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Currency crash

Finally, the bubble finds a pin

by Chris Martenson

For years, Peak Prosperity has been raising a loud warning of the ‘Everything Bubble’ that the world’s central banks have blown in global asset prices.

Over that time, we’ve debated with hundreds of economic experts on what will be the trigger to ‘pop’ this mania.

Well, now we’re finding out.

The economic damage being wrought worldwide by the coronavirus is the black swan the system never saw coming. Trade is being strangled, and the necessary productivity needed to support that massive increase in global debt that has been taken on over the past decade is just not there.

Bankruptcies are set to ripple across industries like wildfire. Mass layoffs will return with a vengeance. For certain industries—like travel, hospitality, and the shale oil drillers—this will be an extinction-level event for many players.

As ugly as the swift -19% drop in markets from February’s highs has been, this is just the start of the reckoning, folks.

To give you a clear understanding what to expect during the bursting of the largest asset bubble in world history, Chris rushed to record this interview with John Rubino, author of The Money Bubble.


Virus – advice for boomers

According to this doc, Vitamin D reduces the probability of respiratory tract infections, such as the Chinese virus (I dislike the World Health Organization’s term, COVID-19). I just started taking daily 10-minute sunbaths on the roof of my house. Hope it helps…

Chris Martenson Pandemics

Exponential power

‘The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function’ said scientist Albert Bartlett.

I’ve just added bold-type in my previous post: ‘We’re looking at about 1 million US cases [infected by the virus] by the end of April, 2 million by ~May 5; 4 million by ~May 11, and so on. Exponentials are hard to grasp, but this is how they go’.

To illustrate why people aren’t taking the virus seriously, watch this brief lesson by Chris Martenson explaining exponential power.


Is it time to panic?

I won’t listen to what Stefan Molyneux said yesterday about the coronavirus. I prefer listening to those who don’t have Jewish mothers, like Martenson and Maloney. But I can quote the text below the video. Moly wrote:


______ 卐 ______


I think most people aren’t aware of the risk of systemic healthcare failure due to COVID19 because they simply haven’t run the numbers yet. Let’s talk math.

Let’s conservatively assume that there are 2,000 current cases in the US today, March 6th. This is about 8x the number of confirmed (lab-diagnosed) cases. We know there is substantial under-[detection] due to lack of test kits; I’ll address implications later of under-/over-estimate.

We can expect that we’ll continue to see a doubling of cases every 6 days (this is a typical doubling time across several epidemiological studies). Here I mean actual cases. Confirmed cases may appear to rise faster in the short term due to new test kit rollouts.

We’re looking at about 1M US cases by the end of April, 2M by ~May 5, 4M by ~May 11, and so on. Exponentials are hard to grasp, but this is how they go.

As the healthcare system begins to saturate under this case load, it will become increasingly hard to detect, track, and contain new transmission chains. In absence of extreme interventions, this likely won’t slow significantly until hitting more than 1% of susceptible population.

What does a case load of this size mean for healthcare system? We’ll examine just two factors—hospital beds and masks—among many, many other things that will be impacted.

The US has about 2.8 hospital beds per 1000 people. With a population of 330M, this is ~1M beds. At any given time, 65% of those beds are already occupied. That leaves about 330k beds available nationwide (perhaps a bit fewer this time of year with regular flu season, etc).

Let’s trust Italy’s numbers and assume that about 10% of cases are serious enough to require hospitalization. (Keep in mind that for many patients, hospitalization lasts for weeks—in other words, turnover will be very slow as beds fill with COVID19 patients.)

By this estimate, by about May 8th, all open hospital beds in the US will be filled. (This says nothing, of course, about whether these beds are suitable for isolation of patients with a highly infectious virus.)

If we’re wrong by a factor of two regarding the fraction of severe cases, that only changes the timeline of bed saturation by 6 days in either direction. If 20% of cases require hospitalization, we run out of beds by ~May 2nd.

If only 5% of cases require it, we can make it until ~May 14th. 2.5% gets us to May 20th. This, of course, assumes that there is no uptick in demand for beds from other (non-COVID19) causes, which seems like a dubious assumption.

As healthcare system becomes increasingly burdened, Rx shortages, etc, people with chronic conditions that are normally well-managed may find themselves slipping into severe states of medical distress requiring intensive care and hospitalization. […]

Chris Martenson

Brace yourself, 3

Listen to what Chris Martenson and
Mike Maloney say (3rd clip: here).


On the ‘Atomwaffen Division’

‘Satanism is alright. Depends on how you go about it. But then again, I’m more well read on the subject than most people. Most people get scared away and only go into the crust, rather than down to the core’. —Rape [penname], AWD Discord server, November 9, 2017.

Using a negative Christian symbol (Satan) to scare Christians, as the so-called Atomwaffen Division (AWD) does, should trigger the alarm signal in anyone wishing to recover the West. It is the reverse of using a positive Christian symbol (the hymn that Martin Luther composed) to please Christians, as in the case of another failed revolutionary, Harold Covington.

AWD with James Mason at the centre

When I see someone using satanic symbols the first thing that comes to my mind is: ‘A mental infant…!’

It should be obvious that if someone wants to start distancing himself from the religion of our parents, the distancing mustn’t be done childishly but maturely: assimilating books like that of the Spaniard Evropa Soberana about the psychological warfare that Judea fought against Rome after the destruction of Jerusalem; what I translated from the German Karlheinz Deschner, or even a book written by a liberal English, like Catherine Nixey’s.

But no: these neochristian Americans, unlike the Europeans mentioned above, make a teenage tantrum with Christian symbols that only denote their inability to reach adulthood.

If a revolutionary man wants to do something against Christianity, adulthood begins by reading, say, Uncle Adolf’s table talks. On this site I still have to collect the remaining of Hitler’s anti-Christian pronouncements in my cited quotations (I am missing another seven citations).

The tragedy I see with these groups who aspire to revolutionaries is that they don’t seem to realise that, given that the ethnosuicide of the West has to do with Semitic psyops, it’s more urgent to imitate Athens than Sparta at the moment; more important to philosophically understand the psyop than to do a military career. Otherwise one ends up playing with unassimilated forms of Christianity either with Satanism (which circumscribes an Abrahamic religion although negatively) or with the Luther hymn.

What kind of ‘anti-Semitic’ revolutionaries are these who cannot encapsulate the virus of Judeo-Christianity in their minds? Why don’t they follow the commandment of the Oracle of Delphi, an Apollonian oracle uncontaminated by Abrahamic religions (cf. my forthcoming translated autobiographical book)?

A Satanist would not scare the educated Christians of the racialist movement in the US. He would only inspire pity, as if he were a mentally ill person, a schizo individual. However, when I discuss with a Christian, as I recently did in Unz Review, he resorts to wanting to psychoanalyse me with my father because the objective information I represent he cannot answer.

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WDH – pdf 335

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Civil war

Andy Donner and premature violence

Of his quintet, I fully read Harold Covington’s first four novels at a time when I had some correspondence with him, and I still recommend The Brigade to everyone who visits this site. But I distanced myself from Covington when I learned that he suffered from terrible character flaws, such as the defamation of other white nationalists, as I have explained on this site.

When Covington died in 2018 it bothered me that Andy Donner, who now runs the Northwest Front, alleged in his obituary that Covington had been a man of impeccable character. Obviously, Donner is as dishonest as Covington was, who never regretted his defamations of his colleagues, even decades after having defamed them. (For example, he labelled William Pierce ‘a federal informant’ in one of his novels.)

In the most recent Northwest Front podcast now run by Donner, ‘Andy discusses Party happenings and the arrests of members of the Base and AtomWaffen Division’. I was struck by the brief segment that begins after the fourth minute, as it is the first time Donner has talked about these two revolutionary groups. Also for the first time, he who now directs the Northwest Front was disengaged from the groups that presumably promote accelerationist violence.

In my opinion, nothing better destroys the depression to which the white man has fallen than novels such as Pierce’s The Turner Diaries and The Brigade by Covington. But it is clear that the hour of revolution has not arrived.

We could call failures of the imagination the huge mistake made by those who believe it’s time to fight. Even before the pandemic of the Chinese virus erupted, I knew something was going to happen that would open a window of opportunity for us. Revolutionaries who read Siege completely lack this kind of intuitive imagination. A few years ago, for example, in a forum that mentioned the future fall of the dollar, a commenter speculated that the first piece of the dominoes that could cause it could be… a Chinese virus! I wish I had saved the link, but I seem to remember that a few years ago I read that online, perhaps inspired on the first SARS-CoV epidemic.

The revolutionaries with whom I have dealt with over the forums vehemently reject all speculation of the Austrian school economists that the dollar is going to fall. Their vision is that business as usual will continue unless the revolutionaries step in (‘Screw your optics, I am in!’). The 2020 pandemic, which could potentially be that little piece of a dominoes effect (see the clips of Martenson and Maloney I’ve been linking), is the perfect answer to unimaginative would-be revolutionaries.

It is silly to lash out at the enemy without a lot of soldiers. Let’s be patient. The System is run by such stupid people—I include not only the gentile traitors but Jewry—that it will collapse on its own weight. Few things exasperate me more in white nationalism than the paranoia that Jewry has everything under control, when in reality they are almost as imbeciles as whites.

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WDH – pdf 334

Click: here

The software converter could not add the images of the videos within the articles ‘On trying to be an Austen fan in today’s West’, ‘Pride and Prejudice (2005 adaptation)’ and ‘Roger Scruton (1944-2020)’ but I’ve embedded them below:

Conspiracy theories Racial right

Leaving the courtroom

In a post that five months ago I called ‘Ron Unz and JFK: Leaving the courtroom’ I criticised Unz for believing conspiracy theories. Now this Jew goes back to his old ways in an article whose discussion thread already has more than a thousand comments.

I will not repeat what I wrote five months ago, including what I commented in the discussion thread. Suffice it to say that it seems pathetic to me that racially conscious whites continue to believe conspiracy theories like those of JFK and 9/11, discussed in the recent Unz article.

Everything has to do with what I have said several times: most humans are unable to distinguish between the structure of their inner selves and the empirical world. The fact that conspiracy theories are so endemic in the movement only demonstrates that the process of psychogenesis in the human today still carries many ‘paleological’ atavisms.

If the commenters of the Jew’s webzine were preparing for the Chinese virus pandemic instead of this nonsense, they would do themselves a great favour…