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Translation of the first paragraphs:

‘Indefinite progress’ is an idea of enlightenment origin, which was born in the Near East with civilisation itself and procured theoretical-rational legitimacy during the French Enlightenment of the 18th century. It is based on the notion that human beings come from a sick, dirty, ignorant and primitive past, and that they are gradually moving towards a healthy, clean, cultured and ‘advanced’ future. Archaeology suggests rather the opposite, namely that civilisation has caused human beings to fall from a state of grace, making them sick.

The idea of religious traditions was similar: there was an Edenic ‘golden age’ (Satya or Krita Yuga for the Hindus) in which mankind was most perfect, and after which a trauma came that caused human degeneration and the appearance of misery and disease, culminating in the Iron Age (Kali Yuga for the Hindus). Despite this, the industrial spiral into which we are plunged continues to propagate that infinite economic growth is viable, that the tower of Babel can go up indefinitely, that things are getting better and, in short, that human beings have ‘improved’.

Kedareshwar Cave Temple is located at Harishchandragad, a hill fort in Ahmednagar district. Though there were four pillars surrounding the Linga, now there is only one pillar intact. Some believe the pillars to be symbols of yuga or time, namely, Satya, Treta, Dvapara and the Kali Yuga.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

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Translation of the final paragraph of ‘The ice mysteries – evolutionary effects of glaciation’:

There is no doubt that benevolent conditions spoil man and cause his evolution to stagnate, just as happened to the less carnivorous hominids who did not chase the herds of animals during the great migration of Homo erectus out of Africa. The mild temperatures and various comforts of human civilisation are producing real psychophysical monsters, and if a return to glaciation is not possible, at least a civilisation that does not damage the human genome with its lack of natural selection and severity should be achieved.

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

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