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Christendom Francis Parker Yockey Nicolaus Copernicus Revilo Oliver Universalism

Revilo Oliver on “Imperium”

Under the pseudonym of Ulick Varange, Francis Parker Yockey’s two-volume Imperium was published ten years before I was born and was dedicated “To the hero of the Second World War,” about whom some reviewers speculate was Hitler. The following excerpts come from a subsequent edition: an introduction authored by Dr. Revilo Oliver. They resonate with […]


Greg Johnson on Christianity

The following are responses of Greg Johnson to Christian sympathizers at Occidental Dissent right after the Breivik incident (slightly edited): Kievsky, Before you draw conclusions about the usefulness of Christianity as a vehicle for White racial preservation, you need to read the Breivik manifesto. First, in the name of Christian Universalism, for instance, he advocates […]

Francis Parker Yockey

Excerpts of “The world in flames”

Recently at Counter-Currents I read Francis Parker Yockey’s “The world in flames”, published at the height of the Cold War, in 1961: eight months after this dense, brilliant intellectual was liquidated in what was probably a planned prison murder by the United States. No ellipsis added between unquoted paragraphs: Francis Parker Yockey 1917 – 1960 […]


Secession, our only hope…

The idea of fighting for a republic populated only by Whites; to secede from a degenerated America, boggled my mind back in 2009 when I read Michael O’Meara’s seminal articles “Toward the White Republic” and “The Sword” at The Occidental Quarterly. Today, two years later, at The Occidental Observer (TOO) Farnham O’Reilly has been publishing […]

Egalitarianism Francis Parker Yockey

How the Jews took over America

or Why every decent person should become an anti-Semite: Second reason A must-read piece by Francis Parker Yockey that I’ve just read thanks to Counter-Currents Publishing (here) throws incredible light on the Jewish Problem. He published it in January 1955: ten years before the 1965 Immigration Act (the subject-matter of a coming entry). The early […]

Eastern Orthodox Church Israel / Palestine Kevin MacDonald Napoleon

A hostile elite

or Why every decent person should become an anti-Semite: First reason Today I read “Stalin’s willing executioners: Jews as a hostile elite in the USSR” by Prof. Kevin MacDonald: a book-review of Yuri Slezkine’s The Jewish Century (Princeton University Press, 2004). Since MacDonald’s magnificent review is 17,000 words, I decided to cut it by half. […]

“…then you are in sad shape”

Perhaps those who have been following my little trilogy (here, here and here) may be interested in the intelligent comments by Daybreaker today at Age of Treason about the recent incident at the counter-jihad site Gates of Vienna. Daybreaker wrote: I wasn’t participating in the conversation, but I read both threads, and… the impression I […]

Benito Mussolini Jerusalem

America will be destroyed with the Jews

Editor’s note: Under another title this essay by Kerry Bolton appeared in three instalments at Counter-Currents Publishing:   “If your paper is to continue its excellent work of opposing the policy of the Jew, please do not fight Russia also, for we in Europe look upon it as the only hope to prevent Jewish world […]

A debate with smart white nationalists

Kievsky’s recent article “What’s Wrong with White Americans?” provoked an exchange between smart white nationalists and those clueless about racial issues that moved me to quote excerpts of it (no ellipsis added between unquoted sentences): Cameron said… @ Matt Parrott But hopefully you can understand, from that framework, why I believe it’s imperative that we […]


Scolding Takuan Seiyo

Freyja’s cats is the penname of a German-American woman. Takuan Seiyo is the penname of a half-Jew, half-Polish man. With an American passport and married to a Japanese, half-Jew “Seiyo” now lives in Japan. The following is a sister article to the entry “Tanstaafl et al on Takuan Seiyo”: a collection of posts that I […]