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Kali Yuga Sparta


The fact that Donald Trump was present yesterday in a stadium watching the American football final, or that Emmanuel Macron was present at the final of the last FIFA World Cup—both football finals featuring teams with a huge number of blacks—, is a symptom that we are suffering the darkest hour for the white race (which the title of this site designates with the euphemism ‘the West’).

What a difference from those times when only pure Aryans attended the Olympics! This was before a Christian emperor banned the Olympic games (‘resumed’, centuries later in the Christian Era, admitting people of colour). Those who haven’t read our abridged translation of Eduardo Velasco’s essay on Sparta should read it now.

Correspondence Kali Yuga


‘No country survives the death of their aristocracy’, they say. I could expand it by saying, the West won’t survive the death of Germany, which was the aristocracy of the Aryan—courtesy of the Allies and their neochristian denazification project (see today’s previous post about this word).

By the way, except for the first one, I have replaced the other ‘kind comments from visitors to this site’ with quotable quotes from Uncle Adolf. It will be better to collect them all in a single entry, as I have collected them from 2010 to date.

Kali Yuga Miscegenation Painting

2 founding fathers

In the middle of the year I added a post in which I was alarmed about the existence of serial child killers in the US. These last few days, however, I have seen a lot of videos of horrific murders committed by American adults on other adults.

I won’t mention the names of the perpetrators, which you can easily find out by looking them up on YouTube. Still, I am now thinking of a young Aryan lad in whose room his mother found a bag containing a human head (in police interrogation the lad gloated that he had destroyed the corpse’s eyes with a knife); a woman who had killed her mother and hid her body in the garage until the cops found her; another woman who killed seven of her newborn babies and collected their corpses in boxes that began to smell bad; a man who suffered from the same disease that depressed Robin Williams but, unlike the famous actor, butchered his wife with a small but sharp knife (the video reveals that the policeman who entered the crime scene had to get out and throw up the turkey because of what he had seen, as the day before had been Thanksgiving Day), etcetera.

There is no doubt that American society is sick. But the serious thing is that practically no one, not even white nationalists, realises the causes of the spiritual sickness that has befallen their society. Only Americans like Francis Parker Yockey began to sense the cause, but his best-known work, Imperium, was written in prose so opaque that, in my opinion, it is no longer of any use to us in this century.

Writing in prose so clear and transparent that the essentials can be said in a short blog post, the darkest hour (Kali Yuga) not only of the US but of the West began in 1945. Two of the featured posts that can be read on the menu of this site, ‘Founding Myth’ and ‘The Iron Throne’ deal with the matter and I need not repeat myself. What I would like to clarify today is something else.

I have recently said some very harsh things about the ‘Founding Father’ of the Americans, George Washington, because of his philo-Semitism. But I, born south of the Rio Grande, could say the same about the Founding Father of Mexico: Hernán Cortés.

Cortés and La Malinche is a mural by José Clemente Orozco frescoed in 1926. It is preserved on the main staircase of the Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso, located in the centre of Mexico City.

Cortés not only conquered Mexico-Tenochtitlan in 1519-1521, the seat of the Aztec empire, but also initiated the interbreeding of Iberian White and American Indian. One need only travel to contemporary Mexico to see the ravages of this miscegenation sanctioned by both the Catholic Church and the Spanish Crown.

Now, as I have also said recently, the pre-Christian Visigoths of ancient Hispania burned at the stake any couple who dared to procreate a mongrel baby. What a reversal of values between this taboo of the pagan Goths and the 16th-century mixing perpetrated throughout the American continent! (remember that a large part of what is now the US belonged to New Spain).

This miscegenation on a scale never seen before was, in my opinion, worse than Washington’s philo-Semitism because it condemned the newly discovered continent to perennial underdevelopment, at least in the part that was colonised by the Spaniards and the Portuguese.

By expressing myself in this way about the country of my birth, I have become such an outcast that I have not a single friend, so I never carry with me my cellphone (which I only use for my bank account). But what I want to get at is that, if I express myself in this way about Cortés and the Iberian conquistadors who mixed their blood, why shouldn’t I also express myself harshly about the Founding Father of the neighbouring country to the north and his philo-Semitic epigones?

Energy / peak oil Kali Yuga

Happy fat people

I would like to add something to what I said the day before yesterday about North Korea. I have continued to watch propaganda videos of Americans against this country that practices harsh totalitarianism against its citizens. Yesterday, for example, I was watching this interview of an American with a North Korean woman who escaped from her country as a child and wrote a book that became a bestseller in the US. I abruptly interrupted the interview when the American interviewer confessed that he had a mixed-race daughter with his Asian wife. As old visitors to The West’s Darkest Hour know, we call that the sin against the holy spirit of life: an unforgivable sin that requires the punishment the Visigoths of Hispania meted out to the couple who dared to miscegenate.

In my post the day before yesterday, ‘Synchronicity?’, I linked to an article by Kerry Bolton, who uses slightly different terminology than I did (hard/soft totalitarianism). He talks about totalitarianism that controls its citizens through pain (like North Korea) in contrast to the totalitarian system that controls us through pleasure (like the US). In that post, and I now use the terminology of Yockey’s admirer, I said that a totalitarianism that controls us through pleasure is more effective than the one that controls us through pain, in that its citizens don’t even realise that they are inside a Matrix in the sense that every totalitarian regime imposes a false worldview on its subjects. In North Korea, on the other hand, as the common citizenry suffers from starvation, they surreptitiously watch pirated videos of American films. The aforementioned Korean woman, for example, tells the anecdote that the first foreign film she illegally watched was Titanic.

In other words, North Koreans who suffer and begin to rebel know that there is a society very different from their own, with very different values, and that some of their acquaintances have tried to escape from this totalitarian prison by crossing the border into China. The ordinary westerner, on the other hand, is unaware that he too is in a totalitarian prison: he is as utterly controlled by pleasure as a fish surrounded by water.

Even the white nationalists ignore that they are in a Huxley-like ‘brave new world’. Had they known they would have rebelled not only against their Christian religion that gave rise to it, but against democracy, the Constitution of their founding fathers, so-called human rights (i.e., neochristianity) and what we are taught in the universities, the MSM and social media. They would also have rebelled against this culture of pleasure and would have as their paradigm to emulate Sparta, Republican Rome before Julius Caesar, and of course Hitler’s Germany. Paraphrasing Eduardo Velasco, the contemporary westerner knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he doesn’t know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

And the saddest thing of all is that even racialists won’t begin to wake up until the music stops; that is, until the consequences of the dollar collapse converge with an amplifying energy devolution that will kill proportionately as many humans as North Koreans starve to death under the regime of fat Kim Jong Un.

This guy, by the way, seems to be the only one in that country who overfeeds, as many Americans currently overfeed. (The first time I visited the US the average American was lean; now there is an epidemic of obesity in the culture that controls them through pleasure: not only an excess of available food but porn, promiscuous sex, degenerate cellphones, etc.)

I will not link again to Bolton’s long article, in which he mentions controlling virtually one hundred per cent of the population through pleasure. Serious readers of this site should have already read it.

Axiology Correspondence Kali Yuga

A concerned reader

Three recent comments by a commenter motivate me to quote, in a single post, all his comments since last year, including recent ones:

Eradicating non-Aryan elements from the planet is a legitimate, sensible and practical strategy for continued existence for Aryankind. People captured by Neo-Christian morality condemn such actions as evil. But what greater evil is the complete extinction of Aryankind and degeneration into an Untermenschen cesspool.

posted last year in the thread ‘Black Bread’.

In any given future Aryan Ethno-state, societies or communities, Christian-related materials will be only be available to those who are extremely racially sound and immune to the Christian poison. Such materials are only to be used for historical or academic research or evaluation. Individuals who are able to access such materials should be as ruthless as Heinrich Himmler and fiercely racially loyal or unpolluted as SS members.

posted in the thread ‘On John Milton’.

In Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar by Miguel Serrano, (Miguel Serrano was one of Savitri Devi’s companions and compatriots), it reveals that Yahweh and its supposed son Jesus are the demiurge. Yahweh is the evil “god” of the world and it is demonic. Whether this hypothesis is true or not, Aryans are the true stepping stone for the next stage in human evolution. As time and the Kali Yuga advances, the forces of decay and disintegration at work as described by Savitri will accelerate their actions against the true divine spark and chosen race of humanity which is the Aryan. The ultimate endgame is the devolution of humanity back to the ape and Neanderthals.

posted in the thread ‘Moloch = Yahweh’.

Yes, the Serpent, Molech, Baal, Satan and Yahweh are one and the same, this is true of all Semitic entities. Yahweh symbolizes the entirety of the forces of decay in our present age that bring Aryans to their final doom, it is the prime mover of the Kali Yuga. The day of salvation will finally arrive for the Aryan once Christian ethics are extirpated from the world forever. I am shocked that there are no rigorous and supportive reactions from Aryans to this post. [emphasis added by Ed.]

—posted in Ibid.

I just hope the seed planted will blossom into an even mightier tree than the poisonous weeds that are Christianity and Neo-Christianity. Racially healthy Aryans in any future Aryan civilization or society will look back on Christians and Christianity as abhorrent and ridiculous as dunking your face or body into a pool of pig swill. If all Aryans in the entire world start burning bibles in bonfires and smashing the last stones of these very last churches into the ground, we knew that we had finally won.

posted in the thread ‘Crusade’.

The near perfect comtemporary antithesis of the Christian poison are Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, and members of the SS. The relentless and pathetic slander on Heinrich Himmler and the SS shows how afraid the racial enemies of the Aryan man are. It shows us a glimpse when Christian “values” and “ethics” (I would call that poison) are completely repudiated. Once the Christian poison is totally expunged from the soul of Aryan man, he is completely healthy again and it will be gameover for racial enemies, traitors and the world we known today.

posted in the thread ‘Might is Right, 8’.

This is the precise reason it requires a systemic collapse of such unprecedented severity to weed out unworthy Aryans that are still entrapped in the snare of Christian ethics. The present status quo and the “world” as we knew it not only reinforce Christian ethics, it rewards and incentivizes them. The entire ludicrous and ridiculous notion of “last shall be first, the first shall be the last” will be proven false and illusory once the iron law of racial survival is the only way.

posted today in the thread ‘Christian nationalism’.

I would like to say that the Christian “god”, which is a virulent mental virus [emphasis added by Ed.], is solely responsible for the population explosion of the racially and genetically inferior in the past few hundred years. It paves the way for Aryan extinction and it requires Kalki or an exterminationist solution to remedy it.

—posted in Ibid.

You might have a better chance of convincing a clumsy bull to climb or fly up a high wall than convincing Christian nationalists the error of their ways.

A racially-sound Aryan child or youth raised in a racially-healthy Aryan collective can easily understand the obvious contradiction of trying to preserve the biological existence of the entire Aryan collective and embracing a foreign Semitic god created from the foul sands of Judea.

Useless to state it again, many Christian nationalists are suffering from psychotic and schizophrenic ambiguity.

—posted in Ibid.

Kali Yuga Lightning and the Sun (book)

The Lightning

and the Sun, 6

Editor's Note: Bold emphasis is mine.

As I have previously stated, Adolf Hitler was from early adolescence, and probably from childhood, conscious of the shocking disparity that exists between ‘real life’—life under Dark Age conditions—as it drew his attention through thousand and one details, and his own conception of earthly perfection, a living reflexion of which he sought in the world of the old Germanic Sagas (transfigured, for him, in Wagner’s musical dramas) and—Kubizek tells us,—in the stately blonde young maiden to whom he never spoke, but whom he idealised from a distance as the resplendent embodiment of perfect German womanhood.[1] Instances of human misery, nay—and the importance of this can never be sufficiently stressed— instances of the age-old exploitation of animals by man,[2] which another person would have deplored, but judged unavoidable, or looked upon as trifling, or not noticed at all, provided him with an opportunity to feel indignant and to crave for entirely new conditions of life. But it is during the years of grinding poverty and complete moral solitude, which he spent in Vienna as a young man, that the experience of the wretchedness and ugliness of this present Age imposed itself upon him for the first time in all its tragic horror. He has described it in immortal words.[3] And, more than the daily contact with material misery itself (with material misery which he, by the way, not merely beheld, but actually shared), the sight of the degrading effects of that misery upon his people and upon their young children was unbearable to him.

Two facts should, at that stage of Adolf Hitler’s life, retain the attention of whoever wishes to understand him and the Movement he was to start ten years later, obviously as a political Movement for the assertion of Germany’s rights, in reality, also as the moral and metaphysical basis of a new civilisation: first, the aloofness in which he lived, amidst the surrounding misery and degradation; and then, the thoroughness and detachment with which he studied the latter, traced its deep causes under the immediate, superficial ones, and became, through that clear knowledge, more and more aware of his own predestined role in this Age of Gloom. ‘One cannot ‘study’ the social question from above,’ writes he, in Mein Kampf.[4] One has, one’s self, to experience the same perpetual insecurity of life, to be acquainted with the same pangs of hunger, to dwell in the same over-crowded, dirty, noisy surroundings as the disinherited classes, in one word, to live the wretchedness that gnaws into them and degrades them, in order to know what social misery means. The future German Führer has lived it, and suffered from it, personally, day after day, for months, for years, without it ever degrading or even changing him. He preferred to ‘exist’ on hunger rations, rather than sacrifice his independence or sell more than it was absolutely necessary of the precious time he needed to study both books and men and to think. And when he had earned a little money, he preferred to buy himself a seat in the theatre—two or three hours’ holiday in the beautiful world of the old Sagas, to the accompaniment of Wagner’s solemn music, away, far away from the daily dreary wretchedness that seemed to be his lot for ever,—rather than treat himself to a substantial meal.[5] He refused publicity—and money—rather than to allow a story which he had written to he printed by a Jew.[6] Nobody can understand him save a true artist who is, at the same time, a true revolutionary: a person of one dream and one aim, like himself. But how well every such a one—every creator and fighter of his type, when surely not of his magnitude, i.e. every person ‘against Time’—does understand him!

There is more. Not only did he live in uncompromising faithfulness to his ideals, inaccessible to the lure of material comfort and social advantages, but he shared none of the weaknesses of average mankind, not to mention the vices of that underworld into which fate had pushed him or, by the way, those of the so-called ‘better classes’ of this fallen humanity. He rigourously abstained from alcohol and tobacco; and even when, occasionally, he could afford a diet other than his usual bread and milk, he ate pastry and fruits, not meat. His deeper instinct inclined him naturally towards that sort of food which people, in whose life an immemorial Tradition still plays a great part, call ‘pure.’[7] And the dictates of serious reflexion merely confirmed in him those of deeper, healthy instinct. Adolf Hitler was, in course of life, to become a more and more convinced vegetarian; and though disaster robbed him of the opportunity of attempting ‘after the war,’ to give his views, gradually, the force of law, he remains, to my knowledge, the only ruler in the West who, both on hygienic and moral (and aesthetic) grounds, ever earnestly considered the possibility of suppressing meat-eating, and of abolishing thereby the standing horror of the slaughterhouses. This is reported by Dr. Goebbels in his ‘Diaries,’[8] and brilliantly confirmed by numerous statements ascribed to the Führer himself in the ‘Dinner-time talks,’ also printed after 1945 by the bitterest enemies of National Socialism, certainly not with the intention of exalting him.

As a young man, and nay, a very attractive one, Adolf Hitler withstood the manifold temptations of the corrupt metropolis—ignored the solicitations of women, rejected with disgust those of men, and kept the sacred ‘flame of Life’ (to use the word Kubizek quotes) pure and strong and constantly under control within himself. He did so without the slightest intention of ‘mortifying the flesh’; without the slightest desire of ‘acquiring merit’ for the salvation of his soul; simply because he respected that energy given to man for a higher purpose, and looked upon every wanton waste of it as a sin against the Race at the same time as a profanation of the divinity of Life. The ‘flame of life,’ felt he, was to be dedicated to the selfless service of the Race, visible Vehicle of Life eternal. It was to be used, like man’s whole physical and moral energy, ‘in the spirit of the Creator,’ i.e., in view of the attainment of perfection on earth. The entire National Socialist teaching concerning sex and sexual relations, with its well-known stress upon absolute health and racial purity, as laid down in Mein Kampf,’[9] has its origin and its basis in that truly religious (although anything but ‘other-worldly’) attitude; in that standpoint of the ‘Man against Time’ seeking, in defiance of the corruption of the Dark Age, to re-establish, here and now, the biological—i.e. fundamental—conditions of the earthly paradise; preparing the privileged, natural élite of mankind for the part it has to play in the formation of the god-like Race of the new earth, that will thrive in peace after this Dark Age has come to an end.

And all Adolf Hitler’s positive measures in view of the physical and moral protection of his predestined people, natural leaders of Aryan man, after he came to power: his admirable laws for the welfare of mother and child; for the creation of ideal living conditions for workmen’s families; for the education of a healthy, self-confident and self-reliant, proud and beautiful youth; and his famous Nüremberg Laws,’ forwarding the growth in Germany of a pure-blooded Germanic race (forbidding sexual relations with Jews and, in fact, with non-Aryans of any description), have no other origin and no other meaning. Their aim—nay, the practical aim of National Socialism as such—was and remains not merely to improve the material lot of the German labourers (however important a part this immediate aim doubtless played in the success of the Hitler Movement in Germany, after the first World War); not merely to make the new State, comprising all people of Germanic blood—that ‘holy Reich of all Germans’[10] of which Adolf Hitler already spoke in his adolescent’s conversations with August Kubizek—a strong and prosperous State, but to regenerate the German people—the most conscious among the Aryans of the West—radically, and to organise them, in all walks of life, so as to create out of them the only dam capable of withstanding and thrusting back the threatening tide of inferior humanity, whose rise is, in this as in every Time-cycle, the increasingly tragic sign of an advanced stage of the Dark Age; capable of thrusting it back and of carrying, beyond its defeat, (and its destruction, at the very end of the Age of Gloom) the treasure of god-like life into the glory of the new Beginning.

As I said before, it is difficult to state how far Adolf Hitler could have explicitly given expression to this point of view. It was, nevertheless, in reality, his point of view. In particular, he was and remained all his life vividly aware of the compelling necessity of preserving, nay, of forwarding, at any cost the racial aristocracy of mankind—the best elements of the Aryan race,—if this planet is not, after an appalling period of chaos, (after the end of the present Time-cycle) ‘to go its way, void of human beings, through aetherial space, as it did millions of years ago.’1 Standing alone, personally untouched by Dark Age conditions at their worse, although deeply and painfully acquainted with them, he observed their effects upon the people in whom his unfailing intuition forced him to recognise, in spite of all, the predestined biological substance of an infinitely better mankind: the ones who are not yet, but who (to quote Nietzsche’s words) are ‘becoming,’ or at least are capable of becoming supermen: his own German people. And, with serenity and with realism, he sought the causes of physical and moral wretchedness; the many causes: selfishness of the owning classes; indifference or cowardice of men in power; the grip of international high finance upon national economy; the influence of Jewry upon the national body and soul, etc.; etc., but under those many causes, the one cause: the rule of false values; the exaltation of untruth, which is synonymous of sickness; in all domains, rebellion against the spirit of the divine Order of Nature. That is what he had come to fight, so that the ‘reign of Righteousnes’ be re-established.



[1] Kubizek, Adolf Hitler, mein Jugendfreund, p. 76 and following.

[2] Ibid., p. 61.

[3] Mein Kampf, pp. 23; p. 32 and following.

[4] Ibid., p. 26.

[5] Kubizek, p. 37.

[6] Ibid., pp. 298-299.

[7] In Sanskrit: sattwik.

[8] See The Goebbels Diaries, entry of the 26th April, 1942.

[9] Mein Kampf, p. 444-446.

[10] Kubizek, p. 109; Mein Kampf, p. 439.

Kali Yuga Metaphysics of race / sex


of Sex

by Julius Evola [1]

In this field, as in every other, our contemporaries have shown no interest in the search for ultimate meanings… The same is mainly true of the writers, past and present, who have dealt with love rather than specifically with sex. For the most part, they have kept to the field of psychology and, within that, to a general analysis of feelings. Even the writings of such authors as Stendhal, Bourget, Balzac, Solovieff, and D.H. Lawrence have little to do with the deepest meaning of sex. [page 1]

Scientists who try to investigate sexuality by studying others rather than themselves are in error, for they cannot approach the depth of the metaphysics of sex… Without this knowledge, man can only take eros to the exalted boarders of the human, of his passion and feeling. Only poetry, lyrics, and idealized romanticism are created, while everything else is eradicated. [page 2]

…men and women belonging to a phase of civilization oriented toward materialism… In this, as in all other spheres, statistics are worthless. Such criterion can be left to the trivial methods of Kinsey. [page 3]

The problem is subjective… Furthermore, papers on sexological research with scientific pretentions are in general ludicrously incompetent; for here firsthand understanding of the experience is the sine qua non. [pages 4-5]

Sex in the world today

Women is presented in a thousand forms to attract man and stupefy him sexually. [page 6]

Tolstoy once had occasion to say to Gorki: “For the French a woman comes before anything else. They are a weak, degraded people. Doctors say that all consumptives are sensual.” If we leave the French aside, it remains true that a universal and feverish interest in sex and woman is the mark of every twilight period and that this phenomenon today is among the many signs that this epoch is the terminal phase of a regressive process. Classical antiquity formulated an analogy with the human organism: In man, the head, the breast, and the lower parts of the body correspond respectively to the seats of intellectual life, of spiritual and heroic courage, and finally of nourshiment and sex. Corresponding to this are three human types and, we may add, three types of civilization. It is clear that today by regression we are living in a civilization whose predominant interest is neither intellectual, spiritual, nor heroic, nor even directed to the higher forms of emotion. Rather the subpersonal—sex and the belly—are idolized; and therefore the unfortunate saying of a poet may become a reality: Hunger and love will shape history. Hunger is the chief cause of social disaster and economic strife. The emphasis given to woman, love, and sex is counterpart.

Further evidence is provided by the ancient Hindu tradition of the four ages of the world in Tantric formulation. A fundamental characteristic of the last or so-called Dark Age (Kali Yuga) is the awakening and ultimate dominance of Kali, who stamps the epoch with her sign…

This study will highlight the opposition of the metaphysics of sex to established, conventional viewpoints, and this contrast will make even more apparent the inner fall of modern man. [pages 7-8]


[1] Excerpts from the Introduction of The Metaphysics of Sex (NY: Inner Traditions International, 1983).

Kali Yuga

Contra atheismum

by Gaedhal

As much as I criticise Christianity, atheism is probably worse. At around the 1:06 mark [of this YouTube video], objectively Dan—who has a nose piercing, even though he is a man—says that he is ‘unironically antinatalist’.

Steve Shives appears to be another atheist antinatalist. He has no children, and got a vasectomy.

Pine Creek Doug, although he has two children, by IVF has expressed antinatalist sentiments.

Veneloid, Rachel Oates, Captain Cassidy, Rationality Rules all appear to be antinatalists, at least practically.

And so if you find the atheist movement distasteful—and I do— then, demographically, it probably won’t be around for much longer.

The reason why I personally reject antinatalism is because I do not positively affirm materialism.

Transgenderism is also, arguably, a form of antinatalism, as is homosexuality, and we know how frequent these pastimes are in atheism.

Richard Carrier also had a vasectomy and is childless, I think. He is ‘polyamorous’.

Matt Dilahunty is going out with a tranny, and has no children. Seth Andrews has no children. MGTOW seems to be an antinatalist cult that many atheists on the right subscribe to.

Such behaviour, in my view, is wholly consistent with atheism. The sun will eventually explode, its protons will eventually decay, and the universe will eventually be a uniform temperature. As Bertrand Russell says: this is a philosophy of unyielding despair. Russell though claims that the soul of the atheist will eventually adjust to such circumstances, and hope is then possible, again. Atheists claim that we quote Russell out of context when we quote him as saying that atheistic materialism is a philosophy of unyielding despair.

As I said before: I disbelieve in the gods of revealed religion and the gods of classical theism. However, there is still a wide gulf between this and atheistic materialism. And I think that if you are an atheistic materialist who believes in proton decay and eventual heat death, then you should be an antinatalist. You should not bring new sentient beings into what is ultimately a collapsing and dying system. The universe, as Bertrand Russell puts it, is fated, under atheistic materialism, to be a heap of ruins. As Benatar puts it: you are giving birth into quicksand, and this is immoral.

However, given the heap of ruins that, anon, the universe is fated to become—The Atheism of Astronomy calls this: ‘drift’—then why not neuter oneself and dedicate one’s life to orgy and fetishes?

The Atheism of Astronomy’s image of ‘drift’ is certainly a dreadful one. We are all slowly drifting into non existence. It is like there is a malevolent god, with a rubber eraser, rubbing us out, and thus erasing us.

Editor’s two cents:

That is why I don’t consider myself an atheist and why Hitler and Himmler also repudiated ‘atheism’. Instead, I respect the archetypes represented by the Aryan Gods, and there is a category on this site (genuine spirituality) which shows that it is possible to reject the god of the Jews and, at the same time, intuit a kind of panentheism in the universe.

Autobiography Kali Yuga Kalki

A confession

Yesterday, on the day of the attempt on Donald Trump, I went to talk to the woman to whom I referred in my article a week ago about my desire to adopt a child.

I don’t write about news like the attempt because I don’t consider it important. To use my favourite metaphor, the one in the featured post, by looking at human reality from a retrocognitive meta-perspective I only value relevant events.

From this angle, I would like to confess that I have long since been able to fall asleep only by imagining nuclear mushroom clouds over the major capitals of the West due to a strategic war with Russia. Mixing the symbols of Martin’s novels with Tolkien, if Washington is Mordor, the capitals of the major Western countries are like various Isengards. What nobler thing could there be than to wish that these centres of ethnocidal power against the Aryan, along with Mordor, be incinerated?

A skirmish like yesterday’s means nothing from the point of view of the old man holed up in a cave far from the Wall contemplating the historical past. True, in reconciling sleep I am thinking with my emotions. Someone might tell me that in a nuclear conflagration, the Aryan baby could thus be thrown out with the dirty water and that although it is healthy to want eight billion Untermenschen to die in the nuclear winter, perhaps the same number should die better gradually, through energy devolution, so that the surviving Aryan has the chance, through our forums, to realise that only the religion that Uncle Adolf bequeathed us saves.

But that is not what emotions tell me, especially when trying to sleep or waking up in the night. In those moments only wishing that those mushroom clouds were already over the enemy cities calms me down. Following Jung’s vocabulary, what the Self already wants is an immediate cataclysm: an apocalypse that wipes out those billions of Orcs and the traitor kings turned into Sauron’s nine horsemen. In other words, let those on the American and European right discuss events like yesterday’s among themselves. Those of us who have been touched by the Self and have a blue mark on our arm see things differently.

The only thing that calms me, and I speak of that César now fully awake, clear-headed and out of bed, is that thanks to a slow apocalypse (due to peak oil) billions of obsolete versions of humans will be wiped out in the next hundred years. It reminds me of what Eduardo Velasco wrote from page 162 to the end of On Exterminationism when we read about an Aryan couple who, after the end of the world, will thirst to live to repopulate the Earth.

Autobiography Kali Yuga

Dark Era!

Not long ago I noticed that there are YouTube channels showing videos of criminal investigations into serial killers of children (!) in the United States. Below we see two of the victims of one of these killers, image taken from this video.

Two months ago I posted an entry about a comic book I read as a child, Little Lulu. It was the age of innocence when I imagined that childhood in the neighbouring country to the north was as wholesome as the children in my favourite comic: Lulu, Tubby, Annie, Iggy, Willie, Wilbur and the beautiful little girl Gloria (whom I compared to Lorena: the girl I had a crush on in primary school). We even shot a super-8 film at home about one of these stories—a magazine that I still own after so many decades! My cousin Octavio played the role of Tubby, who sneaked into the house to eat the lunch that Lulu and Annie (played by my sisters) had prepared for them…

It would take time for me to realise the dark side of the society I lived in. But I never imagined the horrendous levels of evil to which not only the US but the entire West has fallen. Cases like the child abductor whose victims are pictured above are legion if those YouTube channels are to be believed. Is it any wonder that in January I fantasised about the movie The Village, filmed in the US by an Indian from India, which opens with a group of Aryans creating a town far from the iniquitous ways of Kali Yuga?