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Garden of bones

‘Garden of Bones’ is the fourth episode of the second season of HBO’s medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, where feminist messages continue. Almost at the beginning of the episode Robb encounters field nurse Talisa, who cuts off a survivor’s leg after the battle to keep it from gangrene. When I was a kid I watched movies on the big screen like Gone with the Wind where the doctors who cut off legs after violent battles were men, and women didn’t have the stomach for it.

That woman, Talisa, would seal Robb’s fate in the penultimate episode of the next season because he would marry her, breaking the pact he had with Lord Walder Frey to marry his beautiful daughter, who unlike non-Aryan Talisa is completely white. It doesn’t matter to spoil forward to the end of the next season, where you can see where Robb’s stupidity of messing with a non-Aryan commoner after being engaged to a beautiful Aryan of noble birth came to be. What matters is to denounce the feminist bombardment with which Game of Thrones overwhelms us.

I could even mention my family. As I tell in Whispering Leaves, in his capacity as a surgeon in the royalist army, my Catalan ancestor came to New Spain to join forces that fought against the Mexican insurgents, made up mostly of non-whites. That’s true history: a male serving as a field surgeon for real-history battles.

Worst of all in the HBO episode is that with the dead still on the battlefield Talisa lectures Robb, the King of the North, because this little woman dislikes war. Total surrealism. This sort of thing—a commoner scolding a king right after a bloody battle—never happened in the Middle Ages or in later times, as in the wars of independence in the Americas.

In the episode Talisa continues to argue with the King of the North in a derogatory way, and Robb is not offended.

What madness! I don’t want to read how those passages appear in Martin’s novel because Martin is also a feminist, although the pair of Jews who produced the episode exacerbated Martin’s feminism on the television version.

Never did women speak like this, especially after a bloody war with streams of blood from the dead still running in the field. Why white men haven’t rebelled, since 2012, with lots of negative reviews after scenes like this?

In the last bad message of the episode a black man is shown as a powerful guy, this time in Qarth, ‘the Greatest City that Ever Was or Will Be’ located in the brutal desert called Garden of Bones. This black man opens the gates of Qarth (pic above) to the wandering Dany and her followers, who would have died in the desert had it not been for this negro.

Feminism Homosexuality Mainstream media Wikipedia

What is dead may never die

‘What Is Dead May Never Die’ is the third episode of the second season of HBO’s medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first airing on April 15, 2012. In the image we see Yoren talking to Arya, a good man from the Night Watch who dies in this episode.

We see the first bad message in this episode when the warrior Brienne of Tarth wins a tournament against Loras Tyrell. Yesterday I saw the title of a video on YouTube about how the transgender guys who are now allowed to compete in women’s tournaments are destroying those sports because they easily beat the weaker sex. But the scene between Brienne and Loras sends the opposite message to us, and I find it amazing that Westerners are consuming this reversal of reality.

The tournament was held at the camp of the self-crowned King Renly Baratheon. Tournament warriors compete in full armour, and when the big warrior no one’s seen yet beats Loras, Renly asks:

‘Rise. Remove your helmet’.

The warrior does it and murmurs are heard among the spectators when they realise that the imposing blonde warrior was not a man but a woman. Renly continues:

‘I’ve seen Ser Loras bested once or twice, but never quite in that fashion’.

The implication is that warrior women can be as capable as warrior men. Now that, in my preparations to write this article, I opened the Wikipedia article on this episode, I came across a pop-up that informed me that on this day we should celebrate the Wikipedia initiative to close the gender gap in favour of women. Scenes like this one in the most popular television series of all time, in which a woman defeats Ser Loras, the heir to the immensely wealthy House Tyrell, support that cause.

That same episode shows us a second homoerotic encounter between Loras and Renly (the first we had seen in the first season). This second scene had disappeared from my memory since the first time I saw the series. It is very bad taste to put these things on the screen, but the white race is so degenerate that they can reject Martin’s profound message from the finale and not be disgusted by these homosexual scenes.

As I always do in my morning routine, I check my email and today I came across the title and first lines of the latest article from The Occidental Observer. It’s about Jews in the media but who is more to blame for the state of the West: they or the gentiles who consume the shit from HBO and Netflix?

Blacks Feminism Film

The night lands

‘The Night Lands’ is the second episode of the second season of HBO’s medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on April 2, 2012. In the image we see the moment when Tyrion asks Janos Slynt if he gave the order to attack Ned Stark.

We see the first bad message of the episode when Theon Greyjoy sees his sister Yara after years of not seeing her to the degree that he doesn’t recognise her. The films of our century invert human reality most blatantly. For example, the actress who played Yara in Game of Thrones dresses in a feminine way in real life, although in the series she appears as a tomboy.

When Theon sees his father, lord of a castle and Iron Islands, after years of not seeing him, he yells at him that Yara cannot lead an attack against the Lannisters ‘because she is a woman’. The father replies, ‘And why not?’ Yara tells him that it is he, Theon, the one who wears a skirt, mocking medieval clothing that aren’t really skirts. In this dialogue between Theon and Yara they have invented a medieval world with ‘skirts’ for men that have nothing to do with history (remember the image I put in the sixth instalment of this series about Ned Stark’s clothing).

There is another terrible message from this episode that has nothing to do with real medieval times. Davos Seaworth and his son Matthos recruit a black man, the pirate Salladhor Saan and his fleet, to join them in the war they want to wage so that Stannis Baratheon sits on the Iron Throne. In the Middle Ages, and even in later centuries, there were never powerful blacks in Europe, and here they virtually put Salladhor Saan almost like a Francis Drake.

This is another grotesque invention that the media puts before our eyes: a parallel world where the current psychosis is projected back to a fantastic medieval era with empowered blacks!

Davos, a character that Game of Thrones paints as very attractive as a person, tells the black man that he will be the richest man in Westeros if he joins Stannis’ war. The black replied: ‘And if we don’t drown at the bottom of Blackwater Bay, I will fuck this blonde queen and I’ll fuck her well’.

Democracy Ethnic cleansing Monarchy

The North remembers

‘The North Remembers’ is the second season premiere episode of HBO’s fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on April 1, 2012. Since I’m using the series as Rorschach images to project ideas of my own now that I see the series again, I confess that nothing new has come to mind except to reiterate what I’ve said.

(Jack Gleeson as Joffrey Baratheon.) The teenage King Joffrey begins to emerge as the villain of the first few seasons. Acting under his orders the king’s Guard, led by Commander Janos Slynt, tracks down and murders several of the late King Robert Baratheon’s bastard children, including babies under the screams of their mothers.

Still, if we assume a return to the monarchy in the 21st century, even a scoundrel like Joffrey could be infinitely better than any current democratic government. Without checks and balances but under the motto L’État c’est moi, a single king could expel the millions of non-whites from his lands. Under democracy, no current president could do something similar, even if he wanted.

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Aryan beauty Film Metaphysics of race / sex Neanderthalism Voltaire

Fire and blood

‘Il y a une autre canaille à laquelle on sacrifie tout, et cette canaille est le peuple’. —Voltaire

‘Fire and Blood’, the tenth and final episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, was first aired on June 19, 2011. There is not much to say about the final episode of the first season but I will still say a thing or two about the opening scene and the ending scene.

The mob that Voltaire spoke of, the common people, has been idealised by those who limit themselves to criticising the elites. In reality the people are as despicable as the elites. They’re like King Joffrey who had Ned Stark beheaded only because Ned was faithful to Joffrey’s father’s will. The King’s Landing mob not only yells the ‘traitor’ slander when poor Ned is led to the scaffold, but cheers when his blood-dripping head is flaunted in the public square.

In the same way as Westeros, the contemptible mob that is the people of the West consume everything the elites tell them about Hitler. And the experience I’ve had with Christian friends whom I have broken off with (and it makes me want to translate some anecdotes from El Grial) is that they don’t give a damn about well-known sources, like Solzhenitsyn’s non-fiction books, when I try to convey that the Allied narrative is a myth. People in general follow and believe what the Joffreys of today tell them to believe and feel. Even cultured people rant in the ‘two minutes hate’ imposed by the System. As Andrew Hamilton put it in one of his Counter-Currents articles, even the so-called intellectuals of the West are mass-man.

That is for the opening scene of the episode. Regarding the final scene, for the second time in the first season Dany is shown naked without showing her pubic hair (above Dany appears the first time we saw her in the series). I think that not having shown her in her full-frontal glory was a serious mistake, as well as another scene from ‘Fire and Blood’ that shows naked Cersei Lannister’s new lover, her cousin Lancel, who had been the squire of the now-deceased King Robert. Both Dany and Lancel should have appeared frontally naked.

It is important to say this if we remember those words of a well-known white nationalist that I picked up on Daybreak: ‘We need a regime that bans pornography and erects statues of gorgeous naked nymphs and athletes in every public square and crossroads’. As seen in the photo above, if there is something that the Aryan should promote it is the human nude that doesn’t awaken our appetites but merely exalts the beauty of the Aryan body. As the Greeks and Romans understood it before the envious Christians, many with Semitic blood, destroyed almost all their statues, the Aryan nude should not be hidden if it comes from splendid young specimens.

But what can we expect if our seventh art has been taken over by Jews and neochristian gentiles? We get the crap we saw in a previous episode of Game of Thrones: a lesbian act between a northern white woman and a brunette in Littlefinger’s brothel. So aberrant was that prolonged scene that even the normies disliked it. And this northern prostitute appeared even in the first episode on a bed with the Lannister dwarf, and in another episode she shows her pubic hair to Theon when she moves south in a carriage.

Unlike the art I have in mind, these shots only degrade the Aryan. In our times the values have been inverted even in the human nude.

Feminism Feminized western males Liberalism Patriarchy Rape of the Sabine Women


‘Baelor’ is the ninth and penultimate episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. As I did in the last entry, I won’t be reviewing everything that happens in it but I use the episodes to express my philosophy: in this post, what I think about the psychosis suffered by the white race, including those who claim to defend it. Thus, I will focus on a single scene in Baelor.

Lady Catelyn appears before the feudal lord Walder Frey, the head of House Frey and Lord of the Crossing (a bridge) to negotiate the crossing of the troops of his son in their war against the Lannisters, who are about to execute Ned Stark. Although Lord Frey is an old man (the actor who played his role was known for playing Argus Filch in Harry Potter), he still maintains a very active role in managing his household.

After the West collapses, the white man will find himself at a crossroads. Both paths will lead to the return of patriarchy, as feminism is but an astronomical and massive psychotic breakdown that cannot be sustained for more than a century (the group that suffers from it is extinguished as their women cease to breed). The Jew Lawrence Auster was right in saying that liberalism, in the sense of the principle of non-discrimination that includes antiracism, feminism and sexual orientation is the most destructive ideology of all times.

Well then: before the crossroads of the two roads that lead to the return of patriarchy, the white man will have to decide what form of patriarchy will return: if his white women will belong to the Muslims of Europe and the blacks of America, or if the Aryan finally regains his sanity and reclaims them for himself.

In the episode Lord Walder Frey, opposite Lady Catelyn Stark, grabs his wife’s buttocks and then spanks her when he goes to negotiate privately with Lady Catelyn. After clearing a room full of his descendants, Lord Frey addresses the surprised Catelyn with these words:

‘You see that? Fifteen, she is. A little flower [licking his lips in lust]. And her honey’s all mine [chuckles]’.

In my soliloquies I call that delicious honey a Caperucita, and it is a shame that the supposed defenders of her race don’t see the naked truth of what Catelyn replied:

‘I’m sure she will give you many sons’.

A decade ago, when I still subscribed to white nationalism, I didn’t understand why some of their articles left me depressed. It didn’t take me long to realise that many nationalists had betrayed their principles by subscribing to at least some form of feminism. Ten years ago I reproduced the response of a critic of Alex Kurtagic since the latter dared to label ‘defectives’ those from the racial right who didn’t subscribe to feminism. Looking back, it seems clear to me that the only defective was Kurtagic himself, who like me was raised in Latin America. Now I can say that except for Andrew Anglin white nationalists continue to blind themselves as to how we should treat women.

If the white man chooses the right path when he reaches the crossroads, after the Day of the Rope he won’t behave like the men of Murka II in Covington’s fiction (see ‘Freedom daughters’ in my Daybreak). Since the pendulum has swung to the extreme left its inertia will carry it to the extreme right, and if whites wake up the warlords, the new Walder Freys, won’t be the exception but the rule. And even if the white man chooses the wrong path women will still be subdued, but this time like the Muslim women I saw the year I lived in Manchester.

Part of the feminisation of the white man lies in not wanting to even fix his own bedroom. Before killing the enemy he must control his women, at least through an internal transvaluation of values as the police would stop any actual transvaluation. He who doesn’t fuck won’t fight and many white nationalists don’t do it because, as good neochristians they are, they believe they should ask permission.

Sex is to be taken as the feudal lord Frey took it, at least in the most primitive stage of civilisation: what looms again after the collapse. There is already this situation with the massive rapes of Caperucitas in the UK, but the System only allows non-white wolfies to eat them.

Much of the revulsion I feel for white nationalism lies in that they tolerate this reversal of values. The critic of feminism, Roger Devlin, speaks like a conservative; not like the MGTOW people do and much less as I speak. A man who in one of the forums in which Devlin discusses would talk like Walder Frey, licking his lips while imaginarily savouring a Caperucita, would be annihilated by the thousands of Kutragics that swarm today’s racialism, and they would not answer any of the most elementary realities about the subject of feminism that I have linked so many times on this site.

That’s why I will continue to say that white nationalism is a fraud, and that to recover our lands we must first wage a great internal jihad that allows us to think as we were before, even in medieval times: as Martin’s prose about the lands of Riverrun.

2001: A Space Odyssey (movie) 3-eyed crow

The pointy end

Almost two years ago I wrote:

‘The Pointy End’ is the eighth episode of the first season of Game of Thrones. It is the eighth episode of the series overall among the 73 episodes aired over eight seasons from 2011 to 2019. This episode premiered on June 5, 2011 when I didn’t even know that Game of Thrones existed. It was written by George R.R. Martin and directed by Daniel Minahan, who is not classified as ‘Jew’ at least in his Wikipedia article (the series has changed directors several times).

Bran the Broken, still a boy, prays by the heart tree when he is approached by Osha, a woman of the Free Folk or ‘Wildlings’ (in this pic, Osha is barely visible because she’s laying on the ground). Osha tells Bran about hearing the Old Gods of the Forest and that the Wildlings also worship the Old Gods. She laments that the South has lost touch with the past, and that the southern weirwood trees were cut down long ago and, therefore, the Southerners have no idea about what’s awakening in the north.

I have just watched again the scene in ‘The Pointy End’ when the above photograph was taken and must add something to what I said four days ago in the article ‘New subtitle’. In the scene, a couple of times Osha calls the attention of Bran about the hidden message that could be heard from the gods by listening to the whispering leaves of the heart tree.

When four days ago I wrote ‘I will leave the image of Bran in the sticky post unless I can think of a better one that symbolises this site’ I hadn’t re-watched the scene with due attention. Now I see that it resonates not only with my editorial note in my previous article today, but with the heart of my own life (cf. my book Whispering Leaves). This day I make official the above pic as the ‘logo’ of this site.

As some readers may have observed, I have been using Game of Thrones not as fans see it, but as a sort of Rorschach test to project things that I have in mind.

From when I saw 2001: A Space Odyssey as a child I projected my most cherished ideals on that film. Decades later I realised that there was a problem: the transformations of 2001 involve extraterrestrial agency, without which the transformation of the Australopithecus Moonwatcher and his descendant Dave Bowman wouldn’t have been possible at the end of the film. But something tells me that there is no intelligent life in the Milky Way, and instead of an ‘eschatology from above’ I began to forge an ‘eschatology from below’, in the sense that some of us have to transform ourselves into mutants if we are to save the planet from the most primitive version of humans that currently swarms it.

As there is something very specific that I project onto Game of Thrones I won’t talk about what happened in this episode in the Mountains, the Eyrie, the Riverlands, at the Wall, the non-white lands of Lhazar, and King’s Landing. The only thing that has interested me in the episode is how the arc of the boy Bran Stark unfolds, specifically this scene, as only he will undergo a psychic metamorphosis in subsequent seasons.

The difference between David Bowman and Bran Stark is, as I already implied, that the latter doesn’t require extraterrestrial agency to metamorphose into a new man. If there is anything to save us from the Neanderthals he won’t be a personal god (let alone a Semitic god!) or benevolent aliens. That’s human fantasy ‘from above’. On the contrary: the symbols of the forest and the sacred trees of the ancient religion behind the Wall are exclusively terrestrial. By ‘eschatology from below’ I mean that only with the resources that we already have on Earth, and with the mind that Nature has provided us, we, a kind of feathered serpents, aspire to the wings of the caduceus.

That’s why if Martin were to publish his next novel in the saga soon, as speculation among fans of A Song of Ice and Fire has already begun, I’d only read Bran’s arc to see how it differs from the HBO series. If, like Bran’s mentor, one lives in a cave entangled in the roots of a weirwood, he won’t devote himself to talking about the inane events of the immediate present as is done in the forums of white nationalism. Rather he will ponder the past and the archetypes that have taken over the white man’s psyche trying to figure out the deeper roots of Westeros’ darkest hour.

Quotable quotes

Latin phrase

Memento mori.


You win or you die

‘You Win or You Die’ is the seventh episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. The implausible blunders on the part of the most honourable people surrounding the death of King Robert are outrageous to see even if it is only fiction: e.g., a document without witnesses about the succession signed by the sick king on his bed. But worst of all, Ned doesn’t know that the Lannisters will make sure that Joffrey, Robert’s supposed son, is the immediate heir independently of the king’s will.

There is some truth to this whole story of the Starks from the north, who fare badly when they travel south. The Northmen don’t smell the tricks of the Southerners, just as the pure Aryans don’t smell the Mediterranean ways, especially of the Semites.

As night fell Ned was warned by Renly, the dying king’s brother, that Cercei Lannister would not care about King Robert’s last written will. Ned responds that he isn’t going to pre-empt an alleged Lannister coup by dragging frightened children from their beds, referring to Joffrey: the future teenage king who, in a couple more episodes, would have Ned Stark beheaded! This ninth-episode spoiler is worth mentioning now because that’s how, in the real world, white people with very different honour codes reason compared to people from the South, and I mean the real world, not this television series.

Back to the seventh episode. Ned had a second chance when Littlefinger also proposed a pre-emptive strike to the coup that the Lannisters could forge. But blind to his honourable Northman code Ned is unable to see what’s happening, and that he may be betrayed at any time by those who he trusts when the succession to the Iron Throne is in suspense.

But I don’t want to tell about the pathetic way this episode ends for Ned and the welfare of the Seven Kingdoms because I prefer to focus on something more important from the point of view of genuine spirituality. I mean the vows that Jon Snow and Sam Tarly take on the other side of the Wall.

In the novel there is a more numinous environment than what we see in this seventh episode. Martin’s prose reveals nine weirwood trees, all with carved faces, that is, heart trees. A heart tree is a weirwood tree that has a face carved into the wood of the trunk. Heart trees are sacred in the religion of the Old Gods of the Forest, the closest thing to a shrine that the old, dying religion still possesses. Jon is astonished to see the spectacle of these nine trees as he has never seen so many weirwoods together south of the Wall, let alone heart trees. It’s the first time in his life that he has crossed the wall. But we are now in the lands on the north side of the Wall where, long before, magic flourished before the arrival of the bearers of a new religion.

Let us remember that the heart tree is the symbol of this site, and instead of quoting what Jon and Sam said in the episode when kneeling before one of them, and reciting the oath that makes them members of the Night’s Watch (a military order which holds and guards the Wall to keep the wildlings from crossing into the Seven Kingdoms), I prefer to quote some lines that do not come from Martin’s pen:

Nicht in kalten Marmorsteinen,
Nicht in Tempeln, dumpf und tot:
In den frischen Eichenhainen
Webt und rauscht der deutsche Gott.

Not in cold marble stones,
Not in temples dull and dead:
In the fresh oak groves
Weaves and rustles the German god.