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WDH – pdf 133

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WDH – pdf 132

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The software converter could not add the image of the video within the article ‘Mike and Peter’, but I’ve embedded it below:

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WDH – pdf 131

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WDH – pdf 130

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WDH – pdf 129

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Deranged altruism New Testament Old Testament Racial right

Morgan vs. Ryckaert

Franklin Ryckaert: Racism= harming people of another race because of their race. Race realism = realizing that races are inherently different and avoiding risky situations with people of other races.

Robert Morgan: Or in other words, racists do what ‘race realists’ would do if they had the courage.


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Editor’s note: Franklin Ryckaert exemplifies what is wrong with white nationalism and the alt-right.

Per the Old Testament and the Talmud, Jews must exterminate the Gentiles.

Per the New Testament, Gentiles are commanded, instead, to love the Other including Jews and non-whites.

White nationalists and alt-righters don’t obey the Führer. They obey the Jew who wrote the New Testament: prolefeed for us Gentiles.

It is just that simple.

Whites are condemned to become extinct unless they transvalue Ryckaert’s et al values back to pre-Christian mores. But nationalists won’t do it. They’re self-righteously addicted to their (((drug)))…

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WDH – pdf 128

Click: here

The blank space within the post ‘The Hellstorm Holocaust’ means that the thoughtpolice of YouTube has deleted that specific account.

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WDH – pdf 127

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WDH – pdf 126

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On my latest 5 posts

My latest five posts, which convey the idea of what ‘Priesthood of the Fourteen Words’ means, originally appeared on this site as pages.

Posts are blog content listed in a reverse chronological order (newest content on top). Due to their reverse chronological order, posts are meant to be timely. Older posts are archived based on month and year. As the posts get older, the visitor has to dig deeper to find them, but he has the option to search based on categories and tags.

In WordPress, Pages, on the other hand, means content such as your ‘About’ page: privacy policy, contact page, etc. Unlike the regular Posts, visitors cannot see the Pages unless they click on a link. At the bottom of the Pages there are no categories or tags.

Since I am adding PDFs of all the Posts of this site to my DreamHost (DH) backup—see: here—, I would like that those otherwise invisible Pages also appear in my DH backup of The West’s Darkest Hour.

That is why I duplicated its content today, old Pages now also visible as regular Posts, so that when I add the PDF of the latest five entries visitors can also see the ‘Pages’ on my DH backup.