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Autobiography Pedagogy


Egon Schiele’s Wife with Her Nephew.

Before commenting further on Simms’ book, I would like to say something about my trilogy, which I am re-reading as a preliminary to translating it.

Yesterday I looked through some trilogy pages about my nephew who disturbed me, with whom I share the property where I live with his mother, my sister.

It was he who, when he was a boy of six, invented the nickname ‘Chechar’ and, since he loved me so much, everything pointed to the fact that I could raise him as a son insofar as my sister was a single mother.

Now he is a man of twenty-two, and he has not a single atom of my ideals: nothing, absolutely nothing of the four words, let alone the fourteen. Moreover, like the rest of my nephews and the people of his generation, he is a degenerate as far as culture is concerned. To give just a few examples: being straight he has painted his nails, has always listened to degenerate music and hangs out with his degenerate friends everywhere, constantly coming home in the wee hours of the morning after attending degenerate parties. Unlike Hitler, the nephew eats the flesh of mammals that were tormented in slaughterhouses and, although I gave him my trilogy, he doesn’t read it and I doubt he ever will.

The reason for all this is simple. Unlike Jane Austen’s world, when the heir was the first-born male, in our world, upbringing is done by unwed mothers. And the first thing these little women do is to hand their child over to the clutches of the System so that the System ‘educates’ him.

I could do nothing for my nephew’s education because of the lack of financial means. And even if I had them, where could I take him to school in the West? Even if legally the patria potestas had belonged to me, in the country where we live I would have had to isolate him from children his age, schools, television and he would never have had a mobile phone.

The home library would have been his refuge, home-schooling would have been applied to him and films would have to be almost all in black and white, allowing him to watch only one of them on Sundays. But in that hypothetic castle of purity, which children would he get along with? I would have to be a millionaire to move to an Eastern European country where the Gomorrahite culture is still absent. In this scenario, my sister would have had no say because I, and only I, would have the financial means to make these decisions.

But even a wealthy priest of the holy words would have had difficulty educating him. Country children in the less polluted places of Eastern Europe could begin to be contaminated by possessing, for example, mobile phones: a small window that normalises the world of Gomorrah, and so on.

It has been painful to watch the process of how a pure mind, like the one my nephew had as a child, becomes debased and one can do nothing about it. Is it understandable why I fantasise about mushroom clouds above the major cities of the West? To return to Austen’s world Kalki must first come…

Degenerate art Philosophy of history

Lost manhood

Since the conflict in Ukraine, the lectures of John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, have become fashionable. I have seen quite a few of his interviews, including some recent ones. Despite co-authoring a book on the Israel lobby, Mearsheimer is a normie in every sense of the word, though he can see international relations in a much more realistic way than the vast majority of Westerners do. Mearsheimer’s insights have made me understand the dynamics of how states interact with each other. But his greatest contribution to my understanding of the West’s darkest hour was one of his pronouncements on Europe.

It had been a mystery why this site receives hardly any feedback from Germans, even though I touch profoundly on Germany as we recently saw in Crusade against the Cross. But it’s not just them: why have the men of the countries that in the past played crucial roles in Western history—besides Germany, England, France, Italy and Spain—lost their manhood?

Let it be clear that Mearsheimer is not only a normie, but a patriotard. In a recent interview, a Dutchman asked him whether Europe could become (again) a regional hegemon. Mearsheimer replied that no, that Europe would do well to remain subordinate to his country, the United States. However, thanks to that and another of his recent lectures, I believe it was the one in Australia, Mearsheimer, using very different words from mine, explained why the French and the Germans have lost their manhood.

This is a psychological phenomenon.

Readers of my anthology On Beth’s Cute Tits will remember a passage in which we said that, in an environment of great abundance, males tend to become feminised: what we might call the empire of yin, like the bonobo apes (as opposed to chimpanzees, in whose environment there is no such abundance of fruit and the more aggressive Yang reigns). The point is, and here Mearsheimer helped to enlighten me, that for seventy-five years NATO has served as Europe’s sole gorilla, and the once proud European nations have, since the end of World War II, accepted their role as vassals protected by NATO’s military umbrella so that they could devote the bulk of their GDP—oh heroic materialism!—to worshipping Mammon. As I said, Mearsheimer used very different words, but I am translating his message into a much rougher language.

Yesterday I was saying that my blood boiled when I saw ‘walking tours’ supposedly on Sparta and other ancient Greek cities. The human figures they put there to brainwash us—or rather: to aggressively lobotomize us—have skin the colour of the Mexicans I see every day on my walks. On today’s walk, I even saw a whiter and lighter-haired woman than the women with negroid features that they show us in those videos of the ‘classical world’ (and I live in an area of brown people!).

Those popular videos denote the level of the most abject psychological conquest to which the Europeans have been subjected. NATO dominance is the key, I said, because, parallel to the worship of Mammon, the explanation of why Europeans fail to protect their ethnicity is clarified by the presence of the gorilla.

If Mearsheimer is correct, and it seems to me that he is, we might deduce that when the dollar collapses and American military bases have to be dismantled and their men returned to the US, Europeans will be forced to rebuild their armies while NATO and its epigone, the European Union, disappear. That will be the beginning of Europeans regaining their manhood, and if Russia feels threatened in the Ukrainian war and gets tough by nuking bases in Poland or Romania that host menacing F-16s, much the better!

The punishment that future history has in store for Europeans who let themselves be castrated and lobotomised for the sake of a bourgeois life must be apocalyptic so that they wake up from the treacherous ultra-feminisation in the yin empire they have created for themselves. As we have already said, the sins of Westerners are such that only an Indo-European Kalki could save us.

I would like to end this entry with some words from the Spaniard Eduardo Velasco that I have quoted more than once:

Let us compare today’s Europeans with the Spartans. We are extremely dismayed when encountering such physical, mental and spiritual degeneration! Such stultification! The European man, who used to be the hardest and most courageous on Earth, has become a weakling rag and degenerated biologically as a result of comfort. His mind is weak; his spirit fragile, and on top of that he considers himself the summit of the creation! But that man, just because of the blood he carries, has enormous potential.

The rules on which Sparta was seated were eternal and natural, as valid today as yesterday, but today the dualistic mens sana in corpore sano has been forgotten: the physical form has been abandoned producing soft, puny, deformed monsters; and the mental poisoning has produced similar abominations in the realm of the spirit.

The modern European knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he does not know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

Passages from ‘Sparta and its Law’, one of Velasco’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

Kali Yuga

The Village

In this second post of 2024, I respond to Jamie.

The wisest person after 1945 was Savitri Devi. These days I have been watching videos on cosmogony and the vastness of the universe. Among the Aryan religions, the only one that had a broad meta-perspective of the universe was Hindu. Savitri lived in India, learned languages and instead of committing suicide when Hitler lost the war she tried to understand what happened based on her knowledge of the ancient Aryan religion.

We live in Kali Yuga, the dark hour, the title of this blog. In Kali Yuga, says the millenary tradition, everything will be upside down. But in our century that applies even more to the West, as whites are behaving in a directly treacherous manner against their ethnicity.

A year ago I left a post about who wanted to educate his child in National Socialism and no one replied. Like the present featured post, ‘The Wall’, I left it up for several days but no one said anything to me. I concluded that since we are in Kali Yuga there are practically no more, as Savitri said in her book, true ‘aristocrats’.

It is hard to admit it but even the racialists are part of the Kali Yuga zeitgeist to the extent that they aren’t consistent as, say, Hitler was consistent with his principles. That’s why they love degenerate music. The inconsistency of these so-called anti-Semites is so egregious that the vast majority has stayed on the south side of the Wall, living under the mandates of Christian ethics (and we already know who wrote the New Testament!). The degenerate music they listen to is simply one of the symptoms of their corrupt spirit.

If you want to educate a child who isn’t yet contaminated by degenerate music, you have to isolate him or her from the environment and take your child out of Gomorrah as if you were Lot.

If you review Hitler’s life you will see, as Savitri saw, that since he was a teenager he felt a great attraction for the beautiful European art (something we also saw in Simms’ book, when referring to the books he read as a young man). That is virtually absent in today’s racialists. They live in Kali Yuga, which includes degenerate music. I see it with my nephew. While both of my parents were musicians by profession (classical music), and founded a music school for children, my nephew who attended there is an absolute degenerate in musical matters. In other words, my parents’ school was a complete failure. Only cutting him off from Gomorrah from the age of six, founding a Village far from the madding crowd would have worked.

That would have to be done in the Third World because in the West the treacherous governments wouldn’t allow such an educational enterprise. But that can’t be done unless we have enough funds for several families to buy real estate abroad, found a village and try to educate our children there.

So, unless a sponsor comes along who wants to do something similar to what the Aryan Mennonites do here in Mexico but without their Christianity, there is no choice but to live as isolated individuals and navigate Kali Yuga. The good news is that, as Eduardo Velasco said in the appendix to On Exterminationism, this Age was considered by the ancient Aryans a great opportunity to purify oneself, like the lotus in the mud, which is what I attempt in The West’s Darkest Hour.

Israel / Palestine

Parisians v. Israelis

There is something I would like to say about how Hamas turned an Israeli music festival into a massacre (more than 250 people died on Saturday inside Israel at that festival—see video here). When I saw the images before the attack, when the young people were still dancing, I said to myself ironically, although I am not a theist: ‘God’s punishment for degenerate music!’

Then I realised an error of judgement. Such feelings of hatred for degenerates are legitimate for the French who, in 2015, were at an Eagles of Death Metal concert, attended by 1,500 people, at the Bataclan Theatre, when heroic jihadis entered to massacre them. But it’s no good saying the same about the Israelis. Why?

In secret soliloquies, I have told myself countless times that I should celebrate that the elites are already Woke in much of Latin America. If the point is to conquer the subcontinent in a sort of Master Plan South if, north of the Rio Grande, the pure Aryans were to wage war like The Turner Diaries, it suits me that the mestizos are in a state of complete cultural degradation. Wokism is welcome among the enemies to subjugate!

If I fantasise about this on the continent where I live, why not celebrate that there are already some Woke aspects in Israel for Israeli consumption?

‘God’s punishment’ is reserved for the Aryans we want to save from Wokism (e.g. the Parisians who were pure Aryans at that concert eight years ago). But it doesn’t apply to those whom one wants to mentally poison, subjugate and eventually erase from the face of the earth.

Savitri Devi Third Reich

Savitri quote

Man, once an integral part of Nature, and sometimes its crowning glory, has become the executioner of all beauty, the enemy of the universal mother, the cancer of the planet. Even the superior races no longer create symbols. They have replaced, or are increasingly replacing, temples and cathedrals with factories and medical research centres. And they decorate their public squares with caricatures made of cement or wire.

The music that their young people like, the music that they let blare out of their transistors all day long as a background for all their activities, all their speeches, all their remaining thoughts, is a bad imitation of Negro music.

Perhaps the last great collective Aryan creation in the West was that of the German Third Reich, with the architects of the new Chancellery and the Nuremberg Stadium; the sculptors Arno Brecker and Kolbe, and the interpreters of Wagner; in particular, the extraordinary conductor Fürtwangler. It was the result of a prodigious upsurge of the whole of Germany under the inspiration of the supreme artist, Adolf Hitler, against the tide of world decadence.

This momentum was abruptly interrupted, after only six years, by England’s declaration of war on Germany.

Educating Gonzalo

Gonzalo Lira is the most outspoken journalist in Ukraine. He has a big mouth (here we see him younger, when he was still living in the US). When the war broke out, one of his videos went viral in Russia.

Wikipedia, which is under the Jewish yoke and which I am ashamed to have edited in the past, deleted its article ‘Gonzalo Lira’ since Gonzalo started uploading videos in Ukraine. After the social media turned him into a non-person, one has to look in old newspapers in Spanish (for example this one from when Gonzalo was twenty-eight years old), to find out that Gonzalo had a novel published in English for which an American publisher gave him a million dollars.

But that doesn’t mean that the US-educated Chilean journalist is perfect. Far from it, although it is curious that at 1:34 of his March video (where he demonstrates that Zelensky is a puppet) Gonzalo says that his father was a thug (I guess in Chile under Pinochet), and after 1:49 he admits that his father mistreated him as a child.

Gonzalo despises thugs. But he doesn’t seem to have the faintest idea what the Soviet thugs did in Germany or even to the Russian people. I wonder if he has read The Gulag Archipelago.

The central problem I see with journalists, even good journalists, is that they are the historians of the moment. They lack a deep insight into the historical past, which on this site I have related to the fictional character of Bran the Broken, the three-eyed crow, to illustrate my point imaginatively.

Gonzalo, like virtually all journalists today, hasn’t the remotest idea of what National Socialism really was. I doubt he will ever visit The West’s Darkest Hour. But if he does one day, to educate Gonzalo I will say that the anti-Nazi propaganda has been identical to the anti-Russian propaganda we see now on TV. If Gonzalo wants to educate himself about the bare facts of WWII he will have to read what dissenting historians have written (which is why our next post will be about David Irving).

In his March video we see Gonzalo angry because he fears what the thugs might do to his young children in Ukraine. I’ve never seen him so angry in any of his other videos. He almost cried. When he touches on Zelensky’s origins, he disagrees with critics of those grotesque videos of Zelensky dancing like a faggot. Instead, Gonzalo compares Zelensky to the actor Ronald Reagan! That’s another problem with journalists today. I’m older than Gonzalo, and still remember a time when it would be inconceivable that an actor who went out dancing like a faggot would be taken seriously by a sane citizenry.

At 1:08 of his March video, Gonzalo says of Zelensky’s thugs: ‘They are actual neo-Nazis’. As I said, Gonzalo hasn’t read any NS literature (he should start with Hitler’s table talk). Zelensky’s so-called neo-Nazis are only Nazis in their fascist uniforms and tattoos. But in reality they subscribe to feminism! And like the despicable Westerners, these mudbloods also listen to rock and degenerate music. To top off the grotesque and surreal, seventy-five per cent of Zelensky’s cabinet (as well as the Jewish mobster who put him in the presidential chair) are Jews. Apparently, Coach Red Pill, Gonzalo’s former pen name, hasn’t taken the redpill when it comes to the JQ.

Finally, as a mestizo, Gonzalo is completely uninterested in the fourteen words, so why am I promoting him on this site? For the simple fact that the extremely dense smokescreen of smoke and mirrors that is the Western media makes it impossible for us to see what’s going on in the Ukraine war: which is actually a war between the US and Russia. It isn’t enough to read pro-Russian Andrew Anglin, whose shrill literary style for decadent teenagers disgusts me. We need the voice of someone who is in Ukraine and says things contrary to what we listen to in the media.

If there was a real National Socialist doing journalism in Ukraine, I would pass the microphone not to Gonzalo but to the NS reporter. But such a person doesn’t exist, courtesy of what the Soviets and Americans perpetrated last century.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

On the One Ring (1 of 2)

by Evropa Soberana

It is not gold all that shines.

The ‘indefinite progress’ is an idea of illuminist origin, which was born in the Near East with the same civilisation and theoretical-rational legitimacy as it was sought during the French enlightenment of the 18th century. It is based on the notion that human beings come from a sick, dirty, ignorant and primitive past, and that little by little they move towards a healthy, clean, cultured and ‘advanced’ future. Archaeology suggests rather the opposite, namely: that civilisation has caused the fall of the human being from the state of grace, making him sick. The idea of religious traditions was similar: there was an Edenic ‘golden age’ (Satya or Kritta Yuga for the Hindus) in which the human being was more perfect, and after which a trauma caused human degeneration and the appearance of misery and disease, culminating in the Iron Age (Kali Yuga for Hindus). Despite this, the industrial spiral in which we are immersed continues to propagate that infinite economic growth is viable, that the Tower of Babel can rise indefinitely, that things are going better and, in short, that the human being ‘has improved’.

Throughout its evolutionary history, man ascended the food pyramid from the archaic frugivorous apes, becoming an increasingly effective predator and crowning the peak when, after the carnivorous revolution, he ceased to be the victim of other predators. However, with the end of the ice age and the advent of the Neolithic Revolution, man and the planet fell under a new form of predation: technology and parasitism of the Earth—two new factors that violated a hitherto harmonious holistic equation, and that forever upset the ecological balance of the planet and the biodiversity and genetic quality of the species.

The human being, or rather, a type of uprooted human, alienated, mixed and confused, believed that the reason for his discomfort and his fear was that the natural order was poorly designed. The glacial cold penetrates to the marrow, oppresses the heart, demoralises the timorous and does not allow thinking about anything else. The elements and vegetation whip and scratch the skin. The ground abuses the feet. The daily sustenance is only gained with atrocious sacrifice and bloodshed. Women, monopolised by the best hunters and warriors, are hard to come by. Every minute of life is a minute torn from death by struggling against the environment and against oneself. And to top it off, in every corner lurk the jaws of a predator or the sharp flint tips of an enemy tribe that has no qualms about cheerfully devouring whatever miserable falls into their hands. As for the tribe itself, it is a forceful, ruthless, cold and severe organism. It is not a mother in whose tender lap we cry for consolation and charity, but a strict father who imposes obedience, who rejoices with sacrifice and who does not forgive error. As military commanders, the wise elders marginalise the weak of the reproductive life, reward only good hunters and fighters, demand absolute loyalty and devotion and do not hesitate to let the less valuable elements of the community die for the good of the clan. Like it or not, these are the factors that made us rise above the ape-man and who wrote our genome as a novel with letters of ice, stone, blood, semen, flesh and sweat.

‘Evolve or die’, said the world at that time. But that law can be very hard for the victims of the voracious evolutionary machinery: to live like cannon fodder of natural selection is not life. Therefore, it is necessary to question this horrible state of affairs, redesign everything from scratch, reorganise the work of the gods—since they have not been able to organise it to the taste of man—flee from suffering and erect a messianic ‘new order’. The moral of the slave is born. A system (civilisation) must be built within the System (Nature), in which the daily sustenance does not involve so much effort and in which the search for pleasure and comfort prevails over the alchemical virtues of asceticism, sacrifice and willpower. The competitiveness must be attenuated and the ferocity of the predator must be softened to make it fit into the new pseudo-matriarchal social mould. To achieve such a goal, people of diverse backgrounds must be recruited, willing to work for a new common good—by persuasion or by force—and abolish their baggage of ancestral traditions and identity. Where previously there were only the professions of mother, hunter, warrior, fisherman, harvester and shaman, now there will be completely new occupations (potter, farmer, shepherd, merchant, prostitute, priest, miner, servant, slave) that will hierarchise society based to criteria that have nothing to do with the quality of genes. A weak and cowardly man can now be valuable if he is dedicated to moving objects along commercial routes. A promiscuous woman, once cursed by the tribe, can now sell her body. The nascent society must be a mass entity in which the strong pull the car, towing the weak with the sweat of his forehead. The brave ones die in the war while the cowards multiply in the rear. They do not need to hunt anymore; bread replaces meat and wine the blood. There is only one universal god: that of civilisation. All other gods are abominations. Those who belong to this kind of sect are the chosen ones. Those who do not belong to it are the pagans, the barbarians, the profane, the violent: the blind, savage and impure human mass that lives in darkness and that must be enslaved and integrated into the system so that the elect can live without working. This linear, rational and logical thought must grow monstrous until annulling the symbolic and instinctive thought. Civilisation will eventually dominate Nature, deciphering all its secrets, dissecting it and finally subduing it, phagocytizing and domesticating it completely, so that nothing escapes human control and for the system to be predictable, mechanical and mathematical.

This philosophy had to take root very early in the Near East and affected many peoples, among them the Jew—who is currently the human group that has lived the longest under civilised conditions. The Old Testament is dotted with testimonies about the dawn of civilisation, collected throughout the Fertile Crescent, from the Sumerian city of Ur to the Egyptian of Memphis.

It is much studied by eugenics that civilised social environments that preserve the lives of weak and stupid will be unable to perpetuate their ancestry. By throwing the strong and intelligent into fratricidal struggles or aberrant occupations that undermine their fertility rate, this irreparably causes the degradation of the genetic code of the human being. Nature has very twisted ways of taking revenge on those who turn their backs on it or pretend to dominate it. The fossil record shows that once man stopped hunting and embraced agriculture, he paid for it with a tremendous decline in his health and biological quality, as we saw in the article on the Neolithic Revolution.

Currently, the increasing proliferation of degenerative diseases, allergies and mental disorders (‘The investigation of diseases has advanced so much that it is increasingly difficult to find someone who is completely healthy’, said Huxley) is a clear signal that we have not been dominating Nature, but it continues to dominate us as always, only this time it attacks us, because we are not obeying it. Disease and degeneration are Nature’s ways of protesting and making us see that we are not exercising our human functions, that we ignore reproductive wisdom and that we are breathing, drinking and eating things we should not. If civilisation is like a snake that bites its tail, it is because it is the result of genetic quality and depends on it, but like a curse, it turns against the same substance that feeds it, closing the circle of its own perdition. This biological boomerang effect is the true reason why all civilisations collapse sooner or later, and raises a logical and disturbing question: if the next human civilisation will be global, what will come next?

Civilised man has not experienced the hardness of the real world in his flesh nor has he ever adapted to Nature. On the contrary: his actions are aimed at adapting Nature to him, even if by hammering. Therefore, he tends to have a big ego and a small spirit, and considers that he is the peak of evolution. This new artificial creature, this new domestic animal that is the modern human, for its isolation in the bubble of ‘well-being’, ignores the humility before the Creation, and is therefore the only way of life on the planet capable of deviating from natural laws, reverse the correct order and incur in the sin of rising against the work of the gods. To this sacrilegious and self-destructive pride, the Greeks called hubris or hybris. [1] It is the reason why, despite the fact that civilisation has been totally, absolutely and indisputably catastrophic from a strictly evolutionary, biological, spiritual and environmental point of view, man has become a ‘satisfied gentleman’ of his work.

Is civilisation a war to the death against biology and, therefore, a revolt against life, by the sickly, malignant and antithetical forces of the world, those who are resentful of suffering? Is man running the risk of becoming a slave to his own creation, in a simple productive factor, a number, a statistic? Have we created a system with a life of its own that has subordinated our good to yours? Is technology dehumanising and mechanising the species, exterminating its biodiversity, causing its involution and taking its domestication to chilling levels? Is modern society an immense concentration camp, a mass zoo in whose cages languish, domesticated and castrated, the degenerate mutant descendants of the free man and hunter? What kind of natural selection are we promoting? What human type is most favoured by ‘progress’? What will man become the day he has definitively lost his adaptation to Nature and instead is fully adapted to the industrial, commercial and technological world? Has the human species arrived at senility? Do we suffer from Alzheimer’s? Is the modern world in general and Western Civilisation in particular self-destructing? Is civilisation still that jealous Eastern sect that demands the submission of life and that to achieve that, like every sect, it removes the individual from its ancestral framework, annihilating its identity and dynamiting the loyalties it may have outside the sect (nation, people, race, class, sex, family, religion, guild, etc.)? This is the kind of questions that could be asked by the authors that we shall see in this article.

Civilisation has meant the overwhelming advance of inert matter (technology, commerce, consumerism, comfort), and the absolute regression of living matter (health, body, genetic code, mind, sacrifice), not to mention the fall of spirituality. Until the human power systems do not adopt a biocentric perspective in general and anthropocentric in particular, and while the top of the pyramid of world power remains occupied by the international financial elite (the shepherds who are domesticating us, castrating and poisoning us), the species will continue to degenerate itself, and the planet as well. Cutting down entire forests to print millions of copies of the magazine Telva make people sick so that they have to buy medicines from the pharmaceutical industry, charging maternity and births so that women work in order to earn money to buy completely useless things, or pulling millions of people from the Third World to feed the machinery of multinationals, are things that only in a wrong economic and rotten system could be beneficial—for a few, and only in the short term. As long as the states do not rebel against the free market economy and the stateless international trade, and as long as they do not resolutely and decisively intervene in human reproduction to stop the involution of the species and improve its genetic code, the human being is on the way to becoming an increasingly ridiculous being, uprooted in his lifestyle. The modern world desperately needs a series of popular revolts that overthrow the financial, global and consumer economy, and establish a multipolar, austere and simple economy based on self-sufficiency, the autarchy of each State, local goods that are strictly necessary and in which the State, identified with the working people, controls the merchants, the parasites and the usurious lenders.

The current lifestyle has nothing to do with the needs of the species, but with the demands of an economic system, which is in total contradiction with human nature, its innate instincts and the real role of the free man in the concert of life and the world.

The collection of quotations of the next post should not be understood as an argument against civilisation or against technology, but against a misunderstood civilisation, against misused technology, against the usurious, free-market, parasitic, consumerist and indefinitely growing economy, and in favour of a radically different kind of civilisation, as for example Sparta was in its day: a State, perhaps the only one in history, that with an unprecedented clairvoyance, realised that gold corrupts and that the Civilisation is a distinctly dangerous product that you have to approach with the whip in your hand. For centuries, Sparta was able to keep the nature and tradition of its citizens alive, but it was also able to defend the most vulnerable geopolitical environment in Europe against enemies infinitely more advanced, economically and materially.


[1] From hubris comes the Latin hybrida, from which comes the word ‘hybridize’, that is, the crossing of two varieties.

My own paradigm shift

The following is my response to a comment in the previous thread:

When I say that Jews engineered Christianity I’m sort of hyperbolic, as it is not absolutely clear that Mark—the author of the only gospel (as the other Synoptics copied and pasted large sections of Mark into their gospels)—was a Jew.

Now that I lean toward the Christ myth theory the role of Paul, with his celestial Jesus, becomes more nebulous. It looks like Mark was the big author behind what today is understood as Christianity.

My bicausal point is that, even if the four gospel writers were Hellenized Jews, you still need two to tango.

In classic white nationalism, Jewish subversion is the main cause of white decline (non-Christian white nationalists could say that the kike deceived whites with Christian morality). Remember that duck-rabbit image Kuhn used to illustrate paradigm shifts? I use the above image to illustrate my own paradigm shift from classic white nationalism to, say, Pierce’s Turner Diaries that depicted common whites as despicable degenerates. In contrast to the classical interpretation of the above caricature, I see it the other way: present-day whites are unbelievable naïve and stupid and gullible to believe what the kike tells them.

These days that I have been immersed in mythicism I discovered that salvation gods and individualism (not only in Christianity) always came after the empires were established. Only in the healthy stages of a culture religion was understood as something for the common good. This supports what I said in my previous post about the ‘One Ring’ or gold over blood: those decadent whites who embraced Christianity a long time ago (two to tango) were more responsible for the inversion of values than the subversive kike.

Bourgeois life and comfort seem like the main enemy of every white culture throughout history. That’s why I think that only a convergence of catastrophes in this century will save whites. Such a scenario may push the reset button and shift their presently rotten psyche back again to survival mode.

Lord of the Rings Who We Are (book)

Serving two masters

Or mixing metaphors:
On degenerate medusas

Exactly three years ago, on January 1, 2016, I published on this site ‘Ethno-suicidal nationalists’. Last month on Counter-Currents Greg Johnson acknowledged that many white nationalists are, like the rest of the Aryans, degenerates although he did not use that word:

I have been involved with the White Nationalist scene since the year 2000. My experience has been overwhelmingly positive, but not entirely so. The hardest thing to take has not been the crooks and crazies, but the pervasive lack of moral seriousness, even among the best-informed and most principled White Nationalists.

I know people who sincerely believe that our race is being subjected to an intentional policy of genocide engineered by the organized Jewish community. Yet when faced with a horror of this magnitude, they lead lives of consummate vanity, silliness, and self-indulgence…

I know White Nationalists who would run down the street in broad daylight shouting “thief!” at the top of their lungs if their car were being stolen. But when confronted with the theft of our whole civilization and the very future of our race, they merely mutter euphemisms in the shadows.

I know White Nationalists who are fully apprised of the gravity of the Jewish problem, who have seen the Jewish takeover and subversion of one Right-wing institution after another, and yet still think that they can somehow “use” Jews.

I know White Nationalists who are fully aware of the corruption of the political establishment yet still get caught up in election campaigns. I know outright National Socialists who have donated far more to Republicans than they have to the movement. [Note of the Ed.: Of course, they are not real NS men.]

I know White Nationalists who spend $50,000 a year on drinks and lap dances—or $30,000 a year dining out—or $25,000 a year on their wardrobes—or $100,000 on a wedding, yet bitterly complain about the lack of progress in the movement.

I know White Nationalists who tithe significant portions of their income to churches which pursue anti-white policies, yet never consider regular donations to the pro-white cause.

I know people with convictions to the right of Hitler [Note of the Ed.: this is Johnson’s hyperbole] who argue that we should never claim that we are fighting for the white race or against Jewish power, but who still think that somehow our people will want to follow us rather than 10,000 other race-blind, Jew-friendly conservative groups.

I know White Nationalists who believe that our race is being exterminated, yet insist that our enemies “know not what they do,” that they are deceiving themselves, that they are fundamentally people of good will, and that this is all some sort of ghastly misunderstanding.

I know White Nationalists who would never admit to hating anyone or anything, even the vulture gnawing at their entrails. [Note of the Ed.: demonising hatred is courtesy of what we have been calling the Christian problem.]

None of them are being forced to behave this way. All of them are operating within their self-defined comfort zones. All of them could do more, even within their comfort zones. So why do they fail to comport themselves with the urgency and moral seriousness called for by the destruction of everything we hold dear?

I want to suggest two explanations. First, deep in their hearts, they don’t believe that we can win, so they aren’t really trying. Second, and more importantly, they are still wedded to the bourgeois model of life… But you can’t overthrow a system you are invested in. You can’t challenge the rulers of this world and count on reaching retirement age. You can’t do battle with Sauron while playing it safe. In the face of world-annihilating evil, we can no longer afford to be such men.

Sauron and the One Ring are good metaphors for gold over blood as can be seen in Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung that inspired Tolkien.

Going back to what Mauricio said last month (see also Carolyn Yeager’s viewpoint contra white nationalists in that thread). I iterate that white nationalism is a fraud: an impossible chimera between German racialism and Americanism or Ring slavery—a chimera in which the American part overweighs the European. These folks really believe they can serve Two Masters without realising that they will love one and hate the other.

The message of this site is that we must reject white nationalism in pursuit of National Socialism, and the first step in that direction is to read Uncle Adolf’s after-dinner talks.

Note that Nietzsche spoke of the ‘transvaluation of all values’ (in our terms, revaluating gold for blood values). The philosopher didn’t say ‘Let’s transvalue some values’ which is what the white nationalist, who keeps the Ring in his pocket, does.

Let’s now use another metaphor.

Many years ago an uncle gave me a present, the book The Medusa and the Snail by Lewis Thomas: a collection of scientific curiosities. I was struck by the chapter that gave the title to the book.

A particular medusa and snail in the Sea of Naples interact with each other in a pretty disturbing way. The medusa is affixed to the mouth of the snail and apparently gets a free lunch. When the snail produces larvae, they become entrapped on the tentacles of the medusa. At first it looks like the medusa is a parasite. But no. The snail’s larvae eat away the medusa’s tentacles and with time the medusa shrinks and shrinks in size. The snail grows until a new equilibrium is reached, attached with what remains of the medusa: a motionless, though alive, degenerate entity.

When the zoologists came across some specimens of this snail for the first time, they could not figure out what the strange, living, adhered entity was. It was only after a while that they discovered an amazing fact: it was a degenerate medusa!

What shocked me was that all the beauty of the translucent invertebrate not only disappears but, because it has been reduced to an ugly appendix of the snail, the suicidal symbiosis makes the most perfect antithesis of its former aquatic majesty.

The moral of the bizarre story is that whites degenerate horribly once they delegate their will to survive to other human species to do the hard work. Instead of continuing to reproduce through blond nymphs as they did for millennia (see the sidebar), Aryans drastically inhibit their reproduction rate and import orcs to perpetuate the welfare state.

I have said it more than once: the main cause of white decline is not the Judeo-Christian problem, but gold over blood policies as recounted so well by William Pierce in Who We Are and also in Arthur Kemp’s March of the Titans.

The reason the white nationalist dislikes these two books (including Johnson) is that he wants to keep the golden Ring in his little pocket.

2nd World War Mauricio (commenter)


by Mauricio


I am not riling you up.

You think you are an atheist, but you actually have a religion.

I remember you stating “the English are my everything”. The English are your ‘god’—your top priority. So you protect this Anglo-Yahweh concept, and won’t let anyone accuse it of wrongdoing. You will defend this Anglophilic religion against all reason.

I accuse the English of race treason of the highest order, and there’s no avoiding the evidence. Your plea to their ignorance does not clear their indictment. Pleading Jewish-contracted insanity won’t either. The verdict is final: guilty. The sentence is extinction by degeneracy, as can be seen every day.

You need to stop defending British innocence and start attacking their self-image of heroes of World War 2. Then perhaps, in the process, you might awaken some of the übermensch Brits who still have ‘it’ in them. The power to overcome their illusions, their pride; the power to remove their wrong assumptions; to accept the fact that their people fucked up immensely, and they owe a huge blood debt to the white race.

Then these few Brits will start paying this debt by declaring war on degeneracy, in their everyday lives; and by doing so, your precious people will be redeemed.

But I get the feeling I am talking to myself, and none of this makes sense to you… If that’s the case, repeat this mantra ad nauseam:

Kill the enemy
Hang the traitor
Purge the weak