by Joseph Walsh

This is a long piece that I decided to write in response to a post of yours made a week or so ago. [Editor’s note: Walsh refers to ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’.] I remember you wrote, in response to what some woman said about Satan ruling the modern West, that it is not Satan that rules but Christ. That is quite correct.
In Judaism the god Satan is the enemy of Yahweh, the god of the Jews. The Hebrew name ‘Satan’ literally means Enemy, the Adversary, the Accuser etc. It is useful to think of Satan as the god of the Gentiles. According to the Jews Yahweh is the one true god and all the pagan gods of the Gentiles are false gods, idols. Collectively, all the heathen gods of the Gentiles could be described as ‘Satanic’ i.e. enemies of Yahweh and the Jewish people. This metaphysical dualism was inherited by the Jews disciples the Christians, who portrayed as ‘Satanic’ evil and demonic all the pagan gods of their enemies that they forcibly converted to Christianity or killed. The god of the Jews and the son of God Jesus became the only true God, and Jesus Christ’s enemy Satan the god that all the Pagans worshipped (including the Jews themselves, which creates the absurdity of the Jews being described as worshipping Satan, an absurdity that continues to this day. It is not Satan that the Jews worship but Yahweh!).
To put things into proper perspective before the ‘transvaluation of values’ done by the Judeo-Christians, the Ancient World was pagan and polytheistic and the Jews cut themselves off from the people around them. They not only saw themselves as unique and the rest of mankind as goyim, but metaphysically they viewed themselves as having knowledge of the one true god, a monotheistic god whose chosen people they were, in contrast to the false polytheistic gods of the pagan goyim around them, who their god YHWH-JHVH had given them dominion over.
Of all the Satan’s (i.e. enemies) that the Jews have ever faced, the greatest was Adolf Hitler. Moreover, just as Satan represents the Gods of the pagan Gentiles as a collective, it is the Gods of the Nordic-Aryan race who represent the biggest enemy of Yahweh and his children. Many have spoken about Hitler being an avatar of the Germanic god Wotan. To the Jews Wotan would be the same figure as Satan. So while Esoteric Hitlerists can talk about Hitler being an Avatar of Wotan, we could also say Hitler was an Avatar of Satan, the enemy of the Jews. For us Aryans, Yahweh, who doesn’t exist, can be viewed as the negative force that possesses the collective unconscious of the Jews while Satan can be viewed as the positive force that represents the collective unconscious of the Aryan race. The Judaized Christians in WN who say that Satan is the god of the Jews and Adolf Hitler is a good Christian man truly have things the wrong way round, brainwashed victims of the inversion of values that the Jews have brought into the world with Christianity.
Also, to look at things through the false perspective of the Christians, Adolf Hitler is The Anti-Christ, or at least an Antichrist figure, as He is the polar opposite of Jesus Christ. National Socialism is the polar opposite of Christianity. The Swastika symbolizes the opposite value system to that of the Crucifix. The morality of the Hitler and the Swastika is as Nietzschean morality system, basically one where the Christian Evil is recognized as what is actually Good, and the Christian ‘good’ recognized as that which is evil and harmful to the Aryan race. “And whoever wants to be a creator in good and evil, must first be an annihilator and break values. Thus the highest evil belongs to the greatest goodness: but this is—being creative.” (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, II, 34.)
It is also important that Nietzsche acted, through his character Zarathustra, as the Prophet of the Superman. He saw that his own people-Europeans, but more especially Germans, were in the process of becoming supermen and correctly stated the Superman would arise out of them. Arise he did in the form of the annihilator of Christianity and the creator of the New Order Adolf Hitler. It is also noteworthy that Nietzsche proclaimed himself as The Antichrist. As Nietzsche wrote in Ecce Homo: “You highest men whom my eyes have seen, this is my doubt about you and my secret laughter: I guess that you would call my overman—devil.”
How accurately that describes the Western Christian civilization in its modern (and final) stage. Hitler, the Superman, the Antichrist, is branded as the most evil man who ever lived for overcoming Christian values on a large scale.
To include some of my personal life story, I first became introduced to National Socialism through what came to be called National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM), a type of degenerate rock music. In the early 1990’s numerous Black Metal bands, particular those in the Nordic countries, began to introduce NS into their music due to its association with Evil as they were Satanic bands. Varg Vikernes was one of the pioneers in this respect. Many of them believed in the false Hollywood version of Nazism, but were attracted to it because its Nietzschean revaluation of all values made sense in their combat against Christianity (Black Metal is extremely anti-Christian). So they used the Swastika and integrated the pagan aspects of NS with Satanism. Eventually many of them replaced Satan with Wotan/Odin and The Antichrist with Hitler. So I read about Adolf Hitler being described as The Beast 666 from the Book of Revelation in the Bible and I began to embrace Nazism from then (2005) onward.
This embrace of Hitler as an anti-Christian figure was done earlier by, among others, the American white prison gang the Aryan Brotherhood. The Aryan Brotherhood formed in San Quentin Prison in California in the 1960’s in response to the aggressive attacks coming from Negroes who had formed their own prison gang the Black Guerrilla Family. During the 1960’s Black militancy was widespread across the USA with many riots carried out by niggers across the country throughout the decade. This race war was magnified inside integrated prisons in the US. A quote from a book on this racial war reads:
The racial turmoil in the world outside prison, where fires were burning in Watts, Detroit, and Chicago, was magnified in San Quentin. Blacks and whites were stabbing one another, not because of anything anyone had done, but simply because of their skin color. “Your hate was at peak” Scott recalled. “Your adrenaline was at a peak, everything was at a peak level all the time. It was like a jungle. You’d get yourself fired up, so by the time the cell doors opened, you’d be ready. You’d have a whole head of steam. You didn’t have time to analyze or rationalize or philosophize, you just got strapped (got yourself a knife) and went out of your cell and did what you had to.
So while misled, traitorous white youth outside prison were embracing Negroes as their “black brothers” the reality inside prison was hatred and race war. The Aryan Brotherhood used the symbol of the Swastika with 666 imposed on it to, according to one member, signify that they stood in complete opposition to the values of Christianity, and instead embraced paganism and pagan morality which had been demonised as ‘Satanism’ as well as Nazism which was also demonised as evil.
Simply put, in American prisons it is impossible for White Men to live according to anti-racist Christian morality. Prison populations are segregated by race and many white males who have been brainwashed anti-racists have suddenly come into contact with the stark reality of Nature when thrown into prison. One sticks with their own kind and the morality is fully anti-Christian. Those who have the highest kill counts rise to the top. Those who won’t fight or kill are turned into bitches and sexual toys for Negroes. Hence, White Men in US prisons tattoo themselves with symbols of their race like the Swastika as well as Germanic runes etc. Prison is one of the only places I can think of where White Men are still somewhat manly, and then that is only because they cannot escape fighting with their racial enemies.
Another thing I remember about NSBM was that The Holocaust was looked at as a Satanic genocide against God’s chosen people. That Aryans were the evil race and were genociding the holy race of the Jews. This interpretation is also upheld by Christians who say things like The Holocaust was an attack on God himself and an evil attempt to wipe out the Jews to prevent the Second Coming of Jesus. Of course it’s all rubbish as the Holocaust never happened but I just thought I’d include these lines of thinking to demonstrate this alternative perspective on WWII.
So in conclusion, yes today it is not Satan which rules the modern West for that would mean the spirit of Hitler had won over that of Christ. Instead it is the son of Yahweh Jesus Christ (who is the embodiment of the Jew as he is the ultimate deceiver) whose spirit fully dominates the white race and will soon achieve final victory if Aryans become extinct.