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On my latest 5 posts

My latest five posts, which convey the idea of what ‘Priesthood of the Fourteen Words’ means, originally appeared on this site as pages.

Posts are blog content listed in a reverse chronological order (newest content on top). Due to their reverse chronological order, posts are meant to be timely. Older posts are archived based on month and year. As the posts get older, the visitor has to dig deeper to find them, but he has the option to search based on categories and tags.

In WordPress, Pages, on the other hand, means content such as your ‘About’ page: privacy policy, contact page, etc. Unlike the regular Posts, visitors cannot see the Pages unless they click on a link. At the bottom of the Pages there are no categories or tags.

Since I am adding PDFs of all the Posts of this site to my DreamHost (DH) backup—see: here—, I would like that those otherwise invisible Pages also appear in my DH backup of The West’s Darkest Hour.

That is why I duplicated its content today, old Pages now also visible as regular Posts, so that when I add the PDF of the latest five entries visitors can also see the ‘Pages’ on my DH backup.


Defective backup

This day I will try to screenshoot the 306 pages (with ten posts per page) of this site to download up them as PDFs, little by little, to the backup of The West’s Darkest Hour.

The fact is that the software of the theme provided by DreamHost for the backup is unable to respect the format of many original entries. For example, in the entry ‘On the Mental Health of Racists’ the software did not even respect the indentation when quoting Solzhenitsyn, or the size of the image.

I have never liked the new WordPress themes. I consider them horrendous and of bad taste. The theme of this site, Quentin, is very traditional and because of the size of the letters that can be enlarged, very comfortable to read as well as its aesthetics on the sidebar. It is a pity that WordPress has discontinued it.

So this day I will be working on screenshooting the entire 306 pages of this site in PDF format, although that means that it will be impossible, in the future of the WDH backup, to see the comments section or click on the links in brown letters.


This site is also…

a backup of the original.

What story did they tell you, white man? This is what you must know!!

Art Miscellany

Dear Cesar,

Listening to the Waves by Vig

Let me be clear, I don’t need any advertising or publishing in WDH of the image I sent you. I am a Dutch sculptor and painter and recently sold a number of my works to private people in Germany whom I consider to be part of the true Germans, the German resistance so to say.

But, if you like it you are free to use the image. When you think it useful and appropriate you may use the image with the only condition that you put my name under it.

The reason I sent it to you is that reading your before last post on WDH I understood that you were struggling to give a verbal title to your trilogy.

Having read your posts for a few years now and then, I perceive you as an exceptional clear and honest mind. Also you are very sensitive to Aryan art, all together making your WHD to an exceptional platform. Your consistent analysis of the whole issue of Christianity and Judaism in our history is so spot on that I have only praise for it.

But most essentially I recognize the depth of your perception by way of the openness that you have displayed about the story of your childhood. Just reading your last post with translations of your trilogy concerning your understanding of your parents behavior and their psychological wounds the phrases like “killing your inner father and mother” come as a liberating truth because that is exactly what I went through. Sorry I don’t read Spanish but your English is clear enough.

That is why I said that your path has led you to a recognition of true spiritual significance. I had to get rid of my parents’ minds by going to India and practice Tibetan tantric techniques to cleanse my whole being of the influence of their emotional wounds, which basically is a being stuck in adolescence (12 to 13 years of age when sexuality sets in). That is why your insights have vast extents of meaning. “The West is sexually diseased”. Humanity is a nice idea, it is time to really put it into practice.

At present there is not much of a recognition publicly, but to my perception there is at least in Europe gathering an undercurrent of resistance which should not be underestimated.

The reason I responded to you with an image is that I think we have to support each other when recognition happens. I my case I can do that better with images because I am a visual thinker. Another thing is that although I am academically trained I see verbal expressions as necessary but only superficially penetrating peoples’ minds. The reality is that half of the mind is rational and verbal and the other half is visual and intuitive. That means an unbalance in using those capacities is reducing the effectiveness of communication.

I often wonder why you have so much energy responding to comments while it is often the question what is really the effect of it. For example, it is clear that the “Christian cucks” are souls that are emotionally false, very false, to the core even. The smell of it is intolerable. They will bend every word into a meaning suitable for them. So changing to Gestalt is more effective. Art could do the job.

So the whole thing of humanity is altogether of a different dimension. This whole modern indignation about the crimes of Nazi Germany is so thoroughly false and hollow seeing the present day practices of military powers like USA and UK and Israel, that one wonders how far we have sunk spiritually.

Your mention of a whole fresh start for humanity is a recognition of our spiritual nature. As far as the details of that is concerned the wisest of us will admit that it will not be a path of roses.

Hail to you,



Unz commenter, 9

White people generally love being insulted and spat upon by people who hate them. For example, they made Oprah (“white people just have to die”) Winfrey a billionaire.

They idolized Bill Cosby too. White women even still eagerly seek out OJ Simpson’s infamous company.

This most likely occurs because whites have nothing but contempt for themselves, which causes them to identify with those who hate them. For what reason other than self-hatred would they pass laws that disadvantage their own children in favor of the children of non-whites? Why else would they give up their own freedom of association, or their own freedom of speech, in order to soothe the feelings of non-whites? They despise themselves.


Lacrimae lunae

sticky post

Why white nationalism is massively flawed from the point of view of National Socialism can be seen: here. Even their revolutionary wing borders lunacy. This site provides a cure for lunatics through access code to the finis Africae.

A couple of banned books of the finis Africae are Rome contra Judea; Judea contra Rome and Hellstorm: the best-kept secret in modern history, the holocaust that the Allies perpetrated in Germany. If you think the news is fake, wait until you learn about History!

(This site is only a bare backup of the original: https://westsdarkesthour.com)


Open thread

For those who want to ask questions or simply discuss any topic.


On banning commenters

I am sorry, but when a commenter calls ‘Jew’ another commenter on this site with no proof of his Jewish background, he or she has to be banned. (Usually, this happens when he who cries ‘Jew!’ is losing an argument in the comments section.)


Stranded on an island!

It’s me in Gran Canaria (Spain), an island off Africa where sometimes the wind carries the sand of the Sahara desert so atomized that it looks like mist…

Further to my post ‘It’s time to go’.

Alas, we can’t go off the island just like that. It turns out that the WordPress theme that I have been using for this site is an old theme called ‘Quentin’ that apparently is no longer available for download from wordpress.com. This means that the team of another web hosting provider who are helping me to do the migration can only use the existing WordPress templates of their site, which look pretty awful:


Tonight I emailed wordpress.com to check and see if they can provide that old Quentin theme. I hope I will receive an answer.

At any event, please bookmark the above address.

Although it looks awful for the moment, perhaps a designer I hire may fix the theme so that our new home looks as good as the present wordpress.com.

For the moment I will continue to blog here, not there. Only a handsome theme allows the visuals of this site, including the nymphs of the sidebar and other features (no nymphs, no blogging!, remember my inspiration, Dave Lane’s words).

Regarding the accident of a week ago (this site was accidentally suspended by WordPress), I would like to thank those visitors who showed moral or financial support. I also want to thank Andrew Anglin for recommending a specific web hosting provider. As a prophylactic measure if another accident happens, in addition to the above address, keep my new e-mail in your notebook:

cesartort (at) tutanota (dot) com

If you don’t bookmark the above addresses, at least remember that the last words of my Wikipedia user page will link to the active incarnation of this website.

I must finish this post with our fourteen words: That the beauty of the white Aryan women shall not perish from the Earth…!


It’s time to go

Tech experts are helping me to migrate this site elsewhere. Soon I will tell you the new address but not with everything fully functional yet, and the internal links will still point to this blog probably for the indefinite future. All the old material will be left here for archival purposes, with comments turned off.

We will be very busy in the next days. Meanwhile, don’t forget my yesterday’s post, the one below this one, on how some licit drugs induce psychic torment. I suspect that quite a few nationalists who have visited this site have suffered from those effects without realising that your drug may be your problem and that (under medical supervision) you should stop taking psychiatric meds.

For more information on this subject see Peter Breggin’s webpage.