves on libraries are full of degeneracy, negro literature and prolefeed content. Unreal how much things have decayed in such a short period of time.

Anyhow, that will be everything for now. I may search for more “racist” lost literature here and see if I can save something for posterity. The internet and digital media are not to be trusted, specially with the raise of AI generated content.

Best regards,


PS: My girlfriend found a picture of her great-grand-father, wrapped with a National Socialist flag and a SS Waffen officer cap. I can’t tell if he was an active soldier since he was not wearing the full uniform, but also very interesting, indeed.

Israel / Palestine Racial right

Bibi’s dream

fulfilled by silly Xtians

As to why I said yesterday that the Christian Question is more relevant than the JQ—something the American racial right doesn’t want to see—see a minute of Judge Napolitano’s interview with Matt Hoh today, starting here.