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Against the Fall of Night (novel) Lord of the Rings Neanderthalism Technology

Promethean fire

‘The Stars are not for man’
—a quote from Karellen
Childhood’s End (novel).

The following is a response to a comment in another thread about Robert Morgan.

My take on technology is different. I believe that the human race, whites included, are not ready for the Promethean fire—technology. It’s like empowering the Neanderthals with such fire: they would only destroy the world with it. Google how tons of nuclear waste are stored throughout the world and you get a Chernobyl-like picture for the future of planet Earth!

As a mortal enemy of Christian ethics, unlike ‘universal love’ I propose the opposite: ‘the extermination of the Neanderthals’. I would summarise it by paraphrasing Jesus: ‘Many genes will be called but few will be chosen’ in the day of wrath.

Morgan has failed to answer properly what would have happened in a world where Hitler had won the war. I very much doubt that that world would be as racially destructive as our world, in which Sauron won the war. Morgan assumes that, sooner or later, a triumphant Third Reich would misuse technology as much as the triumphant Allies (Sauron).

It would be fun if you discussed with Morgan at Unz Review. He is completely anti-tech. This is how the Anti-tech article on Wikipedia starts: ‘Neo-Luddism or new Luddism is a philosophy opposing many forms of modern technology. The word Luddite is generally used as a derogatory term applied to people showing technophobic leanings. The name is based on the historical legacy of the English Luddites, who were active between 1811 and 1816’. Morgan goes further. He endorses Ted Kaczynski, a.k.a., the Unabomber, and even Charles Manson for reasons still unclear to me.

Differences aside, Morgan has a point. As Kenneth Clark observed in his 1969 television series, ‘The only people who saw through industrialism in those early days were the poets. Blake, as everybody knows, thought that mills were the work of Satan. “Oh Satan, my youngest born… thy work is Eternal death with Mills and Ovens and Cauldrons”.’

Tolkien also saw it. His Lord of the Rings was a metaphor against how industrialisation in England murdered the beloved Shire of his childhood. As a protector of the forests, I’m as outraged as Ents at the widespread felling of trees by Saruman’s Orcs.

Evropa Soberana has also complained about how technological civilisation degrades the white man and Nature itself.

And, as I have stated many times on this site, ‘The Course of Empire is a five-part series of paintings created by Thomas Cole in 1833-1836. It reflected popular American sentiments of the times when many saw pastoralism as the ideal phase of human civilisation, fearing that empire would lead to gluttony and inevitable decay’ (see the five paintings by Cole: here).

Morgan seems to be saying that only after the fifth painting the surviving whites may regain their sanity again, always provided they never, ever try to surpass the pastoralist stage. Like Overlord Karellen, an extraterrestrial visitor of planet Earth, Morgan has made it very clear that humans will never be ready for the Promethean fire.

In my second book of the trilogy I propose something different: a mutated Aryan in an Earth populated exclusively by whites could finally be allowed to reach the stars. But from the psychogenic point of view, certainly He would be an altogether different White Man compared to those we see now. I refer to the development of the soul and, particularly, empathy: including empathy towards the animals, our Führer’s dream.

Unlike the Overman, present-day humans still have the soul of a Neanderthal (‘You have evolved from worm to man, but much within you is still worm’—Thus Spake Zarathustra).

In a blog entry it is difficult to convey the idea of what do I mean by surpassing the psychoclass that most humans belong to. But you can read the first novella by Arthur Clarke to get a rough idea: Against the Fall of Night and pay special attention to the city of Lys.

Christian art Technology

Morgan on the JQ

Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen, an important artist working in Amsterdam at a time when it was a flourishing town, has made all the protagonists of the Passion go up to Mount Calvary: the ‘Veronica’, the ‘Magdalene’, Mary and the disciples—all whites!—while blond angels collect the drops of Jesus’ blood. It is striking that a few centuries ago the European mentality imagined the ancient Jews that way, especially because in Amsterdam they really knew how Jews looked like.

Below, yesterday’s comment by Robert Morgan about the Jewish question and technology. I do recommend visitors to watch the recent miniseries Chernobyl, of only five episodes, to see why Man is not ready for the Promethean fire.

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In my view, whites have been primarily victims not of the Jews, or any other group, but of their own collective technological ingenuity. Jews are a problem, but in the final analysis, they only have as much power as whites allow them to have. Christian morality is also a problem, but here again we are dealing with something that is within white control. It too only has the power whites give it. On the other hand, I see technological development as inherently hostile to race preservation, and touch on it here, in a comment on another thread.

I think if the technological system survives, the white race is doomed. The system has great resilience, but if it crashes or is made to crash, there is hope. However, in order to be effective at saving the white race, any crash would have to be worldwide and permanent, or the parts of the system that were still functioning would simply regenerate, re-establish control, and the problem would continue.

Degenerate art Technology

Vig’s epistle

Hi Cesar,

I wanted to write a comment relating to your post of “MacDonald the lapsed Catholic”, but as usual the text became too long so I decided like last time to mail it to you first. You have my permission to use it for WDH under the name Vig if you want.

Yes, as I said before your site is as far as I know the only site where the core question as to what causes the decline and the looming extinction of the white race or Aryans if you want, is being discussed in a consequent way. Again, this is beyond praise because there is no other way to initiate awareness about it.

Personally I have reached a saturation with the format of blogging and want to move to more practical ways to live up to my insights. What I see as a disadvantage of blogging is that one does not see the face of contributors and that most of them have a short breath as far as tackling the depth of a presented issue. Posting a comment as I saw on other blogs soon descends into a tit for tat of arguments that is more like a mental combat to show tactical superiority instead of slowly carving ones way to the depth of an issue.

Anyway reminding commentators not to digress, is very important.

Inspired by all the posts that I read on WDH the last year I have spiralled my way into an understanding of things that I want to share here. It relates especially to the MacDonald posts and might be interesting for commentators.

I saw two long interviews that Kyle Hunt had with Dr. MacDonald and I have to say that I was not impressed. I am sure that the answer for us will not come through the academic approaches of Dr. MacDonald because he has not wholeheartedly delved into the roots of Christianity.

I demand from every text in this situation that it must be obvious that it comes from a genuine life experience which includes experiences of suffering and does not purely arise out of a speculative philosophising.

My study on the core question has led me to see the connection between a few things.

Inspired by Nietzsche’s remarkable analysis of Socrates I concluded that the fall from grace for the European culture started already around 400 B.C. with the verbal firework of Socrates and Plato, and that these thinkers themselves are just the symptoms of a degeneration of instinctive health of the Greeks of that time. Their culture fell apart and lost its vital centre.

In a psychological sense the dominance that the spoken word had acquired by the values that Socrates and Plato had created, was not compensated by a cultural mechanism that could have kept the balance of the right and the left brain halves, which, as I understand it, is absolutely needed for real creativity to happen.

It is a historical fact that Greek society shortly after this development started to become instable and that its brilliant culture stifled up into Hellenism which was characterized by mannerism and the lack of true innovation.

What the influence of Socrates and Plato indicated was the need for an analytical and rational use of the mind of which the tactical use of speech and the ability of calculation was just an extension. The whole culture of debate in the Greek agora (a public place for “mental duelling”), as was sophistry, was rooted in this.

My insight is that it was not like Socrates and Plato inventing this and the Greeks following them. Especially Plato was just expressing the collective Greek mind because that collective mind needed that aggressive faculty of speech to be able to organise their growing technology, which they needed to win the war against the Persians. Think of the technology you need to build warships and weapons fortifications and temples in a relatively short time. This is really underestimated by all historians because they are academicians who never worked with their hands. This is shown by the fundamental changes these days in the understanding of the pyramid builders. Historians have usually not the slightest understanding of technology and its requirements and therefore a great deal of history has to be rewritten.

The essence of my view is that the very quick development of this faculty (on the level of the collective mind) threw the Greeks off balance and so they lost their creative power.

In the time of Socrates started already the weakening of the instinctive intelligence in favour of an aggressive and philosophising intellect.

Actually it was a neurological instead of a cultural issue. In this process of lateralisation of mental faculties the integration of the soul got lost. The Greeks one could say got stuck in one dimension of their expressive abilities because of the tremendous success of that ability. A contemporary German brain specialist Professor Manfred Spitzer confirms this by saying that the brain reinforces every nervous track every time that one uses it till it becomes a nervous “highway” so to say. The only way to escape out of this is conscious adventurism, but that I am sure is prevented by human laziness.

That white Europeans in the last two thousand years have been so creative in spite of Christ-insanity is only thanks to an inborn and Aryan (genetic as they prefer it these days) devotion to the higher states of mind, which one could define as the essence of aesthetic awareness. But now bleeding themselves hollow in this process of serving Mammon emotional schizophrenia is the result.

They have finally lost this costly thin thread (Das Goldene Band by Miguel Serrano) that connects them to their spiritual dimension as is demonstrated by the degeneration of European contemporary art after WWII, and the absolute collapse of real creativity we can witness in European art.

I don’t equate real creativity with technological smartness here.

The white European as the inventor of science, got “lobotomised” so to say, not being able to express and live his emotional dimension because of his inner distortion that the victory of his beloved science has cost him. Since the end of the 19th century and the ascent of technology the costly thin thread (Das Goldene Band) has been cut off and the desire to live and to reproduce are vanishing as we witness.

Is it not so that white Europeans have lost completely the dimension of celebration and the ability to have festivities of a joyous and emotional nature without the help of alcohol or designer drugs?

What one can measure in PET and MRI scans is that Chinese and Japanese have a much more efficient use of their brain than westerners when they calculate and think. There must be a connection with them using pictograms instead of ideograms as we do in Indo Germanic language.

I have a suspicion that exactly because of this weakening of instinctual health, that means the ability to defend your own interests, in Roman times already, the white Europeans could not resist the mental pestilence that was being spread by Christians and through the backdoor also by Jews. No historian has realised the immense weight that the keeping up of an imperium lays on the rational faculties of a ruling class like the Romans.

Miscegenation of the Romans was an indication of a weakened awareness of one’s own interest, an extreme rational mentality interfering with an autonomous vital biological process which was basically derailed by this aggressive rationality. The Roman pantheon notwithstanding its pagan nature was not really an authentic happening, their real thing was building aquaducts, temples and roads and have standing armies.

As I see it European man did not create a mechanism that would bring back the balance in his mind by keeping conscious connection to emotional and instinctive expressions. This is the basic mechanism that stifles all cultures that don’t renew themselves consciously but keep hanging on to old traumata or mechanisms that were once successful but now fill up their minds and prevent them from experiencing reality.

Our “Institutions” have to go.

Remains to clarify the connection between Christians and Jews and the degeneration as such.

To put it in the simplest and crudest form of explanation: The Aryan, sacrificing his integrity by creating and then by hanging on too long to a frenetic use of science and technology, finally has reached a state of being that is cut of from his spiritual dimension, being emotionally “lobotomised”, that means he does not know what his feelings are and when he knows them he cannot express them authentically.

This makes him depraved, spiritually incapacitated so to say, but he is still longing for the higher states of being. If one listens carefully to the great European thinkers like all the great German philosophers all they are after is the kick of attaining a higher state of mind. One could say that it is a masturbatory activity.

Philosophy is a complete waste of time because it is an illusion that actually separates one from reality. The only one not falling in this category is Nietzsche.

In short the white man has become needy and insecure.

The Jew has because of his circumcision trip landed up in the same boat. Since a few thousand years he has an unnatural mind and his costly thin thread (Das Goldene Band) is also cut off. His depravity is essentially on the instinctive and the heart level but therefore the more potent. At least he has power and money and is emotionally more integrated than the Christian.

His addiction is not philosophy as with the Germans and is therefore also not so serious as the Germans, but his addiction is status and power. That is why his mind is urging him to do business by delivering seductive illusions to the unhappy Christians like Paul of Tarsus was doing. He has created communism, psycho-analysis, all kinds of suddho religions that seems to relieve suffering.

The interaction between Jews and Christians is an involuntary one indeed, and it is not strange that since a few thousand years they have become intertwined in a sort of parasitic symbiosis, rooted in a mutually dependant spiritual depravity. In a very blunt way one could say that this symbiosis is of the nature of the relation between a prostitute and a pimp.

Arthur Schopenhauer Technology

Society or our inner ‘daimon’?

Just today I was thinking about some words of Octavio Paz, who lived very close to where I used to live when he died, about a writer whose name I don’t remember.

Paz said that the archetype of that writer was Satan: as he preferred himself to society. The poet obviously referred to what the Greeks called the daimon, in the sense of the voice of conscience with which one internally dialogues; not the diabolized ‘Satan’ of Christians.

Today Robert Morgan commented something that reminded me of my soliloquy this morning:


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In my experience, people who find excessive pleasure in associating with others tend to be shallow sorts. They always seemed to me to be suffering from a kind of pathology, though perhaps, since shallow people are many times more numerous than those who take readily to solitude, the reverse is true. Schopenhauer shared my view though:

“And, as a rule, it will be found that a man is sociable just in the degree in which he is intellectually poor and generally vulgar. For one’s choice in this world does not go much beyond solitude on one side and vulgarity on the other. It is said that the most sociable of all people are the negroes; and they are at the bottom of the scale in intellect. I remember reading once in a French paper that the blacks in North America, whether free or enslaved, are fond of shutting themselves up in large numbers in the smallest space, because they cannot have too much of one another’s snub-nosed company.” – The Wisdom of Life

Above the opinion is also ventured by Mr. Dinh and a few commenters that the advance of technology has had a hand in destroying human sociality, and perhaps this is true to an extent. But being preoccupied with gazing into a screen on a device so you can keep up with social media and communicate with others isn’t really being alone, is it? The paradox is that in many ways such technology pulls people closer together and leads to an even greater mental conformity, as is currently being demonstrated by the wave of deplatformings and social justice warrior doxings of dissidents.

Judaism Technology

On Heisman’s (((book)))

I will not read beyond page 500 of Heisman’s book. Although what I reproduced in my extracts is very interesting, it is irritating that, throughout his book, Heisman hides the obvious: that all this universalism and love of the neighbour of other tribes he writes about is not practiced by his own tribe!
Throughout what I’ve read of his book, Heisman does not even mention that the Bible reduced to a nutshell means ‘ethnocentrism for me’ (OT) ‘but universalism for thee’ (NT).
The omission is not innocent, as the thesis of Suicide Note is that Judaism will lead technological humanity to the creation of Artificial Intelligence. After detecting its main omission—that Judaism does not impose miscegenation on the Jews—it is easy to see that all the sci-fi theodicy of his book is a big smokescreen.
That the philosophy of Heisman is self-serving from the Jewish point of view is also noted in the fact that he puts monotheism as high as if it were the forerunner of A.I., thanks to capitalism. It is so false that analogy that it is enough to remember a sci-fi film that I saw as a teenager: in which two countries separately created their own A.I. If something resembles the artificial intelligences that supposedly capitalism will create, it is polytheism, not monotheism.
Heisman is not only a sophist. There is poison for the Aryans in his book, even though we can use his Suicide Note here and there, which I have been quoting this month. Consider his words:

Auschwitz and the Singularity [his futuristic Golem-A.I.] are two diametrically opposite final solutions to the paradox at the core of Judaism. [page 99]

When I read it in due context, it suggested to me that his philosophy is a prophylactic trick to prevent a second Auschwitz. And by the way, from what little he says about racists, it is clear that Heisman had not read the most substantial white nationalism that could be seen on the Internet before his suicide in 2010.
Heisman was not an honest author. All his book looks like a psyop. The advantage of printing a text, as I did with the first 500 pages (which I did not read all of), instead of reading online, is that at the bottom of the pages one can fill the paper with critical notes: what I did. I could easily write a five-thousand-word book-review but will not; I prefer to say only the essentials.
On page 322 Heisman confesses: ‘Speaking as a Jew, I believe that…’ It is significant that in his book of almost two thousand pages, he does not mention the Golem except in a non-Jewish context when referring, on page 1278, to the restoration of 1660 by William the Conqueror. (A golem is, in Jewish mythology, an animate being made from inanimate matter.) My chosen extracts do not denote the poison hidden in Suicide Note. In my opinion, Heisman was a champion of evil. Like the medieval folkloric tale, he wants to create a sort of Yahweh in the real world: a Golem with the technology of our century.
The funny thing is that from the first pages of his book, Heisman explained very well the meaning of the star of Israel. He says that the normal triangle represents the Egyptian pyramid; the inverted triangle, the Jewish subversion in that society, and that if we interpose the two triangles, we have:

The Star of David, the symbol of Judaism:
▲ + ▼ = ✡
This conceptual inversion of Egyptian social order is at the very heart of Judaism’s monotheistic revolution.

The objective of the priests of the 14 words is to put the pyramid back on its solid base, instead of putting the niggers up, which is what the Judeo-Christian inversion of values did.