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Axiology Quotable quotes

The real root

The Left is basically a Christian heresy that threw away the Bible and God, but kept the worse and most criminal of its beliefs.

But the Left flows out of Christianity. Without the Christian element within society, the Left has no basis for its moral ideology and would go extinct, or turn into a religion itself.

J. Varlaan 

Christendom Quotable quotes

Why I hate Christianity

“What a certificate of mental poverty it was for Christianity that it destroyed the libraries of the ancient world!”


Evil Francis Parker Yockey Michael O'Meara Quotable quotes

The source of all evil

The Jewish-American entity is Jewish as respects its head, American as respects its body… [It] will not surrender, since the very existence of Jewry is at stake, and the whole United States and its population is there to secure the existence of Jewry.

—Francis Parker Yockey

Amerika is a racial and cultural abortion. The scalpel of pop culture has performed a lobotomy on racial memory, with the full and eager endorsement of the patient.

—Sebastian Ronin

An awakened, recommencing Europe promises, thus, to repudiate America’s betrayal of herself—America, this foolish European idea steeped in Enlightenment hubris, which is to be forgotten as a family skeleton once Europe reasserts herself.

 —Michael O’Meara

Newspeak Psychology Quotable quotes


“Racist is a control word for Whites.”


Quotable quotes

The US in a nutshell

“In degenerated Puritanism lies, side by side with Judaism, America’s inborn danger.”

—Giselher Wirsing,
who had close ties with
officials in the Third Reich

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The first commandment

The ethnostate must teach that the highest form of Wisdom consists in keeping one’s blood pure. The first commandment of the new law-table is “Thou shalt keep thy blood pure”. Another commandment must dictate the necessity of not enslaving non-whites.

Joseph Walsh

Americanism Quotable quotes


Basically, the American system simply assumes that people will be self-interested pigs, but through the magical device of checks and balances, no single self-interested pig will gain too much power.

While I’m in favor of checks and balances, I think we’ve seen what a culture of self-interested pigs leads to, and it shows the folly of putting one’s faith in devices while allowing the culture and race to rot. Devices and nifty mechanisms don’t protect you when you have a population of Orcs.


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What’s metapolitics?

“The Communist Manifesto was published in 1848. The Bolshevik Revolution took place in 1917. Mao took power in 1949. Marx and Engels laid the metapolitical foundations of Communism—the ideological and organizational foundations—long before Communist states were actually formed.”

Greg Johnson

Quotable quotes

Definition of anti-Semitism

“Anti-Semitism is the belief by gentiles that Jews may be criticized like any other group.”

Quotable quotes


The best and shortest definition of fascism I have ever read: “Fascism is the idea that the Männerbund should rule.”

—Donar Van Holland