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Free speech / association


This is a postscript to my post yesterday on the imprisonment of two Englishmen for what Orwell called thoughtcrime. I find it strange that the sites that allegedly defend white people who rebel against the System have not, to date (they were jailed on the 4th of this month) said anything about this case, while the old sage of the video I embedded in yesterday’s entry is not one of us. For the same reason, I will leave this postscript for a few days without adding new entries. Let’s see if, this way, some who belong to the English or American WN ‘movement’ will start saying something in their forums!

Since as editor-in-chief of this site, The West’s Darkest Hour, I maintained a certain friendship with Tyrone Patten-Walsh (pen name for this site: ‘Joseph Walsh’), I feel compelled to link to some of the articles Walsh wrote for this site, or in which Walsh was closely associated with the content; for example, the podcasts we maintained before the System cancelled our SoundCloud account.

But first I would like to link to an October 16, 2018 article by the other Englishman, Christopher Gibbons (pen name for this site: ‘Chris White’), also imprisoned for thoughtcrime, which we published on this site: ‘The day Covington died’. Like the well-known Paul Ray Ramsey (Ramzpaul), who visited Harold Covington and even posted videos talking to Covington on YouTube, Chris tried to visit him but had the very bad luck that Covington died right after Chris arrived in the US!

Walsh’s entries are as follows. Since in many of them, the links to the podcasts are broken due to the cancellation of our SoundCloud account, at least you can read the comments from visitors in the comments section.


The 1st commandment (15 June 2013)


White Nationalism: a pathetic joke (30 July 2015)


Modern-day national socialists (4 May 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 1 (2 June 2017)

Alex Linder was the special guest on our very first podcast.

WDH Radio Show episode 2 (12 June 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 3 (22 June 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 4 (17 July 2017)

Letter from Joseph (29 July 2017)

From Joseph Walsh’s desk (9 August 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 5 (30 August 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 6 (30 September 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 7 (15 October 2017)

Diagnosing white decline (30 October 2017)

WDH Radio Show episode 8 (25 November 2017)

A podcast for Britons (10 December 2017)

Walsh quote (12 December 2017)

Walsh quote (14 December 2017)


WDH Radio Show – Episode 9 (8 April 2018)

Walsh quote (25 April 2018)

Revolutionary podcast (28 April 2018)

Hitler or extinction (16 August 2018)


Satan (March 17, 2019)

Black Wolf Radio (10 May 2019)

Free speech / association

Tyrone, Chris

and the UK

Just today I learned of something that happened a couple of weeks ago, about the subject of my post last month that two Londoners, who had commented on this site—Tyrone Patten-Walsh and Christopher Gibbons—had been prosecuted and found guilty for what they said on Chris’ podcast Black Wolf Radio.

I met both of them in August 2014 when I attended a peaceful BNP demonstration outside London. After the peaceful demonstration, I went with the whole group of young English men for a beer in a pub. While it is true that Tyrone and Chris liked revolutionary novels, such as what Harold Covington wrote, they never told me, either personally or by correspondence (I used to exchange emails with both of them, especially Tyrone) that they planned to do anything illegal. Ever.

Since, as I said in my post last year, the judge, prosecutors or even the System news story I reproduce below, fail to quote verbatim what Chris and Tyrone were saying in Black Wolf Radio I used to listen to, I assume they were jailed simply for thoughtcrime—the kind of pronouncements about which they would never have been jailed in the United States of America, thanks to that country’s First Amendment.

I’ve said it a couple of times and it bears repeating: Bloggers or podcasters who live in Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand should consider moving to the third world (where I’ve chosen to live). This is what podcaster Gonzalo Lira, murdered this month by the Kiev regime, advised. Gonzalo was murdered precisely because he failed to comply with his own advice (Ukraine is not third world but second world, and it is illegal there to criticise the Kiev regime).

Below I reproduce the System’s text on imprisonment, apparently for thoughtcrime, as they fail to cite verbatim whether it is true that Chris and Tyrone instigated others to commit terrorist acts. Pay particular attention to the penultimate paragraph, insofar as it suggests that it was thoughtcrime (‘homophobic, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and misogynistic comments’) rather than terrorist plots, or encouraging others to commit terrorist attacks, what has been punished this month:

Neo-Nazis who targeted [really?—Ed.] Prince Archie jailed for 15 Years

Two far-right British podcasters who encouraged acts of violence [really?—Ed.] against ethnic minorities as well as making derogatory comments about public figures including Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s son, Prince Archie, have been jailed for a total of 15 years.

Christopher Gibbons, 40, and Tyrone Patten-Walsh, 36, were jailed on January 4 after being convicted of committing crimes under the Terrorism Act 2006, between March 2019 and February 2020.

Gibbons and Patten-Walsh were both found guilty on eight counts each of encouraging acts of terrorism, with Gibbons convicted of two additional counts of dissemination of terrorist publications.

Gibbons received an eight-year prison sentence and Patten-Walsh seven years.

The two men from London were arrested in 2021 following an investigation by the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command that focused on material they created, including what the police described as a “neo-Nazi online podcast.”

Titled Black Wolf Radio the 21-episode chat show contained a number of homophobic, racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic and misogynistic comments, some targeted at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex and their son.

In June 2022, prosecutor Anne Whyte QC told a London court, per the BBC, that Gibbons had described Prince Archie as an “abomination that should be put down.”

Gibbons also claimed that Prince Harry should be “prosecuted and found guilty and judicially killed for treason.”

Discussing the sentencing, the Met Police’s Counter Terrorism Commander, Dominic Murphy, said per a press release that Gibbons and Patten-Walsh’s material was “exactly the kind that has the potential to draw vulnerable people—particularly young people—into terrorism.”

“We are determined to identify and hold to account individuals pushing this material. In this case, officers reviewed hours-upon-hours of material to present a compelling case,” he said. “I hope this case and today’s sentencing sends a clear message that there are serious consequences for those who share terrorist material or encourage others to become involved in terrorism.”

Gonzalo Lira used to say in his videos that the repression of dissidents was going to escalate terribly in the West shortly. Now even I don’t feel safe visiting the UK again; for example, for having quoted extensively passages from Covington’s novel The Brigade on this site. By the standards that imprisoned Chris and Tyrone perhaps those novel quotes could be interpreted by the English justice system as ‘incitement to terrorism’ or something similar. So—

Goodbye, England!

From the comments section of the above-embedded video about the Chris & Tyrone case:

• ‘The other problems with such laws is that Police and Judges are left with the almost godlike decisions to prosecute’.

• ‘Government should never be able to tell us what we can and cannot say’.

• ‘7 and 8 years seems pretty harsh considering that judges routinely hand out joke sentences to people who actually do harm to others’.

• ‘Their sentence including Islamophobia means criticising the religion of child rapists comes with a 7 or 8 year prison sentence. Britain has Sharia now’.

• ‘In Scotland you can sit at your dinner table and if someone says something you don’t like you can report them to the police’.

• ‘Verbal attacks on Whites are ignored, while the very same words pointed towards minorities will [make] the law fall upon the speaker like a ton of bricks’.

• ‘As an English man in England I’ll think and speak my mind truthfully and factually. F the government’.

• ‘Shouting “fire” in a crowded theater is welcome when you believe there is a fire, and is then a moral duty!’

• ‘Free speech is a myth—every debate about free speech soon turns into a discussion about restrictions on free speech. Even those that say “I believe in free speech” always follow it with the word “but” and then go on to describe the restrictions they want imposed on speech’.

And so on…


Bjorn Andreas

In the second video, Norwegian Bjorn Andreas talks about anti-white racism but within the limits allowed by YouTube’s thoughtpolice. Near the end of the second one, he says that Nordids like him should know ‘who we are’. (The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to read Pierce’s book with precisely that title.)

Energy / peak oil


These days, weeks and months ahead are going to be a little crazy as far as my life is concerned. My siblings have decided to sell the mansion where I live and today, for example, some real estate agents are coming to photograph it. But I wanted to talk about something else.

Yesterday I was watching videos on YouTube about people saying they are fleeing Canada because it’s becoming hell in every way we can imagine. I also saw videos about the homeless in California, where I lived for just over a couple of years in the eighties, and now it is unrecognisable. But there are not only zombies who are homeless in California, but in Philadelphia and even in Denver and Vancouver and the number of videos about them is enormous.

Using the metaphor of Bran the Broken, who in addition to seeing the past could sometimes have isolated visual glimpses of what the future might be, I had imagined exactly these scenarios after the collapse of the dollar, but not before. That means that, although the dollar has not yet hyperinflated, the collapse has in fact already begun in North America. And with Biden’s sabotage of Germany by dynamiting the gas pipelines that came from Russia, fortunately, it is already reaching Europe as well.

Of course, these videos, which there is no point in linking to because there are tons of them, are only a warning of what is coming big time after the collapse. I definitely suggest that visitors who see them get that glimpse, à la Bran, of what is to come in a much more extensive and widespread way.

Sometimes I have come to think that if those movies and television series about starving zombies that swarm the streets of a dystopian future have become so popular, it’s because the Aryan collective unconscious already sensed it, although not as perfectly conscious as those of us who are aware of what the energy devolution will cause.

Eschatology Mauricio (commenter)

Before I die

by Mauricio

How I wish to witness this Malthusian disaster [energy devolution] first hand.

I practically live for this reckoning, this Final Solution to the Christian Problem. Everything else is a distraction.

The oil wells eventually dry up. Industry and commerce slow to a crawl. Mass unemployment. Skyrocketing inflation until money becomes worthless. Poverty, crime, riots. Anarchy rises.

The System becomes increasingly draconian. Border conflicts erupting everywhere. Infrastructure is gradually destroyed. Mass starvation follows. Mercenary armies murderously repress rebellions. Armies turn rogue and create small enclaves. Then the nukes drop. Cities evaporated. Huge clouds of radioactive dust. All that useless human trash starving and rotting.

Kalki’s age indeed. I must see it before I die.

Free speech / association Obituaries



According to Tucker Carlson:

Gonzalo Lira, Sr. says his son has died at 55 in a Ukrainian prison, where he was being held for the crime of criticizing the Zelensky and Biden governments. Gonzalo Lira was an American citizen, but the Biden administration clearly supported his imprisonment and torture. Several weeks ago we spoke to his father, who predicted his son would be killed.

Chilean-American blogger Gonzalo Lira, known as ‘CoachRedPill’ and aged 55, resided in Kharkov and transitioned from blogging to YouTube commentary following the escalation of the conflict with Russia in February 2022. He was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine last May on charges of discrediting the Ukrainian leadership and military.

I liked Gonzalo Lira’s humour. His gestures mocking the madness of the powerful in the West were sometimes similar to mine.

Alas, Gonzalo didn’t follow his own advice: emigrate to the Third World (his native Chile would have been fine) to avoid the thoughtpolice. He went, of all places, to Ukraine to tell the truth about the war! The Ukrainian thoughtpolice arrested him and apparently killed him with the same methods as many killed in the Gulag: unsanitary conditions in prison. Watch what Youtubber Styxhexenhammer666 said today about the murder of Gonzalo Lira here.

Indo-European heritage Music


This is a response to the ongoing debate about my Wednesday post ‘Part of the System’.

I can’t weigh in on the issue Thankmar and Vlad Tepes debate because I woke up racially until after half a century of existence, and never had time to read in-depth the authors Thankmar or Vlad mention (e.g. The Edda, compilations of stories related to Norse mythology, and what scholars debate about it). But even from my ignorance of these classics, I can contribute my two cents.

Recall what on pages 149-156 of my book Daybreak I wrote about Johann Sebastian Bach in the context of what Thankmar says: Christian propaganda. I think that in what I wrote there is the key to this matter.

Let’s think about Hitler. He was indeed initiated spiritually with Richard Wagner, as Savitri well saw in her book. But when I saw my first Wagnerian opera I was surprised that, at the end, Tannhäuser repudiated Venus and invoked the Virgin Mary! Wagner acted as a transitional bridge between a purely Christian art (like Bach’s St Matthew Passion) and an art that, although still inspired by Christianity, already has pagan elements, like Tannhäuser or Parsifal.

In other words, we must be tolerant of these ‘bridges’. When the Third Reich was already underway, Richard Strauss, a fanatic Wagnerian, even left behind the Christian tail that Wagner still suffered from, and composed the symphonic poem I like best of his, Thus Spake Zarathustra, his opus 30. Strauss himself acknowledged that that symphonic poem was ‘freely inspired in Nietzsche’ and he also composed some operas. (Many years ago I was lent the visual DVD of Strauss’ Elektra, based on the Greek myth according to Sophocles’ tragedy.)

So, considering that musically Strauss was heavily influenced by Wagner, and that Hitler himself also was a fanatic Wagnerian, why not be tolerant of bridges? Ultimately, that bridge, from the Christian Bach to the half-pagan Wagner, lead to Strauss and eventually to us (as a child and pubescent I listened a lot of times to the LP we see on the left). It could even be argued, as I do in the featured post, that Hitler and Rosenberg themselves could be bridges to an even more refined NS than the one they promoted (an Aryan Jesus, etc.).

Because of the majesty of the music, I can enjoy Wagner’s Parsifal without being much bothered by the Christian inspiration precisely because it already represents a breakthrough, or bridge, to our side of the Wall.

Chris Martenson Energy / peak oil


Before understanding why the coming energy devolution will be apocalyptic, one must first understand what energy is. These days Chris Martenson has been uploading several videos on the subject.

This is just the last one.

'Hitler' (book by Brendan Simms) Alexis de Tocqueville

Hitler, 18

In chapter 3 of Brendan Simms’ book on Hitler we can read:

Hitler now moved to reorganize and expand the NSDAP. By the end of 1921, membership stood at about 6,000. The party moved from Sterneckerbräu to larger premises at Corneliusstrasse 12. Local groups were founded in Hanover, Zwickau and Dortmund. Hitler tightened his control over the party, including the cells outside Germany. In the spring of 1922 the Austrian and Bohemian NSDAP accepted Hitler’s authority. Collegial decision-making was abolished…

Ideological purity rather than control for its own sake seems to have been his main concern.

The day before yesterday I mentioned a recent article by Matt Parrott just to quote a few comments from its comments section, but I omitted the subject of the article: the recent demise of a racialist party in his country that had barely been formed.

Early critics of the United States told great truths about that country: truths that now seem much harder to see. Alexis de Tocqueville in his famous book wrote that freedom of speech did exist in the newly formed nation across the Atlantic, as long as opinion was confined to the paradigm accepted by most Americans.

Born on July 29, 1805, into a family of royalists that lost several of its members during the period known as The Terror of the French Revolution, the fall of Robespierre in 1794 spared Alexis’s parents from the guillotine. For that reason, he was suspicious of the revolutionaries all his life, and let’s remember that the ideologies that led to the founding of the US and modern France were twinned.

Alexis accepted a government mission to travel to the United States to study its prison system; his stay there lasted nine months. The fruit of this trip was a work on American prisons but his stay served him to deepen his analysis of the American political and social systems, which he described in his work Democracy in America (1835-1840).

Let us now think about the above quote from Simms’ book on the party that Hitler founded and Parrott’s piece. It is curious how the Old World without a First Amendment to the US Constitution, written in such clear prose, was de facto more tolerant than what is now happening in the New World. Someone might retort to me that Europe is currently more intolerant about us than the US, and it is true. But we should not forget the free speech gag laws that the Allies imposed in Germany and Austria after WWII.

Only when the dollar collapses and the US government has to withdraw the huge number of military bases it has around the world, including those still existing in Germany, will it be possible to see again the Teutonic character unmolested by the country Alexis visited.

Kalki Racial right

Part of the System

Apparently, Robert Morgan is the only commenter who consistently speaks the truth to the conservatives at The Unz Review, who sometimes strike me as such dunces that I’ve quoted many times what, over the years, Morgan has said in various threads. But in the thread on a Matt Parrott article posted yesterday at Counter-Currents, the commenters aren’t far behind:

Commenter X said: Nazi fetishism is cancer.

Commenter Y said: There’s obviously problems in America, but there’s a difference between going after the state… and just needlessly hating your own country.

Commenter Z said: Prior to the 1960s, the overwhelming majority of white Christians understood race, and they upheld a moral version of Capitalism that…

Here’s what I replied to Morgan the day before yesterday:

Not even white nationalists can handle the truth. I have told them a million times that when Christianity was healthy in the Americas, the Spanish and Portuguese stained their blood to the point that their descendants became mestizos, and these Iberians did so throughout the continent.

The Catholicism of the Counter-Reformation was responsible for this loss of the genotype of the Iberian whites at a continental level. But since then the Jews were controlled by the Spanish Inquisition (we are talking about the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries when miscegenation was consummated), the racial right doesn’t pay attention to these historical facts simply because they break their cherished paradigm: that Christianity was recently corrupted by the Jews.

The truth is that since Constantine founded his so-called Second Rome, universalist Christianity has been a machinery of miscegenation.

I increasingly have contempt, if not hatred, for a racial right that is capable of comments such as those we read in The Unz Review or those quoted above. My response to Vlad Tepes on Saturday explains why I loathe them so much. But my response that same day to Mauricio gives me some calm, because I know that Kalki’s time is coming, and he will sweep away all these lukewarm whites who claim to defend their race but in reality are part of the System.