Although I don’t agree with everything this guy says, listen from 21:40 to 27:20.
Category: Civil war
Tarrant explained in 5 minutes
In the context of the New Zealand attack coach said, ‘I think we are in our way to the civil war, the Second Civil War. And I don’t think there is anything to stop it’ (start watching: here).
On the Tarrant controversy
Brenton Tarrant
I’ve deleted my previous post that linked the RamzPaul videobecause it is more relevant what Greg Johnson says in his article today. The problem with continuing to think as civilians, which is what 99.9 percent of white nationalists do, is that they assume that the problem of Aryan genocide around the world will have a democratic solution.
The near future will disabuse them.
Although we do not recommend going out for a killing spree, we do recommend saving on precious metals—something perfectly legal—so that, once the dollar tanks, the purchasing power of your savings will increase one thousand percent. If enough nationalists did that around the world, they would be well-prepared for the looming civil war, something that even the mestizo Tim Pool, speaking about the attack in New Zealand, says will come in a couple of years.
Johnson and company will always think like civilians, forgetting what Alex Linder says: ‘People keep saying there is going to be a civil war or race war, but this is wrong. There is one now, by official policy. It’s been going on for decades. As demographics change, the government will get bolder and the war will get hotter’.
My two cents: think like revolutionaries but do not do anything illegal now. Just prepare. Winter is coming. Save gold and silver and you will thank me when winter finally arrives.
New Zealand’s attack
The shooter Brenton Tarrant wrote:
Well lads, it’s time to stop shit-posting and time to make a real-life effort post. I will carry out and attack against the invaders, and will even live stream the attack via Facebook. The Facebook link is below, by the time you read this I should be going live. [broken link]
It’s been a long ride and despite all your rampant faggotry, fecklessness and degeneracy, you are all top blokes and the best bunch of cobbers [Australian term for pal] a man could ask for.
I have provided links to my writings below, please do your part by spreading my message, making memes and shit-posting as you usually do.
If I don’t survive the attack, goodbye,
/end quote
Tarrant posted his plans to 4Chan before beginning the massacre. He also uploaded his manifesto, ‘The Great Replacement’, a reference to the Kalergi Plan. In the manifesto, which I cannot find (the gruesome videos of his recent attack are also down), Tarrant apparently explained his plans to ignite a civil war through his actions.
Incidentally, don’t call for immediate violence in this thread. Just remember what happened last year to this site because of some revolutionary comments. This post is merely informative.
Update of 9:45 A.M.:
Tarrant’s manifesto can be read: here.
For those who only want to read excerpts of it, see The New Observer’sarticle. ‘Rise of White Terrorism Inevitable Response to Nonwhite Invasion and Terrorism, Says New Zealand Mosque Shooter Manifesto’ (here).
What is The Base?
• The Base is a fraternal network of self-defense and survivalist trainers, students and enthusiasts.
• Our purpose is to share and develop knowledge, skills, and abilities for the benefit of network participants.
• The Base organizes and sponsors training events worldwide through local chapters.
• Participation is open to all nationalists including members of other nationalist organizations.
• The Base strives to serve as a platform for like minded nationalists to meet in real life and build camaraderie.
• Participation is free but donations are welcomed to cover costs for training events and facilities.
Norman Spear
A comrade at the other side of the Atlantic just sent me this message: ‘Former CIA officer Norman Spear is coming under increasing scrutiny from the System Media. How long will it be until The System shuts down his project?…’
He refers to this article authored by a normie. In the now defunct WDH Radio Show I interacted with Spear and he seems a very reasonable man, although we differ on the ultimate strategy (regarding tactics, think about what I said when referring to ‘the novel I’ll never write’).
I’m sorry but, again, this entry won’t allow comments for reasons already explained.
A post without comments
Iron March, Rope Culture, National Action, Atomwaffen Division, Siege Culture, System Resistance Network, Sonnenkrieg etc. Who are these guys? Many of their sites are down. Metapedia, which does not promote violence (but which articles might be sympathetic to them), still is down. Conversely, RationalWiki and VICE are biased against them. They probably lie, but if this story is true—:
In early 2017, four members of Atomwaffen were living together in a shared property in Tampa, Florida. One of them, Devon Arthurs (known as TheWeissewolfe on Ironmarch), converted to Islam and killed two of the other members, later telling police they had insulted his religion.
—it vindicates what I said in the other thread: that those groups attract men of unsound mind to the point that someone among them may even kill one of their comrades in arms.
Although a racial revolution á la Turner Diaries is commendable, I believe that would-be revolutionaries should have a fairly sound mind. Even what Covington called a ‘trouble trio’ needs a strategic and tactical guide on how to do it.
The limit of free speech on this issue is fiction, not only as Covington’s novels but as the novel I’ll never write. This site was taken down last September as a result of something said on the comments section, so I won’t allow comments on this article.
There is something that can trigger the (dormant) murderous spirit of the Aryan: the smell of human blood. I remember that when Bush Jr. invaded Iraq, for the first time on the Internet the hits stopped being the degenerating porn sites. Those who talked about the war got the first place.
What would happen to the Aryan psyche if my prophecy against the American dollar is fulfilled, leading to social chaos in the big cities? Yes: freedom of expression in the country of the First Amendment is constrained by law. The absolute limit seems to be the Brandenburg Law that allows the American to talk about the revolution—as long as it is an academic subject; never to incite an immediate act of violence.
Under that constraint, I ask English-speaking natives to write a novel inspired by the novels of Pierce, who died at the beginning of the century, and Covington who died this year. But unlike them the novel that I have in mind would be a sort of FAQs on how to lead a realistic revolution in our times.
It seems obvious to me that in that work of fiction the idea would be to win the first battle: to silence the media. All anchors would be threatened by the revolutionary command: ‘A single anti-white message that comes from your lips implies the death penalty for you, or your loved ones…’
The fictional work—which I cannot write because my native language is Spanish—could begin with the story that, in the near future, there are not many revolutionaries and such a civil war cannot be born. However, with the passage of time the Alt-Right movement would grow exponentially while the policies of anti-white genocide in South Africa, North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand increase. In our hypothetical novel the moment would come when only the hardest core of such an expanding movement would be of the calibre of a Bowers. With two thousand tough guys the freedom fighters would begin to silence, through sheer terror, the MSM…
That would be the guiding principle of the novel that would have to be sold by a medium alien to Amazon or Lulu insofar as, although a purely fictional work does not violate the Brandenburg Law, the Silicon Valley and some corporations do violate your First Amendment rights.
No comments from me here (remember that last month this site was suspended for more than a day). But you are welcome to comment below or see the updates at The Daily Stormer (here).
Postscript of 5:50 pm:
One thing is certain, those who make peaceful revolution impossible are making violent revolution inevitable. As an
anti-libertarian I may disagree with YouTube vlogger Styxhexenhammer666, but today he hits the nail.
Linder reads Siege
Virtually everything you hear on the radio while you lose hours on the way to work is trash. But it is possible to do something useful at that time, like listening to James Mason’s audiobook, Siege, available on YouTube.
I have listened to the first three audios and it seems to me that the Covingtonistas should do the same. Mason in the voice of Linder says it is no time for a direct orchestrated struggle, like a frontal combat. Gathering all the racists of the world in one place would expose themselves to Uncle Sam bombarding them as sitting ducks, even if women and children die.
If there is to be urban guerrilla, things are not as simple as taking the novels of the late Covington as a script for our film (the blogger Severus Niflson, who retired his blog from the Internet years ago, wrote an article along these lines criticising Covington’s plan). I think Mason is right in saying, seek ye first the eradication of Uncle Sam and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. The Covingtonistas do the opposite: they put the chariot ahead of the horse. Their strategy is to first form the ethnostate by humiliating Sam with their little guerrilla wars—and then crossing their fingers so that he does not behave as he did in 1861 and 1945!
But going back to Siege. While it is true that the printed book is boring (it was not boring in the 1980s because then the articles appeared from time to time in Mason’s newsletter), with the voice of Linder it ceases to be boring in the journey to work.
If the thoughtpolice were to remove those YouTube audios, do not forget that Linder has a backup of all his spoken books on his website.