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McCulloch on Johnson

Richard McCulloch has written a review of Johnson’s new book, his manifesto. If white nationalism is a weak movement it’s precisely because of what McCulloch says in his review:

A manifesto is not the place for reticence, but reticence is understandable. Our bourgeois (e.g., the Constitution) and Christian values impose a high bar on the justified use of force.

McCulloch was talking about ethnic cleansing for the ethnostate. I would paraphrase his words this way: Instead of embracing the transvaluation of all values à la Wm. Pierce, schizophrenic nationalists want to have it both ways: constitutional comfort plus Xtian values (which includes Johnson’s secular values).

Film Racial right

The Last Jedi

For boomers like me Star Wars was never the epic film that has been for younger generations. For me the master film was 2001: A Space Odyssey, which exerted a tremendous influence on my life, especially because of its philosophical implications.

The Star Wars saga lies not in the serious science-fiction league. Rather, it resembles the space fantasy comics that became fashionable in the 1950s and 60s. There is nothing wrong with the comics genre, if we take into account that in a 2018 interview George Lucas told James Cameron in Story of Science Fiction that he had designed his project for twelve-year-old children.

But that genre that Lucas chose, like the most serious science-fiction, can produce good or bad movies. I agree with Richard Spencer that, from the point of view of the messages, Star Wars: Episode IV: A New Hope, of 1977, is the best as the protagonists are white and coloured heroes are missing. In addition, in the final minutes Princess Leia awards Luke and Han with medals for their heroism: visually, with slightly fashy tones.

From the strictly cinematographic point of view I believe that Star Wars: Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, that I saw with my family in 1980, is the only masterpiece of the eight episodes that have come out. It has a disadvantage: it introduces Lando Calrissian, a mulatoid character, as the administrator of Cloud City.

It was such an enthusiasm that that masterpiece caused me, that Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, which I saw on the big screen in 1983, caused me a huge disappointment. Darth Vader, so impressive in The Empire Strikes Back, here appears as the busboy of the emperor: an unpardonable blunder in Lucas’ story. I said above that the Star Wars genre was space comics taken to the screen. I still remember the American comics that came out in the 1970s and early 80s on Star Wars: infinitely better plots than the crap that occurred to Lucas when taking away all the aura of mystique from the figure of Vader.

So the series disappointed me since the eighties. When the first prequel was premiered in 1999, Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace, I was living in Manchester. If Lucas told Cameron that his original idea had been to make films for twelve-year-old children, in his first prequel he made it for children of even younger age: the age in which Anakin Skywalker appears in The Phantom Menace.

I saw on the big screen Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones, released in 2002. Although it seems more for teenagers, this second trilogy of Lucas can be summarized with these words: ‘Everything for the eye, nothing for the mind’. Unlike 2001: A Space Odyssey that can be described as ‘Everything for the eye and for the mind’, the new genre of space films do not leave food for thought.

When I saw the last of the prequels, Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, released in 2005, I told myself that the contemporary westerner knows nothing about the nature of evil (e.g., how Anakin became bad): a topic that I have pondered in my two books. That Lucas does not grasp evil is also apparent in his most recent interview by Cameron, another completely clueless guy.

Lucas is a white man. But since Jews bought the Disney Company, the messages have invariably become toxic. For that very reason I did not see, on the big screen, the sequels such as Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens, released in 2015.

At the corner of my house there is a travelling Mexican market of Indians every Monday, which includes stands of pirated DVDs. Only that way I dared to see part of The Force Awakens on my plasma television. Although Leia has behaved like a princess, in The Force Awakens the roles of the male hero are reversed to make room for a new heroine, the scavenger Rey. In this Greg Johnson, under the pseudonym of Trevor Lynch, has failed big time in his favourable reviews of the Star Wars sequels. With his tacit feminism Johnson seems to subscribe the Hollywood agenda of toxic messages.

Although Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi was released in 2017, I saw it last week. For the ridiculous amount of $ 10 pesos (in dollars, 53 ¢) I bought a pirated DVD of The Last Jedi in the same travelling market (I would not give the Jews at so-called Disney more than a buck to watch both films).

There is something I would like to say about this latest movie. As I did with The Force Awakens, I did not even spend my time with the latest saga film, insofar as in most of these movies I used the fast-forward of my remote control! That’s how we should treat the films produced by Jewish firms: there is no point in pissing us off with their bad messages at normal speed. And regarding the special effects, we already saw all that in the pre-‘Disney’ Lucas prequels, right? So I still pressed the fast-forward button…

But that is not what I wanted to say. There are times that even in films with bad messages a master scene that contrasts with the garbage is sneaked. That scene happens almost at the end of The Last Jedi.

I refer when Luke appears to help escape the few remaining survivors of the Resistance. A frozen image after he walks straight ahead toward a row of Imperial Walkers, a few seconds after Kylo orders them to stop, is very artistic and deserves to be kept in our memories. (To me, it evokes the isolated white nationalist confronting single-handedly all the power of ZOG…)

Then the madman Kylo orders that all Imperial Walkers’ cannons shoot at Luke. But after an orgy of shots he appears unscathed among the reddish smoke that evaporates, slightly shaking something off his shoulder, in challenge to Kylo. The latter makes a gesture of shocked surprise, and decides to go down his haughty ship, against all advice from his envious second-in-command, to confront him alone.

He then engages Luke in a lightsaber duel never seen before in any of the other Star Wars films: as the swords never collide but Luke, wielding his blue lightsaber, deftly evades all the onslaught from the fire colour of Kylo’s lightsaber. There comes a time when Luke turns off his lightsaber to talk to him, and Kylo runs toward him to cut his body in twain. Upon striking Luke, in the climactic scenes of the movie Kylo realises he has been fighting a Force projection of Luke and shouts, defeated, ‘Nooo!’ as he comprehends Luke’s plan to save the Resistance (including his sister Leia) by buying time with the duel distraction.

In the subsequent scene, Luke, exhausted, becomes one with the Force and dies light-years away from his phantasmagorical encounter with Kylo, peacefully and purposely, on the planet of the first Jedi.

All those scenes I loved, but you have to see them ignoring almost the rest of the film to appreciate them—something very difficult, because in one of the climactic moments there is a cut and the white Rey girl allows a long hug from a Negro that has also been featured in another Star Wars film. (Sometimes I would like to edit my home DVDs and cut off all the offensive segments: about 95 percent, or more, from most films.)

Many fans have complained on YouTube that the personality of the Luke of the first films was betrayed in the latest film. I disagree. My previous entry referred to the life of Karlheinz Deschner, who was a parachutist who fought for the Third Reich as a young man and, much later, became a critical scholar of Christianity. I myself admired St Francis in 1974. But when I read the first Jedi books, so to speak, I transvalued my values and started to admire Himmler’s SS.

What Star Wars fans ignore is that the mind matures over the decades. If any of those who knew me as a teenager saw me now, they would be shocked by the changes, both external and internal.

If we think about the battles that Deschner waged as a young man in the Second World War, all that remains of the Resistance are a few nationalists. What happened in Charlottesville last year should move what’s left of the Jedi knights to consider that, perhaps, it is time for more reading rather than direct legal action. If they read the collection of The Fair Race (which includes a section from William Pierce’s Who We Are), along with Hitler’s Table Talk, Mason’s Siege (or The Turner Diaries); what Deschner and others unearthed from the true story of Christianity, and even Goodrich’s Hellstorm, the internal force that the initiate would develop would be equivalent to that of a hermit Jedi.

A single example will clarify the above. In The Fair Race it is explained that in the historical Republic blond and blue-eyed Romans were the good guys. When Rome became a racial melting-pot for all the peoples of the Empire, including the subversive Semites, they became really bad. Conversely, the later Star Wars trilogy depicts the Empire as whites and the Republic as practitioners of miscegenation: the exact opposite of what history tells us!

Internal Jihad (see Luke above with his books) must precede external Jihad. The time has come to do an internal work in the sacred island where the last Jedi became wise and powerful before confronting ZOG.

Racial right

Uncle Sam wants you dead

I won’t add new posts over the weekend. But I’d like to note that the US government is now prosecuting four more pro-whites for the events of Charlottesville last year selectively, that is, ignoring the antifa that caused the violence in the first place.

Sooner or later pro-white Americans will realise that John F. Kennedy was right: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

Americanism Egalitarianism Racial right


One of the most offensive things that I find in the Alt Lite (for example, in some videos by Jean-François Gariépy) is that they hold the American flag behind their backs. In a recent colloquium on YouTube with Richard Spencer (here), Spencer said that his country started badly from the first hour; mentioning both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

White nationalism is an impossible chimera between Americanism and Nazism, in which the American animal predominates over the European. This is why it is refreshing that some central figures of the Alt-Right, like Spencer, begin to question the double helix that fertilised the American egg.

One of the axes of the helical structure that formed the United States is the monstrous lie of equality. The quotation ‘All men are created equal’ has been called ‘immortal declaration’, and ‘perhaps the single phrase’ of the American Revolutionary period with the greatest ‘continued importance’. Thomas Jefferson first used the psychotic phrase in the US Declaration of Independence, which he penned in 1776.

But there’s another equally monstrous and psychotic lie, the other helical axis, Christianity. As long as both molecules of nucleic acids or DNA are not shattered in the minds of white nationalists, their movement will not cease to be a chimera that, precisely because it is a fantasy, cannot engage the real world.

Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books) New Testament Racial right

C.T.’s New Testament

Disclaimer of September 12, 2018. In the below post mistakenly I used a fundamentalist order of the New Testament. In the new incarnation of this site I’ll be using Marcus Borg’s order of the 27 books of the New Testament.


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As I’ve said elsewhere, I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is a semi-legendary figure. Today I spent all day watching videos of lectures and debates with Bart Ehrman. When I complained years ago that visitors were not familiar with the studies of scholars about the New Testament, I did not imagine that ignorance was so widespread. Just yesterday and today, seeing the videos of Ehrman, I realise that only recently there has been an attempt by some scholars to pass this knowledge to the general public through the most powerful rhetorical means: the spoken word.

By the minute 30 in this video for example, Ehrman talks about what we have been saying recently with some sections of volumes II and III of Karlheinz Deschner’s Christianity’s Criminal History: that there are literary forgeries even in the New Testament itself.

White nationalists in the United States would do themselves a huge favour if they began to educate themselves on the New Testament theme from the point of view of history. For the leap from level 5 to level 6 it is essential to know the historians’ consensus about the New Testament. The biography of Ehrman himself is very didactic. He started his career as an evangelical fundamentalist, and only began to have doubts when he learned Greek to study the New Testament in a more scientific way, as the original New Testament is in Greek.

With entry 100 of Christianity’s Criminal History I finish my selection of translations for what will be the first volume in English in this abbreviated selection of Deschner’s work. A visitor to this site, who unlike me is a native English speaker, has volunteered to correct the syntax of my Deschner translation, which I will soon send him in a single Word document.

Given that The West’s Darkest Hour (WDH) is a place for white nationalists to awaken to the real world, from level 5 to level 6, and that the stumbling block is Christianity (and the neo-Christian ethos of the secular world), an idea has occurred to me.

In this article I said that the order of the New Testament of our Bibles is very deceptive. And that if we read it chronologically—that is, beginning with the oldest manuscript—it would be easier to see how the legendary layers were formed around the figure of Jesus. Why not put together a New Testament in the order in which it was written and sell it to the general public in printed form?:

Date written C.E.

1) James – 49

2) Galatians – 49

3) First Thessalonians – 50-51

4) Second Thessalonians – 50-51

5) First Corinthians – 54

6) Second Corinthians – 55

7) Romans – 55

8) Mark – 57-59

9) Ephesians – 60

10) Colossians – 60

11) Philemon – 60

12) Luke – 60

13) Acts – 61

14) Philippians – 61

15) First Timothy – 62

16) Titus – 62

17) Second Timothy – 63

18) First Peter – 63

19) Second Peter – 63-64

20) Matthew – 60s

21) Hebrews – 60s

22) Jude – 60s or 70s

23) John – late 80s

24) Revelation – late 80s – early 90s

25) 1 John – late 80s – early 90s

26) 2 John – late 80s – early 90s

27) 3 John – late 80s – early 90s

28) Thomas – as early as 40 or as late as 140?

I could read it in the order above and offer my comments on this site about each of the 27 canonical books of the New Testament.

I have added book 28 to the list, the Gospel of Thomas that the Jesus Seminar (mentioned on this site) included in The Five Gospels. The fact is that, although I numbered it as book 28, the Gospel of Thomas could have come before the old Gospel of Mark as it is similar to Q. But I place it as #28 in C.T.’s New Testament as its dating is uncertain. It is the only ‘apocryphal’ text that I would include in my collection.

The idea is not to copy and paste in WDH these 28 books. I’d only put my impressions here once I finish reading each book, and leave the 28 books for the printed version with my comments. We could call that printed book The Ordered New Testament, or something like that.

What do you think?

Racial right

The Spielbergs of Antiquity

Above, Siemiradzki’s painting showing Dirce, at the behest of Emperor Nero, being put to death by being tied to the horns of a bull and smashed against rocks.

This comment by S. Ranch about some words of Edward Gibbon moves me to say the following: Deschner’s story about Mar Jacob is taken from Acts of the Persian Martyrs (remember that in my abridgment of his Christianity’s Criminal History I omit the hundreds of bibliographical references used by Deschner).

I cannot talk about Gibbon since I did not finish reading his book. But the Christian propaganda about the martyrs was such (the Holocaustianity of the Ancient World!) that even anti-Christians continue to believe many of these stories. Years ago I read in a secular source that the author gave credibility to a story in which the ‘pagan’ executioners torture a Christian woman all night long until they fall exhausted: something implausible.

Many liberal, secular authors and even atheists have not realised how Spielberg et al have deceived us with their films and documentaries about the Jewish holocaust. The 6 million figure, for example, is a complete fabrication: something that Judeo-Christians have been doing to us with their psyops of martyrs since Antiquity.

Unless the historical source comes from non-Christian Romans, we should not give credibility to the accounts of martyrdoms. Otherwise the Judeo-Christians will continue deceiving us even after a millennium and a half of having written their martyrs’ acts. That’s why I liked my words to Arch Stanton: that if he could use a non-biblical source he could continue discussing with us about such a ‘Jesus’. Obviously he can’t: his main source, as well as that of those atheists who still believe they can find some real history in the hagiographies of saints, is the Judeo-Christian source.

It is striking that folks on the Alt-Right, as stagnant as they are in # 5 or in previous numbers of this list—that is, before they wake up from the Matrix—continue to take, as sources, ancient texts that should be as suspicious as a film of Spielberg today.

Racial right Real men

WN and I are two

That the white nationalists and I live in parallel universes can be seen in today’s commentaries on the visit of Witch Theresa May to the African country that is ethnically cleansing whites from its soil. I just saw a few seconds of this Ramzpaul video on the subject but I won’t see everything. A year ago I wrote:

The South African government had six atomic bombs. If the South Africans had nuked Washington, in addition to New York (which would dispatch quite a few non-gentiles) and Hollywood (thus destroying the Jewish virus factories for the Aryan mind), together with Jerusalem and Tel Aviv (which would have emboldened the surrounding Muslims to re-conquer Israel)—with the surplus bomb being retained for London, Paris, or Moscow—South Africa would have been destroyed by the Evil Empire, but at least it would have died with honour.

In addition to Ramzpaul, other white nationalists and people of the Alt-Right are commenting today on the Witch’s visit to South Africa. Well: I would bet that nobody says, not even remotely, what I wrote a year ago and also through the spoken word in one of the podcasts.

Pierce saw it clearly in The Turner Diaries: if a fraction of the atomic weaponry falls into the hands of revolutionaries, it must be used immediately, even if it is a move of enormous risk.

Nobody thinks like Pierce today! They prefer to follow the loving ethics of humanity, so full of flowers, inspired by Christianity. Next month Greg Johnson publishes his book White Nationalist Manifesto and I’m sure he will continue to say that racists should continue to use porcelain guns instead of fighting.

Yesterday I saw part of this video by Jean-François Gariépy (known simply as JFG in YouTube) about whether the future of the white race will be great or will be extinguished. As far as I watched, at no time was armed struggle discussed as the royal path out of the death trap in which the white man has fallen.

I live, as I said, in a universe parallel to that of white nationalists, folks of the Alt-Right or Alt-Lite vloggers (JFG, for example, is a libertarian). For me it is more than obvious that whoever wants to save his race must convert himself into an army: an army of a single soldier!

That’s why I can no longer tolerate more than a few seconds in sites or videos of WN / Alt-Right. Their lack of martial spirit, and lack of desire to annihilate the Enemy even if that leads to their own death, make me sick.

Constantinople Friedrich Nietzsche Miscegenation Racial right

Richard Spencer starts…

to talk like a man! After the second minute he said in angry tone (my usual tone by the way): ‘We should re-establish Byzantium. That’s the absolute crown-jewel of our civilisation’.
Unfortunately, Spencer ignores that Constantinople was precisely the place where whites started to miscegenate big time. He’s completely ignorant of history, of the fact that Byzantium was the execrable location where Christianity, as Nietzsche put it, brooded over its basilisk eggs; a location that should be razed to the ground, being the horror of all posterity!
This is the problem with the overwhelming majority of white nationalists. They are ignorant of History, especially how the white race started to fall suicidally by worshipping the god of the Jews.
Could anyone be so kind to send Spencer the link to Rome vs. Judea; Judea vs. Rome? Ideal of course would be that he and the rest of the Alt-Right folks read the book that I quoted in my yesterday’s post.
Failure to awaken on this subject means that they’re purple-pilled, not fully red-pilled yet.

Axiology Friedrich Nietzsche Racial right

Hitler or extinction

by Joseph Walsh

Just continuing on your [C.T.’s] comments from an earlier email of yours (dated 1st August), you say your ‘idea is to produce a superior race of Whites who genetically are more like Hitler and the top NS men: kind to the animals, admirers of beauty, etc.’

You make me think of thoughts I’ve been going over for a while now—that Hitler was the closest the White race has come to producing Nietzsche’s Superman, a man who is incredibly gifted biologically and genetically.

Nietzsche said man is a rope tied between animal and Superman—a rope over an abyss. I assume Nietzsche was thinking about European man here. The White race can either evolve upward and produce more men like Adolf Hitler (as well as like that caste of supermen that Hitler inspired, the SS) or fall into the abyss of extinction.

Whites had the choice in the 1930’s of following Hitler on the path to Life or following the Jews on the path that leads to Death—racial death. Most of the White race opted to side with the Jews and since WWII our race has been on a steady downhill decline leading toward the abyss—toward racial death.

Nietzsche also said ‘do you want to be the ebb of this great flood and even go back to the beasts rather than overcome man?’ Whites have been returning to the ape by imitating and worshipping Negros and Negro culture. They do not want to continue upward, they want to go downward, to die. William Pierce said that if the White race goes extinct Life would have ended in failure on this planet; that there would never again be a form of life as advanced as the Aryan race before Earth becomes uninhabitable for life when the Sun dies. James Mason said something similar when he mentioned that if the White race is to go extinct then any great Destiny that was intended for this planet was finished on 30/04/1945 in Berlin.

If the White race does go extinct, at least Hitler will have proven indirectly that Whites were too weak to follow him and continue his work. That most Whites didn’t have the strength to break with Judeo-Christian morality and embrace the morality of the Swastika, instead going in the opposite direction and choosing to embrace suicidal Christian ethics and give away their own countries to foreigners, while those white males who wanted to survive took little to no serious action to prevent this from happening. In short Hitler could have been the saviour of the White race but may be the person who indirectly destroyed it because Whites were too pathetic to survive.

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My two cents (C.T.):

While watching a YouTube video published yesterday with Christopher Cantwell interviewing Hunter Wallace, I could not listen beyond the very first minutes. All these guys—all the movement actually—are thinking like civilians, not preparing for a civil war. It is a psychological phenomenon that has happened to me for a long time. I cannot tolerate listening to the white nationalists or the folks of the Alt-Right because they still think like reactionary conservatives, never like would-be warriors.

When the white race perishes, dark-skinned intellectuals will wonder why those who wanted to survive never fought. Then, in archaeological research of defunct internet sites one of them will find, in dusty hard-disks, backups of this site. The coloured of the future will discover that the last generation of whites never abandoned the love of Jesus, not even the atheists: an ethnosuicidal pathology that only affected whites.

Had these American and European racists abandoned Christian ethics, the coloured of the future will think, they would have taken Pierce’s books as their new Holy Bible. They would have also displayed their pickets outside the Vatican and the churches on the other side of the Atlantic with slogans like ‘Transvaluation of all values!, ‘Civilisation cannot be reclaimed until the last stone from the last church falls on the last priest’ and ‘Burn down all Christian churches to the ground’. But in real history whites missed their last chance…

Let’s Walsh have the last word:

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It’s interesting that I got involved with WN through anti-Christianity. The rock ‘music’ I listened to (called Black Metal) was anti-Christian. Through that I came to read Nietzsche’s The Antichrist and it was my hatred of Christianity that made me hate the Jews as I viewed them as responsible for Christianity.

Christianity was and still is the thing I hate the Jews most for (if it was Jews that were responsible for its genesis that is). Through my hate for Christianity and the Jews I suddenly saw Hitler in a new light. Then I became racially conscious. For me the taboo subject was the JQ. So many people involved in Heavy Metal (which I can no longer stomach) are anti-Christian but not anti-Semitic, anti-Semitism is taboo, while with WN it is the other way round—they find the JQ easy but can’t give up Xianity. For me it is logical that if you are anti-Jewish you must be anti-Christian and if you are anti-Christian you must be anti-Jewish.

Even with all the information and work that has been done on the post-1945 suicide of the White race I still find the suicide of the West, like you say, extremely difficult to understand and hard to comprehend. Such masochism is incredible to behold… It was a great insight of yours that the Aryan Question is the real challenge for one to understand while the JQ is relatively straightforward and clear to understand.

I’m glad I have the capability to understand the excellent thinking you have done on weaknesses in the white race throughout white history. Much more work needs to be done in that area.

Darkening Age (book) Judea v. Rome Racial right

Blip on the radar

Finally, one white nationalist site, the webzine Counter Currents, has published a book review of the subject we consider most important, the destruction of the Greco-Roman world by early Christians.
I refer to A. Graham’s review of the 2018 American edition of Catherine Nixey’s The Darkening Age: The Christian Destruction of the Classical World (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt).
However, the commentariat of Counter Currents seems ignorant of Evropa Soberana’s eureka essay that I have been advertising in the masthead of this site (see especially these paragraphs). Perhaps a visitor of The West’s Darkest Hour may wish to link Soberana’s essay, that I translated from Spanish to English, in that thread of Counter Currents (for example: here)?
This is probably the most important topic of the whole white nationalist blogosphere. If Aryans remain ignorant of the very roots of Judaic infection they won’t be able to find a cure, as an incomplete diagnosis translates into an incomplete or imperfect medicine.