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Greg Johnson’s pacifism

I just flipped through yesterday’s article ‘Against White Nationalist Terrorism’because Johnson repeats his arguments in Sweden, that Linder and others already rebutted (see my excerpts: here).

Yes, we are against right-wing terrorism, because the enemy who is literally exterminating our people from Earth through genocide is going to be defeated with movie/tv reviews, intelligent essays about Heidegger and memes!

In the post I erroneously attributed this quote to Linder. It was actually penned by Joseph Curwen.



It is interesting that, after the 20th minute of this Q & A session in Stockholm a year ago, Greg Johnson answered a question about the repatriation of non-whites in a diametrically opposite sense to The Turner Diaries, and that in the final minute of the video Jared Taylor said he’s located at the ultra-left in racialist circles regarding hatred: a feeling he disapproves.

Interestingly, it was this same Taylor, who says he doesn’t even hate the invaders from the south of the Rio Grande, whom the European Union banned a few days ago from entering the same conference in Stockholm that was held this year…

What kind of man has the best chance of regaining their lands: hawks like Pierce and Linder or doves like Johnson and Taylor?

Civil war

Linder responds to Johnson

Greg Johnson has seriously criticised Brenton Tarrant in a recent conference at Sweden. He seems to be saying that we can save the white race through peaceful means alone:


Alex Linder has just responded (I will be updating my quotes of what he’s saying this day):

______ 卐 ______

What Prof Poofter doesn’t understand is that no one joins a cause that only suffers blows and never delivers them. No essay ever has or will deliver the heartfelt joy of seeing for once, a white man slaughter the enemy.

[Tarrant] wrote a manifesto too. Unlike yours [Johnson’s manifesto], it’s been read by millions. It explains clearly and plausibly why he acted. Even on your own terms he beat you…

May thousands of Breiviks and Tarrants bloom.

Update of 7:45 am

It’s fine to write, but why denounce those who act?

The funny thing is, too, that guys like Johnson are always saying let everyone do what he feels comfortable with. Then when someone does his own thing, they complain. They’re hypocrites.

It’s child’s play to outargue the left. The left isn’t interested in ideas but in power. At some point there has to be fight back and obviously more people are concluding that time is now.

What needs to be done is organize people into an overt public force. But short of that, individual acts are fine too, and should never be disparaged.

You can disagree with someone’s actions and explain why, but to call Breivik or Bowers or Tarrant “nihilists” is simply to smear in the manner of the left.

Update of 8:47 am

He’s also a hypocrite when it comes to banning speech. I tried to post comments on his site [Counter-Currents], he censored them. This was years ago. He wanted to come here [VNN Forum] and post, but he wouldn’t tolerate responses on his site. So fuck him. On his own terms he’s inconsistent.

Update of 9:50 am. Linder also said:

If what Tarrant did hurt white people, they wouldn’t have immediately censored his video and criminalized distribution of his manifesto. “Nihilism” is a jew-tier smear. What we need now is a White Liberation Army; the age of essays has passed, it is Time to Kill.

Update of 10:50 am. Editor’s note: I for one recommend the perfectly legal tactic of saving precious metals preparing for the coming crash of the dollar. Only after that, the freedom fighters will find a collapsed society where a revolution is comparatively easier. Linder added:

Maybe you explain in your manifesto how you do it legally and peacefully given demographic change and shrinking base for promoting your message. The future is our views banned as hate. Everybody knows that. It’s already the reality in the world outside the US. There’s nothing left but violence.

We’ve been watching this for 20+ years; it has only gone one direction and until there is physical destruction of the agents of white genocide—the jews and their tool-races and whiteskin lackeys—nothing will change except things will get worse.

The problem here is you refuse to accept yourself for what you are—here I’m talking in the non-sexual sense. You’re a publisher who fantasizes himself as revolutionary. We had great essays, even almost as good as yours, 100 years ago. We won the “battle of ideas” (what a fruity concept) that long ago. But it turns out it’s not a war of ideas, it’s just a war.

We need to fight back. Would be better if it were organized, but if we can’t do things that way, or that way yet, then fight back as lone heroes.

The irony that those pushing your approach don’t realize is that all the softer democratic-political stuff would eventually flow from the harder stuff, but you wrongly thing it precedes it. It took Hitler just a few years to go national and huge and then win. This stuff is not long buildup, it’s incendiary.

But address this: how are you going to build a counterculture when it’s illegal? You have no answer to this because there is no answer to this.

It’s time to fight. You can self-characterize your arguments as sober strategy but they’re self-serving mush in reality. Write your essays. Who cares? I’ll give you 20% better than Tarrant—but he acted, and so he’s the one who creates persuasion and belief and gains followers. That’s where we are now. You’re trying to gain at the table what “we” haven’t won on the battlefield. The enemy will be reasonable when it’s on the verge of being wiped out; until it will continue to laugh at your “moral and intellectual” strengthiness and beat our race into the ground.

The way forward is violence. Tut all you like, but Breivik, Roof, Bowers and now Tarrant show us the way.

Update of 11: 12 am.

Yes, we are against right-wing terrorism, because the enemy who is literally exterminating our people from Earth through genocide is going to be defeated with movie/tv reviews, intelligent essays about Heidegger and memes!

My review of a Batman movie [Johnson writes movie reviews of the Batman films] is more powerful than all the political power they have in USA and EU! My porcelain gun [Johnson’s words some years ago] is more powerful than their M4 and their F16!

What a bunch of pussies you are, all of you. No wonder why the enemy is going to win.

Regarding what the commenters are saying about Johnson’s speech in other forums, Linder said:

Sometimes you gotta be a dick. These people make me puke.

Occidental ‘Dissent’

Joseph Walsh in yesterday’s thread:

Greg Johnson’s comment that Tarrant’s actions were ‘evil’ really betrays the Christianity behind his thinking. What the Christians term ‘evil’ is what Aryan man needs to behave like. 

Today a southern nationalist wrote:

Jack Ryan and the overwhelmingly majority of OD [the American southern nationalist site Occidental Dissent] readers completely condemn the terrible, cowardly terrorist attack in Christ Church NZ. 

Source: here. On that thread a Rudolf said:

This article is pacifist cuckoldry in its purest form. Instead of not commenting at all, the author chooses to be first in line of the traitorous weaklings who disavow their brothers in arms. This heap of effeminacy and meekness doesn’t even deserve to be addressed point by point. It’s all so tiresome.

And in a previous thread on Tarrant the admin of that site said:

I own plenty of guns, however, I have no intention of using them to shoot other people for that would be immoral. 

Source: here.

But they were shot by the yanks, right?

What is striking about this Christian superegoof 2019 is that eight years ago Occidental Dissentpublished an article by William Rome about the Breivik incident, ‘Knights Templar: Honesty and Hypocrisy’ that started with the words: ‘A lot of people are going to be infuriated by this post so I might as well get started early: I will not shed a single tear over the dead brats of Norway’s traitorous elite…’

The article is no longer available on Occidental Dissent, but I saved it for this site (here, see also here).

Ancient Greece Ancient Rome Beauty George Lincoln Rockwell Indo-European heritage Who We Are (book) William Pierce

Nazism Lite

For the 14 words the humanities are more important than the sciences. Greece and Rome were able to flourish thanks to a deep contact with their religion, history, art, language and architecture. The scientific method as we know it now would only begin until the 17th century. Our treacherous era prioritises hard sciences and technology at the expense of the arts and the humanities to demoralise and control the blond beast.

Among the humanities, the most important is that which tells the facts: History. As I have said repeatedly on this site, only two stories of the white race have been written: one by William Pierce and another by Arthur Kemp. Pierce died before I woke up to the real world, but I visited Kemp a few years ago at his home in a town in England.

One might think that the only American book (Pierce’s) that deals with the subject of the history of the white race would be an immense bestseller in the circles of white nationalism in North America. Today I realised that Amazon Books has vaporized all references to Pierce’s book. But that is not the worst. The worst is that Who We Are is very rarely mentioned in white nationalist forums. What is currently sold in white nationalism is a genre we could call Nazism Lite. For example, on this day, the Metapedia page has the Arktos Media Ltd. publishing house as its featured article. A glance at the titles is enough to see the ideological lukewarmness of that publisher whose books the white nationalists buy.

I see things in this way: In the English-speaking world what is closer, chronologically speaking, to the Third Reich was the noblest and true. That which is furthest removed by time, represents an attempt at a schizophrenic compromise between the 14 words and Americanism. From this angle, the only truly noble politician in the US was George Lincoln Rockwell. And the only non-schizophrenic intellectuals were William Pierce and Revilo Oliver. None of them, as far as I know, called themselves ‘white nationalists’. That is a term that originated after Rockwell and Oliver had died, and when Pierce only had a few more years in this world.

It speaks a lot about the so-called white nationalism that the content of Who We Are is currently only available, on paper, in abridged form in my The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour compilation (see the image at the top of the sidebar). It is as if every member of the Nazism Lite had decided to cut off a testicle from their bodies compared to the two-testicled racists of yesteryear.

Putting aside white nationalism, and speaking as racists spoke in more civilized times, just remember that the people with the longer memory are the people with the longest future (cf. Jews). Hitler, in one of his table talks, said: ‘Our history goes back to the days of Arminius and King Theodoric, and among the German Kaisers there have been men of the most outstanding quality; in them they bore the germ of German unity. This fact is too often forgotten, because since the 15th century it is only in Austria that the history of ancient Germania has been taught’.

That’s the spirit. The Nazis knew that we must reconnect with religion, literature and an architecture uncontaminated with Semitic religions. Remember that the Führer wanted to become an artist, either a painter or an architect. How many among the white nationalists of today have the same artistic proclivities? How many have websites appealing to the aesthetic instinct of the former Aryan?

In the Ancient World, the Spartan ephebes assiduously studied Homer, whose many verses they could recite. What should move to protect the culture of whites is the beauty of the Aryan woman. We can already imagine the Spartan women parading naked in a public event to invite marriage: those women had the reputation of the most beautiful in Greece. (Remember, the Doric Spartans did not contaminate their blood with the muds of the Mediterranean.) Precisely because beauty is the splendour of truth, the first thing the Judeo-Christian Semites did centuries later was to destroy the Greek statues.

The reason that Who We Are is not a bestseller is because Pierce’s pure neo-Nazism was not schizophrenic as white nationalism is. If the white nationalists have not published Pierce’s book to sell it in all their events, this is because the book does not make any concession to Americanism: it is not the chimera that has parts of a lion and parts of a bird.

Who We Are says things that are currently taboo in the chimera of today. For example, it is a Nordicist book. After the section ‘Unending Struggle Between European and Asian’, it is clear that even many Russians and Europeans from the Balkans mixed their blood with Asians and Turks respectively. In addition, Who We Are has some passages in which Pierce seems to promote the removal or extermination of the inferior races: the greatest taboo in those who have cut off one of their testicles. The book puts Christianity in its place, as a Levantine infection that grabbed the soul of the Aryan race. (‘It appealed directly to a sense of envy and resentment of the weak against the strong’. ‘But Christian ethics was like a time bomb ticking away in Europe, a Trojan horse waiting for its season’.) As if that were not enough, it isn’t a mono-causal book in the sense that it not only blames the Jews: the blunders that whites have committed throughout history, for example by placing economic gain above racial preservation, are conspicuous.

There is a way that the movement called white nationalism could be redeemed, and it is precisely that they abandon that term and embrace National Socialism. The bridge to do so in America is precisely the memory of politicians like Rockwell and geniuses like Pierce. Since Rockwell-like politics is no longer allowed in the US (cf. Charlottesville), at least a few Americans could be educated in private. Always remember what we have reiterated more than once:

We need to create the Aryan community—an ecclesia—, which whites never had. The Aryan ecclesias need to thrive in our towns and cities (think of the image at the top of this article). Our priests, for lack of a better word, are not experts in theology but in history, anthropology and Indo-European linguistics. They must be skilled in the various Indo-European traditions, with emphasis in Greece and Rome.

Alice Miller Hojas Susurrantes (book) Psychiatry

Queer generation

Racist folks who have passed away—Robert Mathews, David Lane, Dr. Pierce, Revilo Oliver, Ben Klassen, George Lincoln Rockwell—were tougher than the younger white nationalists of today. They were also far less compromising with the System’s lies than what we see nowadays in the Alt-Right scene. This reminds me an obituary that I wrote on October 16, 2012 and I translate now into English:

Tom Szasz (1920-2012)

I heard that Thomas Szasz died last month, who had a great influence on my thinking while writing the second book of Hojas Susurrantes twelve years ago. After learning about his death I visited YouTube and watched a long lecture by Szasz at his ninetieth birthday.

Although my critical study of psychiatry is now a thing of the past in my life—the race replacement that occurs throughout the West is infinitely more alarming—I had not seen critical material about psychiatry since then. But I used the news about Szasz’s death to watch other anti-psychiatric videos.

I was surprised to discover that Robert Whitaker [not to be confused with the one who coined the mantra], another of the authors mentioned in Hojas Susurrantes, has published a book critical of the profession that became a bestseller. Anatomy of an Epidemic is even influencing the fraudulent profession that we call psychiatry (this is just one of the several didactic videos of Whitaker that I watched following the death of Szasz).

Finally, remembering the trauma model of mental disorders, so central to my Hojas Susurrantes, yesterday, as I continued to refresh myself on the latest news in psychiatry criticism, I saw several interviews with Colin Ross including this one about trauma. (I quote Ross at length in a pivotal chapter in Hojas Susurrantes.)

How interesting was it to learn that it was the elder Szasz the only one in these videos who, at the beginning of the Q&A session, spoke with the right emotional tone—an open and emotional condemnation—that if a child is sent to a psychiatrist, it is because ‘the parents had done something wrong’, not the child!

Ross, on the other hand, the very psychiatrist who coined the term ‘trauma model’ when referring to parents who drive their children mad, spoke sparingly about the parents in the above-linked interview: as if he wanted to soft-pedal his main message, or convey a politically-correct image to a wider audience.

Whitaker, the psychiatry critic with the most momentum because of his bestseller, doesn’t even know that abusive parents are the cause of mental disorders. He even thinks—as orthodox psychiatrists do—that the aetiology of mental distress and disorders ‘could be biological’!

I’ve already said it elsewhere and I’m not afraid to say it again: Psychiatry critics of the first generation of critics, now all dead—Szasz, Lidz, Laing, Miller—were much braver than critics who are still with us—Whitaker, Ross and those scholars who publish in the journal that Breggin founded.

I am writing this post to reassess the critics of the old guard, and especially Szasz, who has left us.

Exterminationism Final solution Miscegenation Stefan Zweig William Pierce

What’s wrong with exterminationism?

In this blog I have cited two Jews, Marcus Eli Savage and Mitchell Heisman, who admitted that Christianity was nothing but a psyop devised by their tribe to control the blond beast.

Before I woke up to the Jewish question I used to read the books of another Jew, Stefan Zweig (perhaps the only Jew whose libretto for an opera by Richard Strauss was accepted at the time of the Third Reich). Zweig begins his biography of Mary Baker Eddy with a very deep idea, ‘The most mysterious moment of a man is when he becomes aware of his intimate personality; the most mysterious moment in the history of mankind is the birth of their religions’. That is why I have placed so much emphasis on this site when analysing Paul and Mark the Evangelist: the literary authors (Jesus did not exist) of a religion that would eventually castrate all Aryans around the globe.

So castrated actually that, recently, in the comments section of a well-known blog of southern nationalists in the US, a commenter who detests me explained his reasons for why he hates me: because I criticise Christianity almost full time in this blog and also, because I promote an exterminationist ideology.

Only modern emasculated whites, what I call Jew-obeyers, can complain about that. We can already imagine the ancient Greeks or the Romans being frightened of a fellow citizen who criticised a Jewish sect called Christianity (remember the quotations of ancient Greeks and Romans about Jews and Christians in the ‘masthead’ of this site). If during the siege of Jerusalem in the year 70—when Mark wrote his gospel!—a Roman would tell Titus that an exterminationist ideology would have to be implemented, no one would have been frightened. At most, they would have told the exterminationist that it was better to enslave the survivors and sell them in the Mediterranean market for economic gain, what they actually did.

Had the ancient Romans benefited from the hindsight of the modern era—that the miscegenation that they were already beginning to practice in the 1st century would result in the collapse of the Empire—, they would have accepted the arguments of the exterminationist philosopher.

So what’s wrong with exterminationism? Not for nothing in this site have I called miscegenation ‘the sin against the holy spirit’, in the sense that it is so unforgivable sin that, once consummated, only the gradual decline and the eventual fall of an Aryan empire can take place. Those white nationalists or Southerners who have not yet learned the role that miscegenation played in ancient Rome would do well to read ‘The Race Problem of the Roman Empire’ by the Swedish philologist Martin P. Nilsson. Only after that it will be somewhat more digestible to understand what William Pierce wanted to tell us in a chapter, ‘Extermination or Expulsion’, from his only non-fiction book.

Food for thought:
Martin P. Nilsson’s text.
William L. Pierce’s text.

Currency crash Rape of the Sabine Women

Persistent scepticism

A visitor to this site sent me the following e-mail:

This comment of mine was originally going to be posted in response to a comment of yours about abducting and raping the Sabine women on your blog post entitled ‘Initial scepticism’. Though my comment was not addressed to you directly but to anyone who reads your blog:

It’s sad that white males seem to be only able to talk about solutions to such problems as the Female Problem in future tense. White males speak about what they’re going to do “one day”, “in the future”, just not now. We’re going to abduct and rape our women “one day”…. meanwhile Muslims and Blacks abduct and rape our women now. In the UK Muslim men are having their lust fulfilled with thousands of white girls. Granted UK law is not hard on these Muslim men and actively favors them but at the same time Black men in America do suffer long imprisonment for rape, yet they still rape white women each year on a colossal scale. In addition Black men and Muslim men have their own women under greater control than white men have their women. Black women in Africa have the highest birth rate in the world and Blacks are projected to become the largest race on Earth as we near the end of the century. And Muslim men have their women following a patriarchal rule, covered up with burkas and banging out babies. Meanwhile they rape our own women on the side.

White boys (I’m not going to call us White Men, most of us don’t deserve to be called Men) talk about what they’re going to do “after the collapse”, hoping for a collapse that will cause society to collapse into chaos so the police are dispersed and they can get away with what it is they want to do. But the collapse may never come. What white males have to be prepared for is that killing their enemies and raping their women could very well require breaking their enemies laws. That the only way forward is to become outlaws. True revolutionaries. If the minority of us white males who want our race to survive won’t sacrifice our meaningless ‘freedom’, pleasures and life and endure prison, torture and even death then our race may not be able to survive. If we’re not willing to put anything on the table we don’t deserve to get anything back. Our forefathers sacrificed for their race time and time again. If white males have become incapable of doing what’s necessary for survival then our race is unfit to survive.

If white males were serious about their race’s survival they would be dropping out of society, draining the enemy system for all the welfare money they can, radicalizing themselves and other white males with racist literature, living a lifestyle where they are constantly in and out of prison due to their subversive activities, and finally carrying out terrorist attacks. There are thousands of radicalized Muslims in countries like France and the UK and they successfuly commit terrorist attacks. Imagine if there were thousands of radicalized neo-Nazi extremists in France and the UK. We would be unstoppable! A 1,000 Robert Bowers=11,000 dead Jews! Ultimately White Men have no-one to blame but themselves for their failure to secure a future for white children. White Men are deliberately holding themselves back for various reasons. It appears most white males don’t have the imagination or capability to break with the System and its programming. They are victims and slaves of their own making. Their ‘resistance’ will always be safe non-violent activism within legal parameters.

Thanks for reading, Cesar


As we can see, the visitor used the phrase ‘But the collapse may never come’. In reality, the collapse is inevitable: as can be seen in these four videos by Mike Maloney that, five years ago, I embedded on this site (first, second, third and fourth).

Regarding what the visitor says above, that the coloured ones are already raping white women while the Aryan males only fantasise about doing so in the future, this is obviously due to the fact that the anti-white empire that reigns in the West forbids to some what it allows to others. The author of ‘Lycanthropy: How will the Castilian Wolf deal with Little Red Riding Hoods after the crash’ made it very clear that it is necessary for ZOG to be fatally wounded before white males recover their wives.

The good news is that the System will soon suffer a huge blow with the looming financial accident: a golden opportunity for white nationalists, finally, to grow a pair.

Chess WDH radio show

Boring team White!

Further to my today’s post ‘WDH radio nuked’ and also to my yesterday’s chess metaphor. Commenting about today’s chess game of the World Chess Championship 2018, grandmaster Peter Svidler (pic below), after 2:32 of this video said:

It is extremely dispiriting to have what has been happening in this match, happen day after day after day. [He has in mind the 9 draws in a row since the match started.] You show with White [chess pieces]; you go absolutely nowhere, you go home. At some point, to me, that would have been kind of soul destroying.

Following my yesterday’s metaphor of ‘Team White vs. team Jew’, I would say that I find the following Normie, Alt-Lite, Alt-Right and White Nationalist internet sites extremely dispiriting and even soul destroying!:

American Renaissance

Black Pigeon Speaks [Youtube]

Black Pilled [Youtube]

Breitbart News [Normie]

Brother Nathanael

Chateau Heartiste

Counter-Currents Publishing

Daily Stormer

David Duke

Gates of Vienna [Gates of Tel Aviv]

Infowars [Normie]

Jean-Francois Gariépy [Youtube]

(((Lauren Southern))) [Youtube]


Mark Collett [Youtube]

Mark Steyn [Normie]

Millennial Woes [Youtube]

Occidental Dissent

Occidental Observer (The)

Political Cesspool (The)

Quillette [Normie]

Radio Free Northwest (*)

RamZPaul [Youtube]

Reddit (Debate the Alt-Right)

Red Ice TV

Richard Spencer Podcast (The)

Right Stuff (The)

Roosh V

Stark Truth With Robert Stark (The) [Alt Left]

(((Stefan Molyneux))) [Alt Lite – Youtube]

Steve Sailer

Styxhexenhammer666 [Alt Lite – Youtube]

Taki’s Magazine

Tara McCarthy [Youtube]

Trad News [Cuck News]

Unz Review

Way of the World [Cuck] (Youtube)


The common denominator of these sites is that they are reactionaries, not revolutionaries. (In the case of Radio Free Northwest, marked with an asterisk above, the introduction of female voices strikes me as un-revolutionary.)

I propose to create a truly revolutionary radio show on BitChute. It is easy not to break First Amendment limits (like inciting immediate violence against X or Y persons). A regular podcast that contrasts sharply with the above Boring Team White is already crying, as the first breaths of fresh air, to be born.

Any volunteers?


Team White vs. team Jew

I would like to answer what commenter Highrpm posted in my previous post, ‘The bondage of groupthink’, with a whole new entry.

The problem, Highrpm, is that not every single nationalist was so badly mistreated by his parents. Why do white nationalist Christians are still addicted to their Jewish drug? Because of the bondage of societal groupthink, that ultimately is intellectual cowardice pure and simple. Aryans could win the Team White game vs. Team Jew easily, yet they chose rather timid moves, such as the moves chosen by the Alt-Right on the board of life.

Yesterday, Fabiano Caruana, born to Italian parents, could have beaten Magnus Carlsen in game 8 of the World Chess Championship 2018. Below, the position after 23…Bd6.

Caruana, playing White, could continue a promising attack with 24. Nc4 or 24. Qh5. However, he played the timid 24. h3?! which was too slow and allowed Black to mount an effective defence beginning with 24…Qe8! The game ended in a mere draw. Nationalists love to play timid 24. h3?! moves in real life. Instead, I would go for the killing with 24. Nc4! (see the whole game beautifully explained by Daniel King: here).

Incidentally, as a result of a single tournament that I played the last decade, I obtained an international chess rating of 2109 (Magnus Carlsen, the world champion, has 2835). Any nationalist willing to play chess with me online…?