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Friedrich Nietzsche Quotable quotes Twilight of the idols (book) Women

Pseudo woman

“If a woman has only manly virtues, we run away…”


Quotable quotes Women

Japanese proverbs

“Never trust a woman
even if she has borne you seven children.”

“The tongue of woman is her sword, which never rusts.”

Quotable quotes

The real question

The more interesting question than Jewish “domination” of whites is, what kind of people are they who are so willing to be “dominated,” and why are they so willing?

Jack Frost

Individualism Quotable quotes Table talks

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 116

11th April 1942, at dinner

If men were given complete liberty of action, they would immediately behave like apes. Slacken the reins of authority, give more liberty to the individual, and you are driving the people along the road to decadence.

Axiology Quotable quotes

Justification by faith

by Jack Frost

19th-century cartoon depicting Jack FrostI agree that the power of the state is the only thing forcing the races together, but the Christian religion, with its maniacal focus on overcoming everything natural, provides the perfect moral justification for this action. This is why, if the white race is to survive, both the state and the religion that supports it must be destroyed.

Neanderthalism Quotable quotes Racial studies

The Races of Men

races“Race is everything; civilization depends upon it.”

—Robert Knox, The Races of Men (1850)

Egalitarianism Friedrich Nietzsche Quotable quotes Twilight of the idols (book)



“The doctrine of equality! There is
no more poisonous poison anywhere…”


Quotable quotes


“Whites are waking up but they are cowards: they are not organizing to do anything in a concerted effort.” —Anonymous

Justice / revenge Quotable quotes

A little payback

“What if whites were to start destroying black monuments? What if whites were to start destroying holocost propaganda in classrooms and libraries?”

Alex Linder

Axiology Quotable quotes

The Weltanschauung’s core

by Jack Frost

dali-last-supper[Christianity] hasn’t vanished, and that’s the hell of it. In two thousand years, its doctrines have sunk in to form the core of the worldview of Western man. Christian universalism and egalitarianism are stronger than ever, only now people desperately try to justify them scientifically.