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'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Judeo-reductionism

Hitler, 9

Brendan Simms, professor of history, University of Cambridge.

Note that Simms’ volume—the hard copy in the hardcover edition I own is over 900 pages long—is replete with endnotes, so every biographical claim about Adolf Hitler’s intellectual odyssey that we see in this volume is backed up by primary sources. Although in years past I have browsed through other voluminous biographies of Hitler that have been selling in mainstream bookstores, I didn’t buy them because I wasn’t motivated by the POV of the biographer in question (e.g., Ian Kershaw’s volumes). The revisionism of another normie on the other hand, Simms, really caught my attention. Let’s continue quoting what Simms wrote in chapter 3 of Hitler: Only the World Was Enough.

Hitler put the inquest into the defeat at the heart of his world view. The alleged fractures in German society played an important role here, the ‘inner internationalism’ to which he had referred during the war itself. By this Hitler primarily meant the Social Democrats and Independent Socialists (USPD), who allegedly put loyalty to their class comrades over that to the nation; it was their internationalism, not their socialism, that he objected to. It was the same anxiety as over capitalism, which Hitler rejected in its global, but, as we shall see, not necessarily in its local ‘national’ form. He also took aim at German particularism, especially in Bavaria, which threatened the integrity of the Reich.

The principal internal enemy, however, was the Jews, who had ‘stabbed Germany in the back’, although Hitler rarely used this precise phrase. All this has given the impression that Hitler, like so many other Germans, sought to blame the defeat primarily on internal scapegoats rather than facing up to the strength of the Entente. In fact, Hitler never subscribed to a monocausal [bold & red added by Ed.!] domestic explanation for the disaster and much of his thinking, especially the later quest for Lebensraum, would be inexplicable if he had. Eliminating the Jews and healing the domestic rifts inside Germany were necessary conditions for the revival of the Reich, but not sufficient ones.

I bolded the above because I was unaware that a renowned historian had used the word I have used on this site in my dispute with white nationalists, whom I have branded as ‘monocausalists’ in the sense that they have refused to see other factors, besides Jewish subversion, that have been contributing to Aryan decline. Now it turns out that an academic, Simms, says the same thing I say about Hitler even though his POV is altogether different.

The point is to find out whether Simms is right about Hitler. And if he is, one can use his information simply from the POV of the 14 words.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) 1st World War

Hitler, 4

The third chapter of Simms’ book is entitled ‘The Colonisation of Germany’ and begins with these words:

The immediate post-war years were a period of national disgrace for Germany. Its monarchy banished, shorn of large tracts of territory by the Versailles settlement and saddled with a huge reparations bill, the Reich was plunged into profound economic, political and psychological dislocation. Foreign soldiers, some of them of colour, occupied substantial parts of the country. Germany had fought the world and lost; now many felt she was a colony of the global system.

The very biological substance of the German people seemed to be at stake, as they grappled with the continuing blockade and then the prospect of long-term immiseration. Hitler experienced these travails both personally and politically. His own situation was even more marginal than most. He found his way through the turbulent aftermath of the war with difficulty. Hitler was also even more exercised than most Germans about the state of the Reich. He looked for answers, and he soon found them.

Hitler identified the root cause of Germany’s humiliation as the power of the Anglo-American and Jewish international capitalism, which used various instruments, in particular revolutionary communism, to keep the Reich in subjection. With the help of others, but essentially under his own steam, Hitler began to develop an ideology to make sense of the world around him. By the end of this period, Hitler had undertaken a comprehensive diagnosis of the Reich’s ills, though he had yet to suggest a cure. Given the depths to which Germany had fallen, Hitler expected the national revival would take generations.

Shortly after the war ended, Hitler was discharged from hospital. Then according to Simms came three decisive events. First, Hitler was chosen by his commanders to serve in the propaganda and education section of the army, headed by Captain Karl Mayr. This indicated, according to the author of Hitler, an understanding that he had an aptitude for such work. Secondly, Hitler was elected Vertrauensmann—a person to be trusted—by the High Command, which shows that he had by then won the support of a section of his comrades. The third event was the news of the humiliating conditions of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of June 1919.

German delegate Johannes Bell signing the Treaty of Versailles in the Hall of
Mirrors, with various Allied delegations sitting and standing in front of him.

The following month Hitler took part in a debate in his Reichswehr unit; three days later he delivered a speech on the peace terms. Simms informs us that this was Hitler’s first major political statement on record. Although the text hasn’t survived, the content can be deduced from comments on it. The next day Hitler spoke on the subject of ’emigration’. Two days later, a Reichswehr report states that Hitler had given ‘a very good, clear and spirited lecture on capitalism during which he touched, indeed he had to touch, the Jewish question’.

Simms comments that this was Hitler’s first recorded reference to Jews, adding that it was made in the context of capitalism, not Bolshevism.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) 1st World War

Hitler, 3

Adolf Hitler would look considerably different 20 years later.

In March 1917, Hitler returned with his unit to the regimental barracks. Shortly afterwards, List’s men witnessed the heavy Canadian attack on the Vimy Ridge. And then they were directly confronted by fierce British attacks during the Battle of Arras. Then, in the late summer of 1917, the List Regiment returned to Geluveld for the Third Battle of Ypres, during which it was brutally pounded by British artillery for over a week. The combination of high explosives, shrapnel and gas caused terrible casualties. Hitler was directly involved in the fighting, as his regiment’s barracks stood in the way of the British advance towards the Ypres salient.

Meanwhile, the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies in early April 1917. This decision was seen by many on both sides of the Atlantic as an act of Anglo-Saxon solidarity directed against the Teutons. Millions of Americans, many of them foreign-born, prepared to cross the Atlantic.

The List Regiment was deployed to support the major German offensive in the spring of 1918. In late March, while advancing just behind the assault troops, they encountered French soldiers from the colonies, Algerian Zouaves. Then, in mid-1918, the List Regiment encountered Americans for the first time, at the Second Battle of the Marne near Reims. Here they were forced to retreat quickly, but not without taking some prisoners. Two of them were taken by Hitler to the brigade barracks.

Colin Ross, who would later advise Hitler on the United States, and who was then serving on the western front, remembers not only the courage of the American soldiers, but also their frequent calling out to each other in German and the large number of German-speaking prisoners.

By now, the Allied blockade, control of the sky and numerical superiority were beginning irreversibly to wear down Hitler’s regiment.

The German offensive was running out of steam in the face of overwhelming Allied superiority in manpower, material and energy. General Ludendorff famously spoke at the time of ‘the black days of the German army’. Although Hitler was again decorated in August 1918, this time with the Iron Cross First Class, German morale collapsed under the heavy bombardment. One report lamented that ‘enemy aircraft completely controls the skies’.

The growing wave of American soldiers arriving throughout September exacerbated the general feeling of despondency. Since October, more than half a million rested Americans entered the war and Africa, Australia, India and Canada continued to send whole units of soldiers to Europe.

After more than four years of war, the List Regiment had had enough. In mid-October, Hitler was wounded in a gas attack during a British bombing raid. A week later, he was sent to the Prussian Reserve Hospital northeast of Berlin. There he learned of the Armistice and the German surrender on 11 November 1918. Thus ended Hitler’s four-plus years of war.

Above all, Hitler had come away from the war with a keen sense of power of the Entente, especially the British, in his eyes the most formidable of the ‘world of enemies’ against which he had battled in vain those four years…

In short, by the end of the war, Hitler had the ‘world of enemies’ firmly in his sights. The struggle against the Jews, in their capitalist or communist guises, had not yet begun, however, and nor had he explicitly targeted the United States.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) 1st World War

Hitler, 2

The second chapter of Brendan Simms’ book is entitled ‘Against a World of Enemies’. Although I will follow the prose of his abridged paragraphs closely, in order not to violate the copyright of his book I will be rephrasing it (and perhaps I will do the same with the rest of the book Hitler: Only the World Was Enough). Although my paraphrases closely follow Simms’ abbreviated paragraphs, only when I quote him verbatim will I indent the quotations.

This latest Hitler biographer, who as I said in a previous post published his book in 2019, begins his chapter by saying that the young Adolf reacted enthusiastically to the outbreak of the First World War, and although he doesn’t publish the following photograph, he mentions it:

Adolf Hitler attends a rally in the Odeonsplatz
to celebrate the declaration of war in 1914.

The enthusiastic Hitler volunteered to fight with the Bavarian army and was drafted into a regiment known as the List Regiment, the name of its commander, which included not only volunteers but also forced recruits. During weeks of training, Hitler learned to use the regulation rifle and was then sent to reinforce the German advance through Belgium and northern France.

Hitler did not, in other words, react to the outbreak of war by disappearing. Instead, he immediately volunteered for the German (technically, the Bavarian) army, an unusual choice. In August 1914, therefore, Hitler definitively turned his back not just on Austria-Hungary, but opted decisively for Germany. It was his first major documented political statement.

But the curious thing is that, at this point, Hitler’s main enemy was England. The first letter on record after enlistment announces his hope that he ‘would get to England’ apparently as a German invasion force. The target was not the Tsarist Empire, although the Russians were at that time a danger to Prussia.

The List Regiment did indeed encounter the British at Geluveld, Wytschate and Messines in the Belgian region of Flanders. Hitler took part in several frontal attacks. He himself refers to ‘heaviest battles’. Despite an initial triumph, the Bavarians were eventually driven out of Geluveld. Hitler was promoted to Gefreiter, Private First Class. Since then he claimed ‘I can say that I risked my life daily and looked death in the eye’. On 2 December Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross Second Class. ‘It was’, he wrote, ‘the happiest day of my life’.

In a letter of February 1915, Hitler lamented the loss of life in a struggle against a ‘world of international enemies’ and expressed the hope not only that ‘Germany’s external enemy’ would be crushed but that her ‘inner internationalism would disintegrate’. These were times when the word globalisation wasn’t yet in use. In the following letter from mid-1915 Hitler recounted a bomb hit from which he was ‘rescued as by a miracle’, and rejoiced that Germany was ‘at last mobilising opinion against England’, further evidence of his concern about Great Britain.

Hitler’s next major battle, in March 1915, was preceded by even more massive bombardments by the British, followed by the first encounter with Imperial troops from the Indian Army. A month later Hitler had to face more Empire units, especially Canadian ones. In time, the array of exotic helmets in the enemy trenches—including turbans and beaked hats—gave the men of the List Regiment the sad impression that the world was up in arms against them (something that would be repeated in the Second World War). This truthful impression was reinforced the following year. Hitler was back in action in French Flanders in May-June 1916. This time the List Regiment had to face Australians and New Zealanders.

The Bavarians were once again discouraged to find themselves grappling with men who had travelled from the far side of the world to fight them in Flanders. Worse still, as Hitler’s comrade Adolf Meyer recalled, some of the Australians were of German descent. One of his captives ‘not only spoke excellent German, but wore my own name of Meyer into the bargain. Understandably: His father was a German, who had immigrated to Australia as a child with his parents and later married an English woman there’.

Subsequently, the List Regiment suffered the final stages of the Battle of the Somme. Hitler’s bunker was hit by a British artillery barrage, wounding him in the left upper thigh. While the wound wasn’t life-threatening, it was serious enough for him to be evacuated. Hitler was sent to the Beelitz military hospital in Berlin to recover.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms)

Hitler, 1

Hitler was born on 20 April 1889, i.e. he was a year younger than my paternal grandmother, with whom I lived for a while (that means that if it hadn’t been for the Allied dogs, I might even have met him!). He was born in Braunau am Inn in Austria. Hitler would later call himself a Bavarian on several occasions.

At the beginning of the first part of his book, Brendan Simms informs us that the first three decades of Hitler’s life were characterised by obscurity and various deprivations; his father and mother died, the latter after a traumatic illness, and his artistic talent went unrecognised in Vienna. Those were times, and we are talking before his twenty-fifth birthday, when the young Adolf didn’t yet show any signs of politicisation.

Today I can say that of all the post-1945 writers, I have the closest rapport with Savitri Devi—by far. But before I discovered white nationalism, and I’m talking about how I thought from 2002 to 2009, Alice Miller, the first author in history to take the side of the child abused by his parents was, intellectually, my Beatrice. It’s interesting what Simms says at the beginning of his biography: that there is no evidence that Alois, Hitler’s father, was violent to his children; because Miller, who suffered in the Warsaw ghetto, defamed Hitler by speculating that he had indeed been abused by his father Alois.

Hitler had an older half-brother, Alois Junior, and a half-sister, Angela, born from his father’s first marriage. After the death of his first wife, Alois married his cousin Klara Pölzl, with whom he had six children, only two of whom survived: Adolf himself and his younger sister Paula. Two of Hitler’s four siblings died before they were born, and another when Hitler was ten years old.

At school, the boy Adolf only got good marks in drawing and sport, but he was such a bad student that he failed one year before leaving school for good at the age of sixteen, about the age at which I, too, left school and for the same reasons (it’s all brain-washing bullshit what the System teaches us there). Simms informs us:

Hitler’s main preoccupations after leaving school were his financial security, his emotional life, pursuing a career as an artist and the health of his mother. The first known letter by Hitler was penned in February 1906, together with his sister Paula, asking the Finanzdirektion Linz for payment of his orphan’s pension.

I will be omitting the numbers and endnotes throughout my quotations of Simms’ book.

He visited Vienna on a number of occasions and soon moved to the imperial capital. There he pursued an interest in the operas of Richard Wagner. In the summer of 1906, Hitler saw Tristan and Isolde as well as The Flying Dutchman. He also attended the Stadttheater. He was engrossed by not only the music but especially the architecture of opera. A postcard of the Court Opera House Vienna records that he was impressed by the ‘majesty’ of its exterior, but had reservations about an interior ‘cluttered’ with velvet and gold.

I know that many visitors find it bothersome that, whenever I can, I take the opportunity to denigrate white nationalism. But I must. Savitri hits the nail on the head in her book when she points out that the Hitler phenomenon can only be understood if we see that he was a kind of initiate. And the initiation was art! It seems easy for me to understand this because, coming from parents who were artists, it seems obvious to me that this is what motivated me to seek a different path from the crap that conventional schooling offers us (everything looks like pork to someone who understands Beauty as a child). In other words, if contemporary racialists fail to initiate themselves into art, they won’t be able to save their race. I will not repeat Savitri’s reasons: that is why we abridged her book and translated that abridged version here. Simms continues:

In early 1907, Hitler’s mother was diagnosed with cancer and operated on without success. She had no medical insurance, but bills were kept low by the kindness of her Jewish doctor, Eduard Bloch. Hitler helped to look after his mother during her illness and he seems to have been devastated by her death in late December 1907.

He was eighteen years old.

It is certain, in any case, that Hitler neither blamed Bloch for his mother’s death nor became an anti-Semite in consequence. On the contrary, he remained in friendly contact with Bloch for some time after and even sent him a hand-painted card wishing him happy new year. Much later, Hitler enabled Bloch to escape from Austria on terms far more favourable than those granted for his unfortunate fellow Jews.

The young Hitler’s interests were above all musical and architectural, like the layout and architecture of Linz. He confessed to leading a hermit’s life and was plagued by bedbugs. These were times when he was on good terms with August Kubizek, another teenager. Savitri recounts some very revealing anecdotes of this friendship in her book. Simms ignores them in his biography Hitler, although he writes the following:

He certainly seems to have experienced a period of poverty, telling Kubizek that ‘you don’t have to bring me cheese and butter anymore, but I thank you for the thought’. He was not too poor, however, to miss a performance of Wagner’s Lohengrin.

Shortly, afterwards, Hitler left the Stumpergasse and was swallowed up by the city for more than a year. He lodged with Helene Riedl in the Felberstrasse until August 1909. His only known activity during this period was a second and equally unsuccessful application to the Academy. Hitler then lived for about a month as a tenant of Antonia Oberlerchner in the Sechshausterstrasse, leaving in mid September 1909. Even less is known about what came next. He certainly underwent some sort of economic and perhaps psychological crisis, leading to a descent from respectability.

Der Hauptplatz in Linz

A few years later, well before he was famous, Hitler told the Linz authorities that the autumn of 1909 had been a ‘bitter time’ for him. According to a statement he gave to the Vienna police in early August 1910, he spent a time in a sanctuary for the homeless at Meidling. How Hitler extricated himself is not known, but he was able to pay for a bed at the more respectable men’s hostel in the Meldemannstrasse in Vienna-Briggitenau from February 1910. There he started to paint postcards and pictures which his crony and ‘business’ partner Reinhold Hanisch would sell to dealers; this relationship soured when he reported Hanisch to the authorities for allegedly embezzling some of the money.

Now that I posted a review of The Godfather, I’ve been watching videos about the real-life mafia. One YouTubber said that what these people really loved was the American dollar. Those gangsters were slaves to Mammon, just like Hitler (and I) are slaves to the Goddess of Beauty. Simms ends his first chapter with some of these passages:

All we know for sure is that Hitler had to mark time in the Austro-Hungarian Empire until he was twenty-four so as to keep collecting his orphan’s pension. It did not help that he fell out with his half-sister Angela Raubal over their inheritance, and was forced to give way after a court appearance in Vienna in early March 1911…

In the spring of 1913, Hitler collected the last instalment of his pension. There was nothing to keep him in Vienna. When Hitler went to Munich in May 1913 his worldly possessions filled a small suitcase…

He lived happily for nearly a year under the roof of Czech spinster, Maria Zakreys, and betrayed no irritation at her limited command of German. His documented interests were architecture, town planning and music, particularly the connections between them. There was surely much more going on inside his head, but we cannot be certain what it was.

Hitler’s self-description varied, but the common denominator was creativity. He registered himself as an ‘artist’ in the Stumpergasse in mid February 1908, as a ‘student’ in the Felberstrasse in mid November 1908, as a ‘writer’ in the Sechshausterstrasse in late August 1909, and as a ‘painter’ at the Meldemannstrasse in early 1910 and again in late June 1910…

He was eventually mustered in Salzburg by the Austrian authorities, in early February 1914, and found to be physically unfit to serve. In the meantime, Hitler continued to make his living by selling pictures, just as he had in Vienna.

All this makes our picture of the young Hitler closer to a sketch than a full portrait. To be sure, he was already more than a mere cipher: his artistic interests were already well established; his hostility to the Habsburg Empire, though not the reasons for it, was a matter of record… There is no surviving contemporary evidence that he was much aware of France or the Russian Empire or the Anglo-World of the British Empire and the United States. That was about to change. If the Hitler of 1914 had as yet left almost no mark on the world, the world was about to make his mark on him.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms)


In Martin Kerr’s list of books recommended in his introduction to National Socialism, we can see this subheading, ‘Books Hostile to National-Socialism but Still Containing Valuable Information’. In line with this literary advice this year I bought a book, Hitler: Only the World Was Enough by English biographer and historian Brendan Simms. Half a year ago I had already written something about Hitler but now, that I am willing to read it carefully, I could start a new series.

Simms’ book, once purged of its anti-Nazi sentiments, serves me wonderfully for the point of view of The West’s Darkest Hour: the Anglo-American world has been the villain of our film. This viewpoint contrasts dramatically with what George Lincoln Rockwell believed, and is much closer to the position of Francis Parker Yockey.

Hitler: Only the World Was Enough begins with a magnificent epigraph, some words from the Führer himself: ‘In the end man takes his livelihood from the earth, and the earth is the trophy which destiny gives to those peoples who fight for it’. Lebensraum!

Some of the final chapters contain striking titles: ‘England is the motor of the opposition to us’, ‘The struggle against the Anglo-Saxons and plutocracy’, and ‘The Fall of Fortress Europe’.

The prologue contains the key to deciphering Simms’ thesis. Hitler’s biographer informs us that on July 17, 2018, brigade adjutant Fritz Wiedemann wrote that Private First Class Hitler dropped off two American prisoners at the headquarters of 12 Royal Bavarian Infantry Brigade. Simms adds: ‘This, then, is when all it began’ because these doughboys were the descendants of German immigrants, lost to the Fatherland for lack of living space (not enough Lebensraum). In subsequent discourses, Hitler repeatedly came back to the moment, in the mid-summer of 1918, when the first American soldiers appeared on the battlefield of France: ‘Well-grown man, men of our own blood, whom we have deported for centuries, who were now ready to grind the motherland itself into the mud’. In Hitler’s mind, only the Lebensraum east was ultimately to become the remedy because he wanted to imitate the US somehow, an extensive ‘spacial formation’ he said elsewhere.

Already in the Introduction, Simms gives brief reviews of the major works on Hitler and criticises their authors for not having seen this reality, including Alan Bullock, Joachim Fest, Ian Kershaw, Peter Longerich and other standard biographers of the anti-Nazi System under which we live: biographers who deal with other facets of Hitler’s personality. Simms then sets out his thesis.

What he offers us is an intellectual biography of Hitler, from his first conception of Germany’s history and its role in the world in the wake of defeat in World War I, to his conviction that the main enemy was neither communism nor the Soviet Union, nor even international Jewry, as has hitherto been repeated even in racialist forums; but Anglo-Saxon capitalism and, primarily, the United States. While most historians have argued that Hitler underestimated the American threat, Simms shows that Hitler embarked on a pre-emptive war against the United States precisely because he considered it the main adversary and the only one that could destroy Germany. The Third Reich domination of virtually all of Europe, the war against the USSR and the annihilation of European Jewry were chapters in a race against time to turn the Reich into a power capable of confronting Anglo-Saxon leadership and, if not defeating it, at least achieving a bipolar world balanced between the stark Anglo-Saxon finance capitalism and a German Reich rooted in the Germanic racial tradition.

Simms’ thesis is not entirely original. As we also read in the Introduction, Adam Tooze has shown to what extent the US must be considered the main reference for the Third Reich from its very beginning. In the Intro Simms also mentions the sources he used for his massive biography of Hitler. In addition to the official texts, he includes the memoirs and diaries of those close to the Führer. But he is very emphatic in stressing that

While the connection between Hitler’s anti-Semitism and his anti-capitalism is often noted, and has been the subject of some individual subjects, its centrality to his worldview, and the extent to which he was fighting a war against ‘international high finance’ and ‘plutocracy’ from start to finish, has not been understood at all.

To understand it I would advise the visitor of this site to familiarise himself with the realism of theorists such as John Mearsheimer, who teaches us how States think and how they relate to each other.

George Lincoln Rockwell Martin Kerr

National Socialism and the Laws of Nature

by Martin Kerr

“…It is Life alone that all things must serve.”

—Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. I, Chap. 9, p. 215 (Manheim)


A unique and compelling feature of the National Socialist worldview of Adolf Hitler is that, of all the various political movements and ideologies of the modern era, it alone is based solely on the Natural Order. Only National Socialism is grounded in reality, and not in phantasms of human mind.

National Socialists believe that the universe is governed by natural laws, and that for Man to be happy and successful, he must first acknowledge that these laws exist; secondly, he must discover what they are; and thirdly, he must live in accordance with them. This is another way of saying that the universe runs according to the principles of Causality—that is, of cause-and-effect relationships—and that it does not operate on the basis of supernatural forces, or on the mental constructions and wishful thinking of intellectuals and ideologues, or on the religious fantasies of theologians.

Hitler made this clear from the beginning of his career in public life. Writing in his book Mein Kampf in 1924, he stated:

When Man attempts to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, he comes into struggle with the principles to which he himself owes his existence as a man. And so his action against Nature must lead to his own doom… Here we encounter the objection [that] ‘Man’s role is to overcome Nature!’… But Man has never yet conquered Nature in anything, but at most has caught hold of and tried to lift one corner or another of her immense gigantic veil of eternal riddles and secrets, that in reality he invents nothing but only discovers everything, that he does not dominate Nature, but has only risen on the basis of his knowledge of various laws and secrets to be lord over those other living creatures who lack this knowledge… (Vol. I, Chap. 11, Manheim trans., p. 287)

And elsewhere:

Man must never fall into the madness of believing that he has risen to be lord and master over Nature—which is so easily induced by the conceit of half-education—but must understand the fundamental necessity of Nature’s rule, and realize how much of his existence is subject to these laws of combat and upward struggle. Then he will sense that in a universe where planets revolve around suns, and moons turn around planets, where force alone forever masters weakness, compelling it to be its obedient servant or else crushing it, there can be no special laws for Man. For him, too, the eternal principles of this ultimate wisdom hold sway. He can try to grasp them, but escape them never. (pp. 244-245)

The goal of National Socialism, then, is to consciously organize human society in accordance with the Natural Order. The postwar Danish National-Socialist Povl H. Riis-Knudsen thus defined National Socialism in a single sentence: “National Socialism is the application of the Laws of Nature to human affairs.”

The dominant thought-systems of today are uniformly based on the notion of human equality in one form or another: Multiracialism on racial equality; Marxism on economic equality; democracy on political equality; Christianity on spiritual equality. But when Adolf Hitler observed the world of living Nature, he saw that it was not equality, but rather inequality, that was ever-present. To be more precise, he saw that Nature operated according to the principles of structure and hierarchy.

There is structure and hierarchy both among the races of mankind, and also within the races. The hierarchy among the races he denoted as the Principle of Race, and that within each race as the Principle of Personality. He discusses this in depth in Volume II, Chapter 4, of Mein Kampf.

In a speech given in 1928, Hitler gave his own one-sentence definition of the National Socialist worldview: “All life is bound up in three theses: struggle is the father of all things, virtue lies in the blood, and leadership is primary and decisive.” Here “blood” symbolizes the Principal of Race and “leadership” the Principle of Personality. “Struggle” is the mechanism by which position in the hierarchy is determined.

The belief that life should be lived in harmony with the Natural Order permeated the whole of Hitler’s Germany, from the top to the bottom. It manifested itself not just in the political structure of the National Socialist state, but in every facet of society, including child-rearing, nutrition, forestry, animal rights, medicine and healthcare. The protection of the environment was a top priority. Truly, National Socialism was the original “green” movement!

The SS had a popular motto: “Know the laws of life and live accordingly.” Another SS saying pointed to the spiritual dimensions of the National-Socialist worldview: “The Divine manifests itself in the order of Nature, not in supernatural miracles.”

The scientific community enthusiastically supported the restructuring of society in harmony with the Natural Order. One example of this was botanist Ernst Lehmann, who characterized National- Socialism as “politically applied biology.” In 1934, only one year into the NS era, he wrote:

We recognize that separating humanity from Nature, from the whole of life, leads to mankind’s own destruction and the death of nations. Only through a reintegration of humanity into the whole of Nature can our folk be made stronger. That is the fundamental point of the biological tasks of our age. Mankind alone is no longer the focus of thought, but rather life as a whole… This striving with connectedness, with the totality of life, with Nature itself, a Nature into which we are born, this is the deepest meaning and the true essence of National-Socialist thought. (Biological Will: Means and Goals of Biological Work in the New Reich, pp. 10-11)

It is easy for the unsuspecting or the misinformed to fall victim to the vicious, lying, Hitler-bashing, anti-NS propaganda that is everywhere today. Attempts to discuss the profound and life-giving character of Adolf Hitler’s National Socialism often get sidetracked and bogged down in ridiculous and ill-informed debates concerning the conduct of German military operations during the Second World War—as though that subject were more important than our survival as a race!

But one person saw clearly through the miasma of anti-Hitlerism even when it was at its height. The National Socialist philosopher Savitri Devi recognized the magnitude of Adolf Hitler’s achievements, and of the unique value of his teachings—not just to the Aryan race, but to all mankind. In her magnum opus The Lightning and the Sun (1958) she wrote:

In its essence, the National Socialist idea exceeds not only Germany and our time, but the Aryan race and mankind itself and any epoch; it ultimately expresses that mysterious and unfailing wisdom according to which Nature lives and creates: the impersonal wisdom of the primeval forests and of the ocean depths and of the spheres in the dark fields of space; and it is to Adolf Hitler’s glory not merely to have gone back to that divine wisdom … but to have made it the basis of a practical regeneration policy of worldwide scope … (The Lightning and the Sun, pp. 219-220, standard edition; p. 128, Pierce edition)

We live in a civilization and in a society that is about as divorced from the Natural Order as possible. That is why the our race is sick. That is why the our race is dying. Only by once again living in harmony with the Laws of Nature can we regain our racial health. There is only one movement which offers this salvation, and hence there is only one path to racial survival, that of Adolf Hitler and National Socialism.


Sociobiologists divide the animal world into three broad categories, based on whether or not they live in societies, and if they do, their degree of socialization. Animals which live in societies live in groups characterized by (1) hierarchy, and (2) cooperation. The three categories are:

1. Asocial animals, which either live solitary lives as individuals or else they live in groups without hierarchy or cooperation. Most felines (except for the lion) and orangutans are examples of animals who live as individuals. Schools of fish, flocks of birds and Thompson’s gazelle are animals who live in groups that are unstructured and the members of which do not cooperate with each other—basically they are collections of individuals.

2. Eusocial animals (essentially, bees, ants and their relatives) live in communities in which the individual does not exist for practical purposes—only the collective exists.

3. Social animals live in groups known as societies, in which there is hierarchy and cooperation. The individual has rights, but the rights generally are subordinate to the welfare of the society. Most higher primates, including all of the great apes except for the orangutan, and most canines, are social animals. Human beings are social animals. We are not bees (for whom only the collective exists) and we are not tigers (for whom only the individual exists).

In human society, the individual has rights, but these must be balanced against the overall welfare of the group. There is inevitably some tension between the group and the individual, but in successful societies this it is managed so that neither suffers unduly.

National Socialist Germany is the modern society that has done this the best. As a social state, it stands in balanced mid-point between the hive-like, eusocial collectivism of communism (in which the individual exists only to serve the state, and who has no rights at all), and the rootless, naked egoism of asocial libertarianism (in which the good of the whole is subordinate to the desires and whims of the individual).

This balance between the desires of the individual and the good of the racial community is exemplified in the Hitlerian dictum, “The right to personal freedom recedes before the duty to preserve the race.” (Mein Kampf, p. 255). This statement explicitly recognizes that there is a right to personal freedom, but that this right is subordinate to the common racial good.

The word “natural” is only problematic if someone is determined to see it as so. The opposite is “artificial.” The wolf is a canine that is the product of natural selection. The Chihuahua is a canine that is product of artificial selection. The society we live in today is an artificial society that is divorced from Nature. To be healthy as a race, we need a society that is structured in accordance with the world of Nature.


Writing in 1980, the brilliant Australian National Socialist Dr. E.R. Cawthron, B.Sc. (Hons), noted that, “Just to speak in general terms about the laws of Nature serves little purpose.” Very true! Let us take a look at a specific natural law and its concrete application in National Socialist Germany.

In the above Introduction, it was noted that Adolf Hitler recognized that inequality, not equality, was the norm in living Nature, and that with regard to Man, this inequality manifested itself both between the races, and within each race. As a corollary to the law of racial inequality, Hitler also discerned a law concerning “the urge toward racial purity.” He wrote:

[M]en without exception wander about in the garden of Nature; they imagine that they know practically everything and yet with few exceptions pass blindly by one of the most patent principles of Nature’s rule: the inner segregation of the species of all living beings on this earth…Every animal mates only with an animal of the same species… Only unusual circumstances can change this… (p.284)

He further noted:

The result of all racial crossing is therefore in brief always the… lowering of the level of the higher race. (p.286)

And he offered an example:

Historical experience shows countless proofs of this. It shows with terrifying clarity that in every mingling of Aryan blood with that of lower peoples the result was the end of the cultured people. North America, whose population consists in by far the largest part of Germanic elements who mixed but little with the lower colored peoples, shows a different humanity and culture from Central and South America, where the predominantly Latin immigrants often mixed with the aborigines on a large scale. By this one example, we clearly and distinctly recognize the effect of racial mixture. The Germanic inhabitant of the American continent, who has remained racially pure and unmixed, rose to be the master of the continent; he will remain the master as long as he does not fall victim to defilement of the blood. (p. 286)

Thus we can see the development of Hitler’s logic with regard to natural law in this instance:

    • He begins by postulating a law or principle that holds true for all of living Nature.
    • He further shows how Man is specifically included in this law’s jurisdiction.
    • Taking the discussion out of the realm of theory, he gives a concrete example of the expression of this law in the real world.

But it does not stop there. On September 15, 1935, Adolf Hitler, as chancellor of the German Reich, signed a law into effect prohibiting race-mixing between “citizens of German or related blood” and Jews. This act was formally titled the “Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor.”

Mainstream historians have termed this the “Nuremberg Race Law,” and claimed that it was the sinister first step toward the extermination of European Jewry. But it was nothing of the sort. Rather, it was a preliminary and far-sighted attempt to tentatively codify Natural Law as State Law. Adolf Hitler had begun to restructure German society so as to bring it in accordance with Nature—just as he had advocated a decade earlier in Mein Kampf.


George Lincoln Rockwell is the founder of postwar American National Socialism, and one of the foremost disciples of Adolf Hitler’s thought of all time. He is remembered primarily as a man of action, which is unsurprising given the dramatic and dynamic course of his life. Yet he was also a man of towering intellect. In addition to numerous essays and articles, he authored two books, This Time the World (1962), his political autobiography, and White Power, which was published posthumously in 1968.

Like Adolf Hitler, Lincoln Rockwell recognized that Man was a part of the Natural Order, and that he was in no meaningful way separate or distinct from it. In Chapter 15 of White Power, entitled “National Socialism,” he lists five “Laws of the Tribe” that govern the social organization of all social animals (see Part Two). They are true for wolves as well as for elephants, for dolphins as well as for chimpanzees—and for Man as well. In a human context, by “Tribe” Rockwell means Race or folk or ethnicity.

Here are Rockwell’s Five “Laws of the Tribe”:

1, The Law of Biological Integrity;
2. The Law of Territory;
3. The Law of Leadership;
4. The Law of Status; and
5. The Law of Motherhood or Family

In White Power, he discusses four of the five principles or laws in some depth. By Biological Integrity, Rockwell means both the instinctive urge to protect the exclusive gene-pool of the tribe, but also the love-hate dichotomy that this generates. He writes:

The two instincts are equally important. Love is not “good” while hate is “evil” — which is the canard so dearly loved by the Jews, liberals, hippies, queers, and half- wits…

Love, the natural healthy kind, is indeed what makes the world go round, and it is the most beautiful, holy miracle we ever see here on earth.

But without a deadly hate of that which threatens what we love, Love is an empty catchword for hippies, queers, and cowards…

Biological Integrity: absolute, total and uncompromising loyalty to one’s own racial group based on a consuming love, and absolute, uncompromising hatred of any outsiders who intrude and threaten to mix their genes with those of the females of the group. (pp. 445-446)

By “Territory” he means in the first instance the land or real estate that the tribe lives on. In National Socialist Germany, the close relationship between Biological Integrity and Territory was encapsulate in the phrase “Blood and Soil” (Blut und Boden). But he also expands this to include the principle of private property. Here Rockwell draws a fundamental dividing line between National Socialism and Jewish, Marxist socialism.

Rockwell specifies “Leadership by the best.” By the best, not by the most popular, nor by the wealthiest, and certainly not by those most eager to kiss Jewish posterior.

“Status” he defines as the natural place or rank of each individual within the tribe. Everyone in the tribe is not “equal” to everyone else—but each person has worth and value, and a role to play in society.

Rockwell does not mention Motherhood and Family, beyond including it in his list of Five Laws. He was writing in the mid-1960s, when everyone in White society still had a healthy appreciation of the traditional family. He apparently thought that it was unnecessary to describe it further. Perversions such as homosexual “marriage” were so far over the social horizon that they were not even visible in 1967. One can only imagine what he would have to say about such manifestations of racial decadence and social decline. The traditional family always has been, remains, and always will be the basic social building block of every healthy White society.

Rockwell was not a trained anthropologist, and in listing the Five Laws, he was deeply indebted to Robert Ardrey, author of books on this subject such as African Genesis and The Territorial Imperative. But although it was outside the field of his formal knowledge, Rockwell was intelligent enough to recognize the truth when he saw it, and to portray it from a National Socialist perspective.

When he first read African Genesis, Rockwell was so taken with Ardrey’s ideas that he wrote the author a multipage letter explaining that National Socialism was nothing less than the political embodiment of Ardrey’s central thesis. When several months passed and the author did not respond to his communication, Rockwell sent him a registered letter asking if he had received his first letter. Again, Ardrey did not reply.

However, Ardrey went on to write another book, The Territorial Imperative, in which he discussed his Law of Territory in detail. In this book, Ardrey takes pains to explicitly distance himself from National Socialism. He does not mention Rockwell by name, nor does Ardrey address Rockwell’s contention that National Socialism is the political embodiment of his ideas—he just wants his readers to know that he was not one of those awful “Nazis.”

Nonetheless, both African Genesis and The Territorial Imperative are great books, and their content is completely NS in their exposition. We recommend both, despite the superficial anti-NS orientation of the second volume.

These Five Laws enunciated in White Power will someday form the basis for the National Socialist New Order which we, the heirs of Hitler and Rockwell, will build in North America.


The question that White people must ask themselves is this: Does human existence rest on a biological foundation or not? If it does, then the biological prerequisites that form the basis of our existence must be respected or a great price for ignoring them must be paid.

The wages of racial sin is racial death.

The situation today, in which the Aryan peoples of the world—without exception—live in societies completely divorced from the Natural Order must be viewed from a great historical perspective as a temporary dislocation. It is a sickness, not a permanent condition, and the patient will either recover or die.

National Socialism is the reorientation of human society to once again bring it in accordance with Nature and her iron laws. It is the cure for the disease.


What I have written here is only an introduction to the topic of National Socialism and the Natural Order. To really grasp it thoroughly and in depth, it needs to be studied. Here are a few texts to get you started on your exploration.

Basic National Socialist texts

  1. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler. Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger, GmbH, Muenchen, Band I 1925, Band II 1927, 781 pp., index.
  1. Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, trans. Ralph Manheim. Houghton Mifflin Company, 1943. Index, 694 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0395925034. Reading it the original is always the preferred option, but if you are limited to an English translation, this one is the best.
  1. White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell. Ragnarok Press, Dallas, Texas, 1967 [1968]. Illustrated, 482 pp. See especially Chapter 15, “National Socialism,” for Rockwell’s discussion of the Natural Order and National Socialism.
  1. National Socialism: The Biological Worldview by Povl H. Riis-Knudsen. Nordland Forlag, Aalborg, 1987. Frontispiece, 30 pp. Essential.

Books hostile to National-Socialism but still containing valuable information

  1. Blood and Soil: Walther Darré and Hitler’s Green Party. Kensal Press, 1985, 224 pp., ISBN-13: 978-0946041336. Not pro-NS by any stretch of the imagination, but much less hostile than most mainstream books on Hitler and the Hitler era.
  1. Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis by Robert N. Proctor. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, England, 1988. Notes, index, bibliography, 43 figures, 414 + vii pp., ISBN 0-674-74580-9. See especially Chapter 1, “The Origins of Racial Hygiene,” and Chapter 3, “Political Biology: Doctors in the Nazi Cause.” Proctor goes out of his way to show that he is anti-NS, perhaps because the subject he investigates are so inherently pro-NS.
  1. The Nazi War on Cancer by Robert N. Proctor. Princeton University Press, Princeton and Oxford, 1999. Notes, index, bibliography, figures, 380 + x pp., ISBN 0-691-00196-0. See especially Chapter 3, “Genetic and Racial Theories,” Chapter 5, “The Nazi Diet,” and Chapter 6, “The Campaign against Tobacco.” Even more hostile than Racial Hygiene — but containing even more good information.
  1. Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience by Janet Biel and Peter Staundenmaier. AK Press, San Francisco and Edinburgh, 1995. Footnotes, 73 pp., ISBN 1-873176-73-2. Consists of two essays: “Fascist Ideology: the ‘Green Wing’ of the Nazi Party and Its Antecedents” by Staudnemaier; and “‘Ecology’ and the Modernization of Fascism in the German Ultra-Right” by Biehl.

Anthropology and sociobiology

None of the books listed below is written by a National-Socialist or with an NS or WN audience in mind, but they all show the biological underpinnings of the National Socialist worldview and NS policies.

  1. Introduction to Anthropology by Dr. Roger Pearson. Harcourt College Publishers, 1974. Approx. 500 photographs, charts, and maps; glossary; table of languages; index, 616 pp., ISBN-13: 978- 0030915-17-8.
  1. Sociobiology: The Abridged Edition by Edward O. Wilson. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, England, 1980. Bibliography, glossary, index, 366 + ix pp., ISBN 0-674-81623-4. There is a longer version, Sociobiology: The New Synthesis, written for scholars, but we recommend the abridged edition for non-specialist readers.
  1. Promethean Fire: Reflections on the Origin of the Mind. Charles J. Lumsden & Edward O. Wilson, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London England. Endnotes, index, 216 pp., ISBN 0-674-71445-8.
  1. African Genesis: A Personal Investigation into the Animal Origins and Nature of Man by Robert Ardrey, Atheneum Publishers, NY, 1961. Paperback edition, 384 pp., index, ISBN 0-553- 10215-X.
  1. The Territorial Imperative: A Personal Investigation into the Animal Origins of Property and Nations by Robert Ardrey, Atheneum Publishers, NY, 1966. Bibliography and bibliographical key, 355 pp.
  1. The Naked Ape: A Zoologist’s Study of the Human Animal by Desmond Morris. ISBN 0- 070431-74-4, 1967. Says Wikipedia: “[Z]oologist and anthropologist Desmond Morris… looks at humans as a species and compares them to other animals. The Human Zoo, a follow-up book by Desmond Morris, which examined the behavior of people in the cities, was published in 1969.”
  1. Race by John R. Baker. Oxford University Press, London, 1981, ISBN 0-936396-01-6. 625 pp., 13 appendices, 82 illustrations, bibliography. A comprehensive, exhaustive examination of the biological reality of race and racial differences. Suitable both for specialist and general readership.
Judeo-reductionism Mein Kampf (book)

Esoteric v. exoteric

Did it bother the host of The West’s Darkest Hour that I was quoting the Führer (the last time I did so was this one)? Jamie’s last comment got me thinking a bit. If it is true that they are playing mind games with me, I am forced not to publish the rest of the twelve entries I had planned quoting Mein Kampf (which can be read, anyway, on this other website). However, about what was to be the eighth entry in that Mein Kampf series, ‘The Enemy’ referring to Jewry, I would like to say something.

As I have said countless times, Hitler’s worldview had both an exoteric side—prolefeed for the Christian Germans, exemplified in Mein Kampf and his public speeches—and an esoteric side—anti-Christian statements to a select group of friends—. What was to be the eighth entry, ‘The Enemy’, is indistinguishable from the worldview currently held by white nationalists!

For new visitors to this site, my post from the day before yesterday, ‘Christian Cup’ is so compact and didactic that yesterday I edited it slightly and promoted it to what is known in WordPress as a ‘page’ to distinguish it from ordinary ‘posts’. I’m referring to the articles that appear in red letters at the top of this page by clicking ‘Menu’. As can be seen, there is a new entry with a long title, ‘My difference with white nationalism in a nutshell’, which applies both to American white nationalism in this century and to the exoteric facet of German NS in the last century.

It is curious that none of the white nationalist Americans who have devoted themselves to studying NS, such as Mark Weber and Carolyn Yeager, are well-versed in the esoteric side of NS. I guess that they still have ties to many Christians in the movement and that they don’t want to rock the boat with these disturbing revelations. And to be completely honest, even compared to the esoteric part of the NS we have taken a step further than Uncle Adolf did in the previous century, as can be seen from what I say on pages 159-160 of this PDF.

Matt Koehl Mein Kampf (book)

The words of Adolf Hitler, 1

In the foreword to the booklet The Words of Adolf Hitler, published by New Order in 1990 and reprinted in 2002, Matt Koehl told us:

Every age on Earth is represented by a name, by an extraordinary figure who appears but once in thousands of years to give mankind a new symbol, a new law to guide and inform its destiny.

The great figure and archetype of our age is Adolf Hitler. At a time of greatest danger to our race, this immortal being was sent to remind us of the eternal laws of life.

The words which this man spoke are the words of life for our race. Without them, there is no hope. Without them, our kind has no future on this planet. Without them, our race is doomed to extinction…

To make the teachings of Adolf Hitler more accessible to the adherents of our Movement, as well as others, we offer this selection of some of the most relevant and poignant quotations contained in that monumental work.

Koehl was referring to Mein Kampf. After I finished reading the below passages, I thought that what Hitler wrote is very true. Arguably, the whole zeitgeist of the West today is to try to violate the laws of Nature and believe that it is possible to get away with it!:


Ultimate wisdom always consists in understanding the instinctive causes—that is:  a man must never fall into the madness of believing that he has really risen to be lord and master over Nature—which is so easily induced by the conceit of half-education—but must understand the fundamental necessity of Nature’s rule, and realize how much his existence is subject to these laws of eternal combat and upward struggle. Then he will sense that in a universe where planets revolve around suns, and moons turn about planets, where force alone forever masters weakness, compelling it to be an obedient servant or else crushing it, there can be no special laws for man. For him, too, the eternal principles of this ultimate wisdom hold sway. He can try to grasp them; but escape them, never.

When man tries to rebel against the iron logic of Nature, he comes into conflict with principles to which he himself owes his existence as man. And so his action against Nature must lead to his own downfall. I:11
Here too, of course, Nature can be mocked for a certain time, but her revenge will not fail to appear.  It just takes time to manifest itself, or rather, it is often recognized too late by man. I:10
Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands. I:2
. . . This planet once moved through space for millions of years without human beings, and it can do so again some day if men forget that they owe their higher existence, not to the ideas of a few crazy ideologues, but to the knowledge and ruthless application of Nature’s iron-clad laws. I:11
. . . It is life alone that all things must serve. I:8
Matt Koehl Real men

Litmus test

As I said in my last comment, what I liked most about the New Order is the assertion that the true National Socialist devotes himself body and soul to the sacred words (words that are sometimes coded with the number 88). This couldn’t be further removed from, say, the conservative commenters at The Unz Review, who believe that just by posting a couple of comments a day they have done their job!

Being a true National Socialist involves being as active as the Germans of the 1930s, chasing the holy words, and if that is currently illegal in Germany and Austria, it would still involve being extremely active (say, emigrating to a Third World country and blogging from here in the German language!).

Incidentally, I continue to read the New Order printed material that I got in the mail and would like to say something about NS Bulletin number 361. What I liked most about this issue were the words of Kerr, ‘National Socialism is a dynamic, living entity, and not merely the fossilized remains of…’ in the article ‘One-Hundred Years of NS’ which, online, can be read here. NS Bulletin 361 also contains an English translation of Hitler’s first political document. In 1982 Matt Koehl had the translation made from German into English, and it can be read here.

So, from now on, we know the litmus test of who is really a National Socialist, as opposed to a mere sympathiser. Someone might reply that there are white nationalists who work all day long for the cause. But the huge difference is that, unlike Hitler and the NS power elite of the last century, they have not transvalued Xtian values back to Aryan values. What the movement needs is transvalued people who want to dedicate themselves body and soul to the cause. Otherwise, they will be incapable of behaving like Kalki when the historic opportunity comes our way.