“God cannot alter the past, though historians can.”
—Samuel Butler
“America today is a filthy lie, the most vile and
despicable fiction ever foisted upon decent people.”
“Spite is the foundation of all morality.”
“The behaviour of the British and Americans in their wars to destroy Germany and all that was best in Europe has put them beyond the pale forever.”
“In almost any war one side can be dishonestly demonized even by a truthful enumeration of its crimes, if the crimes of its adversaries are suppressed.”
“If a woman has only manly virtues, we run away…”
“Never trust a woman
even if she has borne you seven children.”
“The tongue of woman is her sword, which never rusts.”
The more interesting question than Jewish “domination” of whites is, what kind of people are they who are so willing to be “dominated,” and why are they so willing?