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Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 26



13th October 1941, midday

Europe will gain in importance, of herself. Europe, and no longer America, will be the country of boundless possibilities.

If the Americans are intelligent, they’ll realise how much it will be to their interest to take part in this work.

Real men Revilo Oliver

Political power

by Revilo Oliver


Political power is the essential criterion, not wishes or windbags; and to the goal of political power all else must be temporarily sacrificed. To say less is to insure defeat.

Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 27



13th October 1941

I’ve been wondering lately whether it wouldn’t be best to collect the men responsible for the control of the economics of the following countries: Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Sweden and Finland.

We’d give them a notion of the vistas that present themselves nowadays. The majority of them are not at all aware of the immense field that opens up before us.

Aryan beauty Beauty

On beauty

by Rollory

Elizabeth Taylor_Ivanhoe-film

“Perceptions about human beauty fall within the realm of psychology and sociology.”

They do not. This assertion is simply false.

Beauty is measurable, most particularly as regards symmetry and how closely the ratios between certain facial or bodily features approach certain values.

It’s mathematically quantifiable.

There has been plenty of research on this. Denying its existence serves no purpose.

Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 28


13th October 1941, night

A war commander must have imagination and foresight. So it’s not extraordinary that our people is at once a people of soldiers and of artists.

Conservatism Feminism Women

On Ann Coulter

by Jack Frost

Ann_Coulter_in _2011At 53 years old, Ann Coulter, a Christian fanatic who once said at a public lecture “I don’t care about anything else; Christ died for my sins, and nothing else matters”, and who, in one of her books, once characterized evolution as bogus science, seems an unlikely pinup girl for any advocate of white interests.

She’s a never-married career girl who’s “dated” non-whites, including at least one Jew. No white children ever issued from her shriveled womb, nor, at this point, will they.

White people are abolishing themselves, and Ann Coulter is a case study in how and why.

Christendom Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 29



14th October 1941, midday


The Churches—Difficulty of compromising with a lie—No truck with religion for the Party—Antagonism of dogma and science— Let Christianity die slowly—The metaphysical needs of the soul—No State religion—Freedom of belief.
Being weighed down by a superstitious past, men are afraid of things that can’t, or can’t yet, be explained—that is to say, of the unknown. If anyone has needs of a metaphysical nature, I can’t satisfy them with the Party’s programme. Time will go by until the moment when science can answer all the questions.

So it’s not opportune to hurl ourselves now into a struggle with the Churches. The best thing is to let Christianity die a natural death. A slow death has something comforting about it. The dogma of Christianity gets worn away before the advances of science. Religion will have to make more and more concessions. Gradually the myths crumble. Christianity, of course, has reached the peak of absurdity in this respect. And that’s why one day its structure will collapse.

But one must continue to pay attention to another aspect of the problem. It’s possible to satisfy the needs of the inner life by an intimate communion with nature, or by knowledge of the past. Only a minority, however, at the present stage of the mind’s development, can feel the respect inspired by the unknown, and thus satisfy the metaphysical needs of the soul.

The average human being has the same needs, but can satisfy them only by elementary means. That’s particularly true of women, as also of peasants who impotently watch the destruction of their crops. The person whose life tends to simplification is thirsty for belief, and he dimly clings to it with all his strength.

Nobody has the right to deprive simple people of their childish certainties until they’ve acquired others that are more reasonable. Indeed, it’s most important that the higher belief should be well established in them before the lower belief has been removed. We must finally achieve this.

the_wagner_god_wotan_by_andrekosslickIt seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology had ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund. At that period the ancient world was divided between the systems of philosophy and the worship of idols. It’s not desirable that the whole of humanity should be stultified—and the only way of getting rid of Christianity is to allow it to die little by little.

A movement like ours mustn’t let itself be drawn into meta-physical digressions. It must stick to the spirit of exact science. It’s not the Party’s function to be a counterfeit for religion.

If, in the course of a thousand or two thousand years, science arrives at the necessity of renewing its points of view, that will not mean that science is a liar. Science cannot lie, for it’s always striving, according to the momentary state of knowledge, to deduce what is true. When it makes a mistake, it does so in good faith. It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself.

One may ask whether the disappearance of Christianity would entail the disappearance of belief in God. That’s not to be desired. The notion of divinity gives most men the opportunity to concretise the feeling they have of supernatural realities. Why should we destroy this wonderful power they have of incarnating the feeling for the divine that is within them?

The man who lives in communion with nature necessarily finds himself in opposition to the Churches. And that’s why they’re heading for ruin—for science is bound to win. I especially wouldn’t want our movement to acquire a religious character and institute a form of worship. It would be appalling for me, and I would wish I’d never lived, if I were to end up in the skin of a Buddha!

I envisage the future, therefore, as follows: First of all, to each man his private creed. Superstition shall not lose its rights. The Party is sheltered from the danger of competing with the religions. These latter must simply be forbidden from interfering in future with temporal matters. From the tenderest age, education will be imparted in such a way that each child will know all that is important to the maintenance of the State. As for the men close to me, who, like me, have escaped from the clutches of dogma, I’ve no reason to fear that the Church will get its hooks on them.

We’ll see to it that the Churches cannot spread abroad teachings in conflict with the interests of the State. We shall continue to preach the doctrine of National Socialism, and the young will no longer be taught anything but the truth.

Christendom Conservatism Friedrich Nietzsche

A letter

Hi Cesar,

So you know how cuckservatives make greater parodies of themselves than White Nationalists ever could? Well, in regards to Christianity, I’d say Christians make better parodies of themselves than Jack Frost ever could. I had a debate with a middle-aged White Catholic on this pathetic National Review op-ed, and at one point, he said that wanting to make the world a better place is the same thing as wanting to usher in Utopia. I countered by asking him why he even bothers commenting on conservative websites like National Review if he doesn’t want to make the world a better place. His response justifies everything Jack Frost has said:

Your question is fair enough. Let’s start with the question you didn’t ask.

“The fact is, you think White Nationalists want to genocide other races because that’s the crap you’ve been taught by the media and the education system (which includes the liberal, anti-white history books).”

I think that genocide is where this leads because I see a lot of passion but not much along the lines of everyday action. I can’t join you in supporting eugenics or physical separation of the races, as under apartheid or Jim Crow. Even if absolutely everything you said was true, there’s very little you’ve explained to me in concrete measures to date that I could support and plausibly call myself a Christian.

If I am to properly submit to Christ it cannot be for the purpose of literally saving my own skin or skin color. This is God’s Creation and I, merely a part of it. Christ commands us to engage God’s world in a certain manner and not demand an outcome to our own pleasing. If the white race is to meant to perish, then to trust in God is to presume that there’s something I don’t understand and that ultimately good will prevail even if I can’t see it right now.

That is not to say that I’ve become a pacifist or am against immediate self-defense. Please don’t take the preceding paragraph as a rationalization for any sort of silliness along those lines. Christ’s life is of sacrifice, but it is not of mindless pacifism, inaction, or pointless sacrifice.

That said, salvation belongs only to those who follow Christ under his rules. Nothing about what you’ve stated about the races to date leads me think there’s any action other than those that would break them.

I’d encourage you to post his above comment on your website, as he succinctly explains everything Jack has tried to explain, and then some!

By the way, I must note here that I believe God exists and that He created White people. I’m not an Atheist, an Agnostic, or a Pagan. In fact, I actually consider myself a Christian. So why do I agree with Frost, and with Nietzsche, in their assessment of Christian Morality?

Because I don’t believe in Sola Scriptura anymore, and because I’ve learned to separate a belief in a personal God with the slave morality articulated by the above commenter. I choose to believe that God loves me, and loves all White peoples, because that keeps me from the abyss of apathy and despair.

If this makes me weak, so be it. I’m sharing this comment because I agree with you, Frost, and Nietzsche that our race needs to break free of this belief that racial self-defense is the worst Evil imaginable, like this guy does.


D. P.

Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 30



15th October 1941, evening

Remedies against inflation—The example of Frederick the Great—The economists make a mess of everything.
In 1933, the Reich had eighty-three million marks’ worth of foreign currency. The day after the seizure of power, I was called upon to deliver immediately sixty-four millions. I pleaded that I knew nothing about the whole business, and asked time to reflect.

At that point, one must intervene. Even to Schacht, I had to begin by explaining this elementary truth: that the essential cause of the stability of our currency was to be sought for in our concentration camps. The currency remains stable when the speculators are put under lock and key. I also had to make Schacht understand that excess profits must be removed from economic circulation.

I do not entertain the illusion that I can pay for everything out of my available funds. Simply, I’ve read a lot, and I’ve known how to profit by the experience of events in the past. Frederick the Great, already, had gradually withdrawn his devaluated thalers from circulation, and had thus re-established the value of his currency.

All these things are simple and natural. The only thing is, one mustn’t let the Jew stick his nose in. The basis of Jewish commercial policy is to make matters incomprehensible for a normal brain. People go into ecstasies of confidence before the science of the great economists. Anyone who doesn’t understand is taxed with ignorance! At bottom, the only object of all these notions is to throw everything into confusion.

The very simple ideas that happen to be mine have nowadays penetrated into the flesh and blood of millions. Only the professors don’t understand that the value of money depends on the goods behind that money.

One day I received some workers in the great hall at Obersalzberg, to give them an informal lecture on money. The good chaps understood me very well, and rewarded me with a storm of applause.

To give people money is solely a problem of making paper. The whole question is to know whether the workers are producing goods to match the paper that’s made. If work does not increase, so that production remains at the same level, the extra money they get won’t enable them to buy more things than they bought before with less money.

Obviously, that theory couldn’t have provided the material for a learned dissertation. For a distinguished economist, the thing is, no matter what you’re talking about, to pour out ideas in complicated meanderings and to use terms of Sibylline incomprehensibility.

Eschatology Quotable quotes

Scorched earth


“Only a radical scorched-earth policy
is going to get the job done.”
