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Dominion (book)

Dominion, 6

Or: How the Woke monster originated The following quotes are taken from the chapter ‘Exodus: 632’ of Dominion. Tom Holland begins by talking about something the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius did: forcefully baptise the Carthaginian Jews. As we have seen in my criticism of Richard Wagner from a week ago, this is a fatal error. The […]

Dominion (book) Emperor Julian So-called saints

Dominion, 4

Or: How the Woke monster originated For previous instalments of this series, see here, here and here. When I first read Nietzsche when I was seventeen, I was very confused. At the time I wanted to rebel against my father’s traumatic Catholicism the way normies did and still do: through modern freethinker thought. I didn’t […]

Friedrich Nietzsche


I would like to add to what I said yesterday. While it is true that suppressing the errors of both Wagner’s and Nietzsche’s worldviews, while assimilating their insights, produces a Hitlerian synthesis (by which I mean the critical view of Judeo-Christianity that the Führer confessed to his closest friends), the Wagner/Nietzsche thesis-antithesis was, and remains, […]

Kali Yuga Kalki

Savitri & Eduardo

Or: To whom this site is dedicated As promised in this comment when I announced the PDF of Savitri Devi’s book, the entry below this post translates, from Spanish into English, an essay that Eduardo Velasco published on his now-defunct webzine Evropa Soberana. The subject is Hinduism: a fundamental topic to understanding Savitri’s point of […]

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Exterminationism Hinduism Roger Penrose

The fate of the world according to the Indo-Aryans

Editor’s note: Below is an English translation of one of the articles that originally appeared in the Evropa Soberana webzine, whose Spanish backup we recently uploaded to this site. As it is an article of more than 7,000 words, for those who don’t want to read it all I have put in bold the sentences […]

Dominion (book)

Dominion, 3

Or: How the Woke monster originated Eusebius claims in his Ecclesiastical History that, as a young man, Origen secretly paid a physician to surgically castrate him: a claim which affected Origen’s reputation for centuries, as demonstrated by these 15th-century depictions of Origen castrating himself.   ______ 卐 ______   In what follows I will comment […]

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 51

Click here Translation of must-read paragraphs: At this stage of globalisation there is no longer any doubt that those who dominate the world today are not interested in allowing the individual to rise and cultivate his creativity, fruitfulness and power, let alone allowing various individuals outside the circles of power to unite and behave as […]

Hinduism Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quotes

I have always, however, been pleasantly struck by the understanding I have encountered, as a Hitlerite, among orthodox Hindus of all castes. I have related the episode of the young Shudra, with the beautiful historical name of Khudiram, who showed more sense of true values—and a more accurate appreciation of Adolf Hitler’s role—than all the […]

Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book)

Savitri quote

[…] the rapid disappearance of the sense of the sacred, the resurgence of the technical spirit and, above all, the disordered proliferation of man in inverse proportion to his quality. Also, while knowing that they could only be, in the name of Christian anthropocentrism, his worst adversaries, Adolf Hitler was careful not to attack the […]

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 42

Click here Translation of a single paragraph: The rise of East Asia and China as a superpower is a direct consequence of globalisation and the consumerist and materialistic religion established in the new cathedrals of the West: the shopping malls. The culprits: the financial castes of London, New York and Frankfurt, and their frontmen in […]