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Israel / Palestine Kalki

Palestine, Israel, etc.

‘I know your little exterminationist game, and you are banned from playing it here. Go back to TRS’. —Greg Johnson to Tracy

In many ways, The West’s Darkest Hour is a critical site of the American racial right. It reminds me a bit of what Alex Linder used to say: that paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan and racialists like Jared Taylor should be ruthlessly criticised for ignoring the JQ. I do the same but with folks to my immediate left: the white nationalists who ignore the CQ, the Christian question.

Let’s examine two articles published today by the American racial right. Hunter Wallace’s article on the Palestine & Israel war contains a link to this enlightening documentary showing that Gaza is, in fact, a concentration camp. I liked what Wallace had to say in his points numbered 1 to 15, especially his criticism of the crazy American Zionists who, in my opinion, are worse than Nosferatu himself in that they betray their race (Wallace also mentions the latter in his article). Conversely, I don’t like, although it is fashionable in these forums, that they put images from tweets or overwrite their articles with images, as clownishly as Andrew Anglin does, and I am shocked that even Kevin MacDonald sometimes falls into this adolescent practice.

On the other hand, there is an article in Counter-Currents whose editor, Greg Johnson, is not a Christian but a secular neo-Christian. Reading it reminded me of what we have said many times on this site: secular neo-Christians are worse, axiologically speaking than traditional Christians. For example, in that article we read:

I want the [Palestine/Israel] fighting to end as soon as possible, of course. I feel the same way about the Russo-Ukrainian War, which is still going on after a year and a half of bloodshed.

This cannot contrast more with the ontological core of this site, which has the archetype of Kalki—something like being to the right of Himmler—as the saviour of the future. What we want is a civilisational collapse, a punishment for the Aryans who betrayed themselves of such biblical proportions that Christian ethics is completely vaporised among the survivors. We have no love for humanity, only an exterminationist hatred provided, of course, that the extremely few survivors will be pure Aryans to repopulate the Earth after the apocalypse.

A final word. The first comment in the Counter-Currents article is this:

I want Israel to exist, largely because when enough whites wake up to Jewish perfidy once again and do something (hopefully non-violent) about it, the guilty will have a place to go to.

Yes. If Israel is destroyed, which many on the dissident Right seem myopically to hope for, where will all those millions of displaced Jews go? Europe and America. Now that would be a catastrophe on top of a disaster.

I wonder what Linder would say about these Neo-Christians?

Aryan beauty

Israel / Palestine War!


What happens in Israel and Palestine is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is why the Aryans haven’t been behaving like Hamas after WW2 against an infinitely greater enemy (really, in 1945 the last true Aryan died).

Dwight D. Eisenhower Salvador Borrego Winston Churchill

On Allied criminals, 6

Psychological enigma: Churchill and Eisenhower

Both Churchill and Eisenhower received a thorough secondary and higher education. Both were—and historically are—regarded as civilised 20th-century leaders, humanists, democrats; in short, ‘good people’. And the question arises: Why, then, once the war was over and Germany was disarmed, did they act so cruelly and unnecessarily? Ignoring the slaughter of civilians ordered by Churchill during the war, why did he continue to be so ruthless against the civilian population deprived of their land in eastern Germany? And as for Eisenhower, why did he violate all international treaties to have 900,000 German prisoners killed after the war?

Psychologically, it is very difficult to explain the behaviour of these two victorious leaders. In the remote past this was not the case with either Genghis Khan or Attila. Some speculation remains:

– Were Churchill and Eisenhower furious that a country like Germany, a quarter the size of Mexico and with only 80 million inhabitants, had come close to defeating all the Allied powers?

– Were they hurt that National Socialism had lifted a country out of misery in only four years and made it a military power in only six?

– Were they furious at all that they had almost lost and desperately seeking revenge?

– Or could they not forget that Germany had nearly defeated them, and that four centuries (since 1500) of fruitful progress towards the world dominion promised by Yahweh to the descendants of Abraham would have been lost? Even if that danger were averted, did the risk they had lived through drive them to the extremes of hatred to which they had been driven?

In short, it has so far not been possible to make a coherent psychological analysis of Churchill and Eisenhower. Paradoxically, very little is written about them and they are almost forgotten in their countries of origin.

Newspeak Racial right


The word “racialism” had neutral connotations before the 1930s, when it was replaced by the now commonly-used term “racism.” This was used to describe the racial policies of National Socialist Germany and gained very negative connotations following the Second World War. The effect that this one six-letter word has had over the past 80 years is that it has pathologized any and all ethnocentrism among people of European descent to such an extent that it is considered the gravest manifestation of evil by the modern Western intelligentsia.

Bold emphasis added! These recent words from Endeavour reminded me of another Counter-Currents article when the webzine published better material than it does now, Irmin Vinson’s ‘Some Thoughts on Hitler’: the first time I read something against the grain of the official WW2 narrative with which the Establishment brainwashes us.

Instead of being neutral, the word ‘racism’, under the post-WW2 Anglo-American narrative, has become a mind virus designed to make Aryans commit ethnic suicide. This should alter the entire racial right to question the myth about WW2, but ironically the only one who tends to do so among the most popular webzines is… a Jew! (Ron Unz).

What a scandal. Note that I am referring to the most popular white nationalist sites administered by non-Jews, the ones that get the most traffic. As one commenter said yesterday: ‘They are cucks. I dare repeat that sentence: They are cucks.’

A non-cuck Gentile goes the way of Savitri Devi, insofar as after 1945 remaining a National Socialist means changing strategy from how the Germans did it when the word ‘racism’ hadn’t become a lethal virus. But this is not done by the racial right. One of the few publishers of racialist books told me that they weren’t interested in publishing books by Savitri, whom I consider the most important philosopher after 1945.

We really must build a parallel movement to white nationalism.


Painting of the day


On atheism

In his correspondence our friend Gaedhal tells a group of correspondents:

Clarification on my theistic status (a critique of right-wing atheism)

As I said before, I am very clear as to which gods I disbelieve in. I disbelieve in the gods of Classical Theism. I disbelieve in the gods of revealed religion: Yahweh, Zeus, Krishna et al. However, other conceptions and formulations of Deity I am extremely open to. I like to speculate upon this topic in the privacy of my own mind, and entertain my own god concepts within the sanctuary of my own mind.

The reason why I don’t critique atheism that much is because Christianity is a trillion-dollar conspiracy. Atheism is not. Atheism runs on a shoestring. Richard Dawkins does not own any basilicas. Sam Harris does not own a microstate in Rome, filled with jewels and priceless works of art. However, there are things about atheism that must be critiqued. Atheism, in my view, is full of disturbing ideas. Dr Robert Morgan, here, seems to drift into Benatarian antinatalism.

The link to the Wikipedia article is mine.

Morgan calls himself a misanthrope. I personally, do not hate humanity: I hate the mob. As Aron Ra puts it: thanks to competing evolutionary strategies, humanity is both the best species on the planet, as well as the worst.

This seems obvious to me. Although Gaedhal doesn’t appreciate Uncle Adolf, I think people like him would redeem the world from its evil, if only we would follow him (that’s why I recently uploaded so many posts about the New Order).

Morgan says that love does not exist, only hate. I say that hate is this planet’s ruling passion, but that love also exists. With Schopenhauer, I say that hate is our default setting, but that love is an active negation of hate. Hate is an effortless default state. Love takes effort, and is a negation of hate.

Morgan believes that existence is homo homini lupus, ‘man is a wolf to man’. Morgan believes that existence is a war of all against all. However, as Aron Ra and P.Z. Myers point out, cooperation is also an evolutionary strategy. The reason why humans are this planet’s apex predator is because humans cooperate the best.

I sometimes use ‘atheism’ as a lazy shorthand for: ‘a rejection of classical theism’. However, I kinda agree with Sheldrake quoting Bertrand Russell: Deterministic materialism culminating in heat death [also known as the Big Chill or Big Freeze in cosmology—Ed.] is a philosophy of unyielding despair. I agree with Benatar, in that if this universe really is a machine that is slowly running out of steam, and will soon disintegrate into the heat death of maximum entropy, then, yes, it is immoral to bring children into such a quicksand existence.

Perhaps Gaedhal didn’t read what I wrote about the hypothetical Big Chill in a post of December 2021, ‘Time here becomes Space’ in honour of the numinous music of Wagner’s Parsifal: ‘Once in the very distant future, where there are no more corpses of stars, and not even black holes that evaporate with time (remember Stephen Hawking’s phrase: “black holes are not so black”), leaving only photons in an expanding universe, if time ceases to make sense—then space, in our Newtonian sense, will cease to make sense. The moment time ceases to exist, space ceases to exist as well! And that would mean a new beginning or big bang insofar as astronomically large space would be, without time, nothing: equivalent again to a mathematical point or a new singularity. I hadn’t thought of that possibility…’ In other words, perhaps an eternal Big Chill won’t happen. Gaedhal continues:

One of Benatar’s books is The Misanthropic Argument for Anti-natalism. Morgan has ‘skimmed through’ Benatar, and is undoubtedly familiar with this book. Morgan’s comment below [not quoted here—Ed.] reminds me of Benatar’s book. However, the reason that I do not espouse Benatarian antinatalism is because I do not positively believe in deterministic materialism culminating in heat death. I call atheists ‘oblivion chasers’.

Oblivion chasers? This reminds me a lot of a scene from ‘A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms’, the second episode of the last season of Game of Thrones, where Bran Stark reveals the mind of the Night King: he wants perpetual night (the Big Chill). I think I’ve already talked on this site about that scene where Sam says in public, before the Battle of the Long Night, that this is precisely why the Night King wants to kill Bran, who represents the knowledge of Westeros’ past.

I do not see myself represented in either the atheism of the left or in the atheism of the right. To call oneself an ‘atheist’ is to place oneself as a member in the set of atheism—and this is not something that I am comfortable with. I don’t want to be associated with co-members in the set of atheism.

That’s why I don’t call myself an atheist either!

Postscript. Atheists say that atheism is not a belief system and technically, they are correct. However, is it mere coincidence that most of them—damn near all of them—positively believe in deterministic materialism culminating in heat death?

There is a lot of the etymological fallacy going on with the definition of ‘atheism’. If ‘atheism’ is commonly used to denote deterministic materialism culminating in heat death, then that is its definition. If 99.9% of atheists believe in deterministic materialism culminating in heat death, then it is not wrong to say that this is a tenet of atheism. A word is not defined by its etymology, but by how it is used. Atheism is very very often used to denote deterministic materialism culminating in heat death.

That’s why it is worth re-reading what I wrote about a phrase from Wagner’s Parsifal. Roger Penrose made me see that space—like time—is also an illusion, although this won’t be apparent until the last black hole evaporates. The Night King might not get his way after all in the cosmological song of ice and fire!


Final chapter

Since the core of my trilogy is autobiographical, after my mother’s death I decided to add a final chapter to The Grail. But I think the final pages, which I have not yet finished, will make me decide to change the title of that book to The End of Love. Also, I think I will change the image of a cup on the cover of The Grail to an image of Uncle Adolf, as the book is dedicated to his memory.

I came to white nationalism, and eventually to National Socialism, from an unusual path: the fulfilment of the Delphic oracle’s injunction to know thyself, the profound autobiography. Many will think it is irrelevant to racial issues but it isn’t, insofar as personal biography can be a microcosm of the social macrocosm.

In other words, understanding my family’s tragedy (the last thing I mentioned here is that five years ago my first cousin killed his daughter and then hanged himself) and understanding the suicide of the West is a continuous whole. Understanding History is complex, and let us always keep in mind what we have said of Tom Holland about how Christianity mutated into atheistic hyperchristianity after the founding of the United States. But knowing the inner Self, and the faults of one’s own family provides the elements to understand the faults of Western society in general. This may seem very reductionist, but if one dives deep into the inner Self, one will be able to understand not only family tragedies but also the sick minds of millions of Aryan males who commit ethnosuicide.

I don’t know how long it will take me to add that final chapter. But if I decide to change the title of the book, I will delete the category ‘El Grial (book)’ that appears in red letters at the top of this post, and put the new title in its place. The new title, ‘The End of Love’, would refer to the fact that we must think like Kalki to save the race from future extinction, as Vlad Petre saw in yesterday’s post.

The mention of Kalki, as a figure of a religion created by pure Aryans in India, is important. If I were an orthodox Jungian, based on Jung’s Answer to Job I could use, instead of Kalki, the apocalyptic figure of an immolated lamb transformed into a demonic ram (see pages 196-199 of Day of Wrath). But the author of the Book of Revelation was a Jew angry at the Romans for the destruction of Jerusalem and dreamed of terrible vengeance to the extent of devising, in poetic prose, a New Jerusalem (which came to pass after the fateful 1945, courtesy of the Judeo-Christian Anglo-Americans!). The orthodox Jungian wouldn’t see much difference between the apocalyptic figure of the lamb, which Jung says rather resembles a demonic ram, and Kalki. But for us the difference is obvious: one came from the pen of an Aryan and the other from the pen of a Jew.

The new title, The End of Love, which I may give the book once I add the final chapter I am writing now, refers to this apocalyptic figure but without the need to use Judeo-Christian imagery. This is the eternal error of American white nationalism, unable to break with Judeo-Christianity, which we could sum up with the recent exchange in The Occidental Observer:

Devon said:

‘Christianity and Europeans worked fine together for around 1600 years right up until Jews took over America in the early 20th century via the media and Hollywood etc. The West’s decline directly tracks our increasing irreligiosity. Man will always need religion and with no alternatives Christianity seems the best option.’

Ragnarok responded:

‘Read Karl Heinz [Deschner’s] Criminal History of Christianity for a reappraisal of just how destructive to our Greco-Roman cultural heritage Christianity was. The Christians of the 4th and 5th centuries were engaging in the same cultural destruction as the woke mobs of today.’

Correspondence Real men Women

In this sign…

the wolf shall conquer!

by Vlad Petre

Greetings once more Mr. Tort. Much time has passed since I sent you that email titled ‘Vlad Țepeș and the Aryan Woman’. Before tackling the subject of this new email, first and foremost I would like to say that I am deeply sorry for the loss of your mother and you have my sincere condolences. Second, I would like to congratulate you on those splendid articles regarding the New Order and its ideology. The war which the Aryan race faces is one of a cultural and spiritual nature. Truly, the first step one can take to achieve victory is to subscribe to a heroic, Nietzschean, National-Socialist lifestyle, free from degeneracy and normie bourgeoisie Christian culture.

In my previous letter, I talked about the importance of protecting white women, especially the Nordic nymphs. But this time I would like to illustrate a more sinister nature regarding the female species and their sense of loyalty through the story of Lady Ruxandra Lupu. Again it would be a great honor if this letter became an article for The West’s Darkest Hour. It brings me great joy and pride to make a small contribution to your blog.

While researching a book titled One Thousand Years in the Balkans by John Michael Cantacuzino, I found some interesting pieces of information regarding Ruxandra Lupu, the daughter of Prince Vasile Lupu, a 17th-century ruler of the Romanian Principality of Moldavia. Around the year 1650, her father was seeking a suitable husband for her. Among Ruxandra’s first suitors was an influential Polish noble, Dymitr Wiśniowiecki, who loved her, but the Moldavian girl refused him.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Zaporozhian Cossack warlord Bohdan Khmelnytsky was searching for a wife, for his son Tymofiy. Considering Ruxandra as a worthy spouse, Bohdan demanded Prince Lupu to hand over his daughter, but Vasile refused. Not being content with this response, Tymofiy and an army of 100.000 Cossacks and Tatars, laid siege to the city of Iași, the capital of the Moldavian Principality. In Mongolian fashion, Tymofiy and his steppe warriors burned the city. Eventually, Vasile Lupu accepted the demands of the Zaporozhians and offered her daughter in marriage to the son of the Cossack warlord.

In the summer of 1652, Tymofiy returned to Iași, accompanied this time by only 3.000 Cossacks. Many who were present at the royal court, including a German traveller, described ‘Herr Tymofiy’ as a vulgar beast-like person. On the 28th of August, the young steppe prince and the Moldavian princess got married. As crazy as it may sound, lady Ruxandra Lupu was happy and content with her new Cossack husband. Why would a noblewoman reject a high-status Polish noble who cared for her, in favour of a barbarian from the steppes who burned her capital?

This story reminded me of your article on the movie Andrei Rublev. I admit I haven’t watched the entire film as it’s not exactly my cup of tea (I prefer Tarkovsky’s Stalker). But as you have said, the scene with the Tatars raiding the village and Durochka’s betrayal tells us much about the West’s current existential crisis.

Even before modern times, women seem to have preferred the mighty ones over the ‘nice guys’, even if the mighty ones are of a different race. It should not come as a surprise that with the emasculation of white males, white females from the West are now searching for love interests among Muslims from the Middle East or black Africans. It makes me sick when I see one of our blonde blue-eyed Aryan Elf girls in a relationship with a Sub-Saharan Black Orc. And to make things worse, the System is promoting this race-mixing insanity, as it is hell-bent on exterminating our kin. I do feel bad for the titular protagonist though. Andrei is a man tormented and burdened by his Abrahamic faith. He is just like Boromir. He thinks that the power of the One Ring (Christianity) can make the world a better place and vanquish Evil, even though the Christian religion got us in this mess in the first place.

I would also like to add that among the many self-improvement videos and channels on YouTube, stoicism is a popular subject. These self-improvement content creators promote the ideas of Marcus Aurelius in an almost religious manner. I have read Meditations and while there are good ideas in it, stoicism alone won’t save the West and our women. We can’t be indifferent towards the outside world forever.

When the Hour of Kalki arrives, Whites will have to act less like Marcus Aurelius and more like Amleth the Berserker from The Northman or the Republican Romans. They will have to partake in the Wild Hunt, kill their adversaries and re-conquer their women just as Romulus and his compatriots conquered the Sabine females. A Patriarchal Yang Empire must be created to overthrow the old tyrannical Matriarchal Feminist Yin Empire so that the balance between the sexes can be reinstated.

Meanwhile, all the Andrei Rublevs of the world are going to disappear, as their slave morals will be the cause of their extinction. But first, White men must exorcise the Judeo-Christian faith and morality from within themselves and revive their old Aryan Werewolf spirit. The question is, will they do it in time? Will they stop being the Lambs of Christ and become the Wolves of Wotan?

Thank you once more Mr Tort for your time and patience and again I wish you luck in all your endeavours. In Hoc Signo Lupus Vinces!


A poem

by Benjamin

Threnody for the murder of our race’s finest

(Poem for the German war-dead)

An axle snapping and the wheeling Sun

Hurtles to ruptured earth in mired woe

A hubless dusk of shrouded barbary

The soot and scrap of wild, inhuman glee

And cruellest weapons of perfidious foe

For blackest glory, in vile paucity

Jeering chthonic as the desert’s beasts

Shunting tin eyes across a bleeding sea

In all the monstrous discord of the East

Draped in fresh wounding pelts and rips of skin

Charge hollered hands to soil their very kin

The blind dominion of gilt-toothed priests

And this new screaming of each mother’s child

The primal bonds of deepest love defiled

Made great in all their strength, brave all the while

And joy is rent, the ages’ chain is cut

Through ruddy slabs long doom’s nailed jaws clang shut

And innocents besmirched by alien guile

Hell-wrought oblations, civil-suited muck

Blared fireworks and business-hasty smiles

And little deaths by millions and by miles.