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The wolf and the lion

‘The Wolf and the Lion’ is the fifth episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on May 15, 2011.

The episode opens with beautiful shots of King’s Landing and a manly conversation between Ned Stark and a prominent member of the royal guard. Inside the castle, Ned’s studio, the studio of the Hand of the King, is so beautiful and Aryan that just for those shots the series is worth watching.

But the scene I want to focus on takes place on another side of the castle, in the room of the Small Council: a body that advises the King of the Seven Kingdoms and institutes politics under his command. It is the internal council, therefore, ‘small’, of the King that forms his cabinet. The members are appointed by him. Specifically, the scene I am referring to is a heated discussion about Dany (Daenerys Targaryen) between King Robert and Ned Stark, of which the following words stand out:

King Robert: ‘The whore is pregnant!’

Ned Stark: ‘You are speaking of murdering a child…’

King Robert: ‘I want’em dead, mother and child both! And the fool Viserys as well. Is that plain enough for you? I want them dead!’

Ned Stark: ‘You will dishonour yourself forever for this’.

King Robert: ‘Honour? I’ve got seven kingdoms to rule! One king, seven kingdoms. Do you think honour keeps them in line? Do you think it’s honour that’s keeping the peace? It’s fear—fear and blood’.

Ned Stark: ‘Then we’re no better than the Mad King’.

King Robert: ‘Careful Ned. Careful now’.

Ned Stark: ‘You want to assassinate a girl [Dany] because the spider [Lord Varys’ nickname] heard a rumour?’

Spider Varys serves as the ‘Master of Whispers’, a sort of a medieval intelligence department in service of the king. The eunuch Varys is famous for possessing what he calls ‘Little Birds’: informants from all corners of the Seven Kingdoms and even beyond the Narrow Sea. His spy Jorah Mormont found out that Dany was pregnant.

King Robert: ‘A Targaryen at the head of a Dothraki army. What then…?’

Ned Stark: ‘The Narrow Sea still lies between us. I’ll fear the Dothraki the day they teach their horses to run on water’.

King Robert: ‘Do nothing? That’s your advice? Do nothing till our enemies are on our shores? You’re my council. Counsel! Speak sense to this honourable fool’.

The Small Council—Robert’s brother Renly, Lord Varys, Littlefinger, and Grand Maester Pycelle—try to reason with Ned. Everyone agrees that the last of the Targaryens should be killed, especially the one who carries in her womb the child of non-white warlord Drogo.

King Robert: ‘She dies!’

Ned Stark: ‘I will have no part in it’.

Ned’s blunder in his heated argument with the king was even more colossal than the one his wife committed in the previous episode: so great in fact that here the series already makes me angry.

If there is something that attracts the fandom toward Game of Thrones it’s that it portrays a medieval universe without Christianity, something similar to what would have happened in Europe if Christianity hadn’t conquered Rome. But Ned’s attitude is evangelical, and it even makes me want to suspend watching the episode.

His quixotic standards of morality can only lead to the catastrophe of House Stark, which is exactly what happened in subsequent episodes. If George R.R. Martin had been consistent in devising a medieval universe without a single character whose behaviour mimics Christian ethics, he wouldn’t have written such a scene. It reminds me of an old discussion between Brad Griffin and Alex Linder on Radio Free Mississippi, where Griffin tried to corner Linder by asking him what Linder would do if he was left alone with a seven-year-old Jewish girl in a room. For the Lutheran Griffin any exterminationist ideation had to be admonished, as Ned did with Robert in the above quote regarding wiping out the Targaryen House for good.

King Aerys II Targaryen, commonly called ‘the Mad King’, had been a member of House Targaryen in ruling from the Iron Throne. Although his rule began benevolently, he succumbed to the insanity caused by his incestuous lineage and was ultimately deposed by Lord Robert Baratheon in a civil war. The Mad King was the father of both Viserys Targaryen and Daenerys Targaryen, whom I introduced from the first instalment of this series.

Years before what we see in the fifth episode, the Mad King had Ned Stark’s father burned alive! This had happened not far from where Ned’s heated argument with King Robert takes place. Despite their hyper-Nordish beauty the Targaryens had a reputation for being prone to psychotic outbursts. In the real world, as I have already said on this site, I don’t believe that white people are prone to psychosis due to genetic factors. It’s not the hardware but software issues what are driving them mad (Christian and neochristian programming).

The discussion between Ned and Robert makes me say that there should be no Christians in the Small Council of the new government once the racists take power. There should be no one like a Brad Griffin or a Matt Parrott who, in a sensitive moment, behave like Ned. What we must do is the complete opposite of what Harold Covington wrote in his novels about the formation of a White Republic in the US: that eventually the ‘pagans’ (Covington’s term) and Christians would compromise.

Why such an uncompromising attitude?

Game of Thrones consists of 73 episodes. As we will see in the penultimate episode, #72, Dany, the Targaryen girl that Ned felt so sorry for, would finally arrive at King’s Landing with her non-white Dothraki army and burn the capital of the seven kingdoms (think of what happened in Dresden).

King Robert was right!

This also reminds me of what the neo-Christian Greg Johnson wrote about The Turner Diaries: that Pierce’s novel disgusted him. The ‘secular’ Johnson, who gave homilies in his church of San Francisco has been, axiologically, identical to Brad Griffin and Ned Stark. So let’s iterate it again: No Christian or pseudo-apostate of Christianity shall be in our Small Council.

Ned removes his badge of office of Hand of the King at Robert’s table. Later he was about to lose his life not because of the king’s rage: but because of an attack by Jaime Lannister’s guard after Jaime learnt about what Ned’s stupid wife did with Tyrion Lannister on the other side of the kingdom. But what I want to get to is that white nationalists, children of Christian parents after all, are like Don Quixote Ned. They imagine it’s possible to reclaim their countries without violating Jesus’ commandments, even the so-called secular nationalists.

Stop reading their web pages! The question that the new visitor to those sites should ask himself is: Has the admin of this site abandoned the ethical code that the Jew who wrote the Gospel left us?

But what I loved about the episode was the tone in which King Robert spoke: just the outrageous tone in which I speak in my mother tongue.


Cripples, bastards and broken things

The fourth episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones was first aired on May 8, 2011. The title comes from the original book, spoken by Tyrion after he provides Bran Stark with a saddle design that will allow him to ride despite his paraplegia: ‘I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples and bastards and broken things’.

Although I am no longer reading articles on white nationalist sites, I receive emails about the latest articles from The Occidental Observer. Today I received the notice of the latest academic article published in Kevin MacDonald’s webzine, ‘Can Feudalism Save the Western World?’ The title got me thinking about what I recently said in this series: that, from the viewpoint of for the fourteen words, monarchy was infinitely superior to democracy.

But German National Socialism was infinitely superior to monarchy, and the fact that MacDonald doesn’t publish scholarly articles promoting the latter shows what we’ve been saying on this site: Like other whites, so-called white nationalists have been corrupted by today’s ethnosuicidal zeitgeist which feminises all Aryan males.

In these eschatological times for the white race the feminisation of the Aryan man goes hand in hand with the masculinisation of Aryan women, which includes how girls are being educated in our century. In the fourth episode of Game of Thrones we see a conversation between Arya and Ned Stark, the Hand of the King.*

Arya: ‘Can I be lord of a holdfast?’

Ned Stark chuckles and kisses his little daughter: ‘You will marry a high lord and rule his castle. And your sons shall be knights and princesses and lords. Hmmm?’

Arya: ‘No. That’s not me’.

Arya gets up and continues to do her training exercises to become a swordswoman (in the final season we will see that the already grown Arya definitively renounces motherhood).

Another bad message from the episode is to continue depicting the exiled prince Viserys, Dany’s brother, as incredibly stupid. It reminds me that later seasons also casts Lord Mace Tyrell as stupid: the lord of Highgarden and head of House Tyrell. Just like Viserys and Dany, the series will put Mace’s daughter Margaery and his mother Olenna as very smart compared to him.

However, the final scene of this episode shows us the blunder that Ned Stark’s wife, Catelyn Stark, made in the North by publicly arresting Tyrion Lannister solely on Petyr Baelish’s accusation. (As we shall see in the seventh season, Petyr ‘Littlefinger’ Baelish had lied to Catelyn and Ned about Tyrion.) This woman’s blunder at the end of the episode was so astronomical that it sparked a war between two feudal houses: House Stark and House Lannister. Catelyn had simply been carried away by her feminine ‘intuitions’ rather than having proof of Tyrion’s guilt in a frustrated assassination attempt on the crippled Bran.


(*) The Hand of the King is the most powerful appointed position in the Seven Kingdoms, second only to the King in authority and responsibility. The Hand is the King’s closest advisor, appointed and authorised to make decisions in the King’s name.

Daybreak (book)

First translation of one of my articles

Thanks to the work of Albus, ‘Terminal stage’, one of my articles that I chose for Daybreak can now be read in German.

Feminism Michael O'Meara

Lord Snow

‘Lord Snow’ is the third episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones. It first aired on May 1, 2011. The bad message of this episode begins when Ned Stark discovers, already settled in King’s Landing, that his little daughter Arya has a real weapon.

Ned Stark: ‘This is not a toy. Little ladies shouldn’t play with swords’.

Arya: ‘I wasn’t playing. And I don’t want to be a lady’.

Keeping in mind the medieval literature of my mother tongue, there was nothing like it in Spain despite the fact that its literature flourished with stories of medieval warriors. This dialogue in ‘Lord Snow’ is a pure invention of our time. (I have said elsewhere that the film that started this reversal of roles, that a saving warrior could be a woman, was the 1979 Alien.)

Very kindly Ned tries to reason with his daughter in her room, asking Arya if she remembers the House Stark motto, ‘Winter is coming’. He makes Arya see that she was born in the middle of a long summer (in George R.R. Martin’s universe summers can last for years, and dreaded winters too). Ned wants to show his daughter that she hasn’t yet known the harshness of life.

Contemporary Americans are like Arya in the sense that they haven’t suffered those long winters: the thirty to one hundred years that, according to Revilo Oliver, we must endure to bring about a true psychogenic change. This could even be said of all contemporary Westerners who require a long winter to generate the gravitas to form a new nation. Fortunately, what the Europeans have suffered will soon begin to be suffered by the Americans. On page 131 of Toward the White Republic the American Michael O’Meara said:

Qualitatively more persuasive, though, is Orlov’s claim that the Soviet Union was better situated than the United States to endure and recover from a political-economic breakdown. In his view, Americans see their ‘spendthrift debtor nation’ as a ‘land of free ice cream and perpetual sunshine’. Never having experienced invasion, world war, famine, or bloody dictatorship, it’s hard for them to imagine a future unlike their past. More than Russians, Americans have been severed from their past and redesigned as gratification-oriented consumers whose defining character is materialist rather than ethnic, historical, or cultural. They also lack the psychology of resilience ‘bred’ into the long-suffering Russians. Finally, they are more ideologically deluded by the system’s pretences, just as they are more integrated into its increasingly dysfunctional institutions.

In Winterfell the boy Bran has awakened from his coma. In the novel this is due to the telepathic intervention of Bloodraven, a man fused to a weirwood tree (see the weiwrood trees on the sidebar) who had appeared to the comatose Bran in a dream as a three-eyed raven, thanks to ancient magic on the other side of the Wall.

Old Nan, the caretaker of the now crippled Bran, for the first time in the series talks about the legends about what long time ago had been a winter that lasted a whole generation. (The actress who played Old Nan died before ‘Lord Snow’ was released. The episode is dedicated to her memory in the end credits.) Old Nan speaks to Bran about the White Walkers who had been a scourge to mankind during the long winter, so the Wall was built millennia ago in order to keep them at bay.

On the other side of the kingdom King Robert remembers with the members of his Kingsguard their first killings. The masculine dialogue reminds me, once again, of today’s feminised western men. Who among the so-called defenders of the West on the internet has killed someone? If there is something that distinguishes us from women it is our passion to kill, and without manhood there is neither war nor white republic. (This said, I recognise it’s impossible to kill since WW-II as our governments are anti-white and there are no good wars to fight.)

King Robert recounts that during a war he fell from his horse and a young soldier charged at him, receiving him with a hammer blow that broke all of his ribs. Jaime Lannister and another member of the Kingsguard tell the king who their first victims were.

Having won the Allies we can no longer have this kind of dialogue. And together with tolerating that, the System has even taken women away from us through feminism: a sign of the mental state of the white man. Only if Hitler had won would we be telling ourselves who our first victims were.

And speaking of feminism and would-be warriors, the episode closes precisely with the reversal of sexual roles. Upon learning that Arya doesn’t want to become a lady but rather wants to be a swordsman, Ned hires Syrio Forel to teach her the art of handling her Needle. In the first lesson Forel tells the girl Arya:

‘You are late, boy’.

That, and not the last season that angered the toxic fandom so much, should have triggered the rage of viewers. But whites are bananas. When a man accepts these inversions he is accepting masturbation as a substitute for those women who (like Arya) aren’t going to marry. The betrayal doesn’t come from the woman but from the Aryan male (women only follow the strong, and the strong one today is the anti-white System).

Within the cultural revolution that has been unfolding in the West for a few decades, critics of Game of Thrones have praised Maisie Williams for her portrayal of Arya Stark and her sword lesson scenes. The whites among these ‘critics’ represent the worst scum Western history has produced. But the havoc that the long winter ahead will cause will also wipe out all degeneracy of America’s summer (actually, historically it’s already autumn).

The episode ends with Arya training with Forel and Ned Stark watching them. The scene is paradigmatic of the bad messages of Game of Thrones as Ned was the character considered, by the toxic fandom, as the most honourable man of the 2011-2019 series.

Artikel auf Deutsch


Von César Tort

The Course of Empire ist eine fünfteilige Gemäldeserie, die Thomas Cole in den Jahren 1833–1836 schuf (oben, Destruction, das vierte Gemälde der Serie). Sie spiegelte die populäre amerikanische Stimmung jener Zeit wider, als viele ausgeprägte Weidewirtschaft als die ideale Phase der menschlichen Zivilisation ansahen und befürchteten, daß das Imperium zu Völlerei und unvermeidlichem Verfall führen würde.

Ich habe gesagt, daß der weiße Nationalismus eine kurzsichtige Diagnose des weißen Niedergangs entwickelt hat: die Judenfrage. Ich habe auch beklagt, daß amerikanische weiße Nationalisten nicht Who We Are von Pierce veröffentlicht und als Bestseller verkauft haben, um diese kurzsichtige Diagnose zu einer genaueren Weltsicht zu erweitern. Wer in die Geschichte der weißen Rasse einführt, stößt auf Muster, die auf den meisten nationalistischen Websites nicht zu sehen sind. Eines der auffälligsten Elemente dieses Musters ist die Geschichte des Christentums. Und ich meine nicht nur die Zerstörung der klassischen Welt durch christliche Fanatiker im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. Ich beziehe mich auf den Zeitgeist, der im Westen nach einer solchen Zerstörung entstand.

In der heutigen Welt der blühenden Psychose scheint es, daß die Mode, Transgender-Leute zu ermächtigen, nichts mit dem christlichen oder liberalen Zeitgeist zu tun hat. Aber genau hier erscheint mir die nationalistische Perspektive als kurzsichtig. Vor ein paar Monaten schrieb ich den Artikel „On empowering birds feeding on corpses“, in dem ich zu erklären versuche, daß einige Merkmale der psychotischsten Aspekte des heutigen Egalitarismus auf eine franziskanische Bewegung des 14. Jahrhunderts zurückgehen, die die Botschaft Jesu in ihrer ganzen Reinheit ins mittelalterliche Italien tragen wollte. Die Kirche von Rom war nicht tolerant gegenüber der egalitären Fraktion, die das Evangelium buchstabengetreu vertrat, und verfolgte die Fraticelli schließlich als Ketzer. (Als eine unterhaltsame Erzählung dieses historischen Dramas siehe Der Name der Rose von Umberto Eco: ein Roman, der das 14. Jahrhundert so didaktisch darstellt wie Julian von Gore Vidal das 4.) Niemand hätte im Mittelalter vorhersagen können, daß die latenten Ideale der Fraticelli ihre historische Chance bekommen würden, sobald die Macht der Kirche beseitigt war. Aber genau das geschah, Jahrhunderte später, mit der Französischen Revolution. Wie die Leser dieser Seite bereits wissen, waren die egalitären Ideale der Aufklärung, die während und nach der Französischen Revolution mit Gewalt in Europa durchgesetzt wurden, genau von der Botschaft des Evangeliums inspiriert. Es mag unglaublich erscheinen, aber selbst die kirchenfeindlichsten Jakobiner schlossen sich den Geboten an, die von der fiktiven Gestalt namens „Jesus“ gepredigt wurden – geschaffen von den semitischen und judaisierten Nichtjuden, die das Neue Testament verfaßt hatten.

Wenn wir das, woran der Westen gegenwärtig leidet, mit Krebs vergleichen, können wir sagen, daß die ersten Krebszellen entstanden, als im 2. Jahrhundert eine Fraktion des Judentums, die Julian „die Galiläer“ nennen würde, begann, die heidnische Welt in den äußeren Provinzen des Römischen Reiches zu infiltrieren. Die Infektion kam mit Konstantin und den römischen Kaisern, die ihm folgten, an die Macht, trotz Julians bester Bemühungen in seiner kurzen Regierungszeit nach der Apokalypse für die Weißen, die in „Roma contra Judea; Judea contra Roma“ beschrieben wird. Dem edlen Geist des Ariers gelang es im Mittelalter, die ausgeprägtesten ethno-suizidalen Aspekte dieses levantinischen Kultes zu zähmen, den man sogar den nördlichen Barbaren mit Gewalt aufgezwungen hatte. Aber erst in der Reformation und Gegenreformation, als sie den wiedererweckten heidnischen Geist der Renaissance ermordeten, begann man das heilige Buch der Juden ernst zu nehmen, besonders in der protestantischen Welt.

Nichts hätte selbstmörderischer sein können als die Verehrung des heiligen Buches der Juden, insofern sowohl das Alte Testament als auch das Talmud geschworene Feinde der Heiden sind, insbesondere des weißen Mannes, weil er das Beste der heidnischen Welt repräsentiert. Aber das Schlimmste von allem geschah, als dieser Virus von seiner religiösen Phase zu seiner säkularen Phase mutierte […].

Die westliche Welt von heute ist nichts anderes als die ideologische Erbin der Ideale der Aufklärung. Die sogenannten aufgeklärten Philosophen haben die Vernunft, um die Sprache der Zeit zu verwenden, nicht begrüßt, und noch viel weniger die französischen Revolutionäre. Diejenigen, die wirklich begannen, die Vernunft seit der Dämmerung der griechisch-römischen Welt zu begrüßen, waren die Eugeniker. Nur sie lösten sich von dem christlichen Dogma, daß „alle Menschen vor Gott gleich sind“, oder der neochristlichen oder säkularen Version des Evangeliums, daß „alle Menschen vor dem Gesetz gleich sind“. Die Krux ist, daß „Alle Menschen sind vor dem Gesetz gleich“ seit den 1960er Jahren zur ontologischen (wesensmäßigen) Gleichheit aller Männer und Frauen mutiert ist: das Krebsgeschwür im Endstadium, das den Westen derzeit umbringt. Wie die Kassandra namens Alexis de Tocqueville voraussah, verlangt der Virus der Gleichheit nach immer mehr Gleichheit. Es ist wie ein Gen oder Mem, das sich bis zum Absurden vermehrt. Und das Absurde ist heute nicht nur mit der Forderung erreicht, daß wir Transgender-Leute als gleichberechtigt ansehen müssen, sondern auch Trans-Kinder. Aber gemäß Tocquevilles Beobachtung wird diese letzte Metastase nicht bei Trans-Kindern enden. Es gibt bereits westliche Länder, die Zoophilie legalisiert haben, und in einigen von ihnen gibt es Vorschläge, Pädophilie und sogar Nekrophilie zu legalisieren…

Durch diese letzte Metastase, diesen ausufernden Egalitarismus, ist der Westen dem Untergang geweiht. Daran besteht kein Zweifel. Oder genauer gesagt, die christlich-abendländische Zivilisation, die sich in ihrem Endstadium befindet, wird noch in diesem Jahrhundert sterben, wie der Schwede vorausgesagt hat.

Der Punkt jedoch ist, daß alles seinen Ursprung in der radikalen Botschaft des Jesus hatte: eine Botschaft, die mir mit sechzehn erhaben vorkam, die ich aber mit sechzig als semitisches Gift für den weißen Mann betrachte. Die Zeit des Trojanischen Pferdes, von der Pierce schrieb, also die vollständige Umkehrung der arischen Werte in vom Evangelium inspirierte Werte, ist schließlich gekommen.

Quelle: C.T.: Terminal Stage, aus: Daybreak, Edition 2020, S. 190-192. Das Buch ist erhältlich bei lulu.com.

Helmut Stellrecht

Gothic mess!

In my recent post about the commenters on The Occidental Observer I had said that, since I’m busy learning a new language, I would limit myself to posting on Sundays. However, although I’ve subscribed to the German course of a polyglot who speaks many languages, the difficulty I see in his course is that it is boring.

The polyglot says that the secrets to learning languages are motivation, time and content. We must be highly motivated to do the hard work of learning a new language, spend enough time with the language and the content of the lessons must be of great interest to us.

I passed the test regarding his first two secrets to learning German, but the course of this polyglot that can be taken on the internet for a reasonable fee, as I said, is boring to me. So I no longer use so much time in that course as in the early days of my course. Nonetheless, the polyglot says that the trick is to read things that we love, his third ‘secret’. So I am trying to convert the booklet Glauben und Handeln (Faith and Action) by Helmut Stellrecht for the Hitler Youth into contemporary German font.

In 2019 Nathan R. Lawrence posted an interesting article about Stellrecht’s famous booklet, published by the NSDAP itself. But as can be seen in the links to Lawrence’s article, the PDF of the original 1943 text is in a Gothic font (see image above), and another link in a normal font from Internet Archive is corrupted. So if I want to use Stellrecht’s booklet for the Hitler Youth as part of my course, I have no choice but to transcribe it letter by letter, word by word from Gothic into an understandable font.

Today I already posted the preface to the booklet at the WDH section in German.

The problem is that I had never tried anything like this. It’s a very difficult undertaking. So difficult that, for example, Lawrence, when transcribing the prologue from Gothic font to a normal font, confused the letter ß, which doesn’t exist in English (in German it’s equivalent to ss) for the common B. So his translation is inaccurate. Lawrence also confused ö for ä—letters also missing in the English alphabet.

Apparently, the Gothic-font PDF is the only available PDF of Stellrecht’s booklet in German and it’s a real pain in the ass for people like us! Another example: the Gothic G from the font used by the NSDAP’s Central Publishing House looks a lot like B. And there are more cases for confusion in this peculiar old-fashioned font.

I write this post because it is a shame that I, who is just learning the language, is manually transcribing the Gothic text into normal font because, apparently, no native German-speaker has taken the trouble to do it!

Below is the somewhat corrected English translation of the preface that Lawrence translated more inaccurately. The preface doesn’t appear in the English-translated editions of Stellrecht’s booklet available on the internet:

In Germany, new laws have been set up. Laws that are ancient, for we carried them in our blood. The laws demand that we become one again in faith, will and action, and reoriented in the power of a new life.

All great things are clear and simple. Everyone who wants to recognise them can do it. They are spoken of in this book. Everyone can hear what can be put into words. If the voice of his blood answers to it, then it speaks more clearly than what human words or statutes can.

This book is in the hands of everyone who seeks clarity in the tremendous spiritual struggle of our time, but first of all to the youth who are to become fulfilled. For they must first hate themselves before accomplishment (*). Let everyone gain strength from the great goals that have been set. Let each one grow above himself, so that he may be called a German.

If anyone knows of a normal-font PDF of this booklet in German, please let me know via the email on the sidebar.


Note of February 25: The accurate translation according to Mr. T—see comments below—is: ‘They [the youth] have to be accomplished / completed / perfectioned [choose what you like best] beforehand’.

I mistook the b for an ß mistranslating the whole phrase as ‘hate’!

Helmut Stellrecht

Glauben und Handeln

Ein Bekenntnis der jungen Nation

von Helmut Stellrecht
Berlin, Zentralverlag der NSDAP
Franz Eher Nachf., 1943


In Deutschland wurden neue Gesetze aufgerichtet. Gesetze, die aber uralt sind, denn wir trugen sie in unserem Blut. Die Gesetze fordern, daß wir wieder eins werden im Glauben, Wollen und Handeln und neu ausgerichtet stehen in dem Kraftstrom des neuen Lebens.

Alle großen Dinge sind klar und einfach. Jeder kann sie erkennen, der sie erkennen will. Von ihnen wird in diesem Buch gesprochen. Jeder kann hören, was sich im Worte fassen läßt. Wenn darauf die Stimme seines Blutes antwortet, dann redet sie vernehmlicher weiter, als Menschenwort und Satzung kann.

Dies Buch ist jedem in die Hand gegeben, der in dem ungeheuren Geistesringen unserer Zeit nach Klarheit sucht, aber zuerst der Jugend, die vollenden soll. Denn sie muss sich vorher selbst vollendet haben Jeder gewinne Kraft aus den großen Zielen, die gesteckt sind. Jeder wachse über sich selbst, damit er ein Deutscher heiße.

Democracy Monarchy Racial right

The Kingsroad

‘The Kingsroad’ is the second episode of the first season of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones, first aired on April 24, 2011.

We see the first bad message of this episode when Jon Snow says goodbye and gives a real rapier to the little girl Arya, while she packs her clothes on the eve of the Starks’ fateful trip to King’s Landing. Thus the masculinisation of a little girl is promoted by one of the central characters, perhaps the most beloved, of all seasons: Jon Snow. If those who caused the darkest hour in the West, the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union had lost the war, our world wouldn’t be turned upside down. A scene like this would never have been filmed.

Since this rapier is very light, so light that a little girl can wield it, in the real world she would never have had a chance to compete, in real combat, with the heavy swords wielded by men. Not only is Arya, as we said in ‘Winter is coming’, the most mishandled character of all Game of Thrones seasons, but the white fans who didn’t rebel against these insults to reason and good judgment are complicit in what the Jews of Hollywood, HBO or Netflix do.

Hugging Jon Snow in goodbye, and with her little legs dangling in the air due to her stature, right at this moment—hugging her half-brother—Arya names her small rapier Needle, as knights used to baptise their swords. Instead of needles for her embroidery and knitting classes the girl prefers a needle that is a weapon.

Interestingly, in this 2011 episode Jon Snow kisses Bran when the latter is in a coma. Jamie Lannister had pushed him out of the Winterfell tower when Bran caught Jaime committing incest with his sister Cercei, the queen. (Jon wouldn’t see Bran again until the last season, in 2019, and also greets him with a kiss on the forehead; although by that season Bran has undergone a psychic transformation to become the three-eyed raven.)

The farewell of Robb Stark and Jon Snow is very manly: very dry but affectionate. If the white man suffered enough during the coming convergence of catastrophes, in a century we would develop once again the gravitas of the Middle Ages.

One of my favourite scenes from the show is seen in this episode, when King Robert Baratheon and Ned Stark eat lunch on a placid afternoon during the long journey from Winterfell to King’s Landing. They both speak frankly, as real men spoke. The visuals of that scene, with a variety of fruits on an outdoor table in the beautiful countryside, are quite good. If it bothers me to see masculinised women I’m even more fed up with feminised men and can’t stand the sight of them. That’s why a contemporary series that at least sometimes shows real men set in a fantastic medieval period is worth watching.

The final scenes gave the episode the title. Away from the gaze of adults, the teenage prince Geoffrey, who will inherit the Iron Throne, grossly abuses his power over the commoners. He falsely accuses Arya and her pet, one of the young wolves of the Starks, and the son of a blacksmith. But as repulsive as the future king Geoffrey is in four seasons of this series of eight seasons, democracy is infinitely worse. As Harold Covington said when he lived, democracy is a system designed not to change.

Let’s imagine for a moment that monarchy persisted in our days. Imagine that, in the West, it occurred to one of the many kings of the western nations to reverse the migration of non-whites with the absolute powers that the monarchical system grants him. (This is the opposite of how the Deep State ruled the US during Trump’s presidency.) This hypothetical king, although as repulsive in his personal life as Geoffrey, could potentially produce a chain reaction if the will of other kings was also conquered to expel Moors and Jews à la 1492 in Spain (in the present, blacks and Asians would also be expelled).

And here we come to why I am so disgusted by white nationalism, which unlike the late Covington lacks a revolutionary ideology. None of the leading figures that I know of places democracy on the dock. Who of these Americans rejects democracy? In the last two elections many of them even voted or advised their visitors on who to vote for.

In one of his podcasts William Pierce hit the nail on the head by inquiring why Jews like democracy so much: because they can control the electorate if they control the media. But the leading figures of white nationalism have cucked about something so obvious. And worst of all is that these white nationalists, by validating democracy, indirectly validate Jewry behind the media.

I would suggest that my visitors no longer enter the sites of these pretenders, nor read their books whether published by Arktos or Counter-Currents. If I want to learn German it is to read the original texts of a political system that was even better than monarchy. The rest, including what is written in the forums of the racialised right, is like an American dog that returns to its vomit.


On TOO commenters

Last week I quoted a recent article by Tom Sunic criticising Christianity on The Occidental Observer. I waited a few days to see what all the commenters posted in that discussion thread.

Some are morons who believe that Bitcoin is legit, not what it really is: a Ponzi scheme. Furthermore, by not having read The West’s Darkest Hour those commenters are unaware about fundamental facts (for example, that miscegenation in Latin America occurred in a Christian society that persecuted Jews, or that there was a tragic apocalypse for white culture since the House of Constantine took over Rome). Not only the commenters but even Sunic himself doesn’t talk about such important historical events.

Artificial Jews (a.k.a. Christians) are allowed to comment on The Occidental Observer and whoever moderates the discussion threads left, as the last word, what one of them said: ‘Anti-Christianism is the staple food of Judaism’. After that fallacious comment the thread was closed.

As I would only secrete bile if I tried to reason with these hypocrites on that webzine, instead of discrediting white nationalism I better chose, for these Sundays, to post something about each episode of Game of Thrones (as I did today with the premiere).

Since I am in an intensive German course for a year, or a year and a half, unless something important happens I will limit myself to posting on Sundays. But I would like to share a revelation that I had today.

White nationalism is similar to the manosphere in the sense that incels focus on the psychology of women rather than on the psychology of men, which is where the problem lies with the runaway feminism that is killing the West. The incels are incapable of genuine insight from this point of view (see for example the final pages of this text).

In the same way, white nationalists focus on the psychology of the Jew rather than Aryan psychology, which is where the problem lies. Not wanting to see—as the Christians who comment on The Occidental Observer don’t want to see—that Christianity is the most serious aspect of Jewish subversion for the white mind implies not only naivety, but betrayal.

If I want to learn German it is precisely to be able to translate Hitler’s table talks, which contain more passages criticising the religion of our parents than Jewry. (The English translation that is being sold today contains some passages that weren’t translated well.)

Aryan beauty Blacks Feminism Film Poetry

Winter is coming

‘Winter Is Coming’ is the premiere of the HBO medieval fantasy television series Game of Thrones.

When in years past the comment threads were open on this site I noticed that one of my topics that didn’t attract attention was Game of Thrones (A Game of Thrones, which English-Spanish translation I have near where I write, is the first novel of George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire). But it must be understood that in my childhood, after seeing Kubrick’s best film, I wanted to be a film director (that was a few years before a family tragedy that would destroy several lives).

In my books I say that when I was a child Warner Bros. offered my father a job so he could go to work in the United States. My father declined the offer and sentenced me to live in a country other than my own. But I was left with the desire to have been a director and the only thing I can do now is film criticism. Of course, as a director I would have handled Martin’s novels in a very different way compared to the way the pair of Jews who produced and directed the HBO series did. For example, Martin’s feminism was exacerbated by David Benioff and Daniel B. Weiss, known to fans as D&D. I would have decreased it as much as possible.

In this series of criticising each episode of Game of Thrones that I’m starting with this post we must bear in mind that I am more critical of the toxic fandom made up of whites than the script that D&D developed. The author of the video we recently transcribed for this site on toxic fandom said elsewhere that Arya Stark was the most mishandled character of all Game of Thrones seasons. I would add that this speaks very badly of the fandom of whites who complained a lot about the finale but never about what D&D did with Arya.

Only in the first episode of the HBO series does Arya appear as she must have appeared throughout both Martin’s novels and the television series: a girl being educated in embroidery and weaving and confined to the home of a feudal lord. Not only the normies don’t want this ‘transvaluation of values’ on how to educate women today. Even many white nationalists don’t reject feminism with the vehemence that every Aryan male should (the masculinisation of the white woman is directly proportional to the feminisation of the white man).

In that same opening episode, shortly after showing Arya in her embroidery and knitting classes with other girls, we see her little brother Bran Stark trying to get a good shot at target shooting. Bran does it very badly and, from behind, Arya, who is even younger than him, hits the target with her bow and arrow thus humiliating her little brother.

That is the first bad message of Game of Thrones. As we have already said on this site, Hollywood is portraying female warriors as faster than men. The reality is that women are slower and generally inferior to us in both physical and intellectual sports (see what I said last December about chess).

It is very important to criticise the white fans of the series for not being outraged by such reversals of reality, from the very first episode. White nationalism limits itself to blaming Hollywood Jews as if whites, in this case the toxic fandom, weren’t equally guilty of greedily consuming those products without criticising them.

When the king of the seven kingdoms, Robert Baratheon and his royal court, arrive in Winterfell and the Starks receive them, Arya contemplates them with a helmet (in its place that little girl would have had to wear a hood). When Arya arrives with her reunited family about to receive the king, Ned, her father, immediately removes her helmet. In the historical medieval world, not in these mad films that demoralise the Aryan man, little girls didn’t want to become soldiers throwing away all of their femininity, much less a blue-blooded girl like Arya Stark.

In sharp contrast, the dialogue between King Robert and Ned Stark in the crypts is very realistic and very masculine. Voices like this are no longer heard in the West, not even among its supposed defenders. This is how we men used to speak: as Robert Baratheon spoke in the crypt when paying his respects to Ned’s late sister Lyanna Stark, with whom he had been in love.

Across the narrow sea in Essos the blond prince Viserys Targaryen forces his sister, Daenerys, to marry a Dothraki warlord, the non-white Drogo. Viserys thus fantasises about conquering Westeros and claiming the Iron Throne for the Targaryen House that Robert had destroyed. (In Martin’s universe the Targaryens were known for their incredible hyper-Nordic beauty, and I think the producers of the show should have chosen more beautiful actors to play the roles of Viserys and Daenerys.) Viserys says something horrible to his blonde sister: that in his quest to regain the throne for his house he would even allow the forty thousand horses of the swarthy Dothraki to mount her. It’s a terrible message because, despite medieval barbarism, I don’t think blond princes treated their princesses like that in real history.

Later we see an uninhibited King Robert dancing, kissing and groping a fat commoner during the evening feast in the great hall of Winterfell in front of Cersei Lannister, his wife and queen. But that’s nothing compared to the wedding between the blonde and the swarthy warlord on the other side of the narrow sea. If the white fans of Game of Thrones were good people they would have rebelled from this moment on. But as we know from the recommended readings in the sticky post, they are the worst generation of whites since prehistory.

But the superiority of the white race cannot be hidden visually, not even with Jewish directors. There is, in this premiere, a short scene that puts Daenerys side by side with black and mulatto women before she was deflowered by Drogo. I mean Daenerys’ walk in the direction of her white mare that Drogo gave her as a gift on their wedding day. The seventh art perfectly portrays the infinite superiority of a white woman over dark people.

The brief scene reminded me of a tale by Nicaraguan poet Rubén Darío (1867-1916), who contrasted a white girl eating grapes with the swarthy people who surrounded her here in Latin America: Y sobre aquel fondo de hollín y carbón, sus hombros delicados y tersos que estaban desnudos, hacían resaltar su bello color de lis, con un casi impenetrable tono dorado (‘And against that background of soot and coal, was the beautiful lily colour, with an almost impenetrable golden hue of her naked and delicate smooth shoulders’).