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Energy / peak oil Kali Yuga

Happy fat people

I would like to add something to what I said the day before yesterday about North Korea. I have continued to watch propaganda videos of Americans against this country that practices harsh totalitarianism against its citizens. Yesterday, for example, I was watching this interview of an American with a North Korean woman who escaped from her country as a child and wrote a book that became a bestseller in the US. I abruptly interrupted the interview when the American interviewer confessed that he had a mixed-race daughter with his Asian wife. As old visitors to The West’s Darkest Hour know, we call that the sin against the holy spirit of life: an unforgivable sin that requires the punishment the Visigoths of Hispania meted out to the couple who dared to miscegenate.

In my post the day before yesterday, ‘Synchronicity?’, I linked to an article by Kerry Bolton, who uses slightly different terminology than I did (hard/soft totalitarianism). He talks about totalitarianism that controls its citizens through pain (like North Korea) in contrast to the totalitarian system that controls us through pleasure (like the US). In that post, and I now use the terminology of Yockey’s admirer, I said that a totalitarianism that controls us through pleasure is more effective than the one that controls us through pain, in that its citizens don’t even realise that they are inside a Matrix in the sense that every totalitarian regime imposes a false worldview on its subjects. In North Korea, on the other hand, as the common citizenry suffers from starvation, they surreptitiously watch pirated videos of American films. The aforementioned Korean woman, for example, tells the anecdote that the first foreign film she illegally watched was Titanic.

In other words, North Koreans who suffer and begin to rebel know that there is a society very different from their own, with very different values, and that some of their acquaintances have tried to escape from this totalitarian prison by crossing the border into China. The ordinary westerner, on the other hand, is unaware that he too is in a totalitarian prison: he is as utterly controlled by pleasure as a fish surrounded by water.

Even the white nationalists ignore that they are in a Huxley-like ‘brave new world’. Had they known they would have rebelled not only against their Christian religion that gave rise to it, but against democracy, the Constitution of their founding fathers, so-called human rights (i.e., neochristianity) and what we are taught in the universities, the MSM and social media. They would also have rebelled against this culture of pleasure and would have as their paradigm to emulate Sparta, Republican Rome before Julius Caesar, and of course Hitler’s Germany. Paraphrasing Eduardo Velasco, the contemporary westerner knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he doesn’t know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

And the saddest thing of all is that even racialists won’t begin to wake up until the music stops; that is, until the consequences of the dollar collapse converge with an amplifying energy devolution that will kill proportionately as many humans as North Koreans starve to death under the regime of fat Kim Jong Un.

This guy, by the way, seems to be the only one in that country who overfeeds, as many Americans currently overfeed. (The first time I visited the US the average American was lean; now there is an epidemic of obesity in the culture that controls them through pleasure: not only an excess of available food but porn, promiscuous sex, degenerate cellphones, etc.)

I will not link again to Bolton’s long article, in which he mentions controlling virtually one hundred per cent of the population through pleasure. Serious readers of this site should have already read it.

Kali Yuga Metaphysics of race / sex


of Sex

by Julius Evola [1]

In this field, as in every other, our contemporaries have shown no interest in the search for ultimate meanings… The same is mainly true of the writers, past and present, who have dealt with love rather than specifically with sex. For the most part, they have kept to the field of psychology and, within that, to a general analysis of feelings. Even the writings of such authors as Stendhal, Bourget, Balzac, Solovieff, and D.H. Lawrence have little to do with the deepest meaning of sex. [page 1]

Scientists who try to investigate sexuality by studying others rather than themselves are in error, for they cannot approach the depth of the metaphysics of sex… Without this knowledge, man can only take eros to the exalted boarders of the human, of his passion and feeling. Only poetry, lyrics, and idealized romanticism are created, while everything else is eradicated. [page 2]

…men and women belonging to a phase of civilization oriented toward materialism… In this, as in all other spheres, statistics are worthless. Such criterion can be left to the trivial methods of Kinsey. [page 3]

The problem is subjective… Furthermore, papers on sexological research with scientific pretentions are in general ludicrously incompetent; for here firsthand understanding of the experience is the sine qua non. [pages 4-5]

Sex in the world today

Women is presented in a thousand forms to attract man and stupefy him sexually. [page 6]

Tolstoy once had occasion to say to Gorki: “For the French a woman comes before anything else. They are a weak, degraded people. Doctors say that all consumptives are sensual.” If we leave the French aside, it remains true that a universal and feverish interest in sex and woman is the mark of every twilight period and that this phenomenon today is among the many signs that this epoch is the terminal phase of a regressive process. Classical antiquity formulated an analogy with the human organism: In man, the head, the breast, and the lower parts of the body correspond respectively to the seats of intellectual life, of spiritual and heroic courage, and finally of nourshiment and sex. Corresponding to this are three human types and, we may add, three types of civilization. It is clear that today by regression we are living in a civilization whose predominant interest is neither intellectual, spiritual, nor heroic, nor even directed to the higher forms of emotion. Rather the subpersonal—sex and the belly—are idolized; and therefore the unfortunate saying of a poet may become a reality: Hunger and love will shape history. Hunger is the chief cause of social disaster and economic strife. The emphasis given to woman, love, and sex is counterpart.

Further evidence is provided by the ancient Hindu tradition of the four ages of the world in Tantric formulation. A fundamental characteristic of the last or so-called Dark Age (Kali Yuga) is the awakening and ultimate dominance of Kali, who stamps the epoch with her sign…

This study will highlight the opposition of the metaphysics of sex to established, conventional viewpoints, and this contrast will make even more apparent the inner fall of modern man. [pages 7-8]


[1] Excerpts from the Introduction of The Metaphysics of Sex (NY: Inner Traditions International, 1983).

Arthur C. Clarke Pederasty


Arthur Clarke before moving to Sri Lanka.

One way of probing how much we have matured in life is to take our former idols down from their pedestals.

As I explain in my autobiography, seeing 2001: A Space Odyssey on the big screen at ten was a transformative experience. In later years I would become a huge fan of Arthur C. Clarke, who under Kubrick’s direction wrote the novel of the same title. In my twenties I would read Clarke’s Childhood’s End: a novel that would greatly influence my worldview. I even corresponded with Clarke. His typewriter letters I showed, incidentally, to the commenter who visited me last month. But now, after taking my vows on the sacred words, I see Clarke as a failed creature and would like to explain why.

The first disillusionment with Clarke occurred when I was living in Houston. I never understood why Clarke had spent most of his life in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon. In a bookstore, I saw that Neil McAleer’s biography of Clarke had just been published. I rushed to buy it. Since I put dates on every chapter I read, I know that it was 8 May 1996 when I underlined these paragraphs on page 291:

Clarke knew this unique travelling educational program had great value for students; he believed in it enough to give a scholarship for one student. Says Lloyd Lewan, ‘I remember sitting with him at breakfast one time saying, “Arthur, we have a terrible time coming up with funds to put minorities on the ship.” Of course he wanted to help. The result was he gave us a full scholarship for a minority student—a black woman student from the University of Pittsburgh. He paid for it completely.’

On the first page of my copy of that book, I noted that Clarke had paid a scholarship to that negress instead of paying it to someone like us (someone who would bring the ideals of the movie 2001 into the real world)!

In the third book of my trilogy I talk about who motivated me to love 2001: my father, an uncle and the work of Kubrick and Clarke. In a very brief chapter I note that all of them had betrayed the ideals of my favourite film. Kubrick showed his true Jewish colours after 2001 when he filmed a monstrosity that was released in 1971 (an ultra-violent movie that, fortunately, was banned for many years in the UK, where Kubrick lived). Of my father and uncle I don’t want to talk because they already appear in my autobiography. But about Clarke, I must say a few things.

Yesterday I saw this video by Rob Ager, a film critic, about Clarke’s personal life. Ager lists newspapers claiming that Clarke emigrated to Sri Lanka to have legal sex with Indian teenagers (pederasty is not a crime there). I had already heard these rumours but the amount of evidence that Ager collects is compelling, and motivates me to see my former idol in a different light.

Greco-Roman pederasty, which I’ve discussed on this site—not the optimal form of sexuality, obviously! (though I don’t condemn it)—is one thing. But having sex with Indians is quite another. Such behaviour from someone I used to consider an inspiration disturbs me deeply. Since the early 1980s, the trips I have made to the UK were intended to meet English women, since to my eyes English roses are the most beautiful girls on earth. How a notable Englishman could be incapable of seeing such beauty and go and fuck on the other side of the world with coloureds is an affront to my religion (2001 for example, filmed in England, boasts a couple of very good-looking English actors, a man and a woman).

I know some people say that human beauty is in the eye that sees it, but something inside tells me it is something fairly objective: something like the teleological goal of our universe. When someone I admire is unable to see what I see it disturbs me very deeply, especially if he is an Englishman. Worse, instead of falling in love with an English rose, Clarke became infatuated with his landlord’s son!, as is evident from pages 277-278 of Neil McAleer’s Arthur C. Clarke: The Authorized Biography. When the young Indian died in a motorbike accident, comments an eyewitness, Clarke ‘cried like a baby at the grave and told me, “This is where I will be buried, next to Leslie.” Clarke later named his big house on Barnes Place ‘Leslie´s House’ in memory of his ‘only perfect friend of a lifetime…’

Of course, when I read the book, the authorised biography of Clarke, McAleer didn’t speak openly of pederasty. My disappointment wasn’t complete. Now it is. To go halfway around the world and end up falling in love with a male Indian instead of staying in England and procreating with a beautiful rose, and to boot paying for the career of a young negress, is the ultimate betrayal.

Clarke’s life (1917-2008) is a perfect example of how someone who was born into a very favourable environment, and wrote good science-fiction in the late 1940s—when English values hadn’t yet been grotesquely inverted—, gradually degenerated into a racial traitor. His life is paradigmatic for understanding the West’s dark hour after 1945.

Eduardo Velasco Feminism Real men

Tough replies

by Eduardo Velasco, 1

Regarding the article I translated yesterday, below I include some comments from Eduardo Velasco’s defunct site and Velasco’s responses that appeared under the pen name of ‘NT’ (Nordic Thunder). The comments I now translate into English date from December 2008 to March 2010. The thread is so long that it will take me many posts to translate Velasco’s responses to commenters on his articles. The ellipses mean that I have omitted many paragraphs from the commenters, which can be read in full in the original language (here). On Velasco’s old site—

Juan commented:

I think that humans suck, they educate their children one way up to a certain age and then they take care of corrupting them (including the parents). I don’t see the day when the end of the world will come and put an end to this hypocritical race.

NT (Velasco) replied:

To talk about ‘humans’ is to generalise. To give you an example, I often hear things like ‘HUMAN BEINGS are curious beings because they are capable of creating art, cathedrals, philosophy and music, but they are also capable of performing ablations, cannibalism, etc.’

Wrong. Let’s talk properly: ‘There are human beings capable of building cathedrals and blah blah blah (let’s call them A) and human beings (let’s call them B) capable of creating Marilyn Manson etc.’ As good racists, we should wish that the ‘end of the world’ (which will be nothing but a new beginning, a full stop) will take away all the B’s and keep the A’s. People who are carriers of a higher potential in their blood must survive.

A woman commented:

It’s scary to think that there are people like you, intellectually deformed, and with such an inferiority complex that you can’t take on other ways of looking at things. Vagina envy is what you have and a horrible fear of being found out as vulnerable and stupid as you really are. I hope no woman ever loves you, (nor any man) and that you never procreate.

NT replied:


But where the fuck do you think you’re going with that loud and annoying orchestra in a Nazi blog, you dumbass? Aren’t you afraid of being mocked from head to toe? What do you think, that this is Maria Teresa Campos’ set?

Watch out: the brave, 45-heeled, stainless steel, the pure survivor gets scared of us, and that’s why she enters a patriarchal blog to kick, to tantrum, to get hysterical and to piss on the floor.

You’re right to be scared, you stuck in the ’60s and out of touch with the real world because, with the thing that’s about to hit the West, I’d be scared too if I were an ugly, hairy, bitter, masculinised, fanatic-pathetic feminist trucker, frustrated by her sterility, childless, ‘culturally’ nurtured on tabloids and other oestrogenic swill, and with no chance of ever being taken care of by a guy who dresses down to his feet.

Vagina envy, yes… similar, perhaps, to your camouflaged, subconscious phallus-phobia-morbid phallus envy, quite superior to your little clit?

Your ‘hopes’ are in vain, you pity-worthy little twerp, but I, on the other hand, wish you luck ‘surviving’ in the torrent of testosterone about to be unleashed. Remember, you still have time (if you’re under 45 and not ugly, which I highly doubt) to get fit, diet, exercise, wear pink, snag a guy to take care of you, give birth, cook and scrub, before Islam puts a burqa on you. You’ll never be able to compete with those 20-something girls now, who kick the shit out of you, but hey, you screwed up when you had the chance, so pass on getting on our backs, okay?

Here’s a picture of your beloved ideological acolyte, Jewish feminist Andrea Dworkin, who brags (!) about having been raped. [link added]

What more could you want, you arctic sperm whale!

What a sack of gelatinous shit. I couldn’t even shake her hand if she pulled a kilo of Viagra, 8 gallons of beer, 37 litres of Afrodiasiac, 20,000 mg of intramuscular testosterone enanthate, 38 consecutive Spanish National Team victories over France and 88 years in prison.

Hey, I think I know why that cetacean became a feminist.

Because no guy paid any attention to her and of course: she started hating men, tired of seeing how they flirted with female specimens as the Gods command, tired of seeing lovebirds couples and tired of seeing happy mothers pushing a trolley with 2 babies.

Go survive somewhere else, you bitter and soured seal.

Thus spoke NT.

Gonzalo commented:

That ‘vagina envy’ thing really got to me XD…

NT replied:

Ernesto Milá’s blog is a mine.

I interpret this in the sense that the times of real crisis and violence are going to end with this estrogenic bubble of sanitary towels with wings, which we have the imbecility to call ‘Western civilisation’.

Contrary to the deluded feminists, who believe that we live in a patriarchy and are moving towards a matriarchy, I maintain that we have been living for decades in a pestilent and unnatural matriarchy that nullifies the virile element and that the difficult times will lead us headlong to the establishment of an iron and totalitarian patriarchy.

Autobiography Pedagogy


I would like to add something to what I said last week about my nephew (see also this thread from earlier this year). In December 2022 I posted an entry containing this paragraph:

I wonder if there is anyone on the planet willing to raise, at least, one Aryan boy and one Aryan girl and educate them strictly in NS, with all that such an education would entail. If there is anyone who harbours this fantasy please contact me.

I received no email response, which can be interpreted in two ways. Either no one who visits this site was interested in raising a child, or some Europeans who visited it were interested but fearing the soft totalitarian state their country suffers from (no First Amendment) didn’t want to contact me. I conjecture it is the former, which brings back that we are in the darkest hour for the white race.

Years ago, in the comments section, I said that a woman proposed to me a quarter of a century ago and I had refused. She is not an Aryan but a mudblood like me, although by Mexican standards she is considered white (like me). Curiously I have continued dealings with her, though only as a friend. I mention her a lot in my trilogy of autobiographical books.

Since I learned a very hard lesson with my nephew, I now feel like proposing marriage to this woman, if only with the idea of adopting an Aryan child to raise him as the Gods command. Likely, she will now be the one to say no, but I have to at least give it a try.

What is not clear to me, even supposing she agrees, is the question of the children this child educated with the true Gods would meet. Preventing this home-schooled boy from watching television; from owning a mobile phone; from listening to degenerate music or going to degenerate parties is one thing. Preventing him from seeing children his age is another.

I am reminded of a curious anecdote from 1988 when children from my parents’ music school went to Cuba to give concerts (Cuban children also showed off). The Cuban authorities didn’t allow, even for a moment, the two groups to mix to avoid any psychological contamination of the little Cubans with rich but decadent bourgeois lifestyles. But of course: the little Cubans played among themselves. Even supposing my dream came true, and I could raise an Aryan child, with whom could he play?

There are pure Aryans in Mexico (left, a Mennonite girl in Chihuahua, Mexico). Will I have to move next door to a Mennonite community for my adopted child to play with uncorrupted Aryans? Buying a large mansion next to them could only be done if I do a business that has to do with the falling dollar (a big ‘if’ that is not certain to happen!). And even then there would be some tension as the Mennonites are like 19th-century Christians, and my female friend goes to mass every day (although she is so understanding that she doesn’t object to my anti-Christianity).

How difficult it is to have a normal life during what the Indo-Aryans called Kali Yuga! Before making a decision, what are the chances for someone who wants to educate his child properly? Is there a place in the entire world where it is even possible for a white child to live among uncontaminated white children?

Autobiography Pedagogy


Egon Schiele’s Wife with Her Nephew.

Before commenting further on Simms’ book, I would like to say something about my trilogy, which I am re-reading as a preliminary to translating it.

Yesterday I looked through some trilogy pages about my nephew who disturbed me, with whom I share the property where I live with his mother, my sister.

It was he who, when he was a boy of six, invented the nickname ‘Chechar’ and, since he loved me so much, everything pointed to the fact that I could raise him as a son insofar as my sister was a single mother.

Now he is a man of twenty-two, and he has not a single atom of my ideals: nothing, absolutely nothing of the four words, let alone the fourteen. Moreover, like the rest of my nephews and the people of his generation, he is a degenerate as far as culture is concerned. To give just a few examples: being straight he has painted his nails, has always listened to degenerate music and hangs out with his degenerate friends everywhere, constantly coming home in the wee hours of the morning after attending degenerate parties. Unlike Hitler, the nephew eats the flesh of mammals that were tormented in slaughterhouses and, although I gave him my trilogy, he doesn’t read it and I doubt he ever will.

The reason for all this is simple. Unlike Jane Austen’s world, when the heir was the first-born male, in our world, upbringing is done by unwed mothers. And the first thing these little women do is to hand their child over to the clutches of the System so that the System ‘educates’ him.

I could do nothing for my nephew’s education because of the lack of financial means. And even if I had them, where could I take him to school in the West? Even if legally the patria potestas had belonged to me, in the country where we live I would have had to isolate him from children his age, schools, television and he would never have had a mobile phone.

The home library would have been his refuge, home-schooling would have been applied to him and films would have to be almost all in black and white, allowing him to watch only one of them on Sundays. But in that hypothetic castle of purity, which children would he get along with? I would have to be a millionaire to move to an Eastern European country where the Gomorrahite culture is still absent. In this scenario, my sister would have had no say because I, and only I, would have the financial means to make these decisions.

But even a wealthy priest of the holy words would have had difficulty educating him. Country children in the less polluted places of Eastern Europe could begin to be contaminated by possessing, for example, mobile phones: a small window that normalises the world of Gomorrah, and so on.

It has been painful to watch the process of how a pure mind, like the one my nephew had as a child, becomes debased and one can do nothing about it. Is it understandable why I fantasise about mushroom clouds above the major cities of the West? To return to Austen’s world Kalki must first come…

Degenerate art Philosophy of history

Lost manhood

Since the conflict in Ukraine, the lectures of John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, have become fashionable. I have seen quite a few of his interviews, including some recent ones. Despite co-authoring a book on the Israel lobby, Mearsheimer is a normie in every sense of the word, though he can see international relations in a much more realistic way than the vast majority of Westerners do. Mearsheimer’s insights have made me understand the dynamics of how states interact with each other. But his greatest contribution to my understanding of the West’s darkest hour was one of his pronouncements on Europe.

It had been a mystery why this site receives hardly any feedback from Germans, even though I touch profoundly on Germany as we recently saw in Crusade against the Cross. But it’s not just them: why have the men of the countries that in the past played crucial roles in Western history—besides Germany, England, France, Italy and Spain—lost their manhood?

Let it be clear that Mearsheimer is not only a normie, but a patriotard. In a recent interview, a Dutchman asked him whether Europe could become (again) a regional hegemon. Mearsheimer replied that no, that Europe would do well to remain subordinate to his country, the United States. However, thanks to that and another of his recent lectures, I believe it was the one in Australia, Mearsheimer, using very different words from mine, explained why the French and the Germans have lost their manhood.

This is a psychological phenomenon.

Readers of my anthology On Beth’s Cute Tits will remember a passage in which we said that, in an environment of great abundance, males tend to become feminised: what we might call the empire of yin, like the bonobo apes (as opposed to chimpanzees, in whose environment there is no such abundance of fruit and the more aggressive Yang reigns). The point is, and here Mearsheimer helped to enlighten me, that for seventy-five years NATO has served as Europe’s sole gorilla, and the once proud European nations have, since the end of World War II, accepted their role as vassals protected by NATO’s military umbrella so that they could devote the bulk of their GDP—oh heroic materialism!—to worshipping Mammon. As I said, Mearsheimer used very different words, but I am translating his message into a much rougher language.

Yesterday I was saying that my blood boiled when I saw ‘walking tours’ supposedly on Sparta and other ancient Greek cities. The human figures they put there to brainwash us—or rather: to aggressively lobotomize us—have skin the colour of the Mexicans I see every day on my walks. On today’s walk, I even saw a whiter and lighter-haired woman than the women with negroid features that they show us in those videos of the ‘classical world’ (and I live in an area of brown people!).

Those popular videos denote the level of the most abject psychological conquest to which the Europeans have been subjected. NATO dominance is the key, I said, because, parallel to the worship of Mammon, the explanation of why Europeans fail to protect their ethnicity is clarified by the presence of the gorilla.

If Mearsheimer is correct, and it seems to me that he is, we might deduce that when the dollar collapses and American military bases have to be dismantled and their men returned to the US, Europeans will be forced to rebuild their armies while NATO and its epigone, the European Union, disappear. That will be the beginning of Europeans regaining their manhood, and if Russia feels threatened in the Ukrainian war and gets tough by nuking bases in Poland or Romania that host menacing F-16s, much the better!

The punishment that future history has in store for Europeans who let themselves be castrated and lobotomised for the sake of a bourgeois life must be apocalyptic so that they wake up from the treacherous ultra-feminisation in the yin empire they have created for themselves. As we have already said, the sins of Westerners are such that only an Indo-European Kalki could save us.

I would like to end this entry with some words from the Spaniard Eduardo Velasco that I have quoted more than once:

Let us compare today’s Europeans with the Spartans. We are extremely dismayed when encountering such physical, mental and spiritual degeneration! Such stultification! The European man, who used to be the hardest and most courageous on Earth, has become a weakling rag and degenerated biologically as a result of comfort. His mind is weak; his spirit fragile, and on top of that he considers himself the summit of the creation! But that man, just because of the blood he carries, has enormous potential.

The rules on which Sparta was seated were eternal and natural, as valid today as yesterday, but today the dualistic mens sana in corpore sano has been forgotten: the physical form has been abandoned producing soft, puny, deformed monsters; and the mental poisoning has produced similar abominations in the realm of the spirit.

The modern European knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he does not know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

Passages from ‘Sparta and its Law’, one of Velasco’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

Kali Yuga

The Village

In this second post of 2024, I respond to Jamie.

The wisest person after 1945 was Savitri Devi. These days I have been watching videos on cosmogony and the vastness of the universe. Among the Aryan religions, the only one that had a broad meta-perspective of the universe was Hindu. Savitri lived in India, learned languages and instead of committing suicide when Hitler lost the war she tried to understand what happened based on her knowledge of the ancient Aryan religion.

We live in Kali Yuga, the dark hour, the title of this blog. In Kali Yuga, says the millenary tradition, everything will be upside down. But in our century that applies even more to the West, as whites are behaving in a directly treacherous manner against their ethnicity.

A year ago I left a post about who wanted to educate his child in National Socialism and no one replied. Like the present featured post, ‘The Wall’, I left it up for several days but no one said anything to me. I concluded that since we are in Kali Yuga there are practically no more, as Savitri said in her book, true ‘aristocrats’.

It is hard to admit it but even the racialists are part of the Kali Yuga zeitgeist to the extent that they aren’t consistent as, say, Hitler was consistent with his principles. That’s why they love degenerate music. The inconsistency of these so-called anti-Semites is so egregious that the vast majority has stayed on the south side of the Wall, living under the mandates of Christian ethics (and we already know who wrote the New Testament!). The degenerate music they listen to is simply one of the symptoms of their corrupt spirit.

If you want to educate a child who isn’t yet contaminated by degenerate music, you have to isolate him or her from the environment and take your child out of Gomorrah as if you were Lot.

If you review Hitler’s life you will see, as Savitri saw, that since he was a teenager he felt a great attraction for the beautiful European art (something we also saw in Simms’ book, when referring to the books he read as a young man). That is virtually absent in today’s racialists. They live in Kali Yuga, which includes degenerate music. I see it with my nephew. While both of my parents were musicians by profession (classical music), and founded a music school for children, my nephew who attended there is an absolute degenerate in musical matters. In other words, my parents’ school was a complete failure. Only cutting him off from Gomorrah from the age of six, founding a Village far from the madding crowd would have worked.

That would have to be done in the Third World because in the West the treacherous governments wouldn’t allow such an educational enterprise. But that can’t be done unless we have enough funds for several families to buy real estate abroad, found a village and try to educate our children there.

So, unless a sponsor comes along who wants to do something similar to what the Aryan Mennonites do here in Mexico but without their Christianity, there is no choice but to live as isolated individuals and navigate Kali Yuga. The good news is that, as Eduardo Velasco said in the appendix to On Exterminationism, this Age was considered by the ancient Aryans a great opportunity to purify oneself, like the lotus in the mud, which is what I attempt in The West’s Darkest Hour.

Israel / Palestine

Parisians v. Israelis

There is something I would like to say about how Hamas turned an Israeli music festival into a massacre (more than 250 people died on Saturday inside Israel at that festival—see video here). When I saw the images before the attack, when the young people were still dancing, I said to myself ironically, although I am not a theist: ‘God’s punishment for degenerate music!’

Then I realised an error of judgement. Such feelings of hatred for degenerates are legitimate for the French who, in 2015, were at an Eagles of Death Metal concert, attended by 1,500 people, at the Bataclan Theatre, when heroic jihadis entered to massacre them. But it’s no good saying the same about the Israelis. Why?

In secret soliloquies, I have told myself countless times that I should celebrate that the elites are already Woke in much of Latin America. If the point is to conquer the subcontinent in a sort of Master Plan South if, north of the Rio Grande, the pure Aryans were to wage war like The Turner Diaries, it suits me that the mestizos are in a state of complete cultural degradation. Wokism is welcome among the enemies to subjugate!

If I fantasise about this on the continent where I live, why not celebrate that there are already some Woke aspects in Israel for Israeli consumption?

‘God’s punishment’ is reserved for the Aryans we want to save from Wokism (e.g. the Parisians who were pure Aryans at that concert eight years ago). But it doesn’t apply to those whom one wants to mentally poison, subjugate and eventually erase from the face of the earth.

Third Reich

Savitri quote

Man, once an integral part of Nature, and sometimes its crowning glory, has become the executioner of all beauty, the enemy of the universal mother, the cancer of the planet. Even the superior races no longer create symbols. They have replaced, or are increasingly replacing, temples and cathedrals with factories and medical research centres. And they decorate their public squares with caricatures made of cement or wire.

The music that their young people like, the music that they let blare out of their transistors all day long as a background for all their activities, all their speeches, all their remaining thoughts, is a bad imitation of Negro music.

Perhaps the last great collective Aryan creation in the West was that of the German Third Reich, with the architects of the new Chancellery and the Nuremberg Stadium; the sculptors Arno Brecker and Kolbe, and the interpreters of Wagner; in particular, the extraordinary conductor Fürtwangler. It was the result of a prodigious upsurge of the whole of Germany under the inspiration of the supreme artist, Adolf Hitler, against the tide of world decadence.

This momentum was abruptly interrupted, after only six years, by England’s declaration of war on Germany.