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Art Neanderthalism Welfare of animals


I was going to post another Might is Right instalment today but I got to thinking about my recent exchanges with Benjamin in various threads, and I feel I should say a few things.

I sometimes check the number of comments on old threads, back when WDH was hosted for free by WordPress, and I’m surprised that there were threads with dozens of comments. Since I started criticising American white nationalism, calling it deficient compared to German National Socialism, and shifting my paradigm from regarding the Christian problem as infinitely more serious than the Jewish problem, the visitor traffic has collapsed.

This is compounded by the fact that, as an immense admirer of Hitler myself, the German Chancellor’s sensitivity to art and animal welfare is something that simply doesn’t exist on the American racial right.

The immense dilemma I find myself in is that this sort of thing cannot be explained by pure reason, say, by solid race realist articles like the ones Jared Taylor has been publishing for decades. It has more to do with what we might call emergent psychogenics, which I have already discussed in Day of Wrath (a book that is nothing more than a translation of some chapters of my trilogy).

Psychogenic emergency is either felt or not. Or rather: either one belongs to a higher psychoclass, or one doesn’t belong to it. As I said, it is not something that can be demonstrated by pure reason. On seeing a work of art, such as the Lorraine canvas I saw on my last trip to London, the museum visitor either feels the emergent aesthetics compared to the architectural Neanderthalism of the largest city in Europe, or he feels nothing at all. Those 18th-century Englishmen like Henry Hoare who were aesthetically emergent even designed their gardens in imitation of the Italian painter’s architecture. Either you feel art or you don’t.

Incidentally, the bridge in Stourhead’s garden whose image I posted in June in this article was also used by Kubrick in one of the scenes in Barry Lyndon: a film whose images were inspired by canvases of the period like very few films I have seen. (Perhaps the sole exception is 1956’s Lust for Life in which the director used the actual sites in Holland, Belgium and the French countryside where Vincent van Gogh lived.)

The fourteen words have to do with aesthetics, in that the white race is the only truly beautiful race from the point of view of the Gods of Olympus. The other issue is ethics, the four words, Eliminad todo sufrimiento innecesario. Like great art, you either feel the four words or you don’t. Either you are a Neanderthal (Benjamin sent me an email today describing experiments on rabbits that I don’t even want to describe) or you are an overman like Hitler, and Göring who forbade tormenting those animals.

The sad truth is that most American racialists have not reached the psychogenic level of the Führer in terms of ethics and aesthetics, and that those emergent qualities cannot be induced by arguments, criticisms or diatribes like the ones I have used in this blog. Either you start psychogenically emerging as a child or an adolescent (cf. Kubizek’s memoirs of Hitler when they were both teenagers) or you won’t.

Aristotle Neanderthalism


Yesterday a commenter emailed me about my previous post and I explained that, given the vision of my project (an audiovisual programme), only a wealthy sponsor could help us.

I explained that, given that my spoken English is too broken (unlike my written English whose syntax I can check calmly), I would need to speak in my native language and a dubbing expert with a British accent would translate my words into English (the person who sent me yesterday’s email is English).

The situation is complicated by the fact that my ambitious project would involve a daily show with another priest of the holy words. And that in turn would involve this other priest emigrating to the third world, where I live, so that the government of his country wouldn’t bother him. On top of that, he would need to be on a pension for life, while living here he would no longer be able to receive income from his home country!

It is hard to believe, but it is not easy to do something as simple as talking to someone, in one’s mother tongue, who thinks like one does.

Detail of the fresco School of Aristotle by Gustav Adolph Spangenberg.

Aristotle said that there are three kinds of friendship. The most elementary is, let’s say, the friendship we have with our cousins. The second would be something like conversing (just what I was doing a few decades ago in a café with some comrades, as I said on Tuesday). On the other hand, the deepest level of friendship is that of two friends whose virtue unites them (e.g., two priests of the four words).

Taking into account the third level, in previous decades I have never, ever in the country where I live had a true friend. As Nietzsche said: ‘There is comradeship: may there be friendship!’

But back to my dream. Two virtuous men talking about an infinite number of subjects, with dubbing so that young Aryans can understand us, is the idea I have. If we weren’t living in the darkest hour of the West, after all the decades I have been living in the most populous city in Latin America, that virtuous Spanish speaker with whom I could talk would have appeared by now. What gets me is that I have cousins who are whiter than me, with more elongated, Nordic-type skulls, and even blue-eyed blonds, but they don’t give a damn about the preservation of their blood.

As far as white nationalists north of the Rio Grande are concerned, in my dream programme I would be daily criticising their contradictions, of which I have already written at length on this site and won’t summarise them now.

A more modest project than having a show whose look—not content—would be as I said yesterday similar to the Peter Boghossian interview by David Rubin, would be to pay a printer so that our PDFs could once again be available as printed books.

But one fights with what one has. Such elementary things as a small publishing house and a daily show, including on Sundays, where two National Socialist virtuosos exchange views, may not happen anywhere in the world until after the convergence of catastrophes exterminates, at least, millions if not billions of Neanderthals!


Intertwined pyramids

What is worse, a powerful white traitor like George Bush or a powerful Jew like George Soros? White nationalists focus on the Jew. This site, in the traitor.

The inverted pyramid symbol is perfect for understanding the darkest hour (as I say in Hitler #29). The canaille, the Neanderthals to power—the dictatorship of the masses, the base of the pyramid… at the top!—, while the greatest politician in Western history, the top of the pyramid, is slandered like no other man: the tip of the pyramid to the bottom. That President Bush took many photos of himself with the American flags flanked by Israeli flags showing these two pyramids intertwined (a normal triangle and an inverted one) speaks for itself.

Degenerate art Nature Neanderthalism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 101

People will object that I am being unfair to the human elites who create culture. It will be pointed out to me that without a certain encroachment on the jungle, the savannah or the forest, and thus without the restriction of the natural domain of the wild animals, there would never have been cities or monuments, or all that is encompassed under the name of ‘civilisation’; the arts being all more or less linked to each other, as well as to certain fundamental techniques.

This is true, and no one can deny it. Or rather, it was true in the days when one could still think that it was worth cutting down a few trees to erect, on the top of a promontory or some other ‘high place’, a perfect temple or to build, in the middle of a plain, one or more pyramids with powerful symbolism, whose measurements corresponded to those of the Earth itself, if not the solar system. This was true in the days when, as an integral part of Nature, man had not yet risen against her in the laughable pride over other living species; in the time when, in the best societies—traditional societies—the most eminent minds, far from exalting themselves like Francis Bacon or Descartes at the idea of the ‘domination of man’ over the universe, dreamed only of expressing allegorically, in carved, painted, sung or written work, or by rhythmic sound and dance, their intuitive knowledge of cosmic truths, their vision of the eternal.

Then, human creation within certain limits fitted harmoniously into the natural environment. It didn’t spoil it or desecrate it. It couldn’t be otherwise, given that at that time only what René Guénon calls ‘objective art’ was considered ‘art’: work whose standards are directly linked to the artist’s knowledge of the standards of the visible and invisible, human and non-human universe. Thus were born the colossi of Tiahuanaco, the pyramids of Egypt and America, the Greek, Hindu or Japanese temples, the prehistoric or relatively recent paintings at the bottom of caves in Altamira, Lascaux, Ajanta; the Byzantine, Romanesque or Gothic cathedrals, the great mosques of the world, and all the sacred or initiatory music from Antiquity to Bach and Wagner, and the sacred dances of the Indies and the whole world. None of this takes away the soul of the native environment—on the contrary: it expresses it, translates it into the language of the eternal by linking it to it.

But all this was yesterday; it was mostly in the past. It dates from before, and in general long before, the appearance of the insect-man and before his sudden multiplication into not arithmetical but geometrical expression, the result of techniques for protecting the weak.

I repeat: quality and quantity are mutually exclusive.

Those whose numbers are increasing in geometric progression—doubling, and in some countries tripling every thirty years—can only ruin the land, the landscape, and the soil itself to which they cling like leeches. They need houses—any kind of houses quickly built and as cheap and ugly as possible. Art doesn’t come into play provided that, in technically advanced countries, they offer more and more comfort and allow an increasingly automatic life. In other countries it will be enough for them to line up, all alike, like a built-in series, on the site of uprooted forests. Corrugated iron will replace the fresh thatch. And fragments of rusty cans, roughly fixed together, will form the walls instead of palm leaves, which have become rarer. Thus these cheap dens are certainly not as good as the most primitive African or Oceanian huts or the ancient caves. But they do have the advantage that they can be built at the same pace as the human population.

As for the work of art, the visible reflection of the eternal, destined to last for millennia—the pyramid, the tomb, the temple or the colossus freed from the living rock, or erected like a stone hymn in the middle of the plain or at the top of an escarpment—has long since been out of the question. Man no longer builds under the direction of the wise, to give substance to a truth that cannot be expressed in words, but under that of entrepreneurs eager for quick profits to house as many people as possible, and any people whatsoever. The landscape is sacrificed, the forest is torn away, and its inhabitants—the beasts, the reptiles, the birds—are pushed back to where they can no longer live, or killed outright. Man, once an integral part of Nature, and sometimes its crowning glory, has become the executioner of all beauty, the enemy of the universal mother, the cancer of the planet.

Even the superior races no longer create symbols. They have replaced, or are increasingly replacing, temples and cathedrals with factories and medical research centres. And they ‘decorate’ their public squares with caricatures made of cement or wire. The music that their young people like, the music that they let blare out of their transistors all day long as a background for all their activities, all their speeches, all their remaining thoughts, is a bad imitation of Negro music.


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Editor’s Note: This is why, as soon as I hear degenerate music in the first minute of some white nationalist podcast, I immediately get off that website—just like I treat TV shows: as soon as I see a black guy I change the channel. Compare this attitude with WN pundits’ recent reviews of the latest Batman film.

Democracy Deranged altruism Egalitarianism Neanderthalism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 96


Chapter XII: A call for the end

And thou, divine Death, where everything returns and disappears,
Receive your children into your starry bosom,
Free us from Time, Number and Space,
And give us back the rest that life has disturbed.

Leconte de Lisle. (‘Dies Irae’: Poèmes Antiques).

It is worth repeating, and insisting on, that along with the great cats, the masterpieces of Creation, the elephants and other noble herbivores, and the holy forests themselves, the pullulation of man threatens with death (slow, but certain) the most beautiful and gifted of the human races, especially that which interests us above all others: our Aryan race.

This is inevitable, unless intervention in the opposite direction, and in time, is directed by legislators and supported, if necessary, by force. It is inevitable, I say, for the simple reason that the inferior races are by nature far more prolific than the others (the same is true of the various species of four-legged mammals: mice and rats multiply so much more rapidly than lions and tigers!).

A racial elite can only survive if it keeps its blood pure. And it is clear that even then it can only continue to play its natural role, which is to command, both politically and in other areas, if it is part of a civilisation which, unlike today’s democracies, both popular and plutocratic, rejects any idea of giving priority to the greatest number. As soon as one accepts the principle of universal suffrage—one man, one vote, whatever the man—; as soon as one attributes to any man (of any race, even the least beautiful and least gifted, and even of any level of personal degradation) an immense ‘value’, superior by the mere fact that he is ‘a man’, to that of the noblest animal or tree, one puts the human elite in danger.

And the threat of impotence, of deterioration, and finally of death, which is thus brought to bear upon it, is all the more formidable, and all the more imminent, because preventive sanitary techniques more effectively prevent infant mortality and epidemics of all kinds from taking their toll on the weak of any race, and from keeping in check the tendency of the inferior races to swarm at the rate of the rodents.

For if nothing is done to slow down the rate of reproduction of these races at all costs, and if moreover a higher and higher minimum of education is imposed on them, it will automatically be they who will have the last word in a world governed by ‘the majority’—they, or rather a few raceless and faithless demagogues, skilled in manipulating them, and behind them the international Jew. For he is the eternal enemy of all racism (except his own), capable of creating or suppressing at a price of gold, the most diverse demagogies.

In India, this process has been going on for decades already, even for a century, since the moment they became victims of the false belief in the ‘value of every man’. The British have felt it their duty not only to Indianize their administrative services, but to Indianize them from below, by giving more and more benefits to the lower castes—i.e., races—of India at the expense of the Aryan castes. It is they, the English, and they alone, as I have repeatedly said, who are directly responsible for the accelerated decadence of this vast country, not for having ‘exploited’ it excessively, economically; but for having instilled in those who were to become its effective rulers, their democratic and humanitarian ideals.

They are responsible for this in two ways. Firstly, they set up their hospitals and dispensaries, their faculties and their medical research laboratories everywhere. They inaugurated, on a vast scale, the fight against epidemics and especially against infant mortality—against the rapid elimination of the weak—and in every way encouraged the Indians to continue it after their departure. Thus, and while the population increased in frightful proportions (it doubles every thirty years!), they applied to its enormous masses—of different races, but, in the increasing majority, of inferior races—those same democratic principles which haven’t ceased to infect Europe since 1789.

They trained in their school the Indians (Hindus of all castes but, increasingly, of the lower castes; Mohammedans, Christians) to whom they, first under their colonial aegis and then from the ‘independence’ which followed their departure, passed on the burden of power. They imposed universal suffrage; they gave equal importance as voters (however small) to the savage Kuki of Assam, the Naga, the Santal, the Gund, and the fairest-skinned Brahmin with regular features, a blood brother of the best Europeans, and more cultured than many of them. They have chosen, as their successors, Indians, educated in their school and psychologically dead to the racist spirit of the Hindu Tradition, and sure to continue their work of disintegration.

These Indians are now doing the impossible for the promotion of the masses of inferior races, ever more compact, more swarming, more invasive thanks to the decline in mortality. They have set up legislation that gives the greatest number of posts everywhere to the nationals of these masses, as soon as they have assimilated a minimum of literacy. The result is a generalized mess, incredible incompetence at all levels: an express telegram sent from Delhi, takes four days to reach Jammu; the Delhi buses leave at the convenience of their driver, and arrive when they can, etc. It also leads to corruption at all levels, in all departments. But that does not matter.

The main thing is that people now say, abroad, ‘India’, instead of saying ‘the Indies’, and thus the illusion of an Indian ‘nation’ is born. The main thing is that this ‘nation’, or rather this State, which is the spirit of the degenerate, Jewish, humanitarian and pacifist Britons, continue to rule. It is a democracy and, to boot, a secular democracy—without official religion (because this title is refused to immemorial Hinduism), even against any traditional religion, in the manner of Emile Combes’ France: a State in which, some dare to hope, the cult of science and humanity—of science applied to the well-being and ‘happiness’ of ‘all men’—will increasingly replace the cult of the ancient Gods, according to the outdated dream of Auguste Comte.

The essential point is that this State is a multiracial democracy, in which all shades of inferior humanity are in open or latent, noisy or silent revolt against the few millions of Brahmins and Kshatriyas—even against those of them (as is the case with so many southern Brahmins) to whose ancestors the privileges and honours of caste were originally bestowed on account of their extraordinary merits, without having been Aryans.

Evil Mayas Nature Neanderthalism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Welfare of animals

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 91

The passage of the poem quoted above, reminds me of the title of a book published in France a few years ago—a cry of alarm at the idea that what will be, in a generation or two, the amplitude of human expansion on the surface of our unhappy planet: Six milliards d’insectes.

Six billion insects, i.e. six billion two-legged mammals with the habits and mentality of the termite mound—and none, or almost none, of the beautiful beasts that have graced the Earth since the dawn of time! For man doesn’t only kill wild beasts with his hands. There are those he condemns to death merely by removing their essential living space: the forest, savanna, even, in the case of the small half-wild beasts which are the cats, the ordinary vacant lots where their prey usually lives.

Every forest, mercilessly uprooted by bulldozers, so that a human settlement, certainly less beautiful than it, and generally of little or no cultural value, can be installed on the land it once occupied, is a hymn to the glory of the eternal, which disappears to make way for ‘laughter, vile noises, cries of despair’.[1]

More than that: it is a habitat stolen from the noble wild beasts—as well as from the squirrels, birds, reptiles, and other forms of life that always perpetuated themselves there in perfect balance with one another. The action which suppresses it for the benefit of man—that insatiable parasite—is a crime against the Universal Mother, whose respect should be the first duty of a so-called ‘thinking’ living being. And it is almost consoling, for those who think and are not particularly enamoured of the two-legged mammal, to see that the Mother sometimes reacts to this outrage by manifesting herself in her terrible aspect.

A thousand families are installed on the levelled, weeded, asphalted site, torn from the forest. And in the next rainy season, the slaughtered trees are no longer there to hold back the water, and with their powerful roots, the rivers overflow, dragging ten times as many people from the region and all the surrounding areas in their furious rush. The usurper is punished. But this does not teach him anything, alas, for he multiplies at a dizzying rate, technology being there to counteract natural selection and prevent the elimination of the sick and the weak. And it will continue to deforest, to subsist at the expense of other beings.

But it is not only the beasts, the birds of prey, and in general the free-living beasts, that are the victims of man’s indefinite expansion. The number of domesticated animals itself—except for those representatives of those species which man especially breeds to kill and eat them, or to exploit them in some way—is rapidly diminishing. This is because technology has changed the nature of man in highly mechanised countries, and has removed the salutary restraint on human proliferation which, a few decades ago, was still imposed by periodic epidemics.


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Editor’s note: Savitri blames technology, but the problem precedes Big Tech. For example, there is evidence to suggest that humans did cause the mammoth extinction in prehistoric times. And regarding ancient history I have talked a lot on this site about child sacrifice in non-Western cultures, but not about ritual animal sacrifice.

Here we see a jaguar sacrificed by the Maya in pre-European times. Today’s Westerners are such imbeciles that they are no longer capable of doing historical justice to these poor animals; let’s say, by condemning these serial-killer cultures.

[1] Leconte de Lisle, ‘Là Forêt Vierge’, (Poèmes Barbares).

Hinduism Neanderthalism Schutzstaffel (SS) Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 89

It is curious, to say the least, to note that this expansion, still slow, perhaps, but now inexorable, of the two-legged mammal, begins, according to the estimation of researchers, ‘around four thousand years before the Christian era’,[1] that is, according to Hindu tradition, a few centuries before the beginning of the Dark Age, or Kali Yuga, in which we live.

This is not surprising. The Kali Yuga is the age of universal and irremediable decadence—or rather, the age during which the irremediable decadence, imperceptible at the dawn of the cycle, then, relatively slow, accelerates, until it becomes, in the end, vertiginous. This is the age in which we are increasingly witnessing the reversal of eternal values in the lives of peoples, and in the lives of the growing majority of individuals, and the persecution, ever more relentless (and more effective, alas!), of those beings who live and want to continue to live according to these values of the human elite: the elites of all traditional civilisations, which, originally, are always biological, and of the entire animal and plant world.

This is the age in which, contrary to the primitive order, quantity increasingly takes precedence over quality; in which the Aryan worthy of the name recoils before the masses of inferior races, increasingly numerous, compact, and uniformly daubed with compulsory education. It is also the age when, on the other hand, the king of the animals and, with him, all the aristocrats of the jungle, recoil before the average (and less than average) man: less handsome than they, less strong than they; decidedly further from the perfect archetype of his species than they are from that of theirs.

This is not the triumph of man in the sense in which we understand that word; of that ‘god-man’ of which there is sometimes talk in certain remarks by Adolf Hitler, as Rauschning reported them.

This man died, mostly in the uniform of the SS on all the battlefields of the Second World War, or in the dungeons of the victors of 1945, or hung from their gallows. If, exceptionally, he survives—or if, born after the disaster, he breathes among us, adorned with youth—it is in the strictest clandestinity. He lives in a world that is not his, and which he knows will never become his, at least until the day when the sleeping Emperor—He-Who-Returns-Age-After-Age—will come out of the shadows where He waits, and rebuild the visible in the image of the eternal. Until that day the overman, or at least the candidate for overmanhood, knows that he is and will remain ‘the vanquished’: the one who has no place anywhere and whose action remains useless, heroic though they may be.

The man who reigns today—the victor of 1945 and, before him and with him, the winner in all the decisive conflicts of ideas of truly global importance—is the insect-man. Innumerable, and increasingly uniform, banal, despite all the contortions to make himself look ‘original’, and believe himself to be so; irresistible by sole virtue of his proliferation without limits, he takes possession of the Earth at the cost of all beings that change relatively little, while he was degraded more and more quickly during this cycle, and particularly during the Dark Age.

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Editor’s note: According to an online encyclopaedia, Kaliyuga is a period that appears in Hindu scriptures. It is commonly referred to as the ‘age of quarrelling and hypocrisy’. In Sanskrit, kali means ‘die’ (or more precisely ‘the side of the die marked with a one’) and yuga, ‘age’.

Kali (not to be confused with the goddess Kali or with Kalki, the Avenger) is a brown-skinned demon that committed incest with his friend Durukti (‘slander’) and thus had two sons: Bhaia (‘fear’) and Mritiu (‘time’). He appears as an evil genie in the Nala episode in the Mahabhárata.

The age of Kali began at midnight on the twelfth day of the Kurukshetra war which lasted a total of eighteen days, the night when the two armies refused to stop at sunset to pray and continued killing each other in the dark, until dawn. In the middle of the 6th century, Aria Bhatta determined by astrological calculations that this time could have been between 17 and 18 February 3102 BC. Today, Hinduists maintain that this date is correct.

Because of the presence of the god Krisna on the planet, the personification of Kali didn’t dare to enter in full force. But on the very day of Krisna’s ascension to heaven Kali entered this world in the form of the crime of hurting a cow.

(Left, the demon Kali tries to kill a cow and is stopped by the Aryan king Parīkṣit, a descendant of the Pandavas.) This yuga of vice will last exactly 1200 years of the devas (gods) or 432,000 years of humans. In the end, Kalki—again: not to be confused with Kali—will be born, the tenth and last avatar of Vishnu, who, riding a white horse and wielding a sword, will kill all corrupted humanity and save those who remain devotees of Vishnu.


[1] Tier, eleventh year, No. 5, page 44. Article: ‘Die Überbevölkerung droht als nahe Weltkatastrophe’.

Exterminationism Neanderthalism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 86

But that’s not all. The visible world around them was infinitely more beautiful than what is spread out today—or was spread out already yesterday and the day before yesterday—, in the vicinity of human agglomerations. It was more beautiful because there were then few men, and many animals, and trees, and immense inviolate spaces.

There is no worse enemy of the beauty of the world than the unlimited proliferation of man. There is no worse enemy of the quality of man himself than this overgrowth: it cannot be repeated too often that a choice must be made between ‘quantity’ and ‘quality’.

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Editor’s note: This is where the light-years of distance between Savitri and me compared to today’s racialists is most noticeable. It isn’t enough to say that there are billions of Neanderthals on the planet who disfigure the world. The Mauritian scale has to be climbed to level 10. In other words, grab hold of the Christian ethics that our parents and secular schooling instilled in us, wipe our asses with it, and do it publicly (as Putin is currently defecating on American hubris).

The Aryan who fails to understand this is not a real Aryan but a eunuch lobotomised with NT values.

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The history of our cycle is, like that of any cycle, the history of an indefinitely prolonged struggle between quality and quantity, until the victory of the latter: a complete victory, but a very short one, since it necessarily coincides with the end of the cycle, and the coming of the Avenger, whom I have called by his Sanskrit name: Kalki.

If I say that the heroic but practically useless attempt at ‘recovery’ represented by Hitlerism is the last—beyond which any effort of whatever magnitude against the current of Time, is doomed to immediate failure—it is because I know of no force in the present world able to stop universal decadence, in particular to pitilessly reduce the number of men while raising the quality of the survivors; none, that is, apart from that sole champion of the Powers of Light and Life, fully victorious: Kalki. Despite all the power and the prestige at his disposal, Adolf Hitler was unable to create—recreate—the conditions that were and remain essential for the blossoming of a Golden Age. He could neither suppress technology nor reduce the number of people in the world to anything like one-thousandth of what it is today, that is, practically to what it was during the centuries before our Dark Age.

It is possible and even probable that, victorious, he would have tried to do so, gradually. But his victory would have had to be complete, and not only on a European but on a world scale; and there would have been no power on earth to rival his and to thwart his work.

But then he would have been Kalki Himself, and we would now be living at the dawn of a new cycle. In fact, he needed technology, and at least a growing German population, to carry out his fight against the tide of time under the present conditions.

If, like many of his great predecessors who left behind them new civilisations, he had been partially successful in material terms, his work would hardly have lasted at all, simply because it was set in an era so close to the end of the cycle. Everything suggests that it would have deteriorated in a few years, given the sordid selfishness and stupidity of the vast majority of our contemporaries, even of the best races. The most skilful cook cannot make an appetising and healthy omelette with rotten eggs.

However atrocious it may seem to us, with its immediate and distant consequences, the military defeat of 1945 was still better than the galloping degeneration of a Hitlerian civilisation that appeared too late, after the definitive closure of the era of possible, albeit ephemeral, rectification!

Even in the collapse of the Third German Reich, even in the horror of the last days of the Führer and his ultimate followers in the Chancellery Bunker, under the blazing inferno that Berlin had become, there is a grandeur worthy of the tragedies of Aeschylus or the Wagnerian Tetralogy. The combat without hope and weakness of the superhuman hero against inflexible Destiny—his destiny, and the world’s—replayed itself there, undoubtedly for the last time.

The next time it won’t be giants or demigods, but miserable dwarfs who will suffer the inevitable destruction: billions of dwarves, banal in their ugliness, without character, who will disappear before the Avenger like an anthill destroyed by a lava flow.

In any case, whether or not we survive the painful childbirth of the new cycle, we won’t be among these dwarfs. The ordeal of 1945 and especially of the post-war years—the victoriously overcome ordeal of seductive prosperity—will have made us, the few, what we are and what we remain. And in the roar of unleashed power that will mark the end of all that we so cordially despise, we shall greet with a shiver of ecstasy the Voice of divine revenge, whose triumph will be ours—even if we must perish.

Better that, a hundred times, than participation in universal degeneration under a glorious security (but increasingly devoid of all meaning!) which would undoubtedly have been our lot, if the victorious Reich had survived the ‘twenty-fifth hour’.

Exterminationism Hate Human sacrifice Neanderthalism

Reply to Franklin Ryckaert

Hi Franklin,

I am pleased to see you commenting here once again. Although it seems an obvious contradiction what you tell me—:

So you are proud of your ‘exterminationism’, but at the same time you keep on complaining about the crimes of the Allies against Nazi Germany and about cruelty against children and animals. Is that not a contradiction?

—there really isn’t.

Have you read what I say in the fourth of my eleven books about pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the clash of psychoclasses with the Europeans that destroyed it? If my books were already all translated into English, I would suggest you read them. In context, they explain the difference between ‘unnecessary suffering’ and ‘necessary suffering’, especially the last book (see, e.g., the translation of the final chapter of the fourth book here).

For example, from the point of view of the priest of ‘the four words’ (‘eliminate all unnecessary suffering’), the Carthaginians and their culture had to be exterminated so that those Semites would not be roasting their children alive (bibliographical references on the reality of infanticide can be found in another part of my book, translation: here). My exterminationist passion has to do precisely with compassion for those who suffer, especially animals and children at the mercy of human monsters, and the draconian measures that must be taken to save them from such unnecessary suffering.

But that to save them it is sometimes necessary to leave no gene upon gene of a race, no stone upon stone of their horrible civilisation (as happened in the Punic Wars—Carthago delenda est!), seems obvious to me. Otherwise, those Semites might even now be burning their children alive. On the other side of the Atlantic, the Mesoamerican civilisation, which lasted three thousand years, was fortunately destroyed by the Europeans. But even before the Mesoamerican civilisation, the Peruvian Indians committed atrocious human sacrifices, as I reported a year ago (here).

That destroying one of these cultures makes those who belong to a lower psychoclass (say, the Carthaginian Semites, the Amerindians) suffer at the time of the Conquest is not a matter of doubt. Nevertheless, those conquests represented necessary suffering to save their children, literally, from the torment of the flames. See for example what I wrote about the Maya in one of my eleven books (English translation: here).

It all has to do with the distinction between necessary suffering (the Spanish Conquest made some Amerindians suffer, although it saved others) and unnecessary suffering (e.g., it’s unnecessary to martyr cows at the slaughterhouses). It may seem paradoxical, but my exterminationist passion has to do with my compassion for those who unnecessarily suffer because of others.

In a nutshell, the overman’s hatred of what he calls ‘Neanderthals’ is directly proportional to his love for those who suffer.

Eugenics Kali Yuga Neanderthalism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Third Reich

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 57

But that is not all. One of the most depressing features of the Dark Age drawing to a close is, certainly, the disorderly proliferation of man.

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Editor’s note: From my childhood I became a racist when we would visit the centre of the great mongrel metropolis. What my eyes saw is what I’d eventually come to call ‘the Neanderthal marabunta’.

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Malthus, more than a hundred and fifty years ago, had already pointed out the dangers of this, but only from an economic point of view. Our optimists today try to answer him by evoking the new possibilities of exploiting the land, and even the sea, which, according to them, would allow the human population of the planet to increase fivefold or even tenfold without worry. But the dangers remain, and are becoming more and more apparent, because the overall increase in the number of people is no longer ‘arithmetical’ but geometrical. And it seems that now, more than a quarter of a century after the defeat of National Socialist Germany, the point has been reached beyond which nothing, other than a gigantic external intervention, human or divine, can stop it, and even more so to decrease the world’s population to the level where it would cease to endanger the natural balance.

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Editor’s note: So far my insistence on pointing out Chris Martenson’s course (summary: here) has not made a dent in the racialists’ worldview. Savitri ignored scientific data on what now is called peak oil because neo-Malthusian studies weren’t yet popular. Never mind that Martenson and others who talk about energy devolution are normies. What matters is whether their calculations are correct. As I have also said several times, among the racialists only the Austrian-Canadian Ernest Ronin has predicted that when energy devolution hits the fan, later in this century, a window of opportunity will open for our cause.


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The Führer, more than anyone else, was aware of the catastrophe that the overpopulation of certain regions of the earth already represented (and increasingly does represent), and not only because of the inevitable push, in the more or less short term, of the ‘hungry’ against the ‘haves’. What he feared most of all was the gradual disappearance of the natural elites, the racial elites, under the rising tide of biologically inferior multitudes, even if here and there some dikes could be erected to protect us. For it is to be noted that, at least in our time, it is generally the least beautiful and least gifted races, and within the same people the less pure elements, that are the most prolific.

What the defender of the Aryan elite also feared was the lowering of the physical, intellectual and moral standards—the loss of quality—of generations to come. This is, in fact, a result, statistically fatal, of the unlimited increase in the number of humans, even of the ‘good race’, as soon as natural selection is undermined by the widespread application of medicine, surgery and especially preventive hygiene: factors of reverse selection.

Thus, his programme for the purification of the German people (and, if he had won the war, of the peoples of Europe) included, in parallel with the sterilisation of incurable people who were able, despite of everything, to justify their existence by some useful work, the pure and simple physical elimination (without suffering, that is to say) of beings who were only human in the form such as monsters, idiots, mentally retarded people, lunatics, etc.

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Editor’s note: This reminds me of something funny. A few years ago, on a typical American white nationalist forum, a commenter said with conviction that the Third Reich’s eugenics programme was just another slander, similar to the holocaust myth. That happened a few years ago. What these folk didn’t realise, and still don’t get it, is that the Reich represented a transvaluation to pre-Christian values. In other words, axiologically the anti-Semites on the continent where I live are still Jew obeyers, a term I explained a couple of days ago.

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It was conceived in the sense of a definitive return to healthy Nature, which prompts the bird to throw the malformed chick out of the nest; also, in the spirit of the breeder who, from the litters of his female dogs or mares, removes and eliminates without hesitation the deformed subjects, or those too weak to survive without constant care. It was conceived in the spirit of the divine Lycurgus, the lawgiver of Sparta. And it is known that Lycurgus’ laws were dictated to him by the Apollo of Delphi, the ‘Hyperborean’.

Unfortunately, this programme was only just beginning to be implemented. The fierce opposition of the Christian churches, both Catholic and Protestant, resulted in a ‘postponement’ of the drastic measures it contained. Adolf Hitler was too much of a realist to confront head-on, in the midst of war, the prejudices that eleven hundred years of Christian anthropocentrism had embedded in the psyche of his people, and to brave the indignant sermons of a few bishops, such as von Galen of Münster. It would have been difficult to put these prelates (and this one in particular) under arrest without risking a highly inappropriate disaffection with the regime among their flock. This is how (among others) the ten thousand or so mentally retarded in the Bethel asylum near Bielefeld survived the fall of the Third Reich. I repeat: unfortunately.

It remains true that the physical elimination of human waste was, together with the sterilisation of the incurably ill but still ‘usable’ as ‘economic factors’, an essential aspect of Adolf Hitler’s fight against decadence. The pure and simple suppression of medicine and preventive hygiene was, logically, another aspect. And it would, no doubt, have been another aspect in a victorious Germany which would have dominated Europe, and would have had nothing to fear from the threat of prolific multitudes, massed in the East, under the command of leaders who had identified the old cause of Panslavism with that of Marxism-Leninism.

But, given the tragic reality of this threat—and the threat represented, in the longer term, and for quite different reasons, by the overpopulation of the whole Earth—it was first of all this foreign proliferation that putting a brake was needed.