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Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 15

SS recruitment propaganda directed to the Hitlerjugend.

The SS clearly perceives, in pursuing these objectives, that it must be something more than a simple männerbund. It bases its ideas of the Order on the clan community. It wants to be an Order of clans that will see men born of the best Nordic species to serve the Reich. In this way, the selection will judge more and more, not the individual, but the value of an entire clan.

Absolute clarity and consensus are necessary for the ideological questions that concern this principle of community of Nordic race clans. It is the necessary condition of the SS’s persuasiveness.

‘The friend of the soldier’, almanac of 1944, edition D: Waffen SS, I – The SS as Order, taken from The Schutzstaffel (SS) Order.


Unz commenter, 6

“After WWII, Jewish anti-white propaganda on the radio, TV, in newspapers, and movies, has conditioned whites to be like that… And it only took a few decades, while they were soaking up all this propaganda they were proportionally losing their Christian values. Up until WWI, whites correctly saw themselves as the ubermenschen.” 

This is an historically ignorant narrative; a conspiracy theory that regards whites as easily manipulated fools who are not morally responsible for their own actions.

The fact is, American whites amended their Constitution to make negroes the legal equals of themselves by giving them citizenship and the vote in the 1860s, long before there was TV, radio, or movies, and at a time when the United States was virtually 100% white and Christian. Nor, despite the obviously disastrous results, have they ever made any move to reverse course and repeal those amendments. This is another characteristic behavior of Christians that has a long history: when faith and reality conflict, it is almost always faith that wins out with them, not reality.

U.S. entry into WWII on the Bolshevik (i.e., anti-white) side was yet another instance of its commitment to racial equality. Far from regarding themselves as a master race, much American war propaganda cast derision on the very idea of a master race, let alone that American whites, the majority of whom were themselves of German ancestry, were members of it.

Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 14

SS recruitment poster.

The SS is a Nordic Order. Adolf Hitler founded his conception of the world on the immutable essence of the Nordic species. The people and the empire must be the structural future of this Nordic nature. As the leader of the Germanic peoples, the German people have the predestined mission to be the first to carry out the battle for the rebirth of Germanism. The Nordic race is also the major source of Nordic blood inheritance. The first objective of National Socialism must therefore be to carry out a sound racial policy. This demands a cleansing of the German people from all foreign influence at the level of blood and character.

The SS then selects its members, according to the ideal of the Nordic race to form a liberated Germanic type. Since, first of all, the value of the soul of men cannot be prejudged, the selection is made according to the physical ideal of the Nordic race and according to the stature. Experience has shown that the value and aptitude of a man mainly corresponds to what his racial appearance suggests.

The selection criteria of the SS are, consequently, increasingly severe. The racial policy of the Reich incites the Nordicization of the whole people. The closer you get to that goal, the more the racial criteria of the SS are accentuated.

‘The friend of the soldier’, almanac of 1944, edition D: Waffen SS, I- The SS as Order, taken from The Schutzstaffel (SS) Order, OSS, I.1.2.

Occidental ‘Dissent’

Joseph Walsh in yesterday’s thread:

Greg Johnson’s comment that Tarrant’s actions were ‘evil’ really betrays the Christianity behind his thinking. What the Christians term ‘evil’ is what Aryan man needs to behave like. 

Today a southern nationalist wrote:

Jack Ryan and the overwhelmingly majority of OD [the American southern nationalist site Occidental Dissent] readers completely condemn the terrible, cowardly terrorist attack in Christ Church NZ. 

Source: here. On that thread a Rudolf said:

This article is pacifist cuckoldry in its purest form. Instead of not commenting at all, the author chooses to be first in line of the traitorous weaklings who disavow their brothers in arms. This heap of effeminacy and meekness doesn’t even deserve to be addressed point by point. It’s all so tiresome.

And in a previous thread on Tarrant the admin of that site said:

I own plenty of guns, however, I have no intention of using them to shoot other people for that would be immoral. 

Source: here.

But they were shot by the yanks, right?

What is striking about this Christian superegoof 2019 is that eight years ago Occidental Dissentpublished an article by William Rome about the Breivik incident, ‘Knights Templar: Honesty and Hypocrisy’ that started with the words: ‘A lot of people are going to be infuriated by this post so I might as well get started early: I will not shed a single tear over the dead brats of Norway’s traitorous elite…’

The article is no longer available on Occidental Dissent, but I saved it for this site (here, see also here).

Child abuse Pseudoscience Psychiatry

Brief definition

I have been receiving some email feedback for my latest anti-psychiatric post and instead of posting this entry on Friday, as I had planned, I’m doing it today. At the beginning of the century, in another language I wrote the below conclusion of an online book:

The thought of [Alexis de] Tocqueville and [John Stuart] Mill provides the conceptual platform for understanding [Kingsley] Davis’s articles and [Michel] Foucault’s study; and it moves me to try a definition of the mental health movement that, in addition to what has been said in previous chapters [not translated for this site], takes into account their observations.

From the point of view of science, and specifically on the basis of the litmus test that distinguishes between science and pseudoscience, psychiatry, a supposed medical specialty, is not a science. The central concept in psychiatry, the entity called mental illness is not defined in biomedical terms but in political terms; and the so-called biological psychiatry has not presented its theories in a testable or falsifiable way: an unmistakable sign of pseudoscience.

From the point of view of politics and law, psychiatry is an organ of society that, from the family, regulates human behaviour. It is a paralegal institution of penalties in democracies. With drug-based technologies it controls deviant individuals: especially those who are either genuinely disturbed or have been abused by their parents. People stigmatised by psychiatry have not broken the law. Through this medical specialty, the System conceals the fact that some parents destroy the mental health of their children. In the case of the sane population, which is considerable—think of the millions of children and adolescents drugged at the initiative of their parents and the school—, the individual initiative is eliminated.

The ultimate truth about this matter is that the System has created an entire profession with the express purpose to blind the whole society to the truth discovered by dissenting psychiatrists: that some parents drive their children mad.

Unz commenter, 5

The question is, who is using whom?

Are whites using Jesus and the racelessness of Christianity to further their own ends, i.e., to build and sustain an empire in this world, or did Jesus (or more precisely, the Jew that wrote the first gospel and invented this probably fictional character) mean only to use them to make the world safe for Jews?

Both could be true. If so, it’s been an extraordinarily stable symbiosis.

Aryan beauty Jesus Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 13

Wolfgang Willrich: Maria Weinmayr.

It is not only because the shape of the body of the Nordic man entails certain dimensions in height, width and length, or because it is often characterized by blond hair and blue eyes that we grant it some importance. It is not for that reason that we attribute a certain value to our Nordic inheritance.

Certainly the indications that the form of the body of the Nordic man gives us do not cease to constitute the very basis of our ideal of beauty. This has always been the case in Western history and it is enough to be convinced of this by taking a look at the panorama of the works of art that have been produced over the centuries by all the civilisations and ‘cultures’ that have been appearing on the European territory.

As far back as we go into the past, we always find sculptural figures and paintings that evoke an ideal of beauty, the characteristic forms of Nordic man. Even in certain Eastern civilisations we are in the presence of the same phenomenon. While the deities are represented with distinctly Nordic features, the figures of demons representing lower or dark forces have traits of other human races. In the Indies and even in the Far East there are often Buddhas whose features are distinctly Nordic.

That the Nordic racial body represents for us the ideal of beauty, seems natural to us. But all this only acquires its real and profound meaning because we find in it the expression and symbol of the Nordic soul. Without that Nordic soul, the Nordic body would be nothing more than an object of study for the natural sciences, as the physical form of any other human or animal race.

Just as the Nordic body has become precious and pleasant to us as perfect support and expression of the Nordic soul, so we experience repulsion by certain Jewish racial traits because they are the direct symbol and the true indication of a Jewish soul that for us is totally foreign.

Wise specialists of the matter tell us that a certain racial physical form and a certain racial soul necessarily go together and that they are, after all, more than the expression of one and the same thing. However, nothing seems more difficult for us than to demonstrate scientifically or by other means the accuracy of that homogeneity between the racial body and the racial soul.

‘Annals’, No. 2. Edition of the Belgian Schutzstaffel (SS) Brigade ‘Wallonie’, excerpted from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.3.

______ 卐 ______

Editor’s note: The level of inverted values imposed by Christianity, even among white nationalists, is so evident that few reproduce on their sites images of Aryan beauty. Prior to Christianity, Aryan beauty appeared everywhere in sculptures and paintings. In the Middle Ages the Aryan figure lost its beauty and iconography was replaced with depictions of a Semitic Jesus, so that Aryans no longer experienced repulsion by certain Jewish racial traits.

Julian (novel)

Julian, 60

The palace at Milan is a large rambling building. Originally it was a military governor’s rather modest headquarters. In the last century when Rome ceased to be a practical centre for the West, the palace was enlarged to become an imperial residence. Because of the German tribes, the emperors had to be close to the Alps. Also, the farther an emperor is from the city of Rome the longer his reign is apt to be, for the populace of that city is notoriously fickle and arrogant, with a long memory of the emperors it has overthrown. None of us stays for long at Rome if he can help it.

Constantine enlarged the palace in Milan, building the state rooms, while Constantius added the second-floor living quarters through which we now walked. These rooms look out on a large inner court. I personally prefer the old-fashioned form of architecture with small private rooms arranged about an atrium, but Constantius was a modernist in architecture as well as in religion. I find such rooms too large, and of course ruinously expensive to heat.

Guards and eunuchs stood at every door, arrogant yet servile. A court is the most depressing place on earth. Wherever there is a throne, one may observe in rich detail every folly and wickedness of which man is capable, enamelled with manners and gilded with hypocrisy. I keep no court in the field. In residence, I keep as little as possible.

At the final door, Eusebius left me with a deep bow. Guards opened the door, and I stepped into the private dining room. Constantius reclined on one of the two couches within whose right angle was the table. Opposite him Eusebia sat in an ivory chair. I bowed low to both of them, intoning the proper formula.

Constantius mumbled his response. Then he waved me to the couch beside him.

“You look better without that damned beard.”

I blushed as I took my place on the couch. Eusebia smiled encouragingly. “I rather liked the beard,” she said.

“That’s because you’re an atheist, too.” My heart missed a beat. But it was only the Emperor’s heavy wit.

“She likes these high-sounding, low-living Cynics.” He indicated his wife with a knotty ringed hand. “She’s always reading them. Not good for women to read.” I said something agreeable, grateful to find him in a good mood. Constantius had removed his diadem and outer robes, and he looked almost human, quite unlike the statue he had appeared earlier.

Wine was brought me and though I seldom drink it full strength, this day I drank deep, to overcome nervousness.

“Who does he look like?” Constantius had been examining me curiously, like a new slave or horse. “Without that beard?”

Eusebia frowned, pretending to be thoughtful. One gives away nothing in dealing with a tyrant, even if the tyrant is one’s husband.

The Emperor answered his own question, “Constans. You look just like him. Just like my brother.” My heart sank. Constantius had always been thought to have had a hand in his brother’s death. But there was no significance to this remark, either. Constantius, at his ease, tended to be literal and rather simple.

I said that I had been too young to recall what my late cousin had looked like.

“Much the best of the three of us. Tall. Like our father.” Constantius was much concerned with his own shortness.

An elaborate dinner was served us, and I tasted everything, for to refuse any dish would show that one suspected the Emperor of treachery. It was an ordeal, and my stomach nearly rebelled.

Constantius led the conversation, as emperors are supposed to do—unless they are given to philosophic debate like me, in which case I must speak very fast at my own table to be heard.

I was asked about my studies at Athens. I described them, ending “I could spend the rest of my life there.” As I said this, I noticed that Eusebia frowned imperceptibly: a signal that I was not to speak of student life.

But Constantius had not been listening. He lay now flat on his back, belching softly and kneading his barrel-like stomach with one hand. When he spoke, he did so with eyes shut.

“I am the first Augustus to reign alone since my father, who was himself the first to reign alone in this century. But he never intended for just one of us to rule. Any more than Diocletian intended for any one of his successors to govern alone.” Constantius raised himself on one elbow and looked at me with those curiously mournful eyes which were his most attractive yet most puzzling feature. They were the eyes of a poet who had seen all the tragedy in this world and knows what is to come in the next. Yet the good effect of those eyes was entirely undone by a peevish mouth.

Who could ever know Constantius? I certainly did not. I hated him, but Eusebia loved him—I think —and she was a woman who would not have cared for what was evil. Like the rest of us, Constantius was many men in the body of one.

“The world is too big for one person to govern it.” My heart beat faster for I knew now what was to come. “I cannot be everywhere. Yet the imperial power must be everywhere. Things have a habit of going wrong all at once. As soon as the German tribes get loose in the north, the Persians attack in the south. At times I think they must plan it. If I march to the East, I’m immediately threatened in the West. If one general rises up against me, then I must deal with at least two more traitors at the same time. The empire is big. Distances are great. Our enemies many.” He tore off a roast duck’s leg and chewed it, all the time looking at me with those melting eyes.

“I mean to hold the state together. I shall not sacrifice one city to the barbarians, one town, one field!” The high-pitched voice almost cracked. “I mean to hold the state for our family. We won it. We must maintain it. And that is why we must be loyal to one another.” How that phrase from those cruel lips struck me! I dared not look at him.

“Julian,” the voice was lower now. “I intend to make you Caesar, and my heir until such time as I have a son.”

“Lord…” was all I could say. Tears unexpectedly filled my eyes. I shall never know if I wanted my fate. Yet when it came to me, a secret line snapped within and the perilous voyage began.

Eusebia congratulated me. I don’t recall what was said. More wine was brought and Constantius, in a jovial mood, told me how the astrologists preferred 6 November to any other day in the month. He also insisted that I study military strategy, while assembling a household suitable to my new rank. I was to have a salary. It would not be large, he said, understating the matter considerably: if I had not had a small income from my mother’s estate, I would have starved to death that first year. My cousin could never be accused of generosity.

Constantius almost smiled at me. “Now,” he said, “I have a surprise for you.” The surprise was his sister Helena. She entered the room with great dignity. I had never met her, though I had seen her at a distance during my first visit to Milan.

Helena was not an attractive woman. She was short, inclined to stoutness, with the short legs and long torso of Constantius. By one of those unlucky chances, her face was the face of her father Constantine the Great. It was most alarming: the same broad cheeks, the thin proud mouth, the large nose, the huge full jaw, an imperial portrait re-created in a middle-aged woman. Yet despite this unfortunate resemblance, she was otherwise most feminine with an agreeable soft voice. (I have always hated women with shrill voices.) She moved modestly, even shyly. At the time I knew nothing about her except that she was ten years older than I, and that she was Constantius’s favourite sister.

After formally acknowledging our greetings, Helena took her place in the vacant chair. She was obviously under considerable strain. So was I, for I knew exactly what was going to happen next. I had always known that something like this was apt to be my fate, but I had put it as much as possible out of my mind. Now the moment was at hand.

“We do you the honour,” said Constantius, “of bestowing our own beloved sister upon you as your wife and consort, a human and tangible link between our crowns.” He had obviously prepared this sentence in advance. I wondered if he had spoken thus to Gallus when he gave him Constantia in marriage.

Helena looked at the floor. I am afraid I turned scarlet. Eusebia watched me, amused but guarded. She who had been my friend and ally could now quite easily become my enemy. I was aware of this, even then. Or do I write now with hindsight? In any case, it was perfectly plain that should Helena have a child and Eusebia remain barren, my child would be Constantius’s heir. The four of us were now caught like flies in a spider’s web.

I have no clear idea what I said to Constantius. I am sure that I stammered. Helena later said that I was most eloquent, though unable to look at her during my speech of acceptance. Doubtless I was thinking of my conjugal duties. Never did a woman attract me less. Yet we would have to have a child. This sort of burden is the usual fate of princes and I daresay it is a small price to pay for greatness, though at the time it seems larger than it ought.

Helena was a good woman but our moments of intimacy were rare, unsatisfactory, and somewhat pathetic, for I did want to please her. But it was never pleasant, making love to a bust of Constantine. Though I could not make her happy, I did not make her suffer, and I think we became friends.

The dinner ended when Constantius swung his short bowed legs to the floor, and stretched till his bones cracked. Then without a word to any of us, he left the room. Eusebia gave me a half-smile. She put her hand out to Helena and together the two women withdrew, leaving me staring at the pheasant’s eggs which an artistcook had arranged in a beautifully leathered nest as final course. It was an extraordinary moment. I had entered the room a proscribed student. I left it as Caesar and husband. The change was dizzying.

Conspiracy theories

Intentional causality

‘In order to solve the Jewish Problem Aryan males have to overcome Xtian ethics. To defeat the outer, biological Jew it is necessary to defeat the inner, mental/psychological Jew (Jesus)’.

—Joseph Walsh

Yesterday I said: ‘But white nationalists are not doing that. They still obey the inner Jew. Just see how they have treated Brenton Tarrant in sharp contrast to how Jews love Benjamin Goldstein’.

I also wrote: ‘Just compare the zero comments in our latest post… with the hundreds of comments that sites such as The Unz Reviewget’. But yesterday I was taken aghast by the number of advocates of conspiracy theories precisely in The Unz Review threadcomparing the Tarrant reaction among whites with the Goldstein reaction among Jews. You can bet on it: I prefer zero comments in some of my threads than dozens of comments coming from conspiracy theorists!

But what really bothers me in that, unlike the Jews of Hebron who consider Goldstein a hero, quite a few people in the pro-white forums resort to paleologic thinking when confronted with the deeds of a Tarrant. This Monday I said: ‘It is fundamental to understand schizophrenia in general to comprehend why, during lone-wolf attacks similar to last week’s, the most bizarre conspiracy theories immediately crop up like fungi’. I also promised a future review of a treatise that explains the disorder, but I’d like to advance some of that explanation through a quote I also found yesterday:

Many conspiracy theories appeal to the basic ways we process information. We are, for example, hard-wired to believe in intentional causality. That means that when you’re camping and you hear a rustling bush, you probably assume there’s a dangerous animal lurking around. You know it’s probably just the wind, but still, it feels safer to assume the source is a threat. That same paranoia pops up all the time when you don’t quite understand the cause of something.

Indeed: our brains are built for the conditions of prehistory, when it was quite valuable to assign paranoid intentionality to patterns that, in reality, were not that threatening.

But as I said, what bothers me is the way many commenters reacted to Tarrant. The Jew does not spin webs around Goldstein but sees his actions as supportive to the Jews pure and simple. But the Aryan does not see the hero in Tarrant: a hero pure and simple. The asymmetry between the psyche of the degenerate Aryan of today, including nationalists, and the psyche of the Jew cannot be greater. Not only are there axiological errors in the Aryan psyche—Greg Johnson for one saying that Tarrant’s actions were ‘evil’. Those nationalists who, unlike Johnson, do not condemn Tarrant fall instead into the typical paranoia that pops up any time they don’t quite understand the (simple) cause of something.

And what we have to understand is very simple indeed: We have to transvalue the values of Americanism to the ethos of the Nazis so that, instead of condemning Tarrant as an evil man or elaborate conspiracy theories, consider him a hero as the Jews consider their Goldstein a hero.

But that won’t happen until white nationalists realise that the first priority to beat the Jew is to expel the inner Jesus from their hearts; even, in the form of Neo-Christian ethics, the secularised Jesus in the many Johnsons of the movement. That is the only way forward: to transvalue all values and be as psychically healthy as the Jews of Hebron.

Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS) Sparta

Nordicism and National Socialism, 12

Wolfgang Willrich, unknown man.

Thanks to an acute sense of the law that governed the origin of their species, peoples like the Spartans resorted in their selections to the same principles of inflexible severity originally prescribed by Nature, and this even after having reached more hospitable territories. Other peoples of the Nordic race, like our German ancestors, naturally obeyed the biological laws that governed the creation of their species.

Notebook of the Schutzstaffel (SS) No. 7 of 1942. The biological sense of the selection. The habitat produces a certain kind of selection. Drawn from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.2.