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Deranged altruism Kevin MacDonald Tom Sunic

Sunic responds to MacDonald

I am relocating my previous post today, ‘On pathological altruism’, with a new title because it seems that Tom Sunic read my mind in his reply to Kevin MacDonald:

Kevin: I am looking forward to the book. This is a subject of utmost importance for our survival. Now, I do hope you also delve in your manuscript into the origins of the Levantine- Christian inspired Original Sin that led to this secular self-flagellating self-hatred among Whites now. It needs to be covered. 

The following is what I had posted ten hours ago:

I still receive email notifications of the latest articles of The Occidental Observer. Yesterday Kevin MacDonald published ‘The Role of Empathy in Moral Communities: Altruism—and Pathological Altruism’. MacDonald’s abstract says: ‘This is an excerpt from a book to be titled Western Individualism and the Liberal Tradition: Evolutionary Origins, History, and Prospects for the Future. It is completed apart from proof-reading and deciding how to publish it now that Amazon has become part of the thought police’.

I don’t claim having read the manuscript of the book, but at least in yesterday’s excerpts the retired professor does not mention the role of Christian ethics in the aetiology of Western pathological altruism.

I wish that the forthcoming book mentions Christian ethics, as the subject has been missing in MacDonald’s previous work. For a critique of such omission see what Ferdinand Bardamu says (here) or what a commenter said on the Observer four years ago (here).

Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 8

by Evropa Soberana

Wolfgang Willrich, Officer of paratroopers

The SS Doctrine. The SS was organised as the elite of the NSDAP with the intention of being composed of men of Nordic blood and steel health. As demonstrated over time, the SS was not just a stallion farm, but also the most effective shock unit of World War II.

The central sphere of the Nordic race includes the southern regions of Scandinavia, Jutland, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and extends to the heart of Germany. [1]

From the most remote times, the Nordic man was a sedentary peasant. He invented the plough that, later, other peoples adopted; he cultivated cereals and had domestic animals. The enormous population increase of this Nordic humanity encouraged him to acquire new territories and expand, in successive waves, to the bordering lands: into the European space and vast territories of Asia. The original settled population was marked with the seal of the Nordic customs, even if often residence was only temporarily.

The statement that ‘light comes from the East’, as science once claimed, is false. It should be said better: ‘force comes from the North!’

SS Magazine ‘Believe and Combat’, directed to the SS of the German popular groups of the Southeast, the origin of the Nordic race, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

The great civilisations created by the Indo-Germans of India, Persia, Greece and Rome, irreproachably testify about the Nordic creative spirit, which has disappeared with the decline of the Nordic ruling class. Even today, we are aware of the natural kinship that exists with those cultures that have the same origin.

‘Believe and fight’. The importance of the Nordic race for humanity, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

The technical evolution of today has also been the product of men of Nordic race. Such is the case, for example, of the new Turkey, the boom of North America or the progress of the Far East to an equivalent level.

In the places of mixing with the neighbouring races, the influence of the Nordic race has constantly proved to be extremely innovative and has led to tendencies of active development, raising the highest cultural creations.

Magazine ‘Believe and fight’, The importance of the Nordic race for humanity, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

[1] Note of Evropa Soberana: This map combines the distribution of hair and light eyes. It is not meant to be totally accurate map but it give us an idea.

Conspiracy theories

Paleologic modes of cognition

If there is something that bothers me in the forums of the racialist dissidents, it is the abundance of conspiracy theories right after attacks like the one in New Zealand the previous week. However, as I have decided not to read these forums anymore, but rather to convert this site into a platform for disseminating National Socialism, today I will present my conclusions without dwelling on the subject with due detail.

I believe that conspiracy theories, inside and outside of white nationalism, have to do with the immaturity of the human mind in the sense of archaic atavisms: what Silvano Arieti (1914-1981) called ‘paleologic thought’: a phenomenon that I explained in Day of Wrath.

In addition to a few more articles critical of psychiatry that I still have to translate, it occurs to me to start a new series, based on Arieti’s texts, explaining the paleological thought in greater detail than Day of Wrath. For the moment, suffice it to say that the paleologician reasons in a similar way to that of the schizophrenic although, unlike the latter, the former can function reasonably well in modern society.

It is fundamental to understand schizophrenia in general to comprehend why, during lone-wolf attacks similar to last week’s, the most bizarre conspiracy theories immediately crop up like fungi.

The university faculties do not understand schizophrenia insofar as they study it under the pseudo-scientific medical model of mental disorders. But the work of Arieti and others opens the door to the inner world of the schizophrenic, which sometimes seems indistinguishable from the most regressive aspects of the urban myths of today.

Eduardo Velasco

Nordicism and National Socialism, 7

by Evropa Soberana

Heinrich Himmler (1900-1945). If the SS was a Nordicist institution, it was natural that its Reichsführer or Chief, was also a Nordicist.

(Recruitment poster for the SS.) The Waffen SS incorporates the highest ideals of National Socialism. They are the successors of the famous bands of Nordic warriors of antiquity. It is the unity of creed and sword, of military power and political faith that makes the Waffen SS so feared in the battlefields of Europe, so invincible… Never an elite military force has reached such perfection in such little time. 


The ultimate aim for those 11 years during which I have been the Reichsführer SS has been invariably the same: To create an Order of good blood that is capable of serving Germany; that without failure and without sparing you can make use of because the greatest losses can do no harm to the vitality of this Order, the vitality of these men, because they will always be replaced to create an Order that will spread the idea of Nordic blood so far that we will attract all Nordic blood in the world, take away the blood from our adversaries, absorb it so that never again […] will fight against us.

Addressing the officers of the SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte ‘Adolf Hitler’, document 1918-PS, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Vol. IV, USGPO, Washington, 1946, page 558.

Therefore, only the perfect blood, the blood that by testimony of History has proved to be of true value in the creation and foundation of States, as well as in its military activity, that is to say, the Nordic blood, is the only one that must be taken in consideration. If I were lucky enough to select for my organisation individuals possessing this blood, who formed a majority, inculcating the military discipline and, at leisure, indoctrinating them about the value of their ancestry and the ideology derived from it, then we would manage to create an organisation that would be the cream of our movement, able to face any eventuality. 

Quoted by Jacques Delarue in The Gestapo.

Every manifestation of a people depends on the individual and the family. The health and vitality of a people, as well as the duration and quality of their culture, depend on whether there are enough racially valuable groups. The individual and the government have a common duty which can only be achieved together: to maintain the racial purity of these valuable families and groups. 

Adolf Hitler led the German people to the understanding that the Nordic race is the most creative and valuable race in the world. It has determined its nature, its culture and its history. Therefore the care of the valuable Nordic blood is your most important task. Each one of us has a role. The awareness of our ancestral pride must be the force that guides our behaviour. We do not want to be the last of an advanced and ancient millenary culture that ends with us, but members of an endless chain that extends from our oldest ancestors to our most distant grandchildren.

In ‘Rassenpolitik’, Der Reichsführer SS/SS-Hauptamt, Berlin, 1943, chapter 2, ‘Rasse und Volk’.

The Nordic race is decisive, not only for Germany, but for the whole world. If we succeed in establishing this Nordic race from and around Germany and inducing them to become farmers, and from this nursery we produce a race of 200 million, then the world will belong to us. If Bolshevism wins, it will mean the extermination of the Nordic race. 

Editor’s note:…and Bolshevism won, courtesy of the Anglo-Saxons. As long as American white nationalists are unable to face this fact I won’t interact with them.

Julian (novel)

Julian, 59

Constantius wore the purple. The robe fell stiffly to his crimson shoes. In one hand he held an ivory staff, while the other rested on the arm of the throne, palm upward, holding the golden orb. As usual, he stared straight before him, unaware of anything except what was in his direct line of vision. He looked ill. His eyes were dark-circled, and his face was somewhat blotchy, as though from too much wine; yet he was abstemious. On a throne at floor level sat Eusebia, blazing with jewels. Though she too played statue, she managed to suggest sympathetic humanity. When she saw me, the sad mouth parted slightly.

To left and right, in full court dress, were the members of the Sacred Consistory. All stared at me as I slowly crossed to the throne, eyes downcast. October light streamed through high windows. The odour of incense was heavy in the room. I felt a child again, and this was Constantine. For a moment, the room swam before my eyes. Then Constantius spoke the first line of the ritual greeting. I answered, and prostrated myself at his feet. I kissed the purple, and was raised up. Like two actors we played our scene impersonally until it was done; then I was given a stool next to Eusebia.

I sat very still, looking straight ahead, aware of Eusebia next to me. I could smell the flowery scent of her robes. But neither of us looked at the other.

Ambassadors were received, generals appointed, titles bestowed. The audience ended when the Emperor stood up. The rest of us dropped to our knees. Stiff-legged and swaying slightly from the weight of his robes and jewellery, Constantius marched off to the palace living quarters, followed by Eusebia. The moment the green bronze doors shut behind them, as though from a magician’s spell, we were all set free.

Courtiers surrounded me and asked a thousand questions: Would I be made Caesar? Where would I live? Did I need any service? I had only to command. I answered as demurely and non-committally as I could. Then my enemy Eusebius approached, his yellow moonface gravely respectful. Silk robes whispered as the heavy body bowed to me. “Lord, you are to dine with the sacred family.” An excited whisper went through the court. This was the highest recognition. I was exalted in all eyes. Though my own first reaction was: dinner means poison.

“I shall escort you to the sacred quarters.” Eusebius led me to the bronze doors through which the imperial couple had just passed. We did not speak until we were alone in the corridor beyond.

“You should know, Lord, that I have always, in every way, assured the Augustus of your loyalty to him.”

“I know that you have.” I lied with equal dignity.

“There are those in the Sacred Consistory who are your enemies.” He gestured for a guard to open a small oaken door. We passed through. “But I have always opposed them. As you know, I had hoped all along that you would take your rightful place here at court. And though there are some who think that the title Caesar should lapse because your brother…” He allowed that sentence to go unfinished. “I have urged his Eternity to make you Caesar.”

“I do not seek such honour,” I murmured, looking about me with some interest.


by Joseph Walsh

This is a long piece that I decided to write in response to a post of yours made a week or so ago. [Editor’s note: Walsh refers to ‘On empowering birds feeding on corpses’.] I remember you wrote, in response to what some woman said about Satan ruling the modern West, that it is not Satan that rules but Christ. That is quite correct.

In Judaism the god Satan is the enemy of Yahweh, the god of the Jews. The Hebrew name ‘Satan’ literally means Enemy, the Adversary, the Accuser etc. It is useful to think of Satan as the god of the Gentiles. According to the Jews Yahweh is the one true god and all the pagan gods of the Gentiles are false gods, idols. Collectively, all the heathen gods of the Gentiles could be described as ‘Satanic’ i.e. enemies of Yahweh and the Jewish people. This metaphysical dualism was inherited by the Jews disciples the Christians, who portrayed as ‘Satanic’ evil and demonic all the pagan gods of their enemies that they forcibly converted to Christianity or killed. The god of the Jews and the son of God Jesus became the only true God, and Jesus Christ’s enemy Satan the god that all the Pagans worshipped (including the Jews themselves, which creates the absurdity of the Jews being described as worshipping Satan, an absurdity that continues to this day. It is not Satan that the Jews worship but Yahweh!).

To put things into proper perspective before the ‘transvaluation of values’ done by the Judeo-Christians, the Ancient World was pagan and polytheistic and the Jews cut themselves off from the people around them. They not only saw themselves as unique and the rest of mankind as goyim, but metaphysically they viewed themselves as having knowledge of the one true god, a monotheistic god whose chosen people they were, in contrast to the false polytheistic gods of the pagan goyim around them, who their god YHWH-JHVH had given them dominion over.

Of all the Satan’s (i.e. enemies) that the Jews have ever faced, the greatest was Adolf Hitler. Moreover, just as Satan represents the Gods of the pagan Gentiles as a collective, it is the Gods of the Nordic-Aryan race who represent the biggest enemy of Yahweh and his children. Many have spoken about Hitler being an avatar of the Germanic god Wotan. To the Jews Wotan would be the same figure as Satan. So while Esoteric Hitlerists can talk about Hitler being an Avatar of Wotan, we could also say Hitler was an Avatar of Satan, the enemy of the Jews. For us Aryans, Yahweh, who doesn’t exist, can be viewed as the negative force that possesses the collective unconscious of the Jews while Satan can be viewed as the positive force that represents the collective unconscious of the Aryan race. The Judaized Christians in WN who say that Satan is the god of the Jews and Adolf Hitler is a good Christian man truly have things the wrong way round, brainwashed victims of the inversion of values that the Jews have brought into the world with Christianity.

Also, to look at things through the false perspective of the Christians, Adolf Hitler is The Anti-Christ, or at least an Antichrist figure, as He is the polar opposite of Jesus Christ. National Socialism is the polar opposite of Christianity. The Swastika symbolizes the opposite value system to that of the Crucifix. The morality of the Hitler and the Swastika is as Nietzschean morality system, basically one where the Christian Evil is recognized as what is actually Good, and the Christian ‘good’ recognized as that which is evil and harmful to the Aryan race. “And whoever wants to be a creator in good and evil, must first be an annihilator and break values. Thus the highest evil belongs to the greatest goodness: but this is—being creative.” (Thus Spoke Zarathustra, II, 34.)

It is also important that Nietzsche acted, through his character Zarathustra, as the Prophet of the Superman. He saw that his own people-Europeans, but more especially Germans, were in the process of becoming supermen and correctly stated the Superman would arise out of them. Arise he did in the form of the annihilator of Christianity and the creator of the New Order Adolf Hitler. It is also noteworthy that Nietzsche proclaimed himself as The Antichrist. As Nietzsche wrote in Ecce Homo: “You highest men whom my eyes have seen, this is my doubt about you and my secret laughter: I guess that you would call my overman—devil.”

How accurately that describes the Western Christian civilization in its modern (and final) stage. Hitler, the Superman, the Antichrist, is branded as the most evil man who ever lived for overcoming Christian values on a large scale.

To include some of my personal life story, I first became introduced to National Socialism through what came to be called National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM), a type of degenerate rock music. In the early 1990’s numerous Black Metal bands, particular those in the Nordic countries, began to introduce NS into their music due to its association with Evil as they were Satanic bands. Varg Vikernes was one of the pioneers in this respect. Many of them believed in the false Hollywood version of Nazism, but were attracted to it because its Nietzschean revaluation of all values made sense in their combat against Christianity (Black Metal is extremely anti-Christian). So they used the Swastika and integrated the pagan aspects of NS with Satanism. Eventually many of them replaced Satan with Wotan/Odin and The Antichrist with Hitler. So I read about Adolf Hitler being described as The Beast 666 from the Book of Revelation in the Bible and I began to embrace Nazism from then (2005) onward.

This embrace of Hitler as an anti-Christian figure was done earlier by, among others, the American white prison gang the Aryan Brotherhood. The Aryan Brotherhood formed in San Quentin Prison in California in the 1960’s in response to the aggressive attacks coming from Negroes who had formed their own prison gang the Black Guerrilla Family. During the 1960’s Black militancy was widespread across the USA with many riots carried out by niggers across the country throughout the decade. This race war was magnified inside integrated prisons in the US. A quote from a book on this racial war reads:

The racial turmoil in the world outside prison, where fires were burning in Watts, Detroit, and Chicago, was magnified in San Quentin. Blacks and whites were stabbing one another, not because of anything anyone had done, but simply because of their skin color. “Your hate was at peak” Scott recalled. “Your adrenaline was at a peak, everything was at a peak level all the time. It was like a jungle. You’d get yourself fired up, so by the time the cell doors opened, you’d be ready. You’d have a whole head of steam. You didn’t have time to analyze or rationalize or philosophize, you just got strapped (got yourself a knife) and went out of your cell and did what you had to.

So while misled, traitorous white youth outside prison were embracing Negroes as their “black brothers” the reality inside prison was hatred and race war. The Aryan Brotherhood used the symbol of the Swastika with 666 imposed on it to, according to one member, signify that they stood in complete opposition to the values of Christianity, and instead embraced paganism and pagan morality which had been demonised as ‘Satanism’ as well as Nazism which was also demonised as evil.

Simply put, in American prisons it is impossible for White Men to live according to anti-racist Christian morality. Prison populations are segregated by race and many white males who have been brainwashed anti-racists have suddenly come into contact with the stark reality of Nature when thrown into prison. One sticks with their own kind and the morality is fully anti-Christian. Those who have the highest kill counts rise to the top. Those who won’t fight or kill are turned into bitches and sexual toys for Negroes. Hence, White Men in US prisons tattoo themselves with symbols of their race like the Swastika as well as Germanic runes etc. Prison is one of the only places I can think of where White Men are still somewhat manly, and then that is only because they cannot escape fighting with their racial enemies.

Another thing I remember about NSBM was that The Holocaust was looked at as a Satanic genocide against God’s chosen people. That Aryans were the evil race and were genociding the holy race of the Jews. This interpretation is also upheld by Christians who say things like The Holocaust was an attack on God himself and an evil attempt to wipe out the Jews to prevent the Second Coming of Jesus. Of course it’s all rubbish as the Holocaust never happened but I just thought I’d include these lines of thinking to demonstrate this alternative perspective on WWII.

So in conclusion, yes today it is not Satan which rules the modern West for that would mean the spirit of Hitler had won over that of Christ. Instead it is the son of Yahweh Jesus Christ (who is the embodiment of the Jew as he is the ultimate deceiver) whose spirit fully dominates the white race and will soon achieve final victory if Aryans become extinct.

Racial right

Bye, bye Alt-Right!

– sticky post –

Why I won’t visit again the sites of
the white nationalists is explained: here.

Eduardo Velasco

Nordicism and National Socialism, 6

by Evropa Soberana

Walther Darré

Richard Walther Darré(1895-1953) was the Minister of Food, Agriculture and Supplies of the Reich, Chief of the German Peasants, Director of the SS Office of the Race and Resettlement, co-founder of the Ahnenerbe and father and promoter of the geopolitical idea of Blut und Boden (blood and soil). Darré had an important role in the policy of German racial hygiene, especially in the National Socialist attempt to create a new rural nobility that—as it could not be otherwise—should be Nordic.

Almost all the empires in the history of the world, and all great cultures, have been founded and maintained by men of Nordic blood. We also know that these great empires and cultures have fallen into ruins because the men of Nordic blood who ruled over them did not keep their blood pure. 

It is the Germanic race—the ‘Nordic’ race according to the expression in vogue—what has breathed the blood and life into our Nobility; it is this race that has dictated its customs… 

New Nobility from Blood and Soil, 1935, chapter 1.

It is demonstrated that everything we call German has been created exclusively by the Germanic man we now call the man of the Nordic race, and that, in each case, only the Germanic peoples have been the basic element of German culture and history… 

Being able to demonstrate the origin of this race as located in the northwest of Europe, an agreement was reached to give to this species of men the name used by the natural sciences of the Nordic race, or the Nordic man. Many genuine Germans are still opposed in their hearts to being designated as ‘Nordic’ as they have liked to consider their whole life as Germanic for the authentically German, but it is for the sake of clarity of the statement that that particular word should be created for this new conception. 

It is impossible to speak of ‘Germanic race’, because then we would arrive at the false conclusion that the Roman, Greek, Persian cultures, etc., were created by the Germans. We need, on the other hand, a conception that expresses this race, which was common to all these peoples. The Indo-German designation has been proposed, but it is based exclusively on a linguistic element. With this it induced an error, because the towns where the Nordic blood has become extinct can very well speak an Indo-Germanic language. We had, then, to introduce a new conception, which had long been established in the form of the ‘Nordic race’. The Nordic idea is, then, the study of the German to its ultimate roots, beyond even the Germanic… 

For us, Germans, there is only one possible goal: To try by all possible means to ensure that the blood that is creative in the body of our people, that is to say the Nordic blood, is conserved and multiplied, since of that depends the conservation and development of Germanism… 

That in eminent men non-Nordic features exist, demonstrates that a certain contribution of non-Nordic blood is not necessarily an obstacle to the formation and development of a personality of value… This would not, of course, justify taking care of the non-Nordic races in Germany, let alone recommending them to the German people as the objective of their selection, even admitting that this would not lead to miscegenation… 

It is true, on the other hand, that the depletion of the Nordic blood extinguishes the creative force in the body of the people. The reached conclusion is the following: Everyone who is stimulated to a certain degree by some non-Nordic blood is not necessarily harmful, but it becomes so if that degree is exceeded… Therefore, the fact that we can see today a strong miscegenation in our people is not a reason to continue along the same path. It is, on the contrary, a reason to indirectly stop miscegenation by clearly designating a result to be achieved as a goal of selection to our people.

We have absorbed so much non-Nordic blood that even if we only reserved marriage to the girls of Nordic blood, we would still preserve for millennia in the body of our people parts of non-Nordic blood sufficient to bring the richest food to the diversity of temperaments creators… German morality flourished on the primitive background of Germanic blood. Even today that background conceals a lot of non-Nordic blood. One must regret it and see in it, undoubtedly, in large part, the reason for the current decay of our morality… 

The purification of the German hereditary protoplasm from its non-Nordic blood parts is easy in the field of selection. 

To inspire us again from the experience of animal husbandry, we will deduce that we must educate the German people so that they recognise the Nordic man as an objective, and in particular, that he may discern his features in a mestizo, since in the end this is the decisive issue… The habitual abandonment to Fate of our precious hereditary protoplasm sabotages our tribes of origin: such a state of affairs shall not last for long… 

The selection by the outer physique has the advantage of limiting the cross-breeds. Thus the truly foreign blood is drawn away from our people, whose effect is incalculable on the blood heritage of the offspring… 

It is true that in this evolution, England had the advantage that in many regions there inhabited, above all, the Nordic ‘Anglo-Saxon’ peasant classes: a kind of source from which the upper class continually received the influx. The circumstances are still analogous today in Germany. In large part, our peasantry still has an excellent ‘blood heritage’. Ultimately, there is no reason to doubt that it is possible to turn Nordic our people again through a clear example of the selection to be made, in the sense in which Günther understands it. 

New Nobility from Blood and Soil, 1935, chapter 8.

Civil war

On the Tarrant controversy

Brenton Tarrant

I’ve deleted my previous post that linked the RamzPaul videobecause it is more relevant what Greg Johnson says in his article today. The problem with continuing to think as civilians, which is what 99.9 percent of white nationalists do, is that they assume that the problem of Aryan genocide around the world will have a democratic solution.

The near future will disabuse them.

Although we do not recommend going out for a killing spree, we do recommend saving on precious metals—something perfectly legal—so that, once the dollar tanks, the purchasing power of your savings will increase one thousand percent. If enough nationalists did that around the world, they would be well-prepared for the looming civil war, something that even the mestizo Tim Pool, speaking about the attack in New Zealand, says will come in a couple of years.

Johnson and company will always think like civilians, forgetting what Alex Linder says: ‘People keep saying there is going to be a civil war or race war, but this is wrong. There is one now, by official policy. It’s been going on for decades. As demographics change, the government will get bolder and the war will get hotter’.

My two cents: think like revolutionaries but do not do anything illegal now. Just prepare. Winter is coming. Save gold and silver and you will thank me when winter finally arrives.

Eduardo Velasco Nordicism

Nordicism and National Socialism, 5

by Evropa Soberana

Wilhelm Petersen, unknown woman.

Alfred Rosenberg (1893-1946) was a member of the Thule Gesellschaft, a National Socialist ideologue, head of the Service of Foreign Affairs of the NSDAP and head of the Reich Ministry for the occupied Eastern territories—the most important ideologue of National Socialism after Hitler.

The ‘sense of history’ has not gone in any way from East to West, but has changed rhythmically. In the past Nordic Europe sent fruitful waves of peoples, who in India, Persia, Hellas and Rome, created states and cultures. Then they penetrated by infiltration in Europe the Eastern races from the East. Furthermore, Asia Minor sent a human species that reached the present Europe.

Not a ‘Central Europe’ without race or people, as announced by a Naumann, not a Franco-Jewish Pan-Europe, but a Nordic Europe, is the slogan of the future, with a German Central Europe. Germany as a racial and national state, as the central power of the continent, as an assurance of the South and the Southeast; the Scandinavian States with Finland as a second league, for the assurance of the Northeast, and Great Britain as assurance of the West and of the regions beyond the sea where that is necessary in the interest of the Nordic human being. 

This also demands a foundation of greater scope.