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Last Friday I said: ‘I discovered the racial right forums very late in life, after my fiftieth birthday.’ Then I added that the first decades of my intellectual life had been devoted to knowing myself, following the Delphic injunction. To understand The West’s Darkest Hour it is essential never to lose sight of where I come from.

An individual who comes from extreme self-knowledge looks at the structure of the inner self. When I finished studying the authors who helped me understand highly dysfunctional families, I realised that they only represented part of the psychological healing process of coming from one of these families.

In the post a week ago I also mentioned Stefan Molyneux, who was abused by his Jewish mother, something Molyneux confessed to in some of his videos. But what I liked is that in one of his videos Molyneux added that when he left home and saw the world, he realised that the Western world was as crazy as his mother. So true, although because of his Jewish ancestry, Molyneux never wanted to address the JQ in his videos. He was never a philosopher of integrity, nor did he ever know himself deeply.

When I discovered white nationalism I realised that my self-image and self-esteem hadn’t only been undermined by mistreatment at home but that contemporary Western society had made me, like the rest of Western men, lose my manhood. Compare the Germans of today, overwhelmed with feelings of false guilt, with the Prussian military of former times! And the same can be said of the rest of Westerners.

Well, when I imbibed white nationalism in 2010, the therapy that restored my once-lost manhood was William Pierce’s The Turner Diaries and the Harold Covington quartet (Covington hadn’t yet written the fifth novel in his saga). It was because of this that I was originally blind to Covington’s character flaws, which I would only learn about in later years. But while I share everything Hadding Scott has written about Covington’s shenanigans, that doesn’t detract from the fact that devouring his novels, thirteen years ago now, about the revolutionary creation of an Aryan Republic in America, restored my manhood in the sense that this is how we should act.

If we look at the reactions of Lebanese men this very day to the Hezbollah leader’s speech and compare them with Westerners today, we will understand what I mean by ‘regaining our manhood’ (YouTube has been deleting clips of Hezbollah leader’s speech earlier in the day so I am not linking any clips here).

Of course, an Aryan leader must be the antithesis of Covington, who spent his whole life slandering other racialist leaders in his country. Covington is only to be understood as a novelist, never as a leader of a cause. It reminds me that when I read Gore Vidal’s Julian thirty years ago, I was fascinated by his novel (a novel that every Aryan who wants to reclaim his land should read). But when I started browsing through Vidal’s autobiography in a bookstore, I was disgusted by the pictures of shirtless macho men that Vidal put in there boasting that he had slept with them!

On that level, Covington’s biography also disappoints. But I can’t deny that both his quartet and Vidal’s novel about Julian the Apostate gave me back a part of me that society had stolen from me.

Several white nationalist essayists have written about Covington in Counter-Currents and The Occidental Observer. The most recent essay was published this September and October and can be read in three parts here, here and here. In that essay, we can see that the proofreader of his novels wrote:

Harold grew up in Burlington, North Carolina in a semi-upper class family, at least by Tarheel standards, but his childhood was troubled. His father was abusive and unstable. Harold learned to maneuver around him, and his brother had his own emotional difficulties. He was stern about not wanting to dwell on his childhood, however, saying that he’d spent the previous three decades trying to forget it, so much so that he scorned the idea of writing memoirs: “I have no intention of going back there and wallowing in the mud for the titillation of Morris Dees, armchair Jewish psychologists, and other such slimy voyeurs. So there will be no My Life In A Looney Bin by Harold A. Covington.”

Therein lay the rub. If Covington, as I did, had dared to put down on paper the details of his hapless childhood, and the problems he had with his abusive father (instead of some vampire novels he wrote), he would have healed psychologically. He wouldn’t have become that mentally dissociated fellow who foolishly believed that, by defaming the leaders of white nationalism, he was going to come out the winner. We have said it before and it bears repeating: Know thyself and you will know the universe and the Gods.



For ten hours, my Internet service provider experienced a power outage in its data center. I hope everything is back to normal!

Racial right

Litmus paper

It is in my peripatetic wanderings that I get my best ideas. Today, thinking a bit about what I said yesterday about Kevin MacDonald, the following occurred to me.

What litmus paper do we have as to who is really defending the white race from the extinction it is experiencing, and who is not really defending it? The answer is simply: the one who has transvalued his values—he defends it. And from this acid test, MacDonald doesn’t defend it entirely in that, by seeing Jewry as the primary cause of the current situation and not Christianity, he inadvertently contributes to the destruction of his race.

How so? Because MacDonald, like the most notable figures in white nationalism—Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson and Andrew Anglin to mention only the admins of the most frequented forums—publishes articles by Christians in his webzine. None of these have transvalued their values to the level of, shall we say, considering what Himmler and his ilk did very moral. We can already imagine KevinMac, Taylor and Johnson sporting T-shirts with the face of the Reichsführer-SS! (even the Christian Anglin has removed the Nazi symbols in The Daily Stormer with which he started).

Transvaluing values to how the Aryans acted before the arrival of Christianity simply means that we will no longer base our morals on the New Testament. Or on the legacy of the Enlightenment and the French Revolution (that pseudo-apostasy of Judeo-Christianity that we here call neochristianity). Whoever has transvalued his values no longer bases his morals on what a Jew wrote for gentile consumption (see what David Skrbina wrote in the most important of our PDFs).

It is as simple as that.

A question…

…for the Christian Zionists in the US who, by all accounts, seem even more fanatical than the Israelis themselves: What is the Plan B for you when the Rapture, after the apocalypse in Gaza, doesn’t arrive?

Israel / Palestine War!

A final solution…

to the Palestinian problem

Above, Davidster (Star of David) by Dick Stins, a holocaust memorial in The Hague. The text at the side in Dutch and Hebrew is from Deuteronomy 25:17, 19: ‘Remember what Amalek has done to you, do not forget.’ On the other hand, about the ongoing genocide in Gaza, Netanyahu has said: ‘You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible’, which is based on 1 Samuel 15:3:

Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

What the Jews are doing doesn’t shock me. What is fascinating from the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour is that American evangelicals see nothing wrong with this Palestinian Holocaust, simply because the victimisers are the chosen ones (remember what I recently quoted from Tom Sunic). Had the victimisers been pure Aryans, like these evangelicals or what Himmler and his henchmen did—God forbid!: i.e., the god of the Jews, which is why, when I talk about genuine spirituality, I don’t use any more the word ‘God’ but ‘Gods’ in the plural in reference to the words in Delphi’s oracle; this is what transvaluing all the values means.

Just look at the Xtian hawks in the American Congress: they don’t care about the Palestinians, only about the chosen ones! Is it clear now why we have been saying since 2012 that the Christian problem ‘encompasses’ the Jewish problem?

Israel / Palestine

Nostalgic overture

The genocide being perpetrated in Gaza is grabbing the attention of the alternative media, including the racial right. We should welcome this Israeli blunder insofar as, thanks to it, the tribe will lose its aura of victimhood and become a victimiser at least for a section of the Western population. But this spotlight could be misleading when it comes to the most important news of the moment. I am referring to the recent long-range strike missiles launched on Russian territory whose button was probably pressed by NATO itself. As Colonel Douglas Macgregor has just said, the war has entered a new phase: a very dangerous phase that could escalate into a direct US confrontation with Russia, since NATO is, after all, the military arm of the US on European soil.

Changing the subject, there is something I would like to add to my Friday article, ‘The Narrow Door’. Precisely because (except in my case) there are no people who have written this new kind of autobiography, not only is there no psychological healing for those who were mentally wounded as minors, but the mind of the surviving mutant isn’t understood.

For example, yesterday I read the phrase ‘Christianity is essentially a spent force’ in an article in The Unz Review which suddenly made me feel a passing nostalgia for my years when Christianity was still at its prime, to the extent that I listened to the overture of the 1959 film Ben-Hur and even the opening scenes. Since I come from a family of musicians I feel that music perfectly portrays how many Westerners still felt about Christianity decades ago: when that religion was still in good shape. I saw the film as a child and teenager several times over the years on the big screen, while in the country where I live, it used to be re-released from time to time.

But how did I engender that nostalgia yesterday with the first half hour of Ben-Hur if I am anti-Christian, my readers may ask? Precisely because I fulfil the Delphic mandate I can make contact with the César I once was: someone like Bran the Broken touching a Weirwood root in the cave of his mentor to find some solace in a nostalgic memory of the old self he once had.

Retrieving all those selves of the past makes one better equipped to understand a present-day Christian who, unlike me, hasn’t apostatised from the religion of our parents. These are very healthy mental exercises because, if we imagine them in Venn diagrams, my present mind ‘encompasses’ the mind of the former César, although the mind of the lad of that time cannot encompass the mind of the present adult: it wasn’t so expanded. In other words, I can empathise with a Christian just by an exercise like the one I did yesterday with the majestic overture to that film, but a Christian cannot return the favour as he hasn’t expanded his mind to the degree of an insightful apostasy. To use a metaphor I’ve used for years in my soliloquies, I can see them but they can’t see me.

Incidentally, at the end of ‘The Narrow Door’ I said that those young people who would like to contribute their work to reprint our books of the featured post could write to me, and I added that they could contact me via the ‘Donate and/or contact’ entry, which until yesterday posted my Tutanota email. Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to access my Tutanota account for a few days now, so I’ve just changed my email address to a Gmail account.

Tom Sunic


On Monday I said that William Pierce, the year of his departure, uploaded a lucid podcast in which he said that we could see the JQ in a novel way: that we, because of our failings, were enabling the empowerment of Jewry.

The accepted wisdom on the racial right is diametrically opposed: the Jews empowered themselves without our help, to the point of dominating our societies. This claim is sometimes heard on the non-racial right as well. For example, on this day the respected Colonel Douglas Macgregor said a couple of times in this interview that Bibi dominates the American Congress!

Obviously, it is the other way around: it is the traitorous whites, the worst scum of whites that have existed since prehistoric times, who have empowered Jewry to delusional levels. Although Pierce died two decades ago, it is refreshing to know that on the other side of the Atlantic an intellectual, Tom Sunic, holds a POV analogous to mine. In The Occidental Observer this week Tom wrote in his article ‘Homo judaicus: The Political Theology of US Foreign Policy’:

America’s unconditional support of Israel resembles a belated form of White House Christian-inspired medieval neurosis. Fear of being called an anti-Semite prevents American politicians and a great number of American academics from openly criticizing Israel.

When some sparse critical voices are heard, they usually leave out the founding myths of the Biblical narrative, and focus, instead, on dry facts relating to the influence of Jewish lobbies in America.

In the typical fashion of American “expertise,” American academics who happen to be critical of Israel use one set of arguments while neglecting other scholarly approaches. In their analysis of the holy alliance between postmodern Israel and America, American scholars tend to forget that the Old Testament ties between these two countries had already predestined America to nurture a special and privileged rapport with the state of Israel.

My emphasis!

One does not have to agree with everything Sunic says in that article, or in the book on which the article is based. But what I quote above superbly portrays the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour as far as the JQ and the CQ are concerned.


The narrow door

Sometimes it is good to let a fundamentalist Christian’s comment pass to reply, as I did yesterday and today. However, I would like to clarify a few things that I haven’t made clear on this site.

I discovered the racial right forums very late in life, after my fiftieth birthday. Previously, my intellect was absorbed in trying to unravel the mystery of the psychic havoc that abusive parents wreak on their children, be it a child or a teenager. The result of that research, sometimes autobiographical and sometimes not, was these books written in my mother tongue (I plan to add a final chapter now that my mother has passed away).

Without understanding my first fifty years it is impossible to understand my point of view on this site, and why that point of view differs so much from the common white nationalist, even though we both profess devotion to the fourteen words. The crux of the situation I explain in this post.

It is true that 99.9 per cent of kids who were abused big time at home develop neurotic or even psychotic symptoms. What is not often discussed is that falling into a cult and believing its dogmas (which happened to me in 1978) is also a form of mental derangement. The way I define psychosis differs greatly from how it is defined by psychiatrists, whose profession I consider fraudulent (see pages 105-127 of Daybreak). The way I see psychosis has nothing to do with putative defective genes or putative chemical imbalances. That is bio-reductionist pseudo-science (see pages 21-30 of Day of Wrath).

Many forms of psychosis represent a strong cognitive distortion of the real world, the classic example being a subject who suffers from paranoid delusions of persecution. But if psychosis is a strong cognitive distortion, that means that people who believe in the Abrahamic religions are also in a state of psychosis. As Gaedhal told us in his communication today: ‘There is no empirical evidence that the Christian god exists. Thus, we ought not [speculate about the so-called Trinity] minus an empirical demonstration that God exists. As Rationalwiki points out: discussing the nature of an entity for which there is no empirical evidence is like discussing the colour of the tooth fairy’s dress’.

However, from this angle, all the New Age cults (including Scientology) that have flourished in North America also represent various psychoses, in that their adherents are heavily distorting reality. Ron Hubbard himself was a victim of his mother’s abuse, and instead of autobiographical self-inspection, he elaborated a doctrine inspired by his science-fiction tales that concealed his childhood (see the little book I wrote in Spanish about that cult).

Cognitively I was in very bad shape when I fell into a cult, Eschatology (see pages 11-26 of Daybreak). But thanks to the paranormal sceptics, among whom I include Martin Gardner, I was cured of those dogmas. Unfortunately, most are unable to be cured and remain indefinitely trapped either in the dogmas of a paranormalist cult or of a more conventional religion, among which I include Christianity.

Interestingly, among the racial right, the only one who talked about this subject before YouTube took down his channel was Stefan Molyneux, and remember his sharp analysis of how his mother’s terrible abuse of him as a child drove Charles Manson mad as an adult. In one of his programmes, now deleted, Molyneux said a great truth: that many adults who were abused found in the idea of a personal God a balm for their soul (a sort of substitute Father replacing the abusive father many of us had as children). This unconscious process is something real, but only those who follow the religion of the Delphic Oracle, know thyself, discover these traps of the mind.

Having cleared all this up, the crux of what I was talking about above is the following.

While 99.9 per cent of the reactions to abuse are psychologically dissociative (i.e., neuroses and psychoses), there is a narrow door, to paraphrase the New Testament (Lk 13:24), that leads to even greater mental health than the common man, despite the abuse.

To illustrate this, let us recall that, in evolutionary biology, 99.9 per cent of genetic mutations in a normal organism deteriorate the individual. But there is a fraction that, by pure chance, leads to a better adaptation to the environment: the mutant becomes superior to its peers (imagine, for example, the Australopithecus mutated by touching the monolith in Kubrick’s film).

That is the kind of mutation I talk about in my trilogy, and what I recommend to all those who were martyred at home. But it is the narrow door, very very difficult to find. Almost all the abused go to the wide door: the range of the most serious psychoses—e.g., serial killing and the schizophrenias—to neurotic depressions, addictions, falling into cults or repeating patterns of behaviour with the next generation of children (I even believe that a dude’s perennial homosexuality is a symptom of a strong neurosis).

So when someone points to my abusive past at home to dismiss my ideas he is not only committing an ad hominem fallacy: he is ignoring that a narrow door exists.

I could define this door as an immense development of empathy due to processing past pain (though I don’t mean the crazy empathy of liberals, which I have been calling ‘deranged altruism’). See pages 68-70 of Daybreak, ‘The Ascent of the Soul’, which hits the nail on the head of what I mean by healthy empathy. Interestingly, the following pages of the same book disprove that my worldview is at all pessimistic.

Those books from my Daybreak Press deserve to be edited once again after Lulu, Inc. cancelled my account for my English books. I am a golden ager who barely has time to learn how to design book covers at, say, IngramSpark. If any of my young visitors would like to contribute their work to make my English books available for sale again, please contact me (see the red letters at the top of this page, ‘Contact’).

Roger Penrose

AI and NS

Interacting with a computer with a voice doesn’t mean that we are looking at a generation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is taking steps towards becoming a conscious entity, say, like HAL 9000 from Kubrick’s film (I recently saw again 2001: A Space Odyssey on Blu-ray).

I recently said that Alfredo Jalife is the only one talking on Mexican social media about the JQ. Yesterday I watched a programme by Jalife, who speaks Arabic, where he mentioned how much the pro-Zionist media in Mexico hides about the Gaza conflict. In the same way, the System constantly bombards us with false information about science. Those who are under the impression that what the System calls AI is similar to HAL 9000 or the boy David of the Spielberg-Kubrick production film A.I., should watch the videos of Roger Penrose, of whom I have already spoken more than once on this site and even read one of his books. Having cleared that up, I would like to comment on a few things in Gaedhal’s recent communiqué:

Someone posted on Linkedin concerning AI diversity. That person had a number of grievances against AI. One of the grievances was that AI was too atheistic. AI should be representative of ‘all humanity’. If only 23% of the planet is atheistic, then AI should reflect this. However, in my view, AI is simply practising Methodological Naturalism. The non-theistic answer, as per Ockham’s razor, is always more parsimonious than any theistic answer. This is why Hitchens is correct in saying that to understand Ockham’s razor is to end religion.

But it is here that we see the tremendous power of total autobiography and a one hundred percent Aryan religion, with its injunction to know thyself in order to know the universe and the Gods (something that today’s Christian commenter on this site still fails to understand).

The point is that when one gets into the depths of one’s psyche through decades of introspection, retrospection and sorting through all the rough autobiographical material in ordered books, it becomes more than clear that religion, and the notion of a personal god, are parental introjects.

We are not like the fictional HAL 9000. The human is not a Homo sapiens sapiens but Homo sapiens fidelius, as is more than clear from the mutually exclusive worldviews held by man in so many different cultures. Even atheists are not sapiens sapiens but sapiens fidelius because their psyche is imbued with a religious egalitarianism that is nothing but malware inherited from Christianity. Only he who really knows himself can be said to be Homo sapiens sapiens. The rest of humanity is at the stage of blind faith in the face of parental and social programming: something that atheists like Hitchens never realised. Gaedhal continues lecturing us about Occam’s razor:

Why don’t the dead visit us after they die? One can multiply entities to explain why our loved ones would move heaven and earth to communicate with us on Earth, and why, after they die, and move on to post-mortem felicity, all we get is radio silence. In the words of William Lane Craig ‘moves can be made’ to explain both an afterlife and the total silence of our loved ones after death. However, the explanation with the least moves made is simply that there is no afterlife. And again, I am not a pure atheist. I am not a strict materialist. I hope against human hope that there might be some sort of afterlife. However, I can hope for whatever I want. Hope is an evolved survival mechanism. What I hope for, and what is evident are two separate things. The fact is that the most parsimonious explanation for why we don’t hear from our loved ones after death is because there is no afterlife.

And so when AI is asked a question, the most parsimonious answer will always be non-theistic. This might be ‘warmed over Humeanism’, however, once we begin to multiply entities then there is no logical stopping point to this. I was on Wikipedia, and I got the sense that it is an epistemic mystery why the simplest explanation is the most probable explanation. However, one way to demystify this a little is, if we add one explanatory entity needlessly… then why not two? Does the warpage of space-time explain gravity best or do the noodly appendages of the Flying Spaghetti Monster pressing everything down best explain it—the ‘theory’ of intelligent falling. Once we begin to ‘make…’ needless Craig-ian ‘moves’ then there is no logical stopping point between adding one needless explanatory entity and The-Flying-Spaghetti-Monster-dunnit.

And besides: this isn’t even true. I was asking Bing AI about the Trinity, and it informed me that certain ideas about the Trinity are ‘heretical’. An atheistic AI would not say such a thing. An atheistic AI would laugh at the nonsensical notion of a Trinity of gods. There are no ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ views of the Trinity. ‘Trinity’ is an Orwellian word. Trinitas in Latin means ‘three-one-ness’. However, if something is three then it cannot be one. If something is one, then it cannot be three. ‘Trinity’ is as Orwellian a concept as ‘black-whiteness’ or positive-negativity’ etc.

Once again: precisely because what the deceptive System calls AI has no more conscience than a washing machine, but is a sort of encyclopaedia of accepted knowledge, it can only regurgitate what humans programmed into it. It’s true that Penrose’s seminal book on this subject, The Emperor’s New Mind (i.e., it’s a collective illusion that computers have minds), contains a lot of mathematics but I am surprised that a Nobel laureate like him can explain his ideas in such a didactic and comprehensible way in his YouTube videos.

However, as I said before, wokeness such as this is atheistic hyperchristianity. There are always more and more lowly specimens of humanity to exalt. There are always ‘oppressors’ out there who must be humbled. That Marxist Hymn, the Magnificat, has simply been secularised. Even the thoughts of AI must be policed. Even AI must not commit adultery of the heart. Even AI must treat the first as last and the last as first. But does wringing one’s hands about the lack of diversity in AI really make the lives of the disadvantaged any more tolerable? The perceived lack of diversity in AI seems like a very boutique thing to be ‘sore vexed’ in one’s spirit, about.

And again: there are real issues with things like predatory capitalism and there are real dangers to AI. There are people being exploited and abused out there. However, in my view, the perceived bias towards atheism in AI is neither a problem nor a danger. Bing AI, at present, just seems to be a glorified search engine, and search engines, as we well know, are way way way too skewed and biased towards theism and apologetics. When I was asking AI about what the belief that the Father, Son and Holy Ghost were each a third of God called, AI listed its sources. Apologetics websites, and even a Fatima-extremist Catholic website were its sources. If anything, AI is way too biased in favour of theism and Christianity in particular.

One of the reasons why, although Hitler endowed us with the best worldview ever devised, I do not use the term National Socialism to describe myself is because National Socialism had two facets: the exoteric, in which Providence was spoken of in a Christian sense, and the esoteric, where Hitler manifested his pantheistic ideas to his inner circle.

This double facet of National Socialism, necessary in the Germany of the last century, is no longer necessary now since, although many whites remain Christians, none of us has political power as Hitler did. In other words, it is time to talk about the esoteric facet of Hitler’s legacy repudiating the exoteric one since if the Aryan doesn’t wake up to the truth about Christianity (which includes the egalitarian scale of values that atheists like the late Hitchens have maintained), he will become extinct.

I call myself a priest of sacred words because it is time to dismiss the exoteric facet (say, American white nationalism) and promulgate the esoteric side of Hitler’s legacy. If I used the term ‘National Socialist’, a reader of Mein Kampf or the Führer’s public speeches could point out to me quite a few quotes in which Hitler appears to be a Christian. In fact, some years ago Mark Weber made a collection of those religious quotes, omitting what Hitler told to his inner circle of his friends.

Quotable quotes


German WWI hero and anti-Christian general Erich Ludendorff (1865–1937) wrote in his essay ‘Abgeblitzt!’:

The Jewish faith in and of itself would no more concern us as Buddhism or the faith of any Negro tribe in Africa. But the Jew, according to his faith, draws the justification for his world domination from the Old Testament and has closely connected this Old Testament with the Christian doctrine to destroy the Roman Empire, which oppressed him and destroyed Jerusalem in the year 70 AD, and then, with the help of the then emerging Bible, to give his national god Yahweh as God to other peoples as well, to better achieve his nation-destroying goals.

Only when white nationalists have reached the level that some prominent Germans reached in the 1930s (this essay was written a year before Ludendorff’s death) will they have reached maturity. By the 2030s, will the American racial right have reached the level of intellectual sophistication that some Germans had a century earlier, or will they continue to worship the god of their enemies?