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James Mason Philosophy of history

New witches’ brew

A commenter in the thread of my last post has reminded me an important article on Christian ethics he published online last year (here). Now that I reread some passages of that article this one—:

The doctrine of eternal damnation is surely the most pernicious notion in all the long annals of human history

—makes me think: Can you imagine the level of guilt of a white person who believed this stuff and then abandons Christianity? This is my point: once on a secular level Christian ethics transforms itself into ethnosuicide even if the Jewish help for such ‘assisted suicide’ was not robust. It reminds me my old witches’ brew formula but with a new ingredient (in bold type):
Individualism, universalism, weak ethnocentrism—‘hardwired’ characteristics in the White psyche since prehistoric times—plus egalitarianism, liberalism, capitalism—cultural ‘software’ after the Revolution which ironically strengthened Christian ethics—plus the empowerment of Jewry since the times of Napoleon and the foundation myth after WW2 has created a lethal brew for the white peoples.
This last ingredient proved so fatal that in his interview with Tom Metzger, James Mason said: ‘With the death of Adolf Hitler in the close of the 2nd World War in 1945 Western civilization, as it had existed and is still perceived died once and for all. The only thing that was left now was a gene pool.’

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 18

Strike Hard, Strike Deep

I am compelled at this time to add my voice to those few who have demanded that such things as “Phase One” type activities must STOP.
Simply such nonsense as trying to “make headlines”, “confront the enemy”, or “rally the White masses” won’t work, never has worked, and almost always results in merely revealing our weaknesses and making us look like idiots. The very strategy itself calls for numbers which we do not have at this time. My view is that just because the Jews and Liberals have succeeded in making goyim out of the vast majority of Whites, we need not sacrifice ourselves in the vain attempt at proving them wrong. We have GOT to trashcan 1933 strategy and tactics. They won’t work.
For a decent street demonstration you must have anywhere from fifty to one hundred uniformed and disciplined troopers. We have managed fifty on several occasions and one hundred on only one occasion. For the rest it is pitiful and ineffectual. Futile, counter-productive, and I might add costly and dangerous. As much as I hate to see a good comrade wounded in such useless actions, I hate worse to see the sacrifice of millions of lives in World War Two that went into building the terrific reputation that we have enjoyed, and are now wasting, as these “Laurel and Hardy” stunts gradually destroy our image.
We don’t have to set ourselves up for big let-downs; the Enemy does that for us.
I will admit right here that it does require GUTS to stage these demonstrations. The tragedy that we can no longer tolerate is that those guts are wasted in this manner. Doing it the way it’s been done in the past gives the Enemy full advantage of his power and places us at the mercy of our own weakness. It’s GOT TO STOP NOW!
First, never ever announce your plans in any manner whatsoever. Second, forget about the use of uniforms unless, and until, you have a standing army of your own numbering fifty as a flat minimum. (From experience, I know that with fifty National Socialists, one can do anything, anywhere, anytime.)
Better still, as Tommasi said, FORGET such activities as might be used in a campaign to gain political power. Rather, go instead to activities designed and intended to HURT THE ENEMY. And for these activities, in my own opinion, two participants are one too many. Also in my humble opinion it is a ridiculous risk and waste to mess with the material body of the Enemy, as he has all our tax money to mend himself, just as a lizard will grow a new limb. The PHYSICAL BODY of the Enemy however is so utterly flabby that he positively CAN’T STAND very much of an intensified assault of this kind.
In short it would seem to me that any intelligence at all would lead comrades to know to stop hitting the Enemy where he laughs and start hitting him where he SCREAMS!
Strike hard and strike deep to build the climate for revolution where even the most craven of White cowards will be COMPELLED to join in or else die! But, for God’s sake, stop wasting yourselves and your efforts and making the rest of us look like damned idiots!
Vol.X, #2 – February, 1981

Order a copy of Siege (here)

Civil war James Mason Real men

Siege, 17

The NSLF One-Man Army

Once you have geared yourself up to think in purely revolutionary terms, things don’t seem so one-way anymore. If you view yourself as among the last of a dying breed and then proceed to act accordingly, then that’s exactly what you’ve become! If you view the fact that you’re broke on account of having “little or no faith in capitalism”, and yet believe that it is worth infinitely more to be a noble revolutionary being than to exist as a “consumer”, then that is your sterling badge of honor.
If you seek to defend a capitalist system and still find yourself broke and struggling, that is the mark of a fool. If you seek to take refuge from an encroaching System, then you are like a fox on the run. If you are determined instead to place the System under siege, then you have become truly revolutionary.
Money is filthy stuff. The means by which sneaks, cowards, weaklings, capitalists, bureaucrats, and Jews conduct every affair. It is the very means by which they are measured and judged. And as the money continues to grow more and more rotten with each passing day, so too is their individual worth eroded. Take away their money and you have nothing. They are not men.
And neither are we the moment we imagine we can or even should fight them and their System on their own ground, by their rules. The dawn of day will break through the moment their foul money system either collapses under its own rotten weight or is blown to pieces by us. When they can’t pay off their minions any longer, when they can’t appease the hordes of savages in their cities—that’s when we, who have endured their worst while being penniless, will become the immediate new masters because in the meantime we have grown incredibly tough and resourceful!
And why must the Right Wing always fall into the trap of basing each and every decision and move on the WISH that things were somehow other than what they actually are? Why can’t they base their actions on things as they exist? Why in the world struggle to get ourselves all bottled up when the enemy is ALREADY bottled up for us??
The Jews, the Blacks, the bureaucracy—every source of filth and decadence emanates from the major cities of the U.S. How would a total breakdown, a general strike, a civil war, a total revolution, effect these man-made hell holes? They would in short order die the death they so richly deserve. That very thing is well within the capabilities of a small band of fanatics, each member a one-man army.
Let’s have none of their effeminate money-games and let’s have none of this garbage of withdrawing from the field where we presently are and confining ourselves within restricted, defensive boundaries.
Let us instead fully enjoin the concept of the One-Man Army and bring the struggle to the Enemy. Wherever you may be at this moment, let the revolution be there also.
Spread a little revolution wherever you go! Never gripe about the System; project the Revolution! Get the people around you thinking in terms of TOTALITY, and not in terms of inches and degrees. Point out the real Enemy and not just the noisy, obnoxious symptoms—tell everyone it is the System itself that must go! Convey the feeling that it will be good to have all true White Men and Women as Comrades-in-Arms in the Revolution! Don’t try to promulgate a “faith”—there’s already too much of that. Be a spark for revolution.

Vol. X, #1 – January, 1981

Order a copy of Siege (here)

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 16

Loyalty Only To Ourselves

Note of the Editor: Just compare the very first phrase of Mason’s article below with Andrew Anglin’s recent exchange with Greg Johnson that only normal American flags should be used in pro-white rallies. The difference between white nationalists and the real thing cannot be more conspicuous.
There is nothing outside Revolutionary National Socialism to which we can owe any loyalty. What we do, we do because it is the right, proper and manly course of action to take. We are in defense of nothing. We are everywhere on the attack.
When we cease attacking it will only be because the System has fallen and all its former members have been killed. At that point, we will be the State and the time will be for building. No individual, no manifesto, no abstract concept of any kind can we allow to influence our thinking or our actions. We find ourselves in the midst of a monster and circumstances dictate to us that our every move must be calculated toward killing the beast. No frills, no fanfare, no frivolities. Only practicalities, realities and necessities.
Mere fanaticism alone is not the ultimate indicator of a revolutionary movement whose time, it can be justifiably said, has come. All this must be in answer to the commands of the genes in our blood. This immediately rules out all the “Jim Jones”, all the “Hare Krishnas”, all the “Moonies”, and at the same time it rules out all the Reds and the off-brand socialists. We now state that only the affirmative answer to the call of the BLOOD decides which movement shall be the redeemers of an entire race of people.
For that reason it could have happened nowhere else but among the most hardcore of National Socialists. Consequently, we can trashcan any fantasies about the course of events in this country following the course they did in Germany.
Hitler could justifiably conjure up slogans of duty to Germany because the Germany he spoke of was still intact and the people were with him. The United States is GONE and that statement by itself means that the people inhabiting this piece of real estate are the very “goyim” that the Jews claim they are. And a “goy” can never be a National Socialist. To us they are merely the unconscious, unwitting, and unwilling carriers of the genes that can, under the proper care and leadership, re-achieve greatness and pull this planet out of its quicksand.
So much for “loyalty” to them!
It has got to be loyalty only to ourselves or else the rest may as well never have existed in the first place.
NSLF is the name under which those who are answering the call of their blood are doing so in the only manner in which victory has ever been achieved: armed struggle! That is who we are, why we are, and where we came from. With the decade of the Eighties now fully upon us, the decade of George Orwell’s 1984 upon us, with the liberal element now having accomplished its work, with the enthronement of a conservative regime to usher in—literally—1984, it is well for us to keep all this in mind.
Vol. X, #1 – January, 1981

Order a copy of Siege (here)

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 15

Revolutionary Common Denominator

There is no need of revolution in a healthy State and society and indeed there can be no talk of it. Each revolution has been preceded by the SELLING OUT of the existing ruling class. And who else but they are in charge of all the building blocks of a civilization’s government, church, professions, military, arts, etc.? These things all go when the ruling, or upper class sells out and becomes decadent, unfit to rule any longer.

This goes way beyond the removal of Jews—it amounts to total revolution. The Jews can’t be credited for all this though they are a large part of it.

The Jew remains a Jew but without a corrupt, inept, and decadent ruling establishment, he has nowhere to peddle his goods. A healthy state will expel—or kill—the Jew; a decadent one will take him to its bosom. The Jew corrupts the nation. He buys his way into opinion-forming and taste-making media, feeds the gullible masses his poisonous, liberal garbage; this in turn gets sounded back onto gutless opportunistic politicians in the “democratic process”; finally the very fabric of the nation is a tangle of perverted legislated Talmudic euphemisms. This is how an originally Puritan state becomes Sodom inside fifty years.

Neither the victims nor the leftovers, we are an historic breed: Revolutionaries. We appear and vanish as the times demand, just long enough to do the job at hand. After us comes the slow, historic process over again.

The mark of a revolutionary movement can only be seen in its complete separation from the current establishment. It is completely apart. It is not apart because it can’t make the grade in the sick society, but rather because it can’t stomach it and refuses to be part of it. It is set apart because it is disciplined, sober and austere, truly moral.

It is a revolution because—finding itself faced with an absolute abomination—it has as its highest priority the destruction of the System and therefore is not some piddling conservative sideshow crusade. It can and does reject the prevailing decadence of the sick society, not because of any leftover code of taboos but because to dissipate oneself in such a manner is counter-revolutionary.

It utterly scorns such phony “revolutionary” elements as the “hippie” or “drug culture” because it knows them to be only the more virulent forms of the same cancer as the System itself. It has historically been the task of each revolution to destroy that which is unclean. That accomplished, nature and man can once again assume their proper course upward.

Vol. X, #1 – January, 1981

Order a copy of Siege (here)

Civil war James Mason

Siege, 14

Removing All Options

For the Movement over the past twenty years there has always been the option of take it or leave it. If you got mad or discouraged you could always pickup your marbles and go home. Indeed this has been the case for all White America. And when given a choice, human nature inevitably takes the course of least resistance. The diabolic nature of the Big Brother System in power today may be largely responsible for breeding a race of docile “consumers” who roll over like a spaniel when kicked and otherwise outraged, but for us that is no reason, no excuse, for revolutionary inaction. It CAN be done!

They say a coward will allow himself to be bullied and backed up as long as there is room left for him to back up. All of White America has been behaving like a damned coward in the face of arrogant Blacks and traitors in government dismantling the once-great United States of America. Before it is too late, let’s see to it that the big coward at last gets backed into a corner so that he is going to have to come out fighting!

It’s a crying shame and disgrace that every incident that’s happened so far with only one or two exceptions, which even comes close to being revolutionary, has either happened as an accident or as the result of Red agitation. The riots recently in the South are excellent examples. We may thank our lucky stars that the Jews have whipped the Blacks into such a volatile state that they’ll go off at the drop of a hat. Some news accounts did mention roving pick-up trucks of Whites shooting Blacks at random in places where order had broken down. But the object is not to kill Blacks… it is to FAN THE FLAMES! If we can’t get the Whites off their asses to retake control of their destiny then we can at least put them in a position where they will have to fight for their miserable lives!

And with a general conflagration going on that will involve police and armed forces, we can, if we are slick about it, assume the guiding position amidst the disorder and coordinate it into what it must become: a revolution to smash the System!

The way things are so delicately arranged in this country today, incidents like the one in Miami and elsewhere can be expected to blow up anytime, anywhere. They said some White cops in Miami beat a Black to death and because these cops got off the charge, the Blacks of Miami went wild. If the Movement had been organized and on the ball, those flames would still be burning. How about six such “Miami’s” at once across the country? Or a DOZEN? Enough to pin down all the System’s troops to allow us to go after Big Brother himself!

If, as Rockwell said, your uniform in the coming war is the color of your skin, then what, I ask, shall be your insignia of rank? We must view and realize that ALL OF WHITE AMERICA is our army. The leaders, the officers in this army, are those who take action and who strike like lightning. We are the cause, they are the effect.

Vol. IX, #4 – August, 1980

Order a copy of Siege (here)

James Mason

Siege, 13

Regarding the historic events of yesterday, a correspondent e-mailed me this: ‘Our enemy is consistent. All that hot air about “religious freedom” and “equality” and “free speech” and “freedom of assembly” was simply a ruse so as to empower them into becoming the supreme power in America that they are today. If we ran America, would we allow our biological enemies to march? I should hope not. We cannot expect the enemy to play fair. I believe that Alex [Linder] made this point in his interview with Jan.’

Charlottesville will work in a way that makes the Alt-Right angrier, a chance to start reading the revolutionary voices that America has produced. Below, James Mason’s article titled ‘We could save a lot of time if…’

…if we could really admit that the Enemy has WON! Between the death of Rockwell and the turn of the decade of the Seventies the complexion of things changed. The struggle phase for the Reds and the Blacks ended and they assumed dominance. Whereas they used to influence things from behind the scenes, they now go about it quite openly.

The only reason we still have a fighting chance is because the Enemy has not yet had the time to fully realize the keystone tenet of his program and philosophy: the complete bastardization of all races of man into a single, brown mass, devoid of all identity. Except for a mere time factor the Jewish Enemy has won totally and outright. It’s no longer a contest in the United States; it’s a matter of REVOLUTION, a struggle to overthrow the Enemy and for survival as a race. We stand at rock bottom and if you seek the reason then look no further than those fools trudging along in the ways of the dead past.

One hell of a lot of the best of precious spirit, intentions, time, money and effort went pretty much down the drain during the Sixties and Seventies. It was because of a feeling and attitude of ‘part-time struggle’: go out, risk your neck in some escapade but still be able to go home to your warm bed and carry on a normal life. Comrades of the past twenty years have sacrificed EVERYTHING that one could expect to be sacrificed in a full-scale war. But it was all too little, too late, wrongly directed and, mainly, it was not TOTAL.

If a good cause were enough, we’d have won a long time ago. But it isn’t enough. One of life’s more harsh realities is that in this dirty struggle the ultimate prize will go to he who is the dirtiest. We seem to have fallen for our own propaganda aimed at man’s nobler instincts. We’re supposed to fight “clean”.

Our own foremost racial philosophers will tell you that truly noble instincts exist in only a small minority of Whites and not at all in other races. And most of those Whites have had their instincts perverted by the Jews and their universal, all-powerful brainwashing and taste-making apparatus. Instead of carrying on with cultist garbage, useless publicity stunts and the like (which nobody out there fighting for survival against inflation, unemployment and taxes could understand or give a DAMN about), let’s direct our energies toward recruiting them all as soldiers of the revolution WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT.

Vol. IX, #4 – August 1980

Order a copy of Siege (here)

James Mason Real men

Siege, 12

Real revolution versus phony revolution

The old-timers from the Forties and Fifties predicted the “Coming Red Dictatorship”. Those of us around and active in the Sixties were taught to dread the “Black Revolution” and that of the “New Left”, the Yuppies, etc. —none of which ever took place. Or did they? I’ll just put it this way: all of their vile and sick demands either already have been implemented or are well on their way.

The kind of sick filth that prevails today and much of which has long since been coded in law books is the sort of stuff that is so insidious and destructive that Joseph Stalin himself—that “Arch Red”, right?—would have, and very often did go all out to root up and get rid of before the whole structure of society was devoured by it. While we’ve been on guard against threatening menaces, things far worse have overtaken us.

Things so foul and deep-rooted that it’s even hard to put a finger on them. One thing for certain however, taken together, it all adds up to a national death sleep. Rockwell called the situation in the Sixties that very thing, except he believed enough White Men knew the score, hated it, and were ready to fight if only given the proper leadership. Things have gone far beyond that today: most people don’t know the score; they don’t give a damn; and they wouldn’t fight under any circumstances.

They are ready and willing to lay down and just die! So to HELL with them!!

Are we—are you—as unworthy of the White genes in your blood as that? That’s one reason to join the fight. Another reason is that the situation which prevails on planet earth is a damned insult and disgrace to a Creator or to Creation itself. This crazy and rotten mess cries out to be ruthlessly corrected and the only way to prove that you are not part of the problem is to become part of the solution. One final motivation is this: those of us having been around and “in the know” had better get on with the big job of the dirty work while we’re still young. The System provides no retirement benefits for failed revolutionaries.

As far as any real revolution is concerned, one can only come from us.

What’s the difference between all other interests vying for a piece of the pie today? They all love Blacks and their greatest ideal is high profits. What’s the difference when the U.S. First Lady is pictured with two great, outstanding democrats: John Wayne Gacy and Jim Jones? What’s the difference when Jesse Jackson, in his syndicated newspaper column, refers to the five dead identified Communists in Greensboro as “civil rights leaders”? Could things be worse? Do we need fear a Communist or Black revolution? Hardly.

To bring off a revolution means literally to turn the tables upside-down. It does not mean quibbling inches and degrees; turning back the hands of time; arguing two sides of the same coin. It doesn’t mean patching up a rotten, sagging framework either. It means DEATH to the old order and the BIRTH of the New Order! Anything other than this is no more than a variation on a single theme: Jewish-controlled State Capitalism.

So forget about someone else’s revolution. There’s not going to be one unless WE make it!

Vol. IX, #4 – August, 1980

Order a copy of Siege (here)

George Lincoln Rockwell James Mason Real men

Siege, 11

Our reasons for being NSLF

One incontrovertible fact is that the NSLF remains to date the only new development within the Movement in America since Rockwell began it in 1958. It was Joseph Tommasi’s work of the most incredible genius, the POLITICAL TERROR leaflet, that he designed in 1974 and which reached my hands at that time, that provided for those true revolutionaries in the NS Movement what we had been groping towards for years. It was original and unique and Tommasi had DONE IT!

NSLF is not an order of monks sequestered away studying religious tracts and further separating ourselves from reality. We do not wish to get the tiniest handful thinking differently nor do we imagine we can do the same with the masses. We do wish to give the answers to the people that are as plain as the noses on their faces. We preach revolution while the rest preach reaction. We do not wish to rock the boat, we intend to SINK IT!

If anyone can claim to be the “legitimate successor” to George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party it is NSLF and no other! NSLF is the true, logical extension of everything Rockwell believed in and fought for. Petty legalisms and political chicanery aside, were Rockwell alive today, he would not be retrogressing holed up with sterile bureaucrats. He would be found FIGHTING IN THE STREET! His call would still be TO ACTION and not inaction on the part of eccentrics and fakers who studiously claim to have the “right way”.

Of all those who have come along since the death of Rockwell with pretensions of being an NS leader, all but one have been totally lost within themselves and their fantasy world of “Fuhrer-dom” and many have shown themselves to be downright crooked and incapable of dealing as men and as National Socialists. One has turned out to be a racial alien and a sexual pervert and currently is serving a prison term for the latter [Mason here is referring to Frank Collin, the Chicago Nazi leader in the 1970’s who is mainly infamous for his plan to demonstrate in Skokie, IL].

It remains today that the measure of a group is the measure of the man who founded or who leads that group. Joseph Tommasi, as founder of the NSLF, was the first of a new breed. A hero and a martyr to the Cause. What he wanted most was to provide the Movement with its much overdue HIT TEAM and not to set himself up as some sort of cheap, tin horn demigod like the rest. Tommasi personified the kind of man we MUST have: those desiring to serve the Movement with great facility, and not pose around in gaudy uniforms as “Hollywood Nazis”.

NSLF is not taken lightly by the Reds, the Blacks, or the System. We are not laughed at. We have taken the already-formidable reputation of the ANP—built up by Rockwell at monumental human cost—and ENHANCED IT by removing all pretenses of conservatism and legalism while the rest have made laughing stocks of themselves and their sphere of the Movement. A White Man can take pride in being part of the NSLF. It is the ONLY place for a White Revolutionary to be found!

In terms of longevity and resiliency, we have more than pulled even with the closest runner-up to the old Party, which had been the NSPA [National Socialist Party of America, headquartered in Chicago]. The death of our founder and the most severe tribulations still see us today in the best shape we have ever been.

Finally, we are NSLF because we want no part of cut- and-dried, hard-and-fast, locked-in bureaucracy like the others. We see the need for absolute flexibility as we struggle towards revolution in America. We recognize the need for a certain formality of concept and effort but until we have the pool of human resources large enough to draw selectively from, we REJECT any “rules and regulations” that would keep us from that pool.

The rest will tell you that they are “It”; we tell you that we are the only ones with the potential—with your help—of BECOMING “It”. We are not among the “Great Pretenders”. We are not part of the System or the Establishment in any way, shape, or form, as most of the others are with their charters, corporations, legalisms, etc.


Vol. XI, #5 – May, 1982

Order a copy of Siege (here)

James Mason

Mason is back

The group Iron March released today an interview of James Mason, the author of the book Siege that recently I have been promoting in this site. According to Iron March, Mason has even “decided to once again continue the SIEGE newsletter.”

Happy 65th birthday and Sieg Heil, James Mason!