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After AD: Before and after the Führer

In the thread on Judeo reductionism, Roger commented today:

Think of the fall of Byzantium. This may have been seen as a great calamity for Europe but on reflection, this helped concentrate power in western Europe and reinvigorated it. Likewise, the utter destruction of America may be the best thing for the White Man… but obviously anyone within those territories will have differing views.

Great point on the need of the fall of Constantinople (which, incidentally, was already too mongrelized ethnically by the time when Mehmed’s cannons made a huge hole on its walls).

I have observed, in the three and a half years that I have been active over white nationalist boards, that quite a few nationalists are infinitely more immature than the leaders of the National Socialist regime insofar as religion is concerned. Even long before the Nazis America was larger and more prosperous economically but more primitive spiritually (just compare German to American music). Genuine spirituality cannot be measured through the American way. Believing in traditional religion or new age nonsense is not enlightening but psychological dissociation.

If homo Americanus is indeed homo Judaicus as Tomislav Sunić maintains, the only way that Americans and Canadians change their so-called spiritual ways is that Murka burns after the dollar crashes and all of their worldwide hegemony be lost. In this New World Order scenario the German people will have a last chance to reclaim their (presently) murdered self-esteem, as a blogger of Germanic origin stated in the post that I have linked the most, “The Red Giant.”

After what the Anglo-Saxons did in the 1940s the only way that these people could possibly atone for their sins is to get rid of the Anno Domini calendar, the one that betokens the birth of “Jesus”—a Latinized, post-Exilic modification of the Hebrew Yĕhōšuă, (Joshua)—as a model for Aryans. In fact, they must get rid of the Jewish god altogether and, instead, base history on the death of Hitler—not on the day when he was born—: a genuine human, all too human model for the white peoples. Only thus will the crime that the Allied forces perpetrated in the century when we were born be remembered for posterity. Books like Hellstorm must be expanded a thousandfold by future scholars in landmark works, just as the Gulag Archipelago functioned like a stake through the hearts of deranged French leftists when I was much younger.

I know that on this issue I am alone among the white nationalists of this continent, which are still stuck in Judeo-Christian values. Today, for example, I received an e-mail that Greg Johnson delivered to all subscribers of Counter-Currents’ newsletter that mentioned Matt Parrott. Although Greg is supposedly an anti-Christian and Matt an Orthodox Christian, axiologically these two Americans are almost exactly on the same page. Greg for one claims to be a fascist in his webzine but he de facto functions like a conservative, as I have pointed out in what is perhaps the most emblematic post of WDH. After the death of William Luther Pierce no American nationalist that I know has transvaluated Christian values back to Aryan values, at least not in such a direct and unabashed way as Pierce did.

My philosophy results from my brutal honesty: Don’t take seriously this politically-correct, new generation of American white nationalists. They don’t feel the same hatred towards the New Constantinople that Pierce felt. As long as, unlike him, they don’t bring Nietzschean axiology to its ultimate consequences, they will continue to function as reactionary conservatives instead of genuine revolutionaries.

Pace the American New rightists, the New Constantinople will fall soon. The commenter Deutscher recently linked at another WDH thread an article that pointed out that it is common that dying empires unravel with unholy speed: a single year for Portugal, two years for the Soviet Union, eight years for France, eleven years for the Ottomans, seventeen years for Great Britain… I predict that the United States will fall in about the same time that the other empire that eventually liberated the blacks fell: Portugal. After all, Austrian economists predict that the collapse of the American dollar will unfold very, very rapidly, with hyperinflation leading to the collapse of all of the US government’s power. (If you don’t believe it and want to discuss the issues, please do it in a thread that has received zero comments: here.)

The good news is that imperial decline tends to have a remarkably demoralizing impact on a society especially after economic privation.

Only decades after the coming eschaton and the ensuing chaos and cure for humility for North Americans could a revaluation of all Judeo-Christian values be manifested by means of replacing the Gregorian calendar by the new one. Only such a cultural shock will convey the westerners in general and the North Americans in particular the eschatological sign that the Christian era, which inadvertently had been responsible for the Judaization of the West after Luther, is over. Like the author of “The Red Giant” I believe that the age of all those centuries since the founder of Constantinople handed over the Roman Empire to his bishops is coming to an end. In the new era no more white children will be taught of the feats of Moses and David and Yĕhōšuă (“Jesus”). Instead, they will be taught the doings of Vercingetorix and Hermann and Hitler—even when these Aryans died most tragically while defending their people.

Covington in uniform

Novelist Harold Covington in uniform

For that reason alone, yesterday I added excerpts of a novel that conveys the feeling of what a future Nationalist Socialist Republic would look in the American Northwest, just in case that the Anglo-Saxons do indeed atone for their mortal sins.

In the following days I will be adding more and more excerpted chapters. Enjoy the coming entries or, still better, obtain a hard copy of a novel where the Swastika will be used in the uniforms of the Seattle and Portland military and police.

Ex Gladio Libertas!
Anno Hitleris 68

38 replies on “After AD: Before and after the Führer”

In the final siege of Constantinople, approximately 1% of the population took up arms to defend the city. They had weapons to equip far more if they’d had people willing to hold them, but the vast majority preferred to go to the churches and pray for deliverance. For days on end. And even after the walls were breached.

You can not save a people that will not save themselves.

As for Covington, he bases his story on a magical awakening, a spontaneous complete turnaround in what people actually do, based on no distinct reason whatsoever – just incidents of the sort that happen every year anyway WITHOUT ever being the straw to break the camel’s back. It is as incredible as the Greeks of Constantinople summoning up the courage of the Acheans and counterattacking across the Dardanelles in a second Trojan War. It’s wishful thinking.

Agreed. But in no Northwest Quintet novel Covington bases his fiction on a currency crisis.

My educated guess is that the minds of North Americans will start to change after the collapse, some of them for the better.

Covington’s and Pierce’s novels are inspirational, not meant as a movie script of what actually will happen after the balloon goes up.

I should also note –

” a novel where the Swastika will be used in the uniforms of the Seattle and Portland military and police”

See, anybody who actually knows what the people of Seattle and Portland are like can not take this seriously. For that to happen you would have to physically remove essentially the entire current population of those cities and replace them. You’d essentially have to destroy the entire city in each case – and sure, writing a near-future story involving such events isn’t impossible; but the events required for that to happen are not at all the story Covington is telling. It isn’t even in the ballpark. This is why I couldn’t finish the book, he hand-waves his way past assumptions that are way beyond suspension of disbelief.

I don’t say it’s impossible that their grandchildren might be favorable to such uniforms, but for that to happen there would have to be some serious disruptions that are FOCUSED on those cities and that region, specific to it, something fundamentally new and other than the inland redneck / coastal liberal division, which is something the entire West Coast has been dealing with for nearly a century now. There is no sign of any such events, and as far as I know no reason to expect such.

I simply don’t see any evidence that any population group in North America today has any chance of adopting such beliefs in the absence of an extended (multigenerational) period of chaos and anarchy and barbarism. Anything that looks even vaguely like a successor state to the USA precludes a period like that, and will be shackled at least partly to some of the mindsets of the USA.

Of course: but the point of the novel (or even this post) is to be provocative in the extreme to make people think.

On the other hand, which white young lad in the 1940s would have imagined that in 50 years the West would be controlled by Jew media, overrun by third world scum, race-mixing with niggers, jew-led foreign wars, Whites-only hate crimes, black power, mex power and faggot power? Moral values do shift 180 degrees within a lifetime.

“Moral values do shift 180 degrees within a lifetime.”

There wasn’t a 180° shift in values.
The Jews, who have anti-White “values”, took power.

As a result, White people became less firm in their convictions, but apart from the dumb leftists, they didn’t changed their values.

You seem to be assigning almost extra-terrestrial powers to the tribe. What about Sunic, Kurtagic and Michael O’Meara, who are capable of advancing meta-perspectives, and more recently Brad Griffin, without mentioning the subversive tribe? They seem to consider Whites themselves as Whites’ deadliest enemy. If you take issue with me on this one, you are taking issue with them.

Unlike them, Pierce did mention the JP in a most emphatic way. But at the same time he recognized too that we got a huge Gentile Problem as one of the main causes of our woes. Again, if you take issue with me on this subject, you got to take issue with him too.

“You seem to be assigning almost extra-terrestrial powers to the tribe.”

You too. You said that the West is under the control of the Jewish media. I agree with you.

I’ll rephrase my statement anyway :
The far-left, which has anti-White “values”, took power.

I hope it sounds better.
The far-left has a Jewish agenda anyway.
And the far-left isn’t really left-wing at all.

My main point was that there is a chasm between Western governments and the White population.

“if you take issue with me on this subject, you got to take issue with him too.”

William Pierce’s views had been evolving.

Have a look at this :
Sharon, Rape, and the Wizard of Oz
by Dr. William Pierce (2001)

Ten years ago I used to think that the way to straighten out the thinking of Republican lemmings was to hit them up alongside the head with a piece of two-by-four or with a sturdy, oak table leg. Then as I learned more about lemmings I realized that wasn’t really necessary. Trauma and privation certainly aren’t bad things when people need to be reoriented, but what is far more effective is simply to change their authority figures. Lemmings don’t need to have their thinking straightened out with a piece of two-by-four, because in a very important sense of the word they don’t think.

The Republican lemming who wrote to me didn’t look at the evidence, think about it, and then come to the conclusion all by himself that more diversity is better. That’s what his TV told him, and he’s just parroting it back. Lemmings no more think about what they’re saying than talking parrots do. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re stupid. This Little Rock Republican may be able to program his own VCR and figure out his income taxes all by himself, but when it comes to the question of Political Correctness, he does not think. It’s a conditioned reflex.

His first instinct would have been to whack the ineffectual conservatives on the head. But then he decided that it was not the right way to fix a loose screw. He was right. After all, 200 years ago, White people had the same genes we have, and European society worked normally. It means that the problem doesn’t really come from the population. It comes from the top. Western governments and western institutions have been infiltrated with an anti-White ideology.

Another speech by William Pierce (2000) :
Black Is Good; White Is Bad

You know, I used to think that a good, brutal gang-rape by Blacks or Puerto Ricans would straighten out the thinking of someone like Ms. Hoff in a hurry. I don’t believe that any longer, though. I’ve seen too many examples of just how strong a grip Political Correctness has on such people. They would rather die — really, they would rather die — than be Politically Incorrect, than be thought to have an unfashionable opinion. By the time Cherylynn was out of the hospital she would have figured out how what had happened to her was entirely the fault of heterosexual White males. Such people can be cured, but it’ll take more than a gang-rape. To make the lemmings change course will take a scientifically designed program of mass conditioning of the sort the Jews have used to get them moving in their present direction.

“The far-left has a Jewish agenda anyway….”

Here’s my correction, the far-left has a Judeo-Christian, or neochristian, agenda. First we contracted “mental AIDS.” Then we became vulnerable to opportunistic, tribal infections. Start with what Kevin Mac calls “white pathology” and you’ll see the broader picture.

Pierce saw the big picture too. I am curious if you have read his last book, which has just been released posthumously? In his final chapter, which I included at the most privileged spot of this blog—just below the face of Botticelli’s Venus and copying the words of the very masthead of this site, “The West’s Darkest Hour”—you will see that Pierce seemed to blame a profound moral illness among contemporary whites for such dark hour.

Chechar: “Here’s my correction, the far-left has a Judeo-Christian, or neochristian, agenda.”

A neo-Christian would be to a real Christian what a Jewish neocon is to a White conservative. The neocons are not conservative at all. They support race-replacement for White people.

Some people think that right-wing institutions have been infiltrated by left-wing activists. It would explain why the Right now supports race-replacement. But what actually happened is that the Left was infiltrated by Jewish race-replacers, and then, the Right was also infiltrated by Jewish race-replacers, creating the illusion that the Right had been infiltrated by the Left.

Christian institutions were also infiltrated by the Jews. Christianity used to be about life after death. Whether or not we believe in heaven, Christianity at least contained the idea of transcendence, the idea that human life has value, that our ancestors still exist in some way. But today, it looks sometimes as if Christianity was about feeding as many Africans as we can. The Jewish media pretend to be pursuing the Christian tradition by pushing those absurd and materialistic ideals. And Jewish movies make pervert imitations of the morality of the Western world. But they don’t care about dignity, and they see our ancestors as worthless, nasty people.

Your theory seems to be that the craziness was inherent to Christianity, and that it seeped into the whole society, in the same way that “the left” is said to have contaminated “the right”. The explanation I prefer is that the Jewish ideology contaminated both Christianity and the larger society at the same time.

A neo-Christian would be to a real Christian what a Jewish neocon is to a White conservative (etc…)

No: a “neochristian”, as I understand it, is the secular animal that was born during the French Revolution when Jews had not taken over; we are talking before Napo’s emancipation.

But today, it looks sometimes as if Christianity was about feeding as many Africans as we can. The Jewish media pretend…

You are not considering that since Jesus Christianity had a strong Yin element embedded within it and that present-day Christianity is as genuine as, say, the Yang Christianity of the Renaissance’s Popes. Both the ultra-Yin St Francis and the Yang Julius II (or even the über Yang Tomás de Torquemada) were Christians in their own ways.

Presently we are suffering a suicidal “Age of the Yin” not only because of the Jews, but because of the American, English and French horror that was imposed upon us after WW2. (As to America per se Sunic made the hilarious comment that he has no problem with Jews, but that he has a huge problem with those Christian gentiles who want to become hyper-Jews; and that the evangelicals he saw in Alabama during a religious service represented a culture “worse than communism”.)

The explanation I prefer is that the Jewish ideology contaminated both Christianity and the larger society at the same time.

My explanation is that Christianity carried the seeds of its own demise. Reason: Unlike Judaism it is not a religion based on race, and to boot, it makes us worship the jew Yeshu and the jewish god Yahweh.

Incidentally, throughout all these threads you have been avoiding the central issue: Why did whites hand over their media to an alien tribe??

I linked to a very direct answer in my latest post.

“the secular animal that was born during the French Revolution when Jews had not taken over”

The French Revolution was brought about by a handful of degenerates, not by normal people. There must have been a few Jews among them, whether they played an important part or not. In fact, the French Revolution was a Coup, like every other “popular revolution” in history.

Even today, the left, which embodies crazy secularism, doesn’t exist in the population, except as a very small minority. Most voters, both left and right, are against race-replacement. They are not crazy. That’s why the government and the media won’t openly say that they advocate our complete replacement. Even though the race-replacers are in charge of things, they are only a tiny minority, led by Jews. There is no deep mental problem with most White people. They are not responsible for the government’s policy. The government doesn’t care what they think.

“it makes us worship the jew Yeshu and the jewish god Yahweh.”

The Jewish idea of god has nothing to do with the Christian idea of God. It has often been said that the Jews see themselves as their own god.

“Why did whites hand over their media to an alien tribe??”

They didn’t. The Jews took it. White people had no reason to “expel themselves” from the media. Millions of young White people dream of making a career in the media.

By the way, if the crazy Whites had decided to hand over their media to an alien tribe, there is no reason they would have chosen the Jews rather than the Blacks or the Mexicans.

But I agree that there has been a lack of resistance. I wish White people would stage street demonstrations against the Jewish control over the media. I hope it will happen once the Internet has spread the message everywhere.

There is no deep mental problem with most White people.

Then you disagree with Pierce’s final analysis. He knew that there were profound moral issues among present-day whites. Those issues are present even in the later WN movement—even those heteros in the movement who link to Jack Donovan’s books as something useful for men studies; even those WNsts or non-WNsts who listen to what the Germans of the 1930s called “degenerate music”. (And music, which is the external marker of the inner soul, has degenerated farther and farther since those times.) Failing to see the deep mental issues that present-day whites suffer is part of the problem. I would go as far as claiming that Counter-Currents’s editor and many other nationalists who like Hollywood and sexual filth are part of the problem (as well as part of the solution when they talk about other subjects).

I for one won’t take the WN movement seriously unless and until the profound degeneracy that afflicts whites today—just think of their sexual mores and compare it to the P&P of my recent posts—is recognized and fully atoned for. But that will only happen after the dollar crashes and the US and parts of Europe are set aflame.

The Jewish idea of god has nothing to do with the Christian idea of God.

Oh come on! Have you missed what Sunic said about the Founding Fathers of America (not the Fathers of the Revolution but the Pilgrim Fathers)? Or you have listened him and are repressing in your mind what he said during that speech?

“Why did whites hand over their media to an alien tribe??”

They didn’t. The Jews took it.

Sure… And Jews also hostilely took over the mainstream media of every single Muslim country, starting with Saudi Arabia, right? And the Jewish lobby is presently the most powerful in Iran, right? And Jewish influence in the academia throughout the Islamic world has been pervasive and deleterious for their indigenous cultures all the way since the last century, right?

Try again.

Now that MacDonald has written a formal pronouncement regarding these views in the foreword to Sunic’s Homo Americanus, that I am anxiously awaiting from Amazon Books, I’ll see soon if Sunic’s meta-perspective is indeed a POV that sees a bigger picture than MacDonald’s.

I think you should obtain a copy too.

Chechar: “Sure… And Jews also hostilely took over the mainstream media of every single Muslim country, starting with Saudi Arabia, right?”

When crooks take advantage of old people’s lack of distrust to rob them, I blame the crooks, not the old people. Not that we are like old people. The strength of the Jews is that they are smart, aggressive, cohesive, dissimulative, focused on destroying non-Jews. It’s true that we, loose-screw White people, lack most of those Jewish “qualities”.

We have the same problem with Blacks and Arabs. Their superiority over the White man is that they are more aggressive, they attack suddenly, for no known reason, from behind, preferably in groups, preferably weak targets. And the main job of the western governments is to disarm the Whites to prevent any collective response.

The Jewish technique has been to proceed from the top down. As they were buying up the western media, they also bought the complicity of Western governments. For example, in France, they are clearly in charge of the government body charged with making sure that there is no injustice in the representation of the diverse ethnic groups in the media. It seems that they are also in charge of the tribunals. And they are in charge of the government sponsored organizations that specialize in pursuing “racial discrimination”. If you want to complain about the Jews, they are the ones who will register your complaint, and prosecute you for it.

Most White people still don’t know anything about the Jewish problem. I remained ignorant of the question until a few years ago. I don’t see my prolonged ignorance as a mental problem. Many journalists know about the JQ, but unfortunately they are Jews, or are employed by Jews. The politicians too are now employed by Jews, or are Jews. Our former elites are gone. Even so, the Jews still have to rely on a number of White people who are in high positions. Some of them probably see the problem but feel very isolated. I still hope they will eventually start resisting the Jews when the Jewish problem becomes common knowledge and they no longer feel so isolated.

“And the Jewish lobby is presently the most powerful in Iran, right?”

If it had not been abused by the Jews, it could be argued that the Western tradition of openness also had its good sides.

Except of course it was not Mehmed’s cannons nor Christian belief that felled Constantinople.

Later the Byzantines adopted such anti-Jewish policies as forced conversion at times when they sought unity during periods of national crisis. The Byzantine authorities correctly feared that the Jews would actively assist the Persian and later the Muslim invaders ( Alon 1989, 16; Avi-Yonah 1976, 261ff). Parkes ( 1934, 263) describes a “long list of betrayals and treason, of hostility and massacre” by the Jews during this period, connected ultimately to Jewish partisanship toward Persia in the context of Byzantine anti-Semitism. In the early 5th century Jews were slaughtered after a Jewish attempt to betray a city to the Persians was discovered ( Parkes 1934, 257-258). In the 7th century, the Jews came to the aid of Persian invaders, and with the aid of the Samaritans were said to have massacred a hundred thousand Christians ( Grant 1973, 288). After the area was retaken by the Byzantines, the Arabs conquered the area with the “warm support” of the Jews ( Grant 1973, 289; see also Jones 1964, 950). At the beginning of the 12th century, the Byzantine Jews “sprang rapidly to [the] assistance” of the invading armies of Seljuk Turks ( Shaw 1991, 25). Beginning in the 14th century the Jews supported the invasions of the Ottoman Turks—the final entry into Constantinople in 1453 occurring through a Jewish quarter with the assistance of the Jews ( Shaw 1991, 26). In gratitude for their support, the sultan imposed Jewish economic domination over his Christian subjects, and Jews immigrated into the area from throughout the diaspora ( Shaw 1991, 77).

Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism

Book by Kevin MacDonald; Praeger Publishers, 1998, p.63-64

The ‘Red Giant” hypothesis is nonsensical on the face of it. How did Christian universalism transform into classical liberal racial exclusion? Jefferson was a liberal yet he held the precept of universalism and exclusion in exquisite balance. How is that possible? Jesus preached no difference between the Jew and Gentile, the master and slave and the man and women, yet Jefferson’s liberalism fundamentally excludes such notions and yet we are told that liberalism is the essence of a Christian ideology in its death throws. It makes no sense.

“Except of course it was not Mehmed’s cannons nor Christian belief that felled Constantinople.” – DJ

You are forgetting a key phrase, that by the time of Constantinople’s fall the population was so mongrelized—a mongrelization caused by both the universalist Roman Empire and the imperial Church—that the Byzantines were easy prey for Islam. “The writing was on the wall for the Eastern Empire—a rapidly growing mixed race population, a small White minority, threatened from the west by the Slavs, and from the east by the Turks and Persians—there seemed to be no way out. ”

Well then you give the answer yourself once again : who obliges us to race mix? Who opens all the gates, who brings in all the slaves, who is synomyme for globalisation since the Radhanites? Who makes us feel guilty via holocaustian and religious alibi?

Some birds are very industrious nest builders, great insect hunters, beautiful singers, and such good chick raisers, that they are prone to invite the cuckoo in. However this industious bird aka as the aryan has his genes locked forever on naivity and generosity that its unnecessary to wait for any positive change that will held forever. So the wait will continue for an exceptionnel circumstance with an exceptionnel leader to kick out the cuckoo, to give the host some rest, he will be back anyway a century later as we all know, but that is the way the game between good and evil has been played for 4000 years or more. The hopes of Ronin and Chechar on re educating the white fluffy masses by inflicting them more guilt for their hospitality is in my view useless. But we all agree that a major crisis is needed to have the aryan leftover wake up for the exceptionnel leader.

The Jews were not the one who got the Romans mixing themselves out of existence. That was already a major concern for the patricians in Augustus’ day. That is simply something that seems to happen to imperial races in the west (the Han seem to have avoided it by becoming so numerous that any additions dilute to nothing, and the Nipponese avoid it by being very politely xenophobic).

” Jesus preached no difference between the Jew and Gentile, the master and slave and the man and women…”

– Not so! This is misinformation that has been promoted by modern day christian churches. Christ clearly said in Matthew 15:24 (when he was speaking to the Phoenician woman) “I was not sent forth to any but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”.
And also in Matthew chapter 10 verses 5 and 6 he tells his twelve apostles “Do not go off into the road of the nations, and do not enter into a Samaritan city, but , instead , go continually to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”. It is in the later parts of the New Testament (after Christ’s death) that Paul and others preach that Jesus’ message now applied to all the world’s peoples including gentiles, since the Jews of Jesus’ time did not accept him as the Son of God. And of course that is what the churches run with today. But Christ never intended his message or “kingdom” for any but Jews.
To further illustrate Jesus attitude with regard to Jew/gentile “equality”, consider this: In the story related in Matthew 15:24 that I referred to above, Jesus when confronted with the Phoenician woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon and who wanted Jesus to expel the demon from her daughter, said to the woman after hearing her request: “it is not right to take the bread of the children (Jews) and throw it to little dogs” (gentiles). Yes, he does go on to grant the Phoenician woman’s request because of her “great faith”, but does his reference to “little dogs” sound like he considered gentiles and Jews equal?

But of course: this is not a New Testament discussion between Christians, just pointing the accusing finger at an universalist, egalitarian religion that caused havoc among people of pure Indo-European origin.

I know that it is not “a New Testament discussion between Christians” and I was not trying to make it such. My point was that Christ himself was not an egalitarian, but his followers try to portray him as such. This should be pointed out to Christians who wish to steer Whites toward egalitarian views by holding up Christ as “the model” egalitarian for us to imitate.

I am 25, Anglo-Saxon and a WN’s, I consider myself a disciple of William Luther Pierce, the father of WN on this continent. The youth of today is simply propagandized, and dumbed down from forced attendance at indoctrination centers (public schools), however, I believe that when the crash comes and our time is rising they will join us.
I believe this from my experience, talking with them, living among them as one of them. Nearly all the youth I know 90%+ are inherently racist, we have been exposed to the garbage culture the most, so we know how vile and strange the others truly are. Most of us just cannot see the forest for the trees!

No matter how “traditional” Christianity may be, or how useful certain Christian parables are, it was and will remain an alien faith. The tragedy of Dr. Pierce’s untimely demise cannot be overstated in the Murkan context. Here was a living, breathing Nietzschean (for lack of a better term) racialist with a concrete organization. Fifteen hundred members at its peak if sources are correct. Not too shabby for the most jeboo obsessed country on Earth.

I see the same in Europe among the friends of my children , they are still partying but there is a part that is aware that the arab and negro is in it for the kill. The physical language displayed on the streets and on TV is felt even by the dumbest. White girls are treasure hunted and white boys feel it as you can’t see hardly a blond girl in town with a mongrel on the side. Main problem race mixing is taking place at such an incredible pace that the hybird off spring will be out there plenty before it’s your turn to fight.

The fact that no white has found inspiration in Pierce’s Hunter, by actually doing vigilante work in a big western city, speaks volumes. A lone wolf would not even need a concerted effort to start targeting mixed couples—and in Europe he would not even face death penalty if caught. And even if caught our hypothetical hero could inspire copycats. But let’s face it: whites, including white nationalists, behave like pussycats, not like tigers.

“A lone wolf would not even need a concerted effort to start targeting mixed couples”

And also, organizing vigilance committees to protect White people against violent immigrants would be very useful, without being so dangerous.

“But let’s face it: whites, including white nationalists, behave like pussycats, not like tigers.”

In WW1, the European “elites” told the population that it was their duty to go to war and butcher one another, and the population did obey them. And many soldiers showed heroism in battle, but for a wrong cause. Today, many young White people would still be ready to risk their lives for a grand cause, but only if they receive lots of moral support. Unfortunately, we do not control the government and the media.

See the problem this way too : the average american indian in 1865 who went on scalp hunting of whites defending his territory would come back to his tribe hauled like a hero and be blessed with the finest horses and cheered by the finest squaws. The average white nationalist who wishes to make a stand will end up with his life and carreer ruined, most likely in prison, his family in shame, a social outcast in every way.

Now who wishes to stand up for his people if the people is going to get you for doing so, who wishes to die for lemmings? Are we worth saving anyway? There must be a bounty some where, we are not all jesus or breiviks so to speak. Yes chechar maybe we need to believe in an afterlife (christianity!) or reincarnation like de Nugent. Who wants his life wrecked to save the dumb sheep? Line up please.

The founding fathers certainly didn’t have much time for Jeboo or else they could easily have banned Jews from day one and saved the world all this trouble… proving that local White ‘religion’ isn’t necessarily a full-proof defense against these people.

“Only thus will the crime that the Allied forces perpetrated in the century when we were born be remembered for posterity. Books like Hellstorm must be expanded a thousandfold by future scholars in landmark works, just as the Gulag Archipelago functioned like a stake through the hearts of deranged French leftists when I was much younger.”

Chechar, getting rid of the Anno Domini calendar (even here the Jews acheived a victory over us: AD and BC were dropped in favor of “CE” or “common era” so as not to affront the Jews) and adopting an Aryan figurehead in place of a Jewish God may be a good first step, but ironically something just as important is also necessary- that we adopt the Jews tactic of teaching our history to our children so that they never forget what has been done to us and who the enemy is!

One of our shortcomings as a race is our propensity to forget our own history; to “forgive and forget” is not a virtue, instead it dooms our posterity to become victims of the same parasitic species that their ancestors were victimized by. Jews have never allowed their children to forget who they are, their history and who their enemies are (whether imagined or real). The Jewish ability to steer their people toward the goal of world domination (and to thereby remake the world to their liking) over a period of centuries is truly baffling I feel. this is partly due to their insistence of perpetuation of their version of their history throughout the ages. It almost seems as though they have a genetic memory as a species at times. And they carry their goals with them. Though there is nothing likable about them, one has to respect the fact that they are a formidable foe.

“I know that on this issue I am alone among the white nationalists of this continent, which are still stuck in Judeo-Christian values.”

No, you are not alone. I am of the same mindset and there are others, but we are most definitely a minority among whites. Part of my disdain for Christianity lies with the fact that it has ever been the tool of choice for control of the people (white people). I cannot speak with regard to other parts of the world, but here in the US the churches have been co-opted by Jewish interest groups and set on a course of rubber stamping the policies of Israel and assuring the consent of churchgoers with regard to all things Jewish and NeoCon. I agree that Christianity has been a corrosive force for the white race and deleterious to us in many respects, not the least of which is that it inspires our people to view Jews and things Jewish with awe all the while rendering those same whites comical with respect to their credulity and willingness to accept absurd superstitions- one example of the this would be “The Rapture”.

One of our shortcomings as a race is our propensity to forget our own history

Which is why it infuriates me that not even white nationalists treasure Kemp’s Complete History of the White Race and Pierce’s Who We Are as the most important books in their shelves. The same with revisionist books on WW2 like the one by Goodrich.

The movement is in its infancy, which explains despairing rants like my own in the above entry.

It is mostly because because of the division caused by some of us who wish to convince all others of THEIR version of resistance : like we all had to believe in peak oil, seccesion, atheism or christian
identity before putting the column into forward march. We all have the same observations, we all DESPAIR, so we need to unite regardless of our different theories on THE solution. Get rid of the jew power and kick our invadres out. The rest is for later..

“The fact that no white has found inspiration in Pierce’s Hunter, by actually doing vigilante work in a big western city, speaks volumes. A lone wolf would not even need a concerted effort to start targeting mixed couples—and in Europe he would not even face death penalty if caught. And even if caught our hypothetical hero could inspire copycats. But let’s face it: whites, including white nationalists, behave like pussycats, not like tigers.”

There have been several cases like that in Europe in the last two decades. There was “Lasermannen” in Sweden who shot around a dozen immigrants, in Germany there’s the recent case of the NSU (National Socialist Underground) which is supposedly responsible for a similar number of murders of mostly turkish immigrants, then you have Breivik with his attack on the multiculture socialist youth camp in Norway. Maybe there are more, but these are some of the more prolific cases that I remember.

The NSU case is a little shady as the secret service was involved and it might be a case of a false flag operation to get public support for more repression against nationalists (I believe there might be operations at work like the american cointel pro or the NATO gladio schemes in the past).

But I don’t know how useful such vigilante acts are, whether they inspire copycats or not. The brainwashed populace is horrified by such acts, it detracts people from nationalism and increases state repression, which is already quite severe in most european countries.

Then again I remember that Breivik stated that this was exactly his goal. He wanted to provoke the government to increase the repression against nationalists in order to enforce a further radicalization of the nationalists and society in general. The reactions were as expected, which looks counterproductive in the short run. I guess only time will tell whether he was right and how is act will influence society in the long run.

OK, but if mixed couples are the wrong target for the reasons you explained, what about targeting specific mainstream media race traitors? That at least could inhibit those antifa leftists in the media as they were already inhibited after an Islamist killed Theo van Gogh less than a decade ago. My diagnosis is the same: present-day whites don’t have the balls that the Muslims have; they’re traitorous, lobotomized eunuchs.

I don’t disagree with your assessment of the general state of nationalism in our respective countries. I just wanted to remark that there have been several such vigilante incidents.

“OK, but if mixed couples are the wrong target for the reasons you explained, what about targeting specific mainstream media race traitors? That at least could inhibit those antifa leftists”

Yes, that would likely be the better tactic. I guess you can count Breivik in that category, since he targetted multiculturalism propagating leftist/antifa youths and not random people on the streets.

But the reaction by the public would probably be the same even if it would only hit high-ranking traiterous politicians. Media control plays an important role how these events are perceived. And the mainstream view is entirely opposed to such acts of violence and they would fit the already established media narrative of evil white nationalists.

I believe the most important question is whether certain acts increase our public support or whether they lower it. And with that I don’t mean appeasing the mainstream, but whether our actions can convert people from the mainstream to our ideals or not. And currently I don’t think acts of violence can increase our numbers, rather that it has the opposite effect. That’s why secret services often commit false flag attacks in the name of the enemy, because it hurts him politically and they can use the backlash for their own agenda.

Compared to that scaring the political traitors will only have a very limited effect. It’s true that the muslims are committing a lot of attacks against the west, but how effective are they? Do they even put a little dent into globalism lead by America? I don’t think they affect the machine at all with these attacks. Whether hundred or thousand people die in this or that attack is largely irrelevant, just compare these death rates with something like deaths caused by lung cancer or car accidents. It’s only good for news articles and it might even help us, since such attacks were a wake up call for some people which lead them to white nationalism. The muslims are a threat to the west not due to their attacks, but they’re winning this war via demographics and their high birth rates alone.

But the reaction by the public would probably be the same even if it would only hit high-ranking traitorous politicians….

The novelty of my idea is that if enough media traitors are dispatched the public will see increasingly less anti-white rants from MSM insofar as the white traitors in the media would start practicing self-censorship against these acts of “terror”—in the same proportion that they themselves become targets of a revolutionary movement which first priority is precisely targeting specific individuals in the media.

This is one of my little pieces of advice I would like to personally tell Harold Covington if something ever happens in the Northwest.

By the way, tonight I’ll post more excerpts from his best novel. Hope you like them…

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