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Conservatism Revilo Oliver


Damon T. Berry, in his book Blood and Faith: Christianity and American White Nationalism (Syracuse University Press, 2017), devotes a chapter to Revilo Oliver, concluding that ‘Oliver hated both conservativism and Christianity… because they equally represented to him an ideological poison that was alien to the best instincts of the white race to defend its existence’.

Deranged altruism Film

UK riots

In this post, I would like to clarify why I haven’t talked much about the riots that have been taking place in the UK.

I’ve said it before: unlike other racialist sites, this blog doesn’t cover news.

In fact, in times past I have been wrong to talk about things I thought would happen soon, such as the collapse of the dollar. I even erred when, for a while, I thought COVID was going to be as deadly as the Spanish Flu; or when more recently I thought the Israeli or Ukrainian wars were going to get much hotter than what is happening.

Had I known, I wouldn’t have even mentioned those wars! When NATO missiles hit radars on Russian territory, or when Bibi’s rabbis harangued the government to nuke the Palestinians, I thought we might already be in Kalki’s time. But we are not there yet. So I regret posting those entries. Those are or were crises that the System has managed to assimilate without major consequences.

The riots in the UK are not the subject of this site for one simple reason. As I have been saying for a long time, the only way to save whites is to go from ‘happy mode’ to ‘killing mode’. And for that, there are two intermediate stages to cross: ‘angry mode’ (what the English are just beginning to feel) and ‘combat mode’ (something like arming yourself to protect your family inside your house from possible chimps out).

But the killing mode is already a revolutionary stage, and we could visualise it with that famous scene in the film Civil War, released this year, in which a blond American says to a mestizo ‘What kind of American are you?’ before and after killing a couple of Gooks.

Until thousands of white men reach that mental stage during a racial revolution à la The Turner Diaries, there is no point in commenting on the petty news these days. I repeat: I regret talking about the collapse of the dollar (when will it happen?), COVID and even the wars in Palestine and Ukraine because they are not apocalyptic—yet. I might even die of old age in the future and the Revolution hasn’t started! (nor is it clear that it will happen, like that scene in Civil War).

The aim of The West’s Darkest Hour is not to comment on the news but to understand why whites are committing ethnic suicide. And why seems clear to me: Christians and atheists alike have let the New Testament morality of loving every human infect their hearts.

Yesterday, for example, on a pirated DVD I bought for a mere 15 pesos (0.79 dollars), I watched Horizon: a film released this June, directed and produced by Kevin Costner. This filmmaker can’t resist idealising Indians not only with good-looking semi-Indian actors (i.e. actors who already have some white blood in them). His message is something like if some Indians were cruel and exterminators of white villages, there were also heartless whites who attacked good Indians.

Like millions of other Americans, Costner faithfully fulfils the command to love thy neighbour as thyself. In a recent interview, Costner himself confessed: ‘I grew up a Baptist, and church has always been a part of my life, my grandmother, the whole thing, so I don’t mind it bleeding into a movie’.

So I will continue to write about the cause of the darkest hour for the white race, ignoring the news unless they become truly apocalyptic.



should we see the recent mass stabbing in England of little girls (article here)? Simple: Let’s compare an anti-Christian racialist who has transvalued Christian values back to normalcy, with the most powerful Christian on the planet:

Alex Linder: ‘Niggers are a dangerous wild animal when it comes to us’.

Pope Francis in Dignitas Infinita: ‘Black People have infinite dignity’.

Do you see the point of this site? Umwertuung aller Werte!


by Gaedhal

Chomsky, when speaking of ‘body’, because he is a peerless genius—he is also a linguist and computer scientist—no doubt had in view Lucretius’s materialist poem: On the Nature of Things. What the Greeks called: atoma kai kena literally: uncuttable [monads] and emptiness(es) Lucretius rendered as: ‘Corpora et inane’, ‘bodies and the void’. What Chomsky seems to be saying is that there is no body, only void. Are not “massless particles” as Chomsky goes on to discuss a type of void?

I was reading Lucretius, earlier, and he assures his readers that not only does Hell, and its ridiculous torments not exist: it cannot exist.

‘It will now be reckoned, at this point in our [atheistic materialist] poem that not only does Cerebus, the Furies, the Plutonian infernal darkness, Tartarus vomiting from its throat fire and brimstone, etc. not exist… neither can it exist.’

A paraphrase and not a direct quote from Lucretius.

Lucretius rejoices, also, that Sisyphus is not tormented in Tartarus by having to roll a rock up a hill, and have it fall down again. Lucretius seems to anticipate Hitchens and antitheism by saying: not only is religion and its terrors not true, we are actually rather fortunate that religion and its preternatural terrors are not true. There was a missionary spirit in Epicureanism. They saw themselves as healers, abroad in the world to heal men’s minds from the mental torture caused by religion. They were in a sense like the New Atheists of their day.

Europe could have been spared the worst crime against humanity ever conceived, i.e. the Hell delusion, had Epicurus and Lucretius prevailed against Christ.

Tom Holland


a sincere Christian explains well what neo-Christianity is. And throughout his recent 37-minute video he uses a couple of interviews of him with Tom Holland.

In the end this Christian, Glen Scrivener, hopes that some unbelievers will return to Christianity, but at least admits that some neo-Nietzscheans are here to stay.

Quotable quotes


‘A wise man once said: “Anyone that teaches you to love your enemy… IS your enemy”.’ —Unz Review commenter


He is back!

by Robert Morgan

Editor’s Note: I am pleased to report that, after a half-year absence, Morgan has returned to discuss with the conservative commenters at The Unz Review. In the comments section, I will quote a couple of more recent comments in other discussion threads by Morgan on that webzine whose commenters—except for Morgan and a few others—exemplify the deficiencies of the racial right, incapable of realising that the root of all evil is what Morgan points out in the article below:


______ 卐 ______


In his 1927 essay The Future of an Illusion Sigmund Freud took up the question of religion generally, not just Christianity, and put it in a Darwinian context, characterizing man’s religious inclinations as evolutionary adaptations needed to socialize him and make him more amenable to the requirements of civilization. That much seems true, but at the end, he concludes that the advance of science will eventually eliminate the illusion, and indeed, even in his time it looked as if it were already starting to do so. Interestingly enough, Adolf Hitler expressed a very similar opinion in his after-dinner talks with his subordinates. He expected Christianity to wither away under the relentless assault of science, eventually dying out completely. The great Aryan and the great Jew may have been in agreement, but both forecasts were wrong.

The much-exaggerated ‘death’ of Christianity is only appearing to take place because technological civilization is sucking out its essence. Christianity’s obsession with human equality and human rights are the moral codes that are at its core [emphasis by Ed.]. They have now been distilled into law, made into principles upon which that civilization is re-organizing itself, while at the same time the primitive parts, superstitious mumbo-jumbo such as the virgin birth, the immaculate conception, miracles, angels and demons, the belief in the existence of a soul, and the value of faith in a personal God who watches over mankind, etc., are discarded as dregs for which it has no further use. So Christianity isn’t dying at all, and shows no sign of doing so.

Far from having been killed off by the ‘progress’ of science, it has merely changed form. Preferences in law, academia, and finance for the negro and other lowly groups is the legal expression of Jesus’ prophecy that the first shall be last, and the last first. Through taxes and re-distribution of wealth the Christian admonition to give to the poor has become both secularized and compulsory. The system’s intense hostility to white racial survival and patriarchy, already codified into law in a thousand ways, are its embodiment of the notion of human equality as expressed in Galatians 3:28. Consequently, what further need is there of old-time forms of this religion? It may well be that they’re dying out, churches being abandoned and sold off, but this makes no difference when the racially poisonous core of Christianity—its ‘soul’, as it were—is immediately re-incarnated in the form of technological civilization itself.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Deranged altruism

Hitler, 41

Portrait of Adolf Hitler by unknown artist based on a photograph by Hanke.

Throughout the spring and summer of 1923, Hitler steadily became more aggressive. In early March 1923 there was a meeting of paramilitary formations in Munich at which Hermann Esser suggested that if the French advanced across the Rhine, the Entente should be informed that all Jews would be interned and shot if they did not withdraw. It is not clear whether this thought originally came from Hitler, but if it did it would be the first example of his subsequent strategy of using the Jews as hostages for the good behaviour of the western powers.

This brief passage deserves a pause to reiterate what we have been saying so much on this site.

If we take as a paradigm the extreme idealisation of Jewry in the United States of America, it is impossible not to compare it with the pre-Christian world when the Greco-Romans didn’t give a damn about the holocaust of Jews perpetrated in Rome’s wars against Judea, wars that involved several emperors.

In those times it would have been inconceivable that Rome would have used the Jews under its power as a currency for moral blackmail of a rival nation! That enemy-loving crap only began with the introduction of Christian ethics that was exacerbated ad infinitum by the egalitarian ideals of the French Revolution, and the creation of the American nation based on Christian principles camouflaged in secular garb. (New visitors to this site should read what Tom Holland wrote about the US in his book Dominion.)

Metaphysics of race / sex


The beautiful Greek vs. the ugly Athenian

The last words of my previous post on Heydrich give us pause for thought. From this moment in the video linked in the comments section, we hear words that show the gulf between us and the contemporary racial right. I refer to a phrase, already quoted in my recent PDF Crusade against the Cross, that Socrates’ ugliness was practically a refutation to the ancient Greeks.

Alcibiades, ‘the most beautiful man in Greece’ according to the video, represents the ideals of this site; and Socrates represents the methodology of the contemporary racial right. In short, what really counts is physical beauty, the rest follows from there (art, politics, religion, social system, etc.).

As the author of the video said, Nietzsche is very difficult to understand because he is like a fish criticising the water around him. And as I said in one of my first posts about Heydrich, although I will no longer drop names of racialists whose POV I criticise, I can criticise them without mentioning them.

There are a couple of notable racialists who for years now have been talking about Nietzsche without understanding him (one of them has even appeared in the MSM). They don’t get it because the water is Christian ethics, and today that morality has enslaved both the Westerners, including the racialists, and that projection of the West that is Latin America. None of them even realise that they are living in a fish matrix.

Nietzsche would be like the fish that began to develop primitive lungs to get out of the ocean, and we would be animals starting to become adapted to the uninhabited land.

The video linked above is informative, although it bothers me that it contains advertisements from its sponsor.

Film Final solution Racial right

Heydrich, 6

Today I watched the film from this moment until Otto Hoffman’s speech is interrupted by a phone call from Himmler to Heydrich. The segment made me think and even aroused my emotions.

For example, it came to my mind that Christians of the racial right evoke the figure of Friedrich Wilhelm Kritzinger, portrayed in the film by Franz Rudnick.

Kritzinger was a German civil servant and Secretary of State in the Reich Chancellery: one of the participants in the Wannsee Conference that established the policies of The Final Solution. After the conference, he attempted to resign from his post in the Chancellery, but his resignation was rejected because ‘it would be worse without him’.

After the war, Kritzinger was arrested, along with most of the other surviving members of the Wannsee Conference, in 1946. During the Nuremberg Trials, he publicly declared himself ashamed of the Reich. He was released in April 1946 but then arrested again in December of the same year. He was later released and shortly afterwards died of natural causes.

With Germans like Kritzinger and Americans like the good Christians of today, we are getting nowhere. On the one hand, they recognise that the Jews want to exterminate the Aryans. On the other hand, they put the interests of the Jew before those of the Aryan when it comes to final solutions, because if it comes to a war to the death between the two races, by feeling compassion for the enemy one is tacitly betraying one’s ethnicity.

I don’t think Christian racialists will see the obvious unless they repudiate the religion of their parents. We saw what happened in Germany after the war. The Anglo-Americans easily denazified the German nation by simply using Judeo-Christian ethics as the default morality, and the ideals of National Socialism were quickly forgotten by these Germans who became, like the rest of Westerners, vile bourgeoisie from the 1950s to the present day.

I think it is even treason to go around saying that the film is making things up and that the SS weren’t exterminationists. That’s why I like David Irving and Mark Weber, because despite being sympathisers of Hitler and the Third Reich they don’t fall into this neochristian temptation of wanting to ‘baptise’, with Christian morality, these SS hierarchs who appear at the round table.

If things continue to go wrong and the Aryans are going to be exterminated, I think only the last generation of whites will discover that from WW2 onwards all Westerners, racialists included, made an astronomical mistake.

Conversely, if the racialists were consistent with their premise of racial protection, they would have to have as martyrs all those at the table who were killed by the Allies when the war ended, except Kritzinger because he never abandoned Judeo-Christian morality. Moreover, if English-speaking racialists were consistent, they would try to learn German to understand National Socialism thoroughly, and even to speak in a language that sounds tougher, more manly, than other European languages.

Otto Hoffman’s little speech, portrayed by Robert Atzorn, which starts here, shows the exact tone as the (still non-existent) priests of the sacred words should be speaking, even if we have zero political power. Remember what Savitri implied: the first step to conquer the world is to have this kind of thinking.