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Racial right

Back in Charlottesville

I enjoyed this Alt-Right event a few hours ago from my home (see YouTube clip: here). Spencer fulfilled his promise ‘I’ll be back!’ to Charlottesville. However, his chanting ‘Russia is our friend’ almost spoils the event.
Monday update:
See also ‘Alt-Right Hits up DC and Charlottesville again With a Flashmob’ (here).

Racial right

Las Vegas shooting update

Further to my yesterday’s post. Andrew Anglin wrote today: “These were our people who got shot up and it is someone’s fault.”
Do you see? White nationalists are completely clueless that Gomorrahites are not their people. It was precisely the Gomorrah-like NY what rolled the red-carpet for the Jews (i.e., the Aryan problem enabled the Jewish problem).
White nationalism is phony. NS is the real thing.

Racial right

WN.2 gone with the wind too

Hunter Wallace has penned another article, “Alex Linder and White Nationalism 1.0” where he writes about Linder: “…his stance on Christianity, the awful things he has said about Sam Francis and Jared Taylor and exterminationism. We will never agree on those issues.”

On exterminationism and the subject of Francis and Taylor perhaps we will speak in the next episode of the WDH Radio Show. For the moment I limit myself to say that here we have reproduced the comments that a Jack Frost used to post on The Occidental Observer when trying to communicate with the commentators and authors that the Christian problem encompasses the Jewish problem.

Result? Frost’s very sharp comments did not make any substantial dent in the conservatives commenting on TOO. (Since white nationalists do not form a party similar to Golden Dawn in America, it could be said that they are de facto conservatives).

Nor have the articles of other authors which we have reproduced on Christianity made any dent in the mind of a Christian. The fact that mestization increased dramatically since the founding of Constantinople, as the requirement to live in that city was to be a Christian and not the Latin ethnicity, does not make in them any dent at all. When Wallace says “We will never agree on those issues” when referring to the universalist religion of his parents it is clear that his position is religious. Arguments do not count. And what we have said of Constantinople can also be said of what the Spanish and Portuguese did from the 16th century precisely because of Christian universalism.

The inability to apostatize from the religion of their parents is what has stopped Southern nationalists from understanding what is happening now with their tore down statues, together with their inability to question capitalism as Hajo Liaucius rightly saw on this site.

Racial right

WDH on the DS

Today The Daily Stormer reproduced our post of last Thursday as “The West’s Darkest Hour Episode 3: Anti-White Extermination-ism.”

I am so glad. Knowing the truth about the Holocaust perpetrated on Germans shall set you free!

Racial right

The fourteen words

white kids

“We Must Secure The Existence of Our People
and a Future for White Children.”

Racial right


Note of July 2018:

Instead of a linked PDF I have now reproduced the whole text as a regular entry: here.

Racial right

Bob Whitaker’s “mantra”


Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Mexico for the Mexicans, White countries… for everybody.

Whenever you hear the words “social injustice,” “prejudice,” or “inequality,” substitute these with the words “white culture.” People who want to eliminate “social injustice,” “prejudice,” or “inequality” really want to eliminate white culture.

Whenever you hear the words “white privilege,” substitute these with the words “white civilization.” People who want to eliminate “white privilege” really want to eliminate white civilization.

Whenever you hear the words “racist” or “racism,” substitute these with the words “white person.” People who want to end the existence of “racists” and “racism” really want to end the existence of white people.

The anti-racists say they are against white racists, white racism, and white privilege.

What they are really against is white culture, white civilization, and white people.

They say they want a world without “hate,” without “racism.”

What they really want is a world without white people, a world without you.

Anti-Racist is just a codeword for Anti-White.

When non-Whites pursue their group interests it’s called “civil rights.”

When Jews pursue their group interests it’s called “lobbying.”

When Whites pursue their interests it’s called “White Supremacy.”

Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White.

Racial right

Ten principles of ethno-nationalism

 Reblogged from Hammer & Anvil:

  1. All nationalism, implying a specific ethno-racial peoples, a distinctive homeland, and relative means of governance, i.e. the state, is ethno-nationalism. There are no exceptions.
  2. A specific ethno-racial peoples is the culmination of their genetic and cultural histories and traditions, and of the influence of environment and total ecology. Beneath the suffocation of technocratic culture, people are of geographical place. There is no nature-nurture schism.

Read more… 401 more words

It is always interesting to read Sebastian Ernst Ronin’s latest essays.