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Title translation:

‘Evropa Soberana presents The heretic’s arsenal – great personalities advocate eugenics’.


Green v. Jones

Adam Green vs E. Michael Jones – Is Christianity a Jewish Ploy?

Only ten minutes into this debate, I think Green’s point is so accurate that I’m adding this entry even though I still have more than an hour of listening to do…

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Adam Green, 2

‘When you make a Jew God, then you make all Jews God.’ —Adam Green

Nick Fuentes and E. Michael Jones, heroes in some American racial right circles for their anti-Semitism, are exposed as the traitors they are to the West from the opening minutes of Green’s most recent video. If anyone watches that video, don’t miss what a rabbi said around the 36th minute (which reminds me of my Thursday post on Adam Green). And another orthodox rabbi says something similar around minute 44.

After minute 54 Green defends himself against Fuentes’ unfounded accusations of calling him a Jew. Even worse is to hear a Protestant pastor talk about the ‘debt we all owe the Jews’ after minute 58. This sermon by an influential pastor in the US shows why I say that Christians, traitors to their race, are more detrimental to our cause than Jews.

Best quote of the episode we hear at about 1: 12: ‘The real redpill is when you realise that Christianity is a Jewish trap, a Jewish deception.’ And at 1:34 Green says he will make another video about the anti-white campaign that is going on. Near 1:38 he responds to the chats and concludes that, if you don’t want a Jew-dominated West, you have to understand that Christianity is the cause of it.

Since I’m no longer visiting the racial right sites precisely because they don’t want to see the elephant in the room, I wonder if any of them has invited Green to any of their podcasts?

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Translation of one of the final quotations from the article:

Christianity – and this was its greatest merit – subdued to some extent the brutal warlike ardour of the Germans, but it could not break it entirely, and when the Cross, that restraining talisman, falls to pieces, then the ferocity of the ancient fighters, the frenzied berserker fury of which the Norse poets have said and sung so much, will be released again. The talisman has rotted, and the day will come when it will crumble painfully into dust. The old stone gods will then rise from the forgotten ruins, and wipe from their eyes the dust of centuries, and Thor, with his giant hammer, will rise again. When you hear the tread of boots and the clash of weapons, ye sons of his neighbours, be on your guard… perchance he will unleash himself upon you.

Richard Wagner

The Master-Singers of Nuremberg

Wow, I have just listened, complete, in four nights as it lasts over four hours, The Master-Singers of Nuremberg (original title, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg): an opera in three acts with music and libretto in German by Richard Wagner. I didn’t plan to post anything after I finished watching it but Hans Sachs’ final speech at the end of Act III—in fact, the culmination of the opera—made a huge impression on me:

Beware! Evil tricks threaten us; if the German people and kingdom should one day decay under a false, foreign rule, soon no prince would understand his people; and foreign mists with foreign vanities they would plant in our German land; what is German and true none would know, if it did not live in the honour of German masters. Therefore I say to you: honour your German masters, then you will conjure up good spirits! And if you favour their endeavours, even if the Holy Roman Empire should dissolve in mist, for us there would yet remain holy German Art!

After WWII the words I italicised above (‘if the German people and kingdom should one day decay under a false, foreign rule, soon no prince would understand his people’) became prophetic. But if Wagner’s poetry is right, as long as the German people do not break contact with the soul of their race,[1] they can still be saved.

A small piece of advice for those who want to be introduced to Wagner’s art.

Watching his operas on YouTube is not recommended: art loses most of its numinousness. You have to go to the fancy opera house with all the ritual that goes with it and see the characters in their live costumes. I had to watch it on YouTube because I hadn’t seen Die Meistersinger and could not afford the trip to Bayreuth. (Besides, in recent years those in charge of Wagner’s legacy have betrayed the theatrical staging.)

I would suggest that the initiate simply listen, repeatedly, the majestic overture to Die Meistersinger and the long, elegiac prelude to Act III that shows a pensive Sachs in the privacy of his home.

If this truly Aryan music has been assimilated, you could watch the final half-hour of the interpretation I watched tonight, where Sachs delivers his speech to his beloved people of Nuremberg. The problem is that the subtitles of this interpretation are in French and Spanish. I could understand the plot, but not everyone knows those languages.


[1] Speaking of saving the German spirit from the foreign forces of occupation, Savitri’s book, which I am proofreading, will not be ready until February.

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Translation of some of the concluding paragraphs:

You have heard how in ancient times it was said, “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”. But I say to you, blessed are the brave, for they shall make the earth their throne. And you have heard the man say, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they shall enter the kingdom of heaven”. But I say unto you, blessed are they whose soul is great and whose spirit is free, for they shall enter into Valhalla. And you have heard men say, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of the Lord”. But I say unto you, blessed are they that make war, for they shall be called, not sons of Jehovah but sons of Wotan, who is greater than Jehovah. And I say to you finally that Wotan has put a heart of stone in our breast, that those words of the old Scandinavian saga came from a true Viking, and that a man born of such a race is proud that he was not bred to feel pity.

• Christianity was a subversive movement of agitation against Rome, against Greece and ultimately against the European world.

• We have to assume that what has come down to us from the culture of antiquity is only a tiny part of what was there and that it was taken away from us by the Judeo-Christian destruction.

• Christianity, as a slave rebellion devised and led by Jews to destroy Roman power (and, ultimately, all European power), was and is a doctrine aimed at turning vigorous peoples into tame flocks.

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Bled in Slovenia

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

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Editor’s note: The following is a translation of the first paragraphs of the author’s conclusions on his second instalment of the Rome-Judea conflict.


– The Greeks and Romans, in their Olympian naivety (and I say this because only a naive person could think of banning the Torah, Shabbat or Brit Milah without realising that Jewry would rather die in one piece than renounce its traditions), were too short-sighted and too superficial in their treatment of the Jewish problem. They also showed themselves to be unaware of the particularities that differentiated the Jews from the other Semitic peoples of the Near East and thought that they could place their temples and statues there as if it were just another well-Hellenised and well-Persianised Arab or Syrian province. The persistence of identity that the Jews had shown did not make the unconcerned Romans think enough.

– The Romans’ conviction that they were the bearers of a superior culture made them fall into a fatal error: they thought that one culture could be valid for the whole of humanity and exported to peoples of different ethnicity. The Hellenisation and Romanisation of East and North Africa had only one effect: ethnic chaos, the Balkanisation of Rome itself, strife and, finally, the emergence of Christianity.

– Even using the brute force of its legions, Rome was slow to realise that the Jews, in their resentment and lust for revenge, did not care to slaughter waves and waves of individuals if it meant annihilating a single Roman detachment. This fundamentalist fanaticism, which went beyond the rational, must have astounded the Romans, who were not used to seeing a militarily ill-equipped people immolate themselves in such a convinced manner, their minds filled with blind faith in a jealous, vengeful, abstract and tyrannical god. What the Jews call Yahweh and in Europe became known as Jehovah is undoubtedly an extremely real will, and a force opposed to the Olympian and solar gods of the European peoples, the height of which was the Greco-Roman Zeus-Jupiter.

– The revolutionary and agitational vocation of Jewry was born here.

Evropa Soberana writes above: ‘They also showed themselves to be unaware of the particularities that differentiated the Jews from the other Semitic peoples of the Near East’. Quite right. The Romans tried to apply to Judea the same medicine they had previously applied to another Semitic people, those living in Carthage. The big difference is that the Jews were not like the Carthaginians. As an act of revenge after the Temple of Jerusalem was destroyed, they left us a little gift: Christianity, as we will see in tomorrow’s PDF. (It is worth having the original PDF in Spanish of what we call here the ‘masthead’ of this site.)

European beauty

Caernarfon Castle, Wales