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David Lane

David Lane’s final address to the jury

Western civilization has sprung from the creative genius of one kindred people. In the vast panorama of time this period was but a fleeting moment and a glorious dream. The near future will show what manner of civilization will follow the passing of the White man. How sad and ironic that the American republic, which was formed exclusively for the preservation and promotion of Western man, became the vehicle through which he was destroyed both here and in his European homeland.

For many years I have struggled in whatever ways were available to a single powerless person to crack the iron media curtain and show my people that those very things which are protected, promoted, and forced upon us by those who today control the affairs of the Western world have destroyed every civilization we have ever built. I refer to such things as infanticide through abortion, a practice which has led to the murder of fifteen million babies of my kith and kin, and which is protected by the government and the Federal courts; homosexuality, whose adherents are forced upon us as role models and even teachers of our children by the government and Federal courts; and worst of all, the deliberate destruction of our very racial existence.

Those who have set out to mix and destroy the last remnant of Western man know full well that no people can continue in existence without a nation of their own in which to propagate, protect, and promote their own kind. They also know that a people who are not convinced of their own uniqueness and value will perish, and that is why I am slandered and destroyed when I show that nearly every improvement in the human condition has come from the fertile mind of Western man.

The White man is now a tiny minority in the world, yet he is denied not only a nation of his own but the integrity of the territorial imperative necessary to his survival. The guilt of those who partake in the destruction of this Race of men cannot be adequately described in the vocabulary of mortals.

That this trial even occurred is a violation of every Constitutional protection against double jeopardy. The legalistic machinations and chicanery involved in jeopardizing a man for potentially unlimited times for the same offense, by changing the legal description of that offense, by changing jurisdictions and so on are utterly repugnant to the sense of Anglo-Saxon justice as well as totally contrary both to the spirit and the intent of the Constitution. The mad frenzy of those who now control the Federal government of the United States to punish and destroy any White man who resists the deliberate admixture and murder of his rapidly disappearing Race is evident.

History predicts unspeakable horror for the last generation of White children, if I and others who shall come after me are not more successful in awakening our people from their sleep of death. Our task is as simple as it is overwhelmingly important: We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. In the face of that overriding historical imperative, what you do to me does not matter. I am not a brave man; I die the thousand deaths of the philosopher instead of the single death of the soldier. But I willingly sought this destiny, and I will not shrink from it.

Soon you will hear from another who will undoubtedly speak of his religious beliefs. Perhaps even at this late date, the power of a religious creed can save Western man, or perhaps Divine Providence will indeed lend a hand. If not, then those who rebel against tyranny must still accept the consequences with a shrug, or they are neither patriots nor men.

I say no more…

David Lane Mein Kampf (book)

The Fourteen Words

by Albus

‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children’.
It seems to be uncertain that David Lane coined this phrase, and when. If he was the one, maybe he took the inspiration from Ben Klassen who had written in the year 1973 in his book Nature’s Eternal Religion, the founding work for the race religion Creativity:

It is the highest right, the foremost law in Nature to fight for our survival at all costs. We must secure the existence of the White Race on the face of this planet for all time.

Klassen, again, who advocated not less than strict segregation of the races, had read Mein Kampf in German, and wanted all good parts of the world to be populated only by white people. Hitler‘s words had been:

What we have to fight for is to secure the existence and propagation of our race and our people, the feeding of its children and to keep pure its blood…

My translation; in German: „Für was wir zu kämpfen haben, ist die Sicherung des Bestehens und der Vermehrung unserer Rasse und unseres Volkes, die Ernährung seiner Kinder und Reinhaltung seines Blutes (…)“; Adolf Hitler: Mein Kampf, Zwei Bände in einem Band, 172.–173. Aufl., Zentralverlag der NSDAP Frz. Neher Nachf., 1936, Erster Band, S. 234.
Sounds pretty similar to The Fourteen Words, doesn’t it? So who is the spiritual father?

David Lane Daybreak Publishing Literature Women

KD Rebel, 1


When the laws of men decree the death of one’s race, then the laws of nature demand rebellion.

The 10th Rejoinder

The life of a race is in the wombs of its women. A race whose males will not fight to keep its women will perish.

The Precepts

From time immemorial, those out of power have raised armies with promises of plunder, revenge, and the seizing of women.

—David Lane

The time is early in the 21st century, within the borders of the former United States. Generations of “dark is handsome” propaganda, unceasing promotion of inter-racial mating, open borders, anti-White programs, combined with unending demonization of the “evil White male”, has accomplished its intended effect. Less than one percent of earth’s population were White women of child-bearing age or younger, and not mated with non-Whites.
For many decades, America had denied the White race its own nations, schools, organizations, and everything necessary for racial survival, while at the same time race-mixing was promoted and enforced with fanatic fervor.
Passage of the “Harmony Laws”, giving large cash grants to all inter-racial couples involving a White woman were the last straw for many disenfranchised White males. Several thousand of them, mostly young, migrated to the Colorado Rocky Mountains.
At the time of the events chronicled here, these rebels had established tenuous control over portions of Western Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. They call this Kinsland, and they use the initials KD as a short appellation for a guerrilla army of Kinsland Defenders.
Futilely they had pleaded with the dwindling number of young White women to join them, but with only a few exceptions their anguished pleas were scornfully rejected with the System’s mindless buzzwords, like racist, sexist and bigot. So, since the first two prerequisites for the survival of a race are territory and breeding stock, history repeated itself.
Over twelve hundred years earlier, some Aryan folk migrated to Scandinavia to escape the race-denying, universalist, alien tyrannical religion from Rome and Judea. Only thus could they keep their race alive. From Scandinavia they went “a-viking”, raiding occupied Europe for mates and for the necessities of life. Kinslanders of the 21st century followed the example of heroic ancestors.
Most Kinslanders are Wotanists (Odinists), whose speech reflect the indigenous religion of the White race. With words like Midgard (earth), Valhalla (hall of heroes), Norns (goddesses of fate), Sons of Muspell (the racial-religious tribe that rules the world and sentenced the White race to death), and Skraelings (non-Whites).
This account relates a period in the life of some Kinsland folk.


KD Rebel is now available from Daybreak Press: here.

Civil war David Lane

Open letter to a dead race

by David Lane, ten years ago

open letter

Today, in the year 2005, approximately two percent of earth’s population is White female of childbearing age or younger. The White race is dead! Murdered by a coalition of Jews, Christian universalists, anti-nature dupes, opportunistic political whores, media moguls, overeducated intellectuals, dogmatic nationalists, feminist fools, assorted misfits and cowards.

The remaining whites are hopelessly integrated, terrorized, brainwashed, miscegenated and are rapidly being overrun by six billion coloreds. As a viable entity with a means to survive, the white race is extinct. The few of us who resisted genocide are analogous to a few living cells within a corpse.

No longer able to deceive their followers about the extent of our racial peril, most of the White so-called “Leaders” have adopted a new policy of retreat and defeat. This time they advice building small White communities in the hinterlands, or just educating children properly. They will do anything to avoid the giving or receiving of fatal battle strokes.

They know full well that our race cannot survive without nations of our own. They know we don’t have another ten years to procrastinate. They know that a few White families submerged in six billion coloreds means exactly nothing. They know America will bomb into submission any nation that tries to stay White. They know their cowardly advice is nothing but further retreat into the abyss from which there is no return. They know that total revolution and anarchy from the likes of Bob Mathews and Tim McVeigh are the only solutions remaining. But they are either cowards or deceiving enemy agents.

They know the revolution must come from disenfranchised White males. Yet they pander to women and their “traditional family” and “peaceful solutions” dogma, because they are feminist flogged spaniels.

No disrespect to our few good women. It was, “Because the beauty of the White Aryan Woman must not perish from the earth,” that I entered this struggle. But, as a rule, women will put individuals and their families ahead of the survival of the whole race. A warrior, risking his life and freedom does not make a good provider in this day and age.

Because I speak the truth, there isn’t a woman in the world that doesn’t despise me. We want a “responsible” man they proclaim. Well, what is “responsibility” in an occupied country but treason and slavery. Go off to your factories and warehouses, your counting houses, your fields and slave your life away. Then pay half of your wages in taxes that are used to finance the murder of your race.

After work, relax in your Chinese-made clothes, eat off your Korean dishes, and on your Japanese TV, watch as White women cavort with Jews, Negros and Mexicans. Guess I am the best one to speak the truth. Can’t get a woman into prison to give me some loving anyway. So let ’em hate me.

From the dawn of history, those out of power have raised armies with promise of plunder, revenge and capturing women. There are no other possible motivations or rewards. Do not try to intimidate the last possible White warriors with reactionary buzzwords like: theft, rape and murder. The “Law” is what those in power use to enslave those who are out of power.

White man, you are a defeated comical slave, laughed at by all the world and scorned or used by your own women. Does the term “women and minorities” ring a bell for you? The alliance is against you. And you are the true minority to boot.

Your choices are twofold: accept your chains, the demise of your race and the loss of your women. Or consider and harken to the words of Robert Jay Mathews, as he speaks from his grave:

Give your souls to your gods and load your guns
It’s time to deal in lead
We are the legions of the damned
The army of the already dead.

Unless we have an unseen army of total Barbarians, devoid of pity, of compassion, of compunctions, of restraining moralisms, we are doomed. He who practices chivalry, when the enemy has none, fights with both hands tied behind his back.

Our army must have commitment equal to that of Palestinian suicide bombers fighting to free their land from the scourge of all the earth. Better one day as a lion, than years as a sheep. Take plunder, women and the lives of your enemies. Let no pleasure pass you by in your short sojourn on Midgard, including revenge, wives, sisters and daughters of your enemies. How many live priests or virgin nuns do you think your Viking ancestors left behind when raiding the monasteries or convents of the evil anti-nature occupation of Europe twelve centuries ago? Civilization has ended, this is war.

Be a Berserker until the day you depart for Valhalla with a pound of the enemies lead in your still defiant body!

Only out of anarchy and revolution can a new White nation arise. And if you do not succeed, let the enemy speak in horror, for generations to come, of the fury of the last Northmen.

Aryan beauty David Lane Maxfield Parrish

The 14 words

parrish_daybreakThis is the first entry of the new incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour. What moves me to write are David Lane’s fourteen words.