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Richard Carrier

Marcan myth

by Gaedhal

This is an excellent article by Richard Carrier on all the impossible and magical events in Mark’s Gospel. And remember: Mark’s gospel is really the only historical ‘evidence’—if such it be—that this Jesus character even existed. The other Gospels are really only fictitious elaborations of Mark; novels plagiarised from the Marcan source-text. If a Jesus incident occurred, and Mark doesn’t relate it, then either Matthew, John or Luke made it up so as to advance a theological agenda.

The above is a slight exaggeration. I actually do believe in hypothesised sources such as Q; however we have zero historical, archaeological or documentary evidence of Q. Mark is the only source of the alleged life of Jesus that we have any empirical evidence for.

The German-rationalist view was that the magical events in the gospels actually occurred, but that their cause was natural [Editor’s note: see the classic 1906 work of Biblical historical criticism The Quest for the Historical Jesus by Albert Schweitzer]. Jesus walked on a puddle, and this was misconstrued as his walking magically on water. However, this view was ultimately destroyed by David Friedrich Strauss. Strauss proved that the magical events in the gospels are completely mythological or ahistorical.

It simply will not do to delete the magical lies of the Gospel of Mark, and then claim that the remaining mundanity actually happened historically.

In my estimation, there is zero history in the New Testament.

However, the likes of Mike Licona tell us that the Gospels are sober history that give us the ‘gist’ of events that actually occurred, albeit embellished by special effects like zombie-uprisings, earthquakes, and Temple veils’ being split. However, the problem with the con that Licona is trying to pull is that Jesus’s resurrection from the dead, the conversation that the disciples had with magical disembodied beings called ‘angels’, and Jesus’s levitation into the sky followed by his magical disappearance could likewise be classed as ‘Apocalyptic special effects’. Remember: Licona is a con-artist, just as all apologists are. He is just slightly less of a con-artist than the likes of Gary Habermas and J. Warner Wallace. YouTube atheists should stop patting Licona on the head, for this.

Aubrey Plaza once described Acting as ‘lying for money’. This also describes the Apologetics’ profession.

David Madison recently wrote a blogpost about the article from Richard Carrier.

Kali Yuga

Contra atheismum

by Gaedhal

As much as I criticise Christianity, atheism is probably worse. At around the 1:06 mark [of this YouTube video], objectively Dan—who has a nose piercing, even though he is a man—says that he is ‘unironically antinatalist’.

Steve Shives appears to be another atheist antinatalist. He has no children, and got a vasectomy.

Pine Creek Doug, although he has two children, by IVF has expressed antinatalist sentiments.

Veneloid, Rachel Oates, Captain Cassidy, Rationality Rules all appear to be antinatalists, at least practically.

And so if you find the atheist movement distasteful—and I do— then, demographically, it probably won’t be around for much longer.

The reason why I personally reject antinatalism is because I do not positively affirm materialism.

Transgenderism is also, arguably, a form of antinatalism, as is homosexuality, and we know how frequent these pastimes are in atheism.

Richard Carrier also had a vasectomy and is childless, I think. He is ‘polyamorous’.

Matt Dilahunty is going out with a tranny, and has no children. Seth Andrews has no children. MGTOW seems to be an antinatalist cult that many atheists on the right subscribe to.

Such behaviour, in my view, is wholly consistent with atheism. The sun will eventually explode, its protons will eventually decay, and the universe will eventually be a uniform temperature. As Bertrand Russell says: this is a philosophy of unyielding despair. Russell though claims that the soul of the atheist will eventually adjust to such circumstances, and hope is then possible, again. Atheists claim that we quote Russell out of context when we quote him as saying that atheistic materialism is a philosophy of unyielding despair.

As I said before: I disbelieve in the gods of revealed religion and the gods of classical theism. However, there is still a wide gulf between this and atheistic materialism. And I think that if you are an atheistic materialist who believes in proton decay and eventual heat death, then you should be an antinatalist. You should not bring new sentient beings into what is ultimately a collapsing and dying system. The universe, as Bertrand Russell puts it, is fated, under atheistic materialism, to be a heap of ruins. As Benatar puts it: you are giving birth into quicksand, and this is immoral.

However, given the heap of ruins that, anon, the universe is fated to become—The Atheism of Astronomy calls this: ‘drift’—then why not neuter oneself and dedicate one’s life to orgy and fetishes?

The Atheism of Astronomy’s image of ‘drift’ is certainly a dreadful one. We are all slowly drifting into non existence. It is like there is a malevolent god, with a rubber eraser, rubbing us out, and thus erasing us.

Editor’s two cents:

That is why I don’t consider myself an atheist and why Hitler and Himmler also repudiated ‘atheism’. Instead, I respect the archetypes represented by the Aryan Gods, and there is a category on this site (genuine spirituality) which shows that it is possible to reject the god of the Jews and, at the same time, intuit a kind of panentheism in the universe.


Sieg Heil!

by Gaedhal

Remember what the opposite of this is, white man. It was “academic literature” such as this that was burnt by the Hitlerjugund. Karl Andersson studies in England. England would be free of such pests had they not defeated themselves at World War 2.

Both the American Civil War and World War 2—both of which were the biggest, deadliest, most technologically sophisticated wars of their day—were really just the White man going to war to defeat himself. Only the negro won the American Civil War, and, as Alex Linder puts it: only the Jew won World War 2.

However, Christian axiology has convinced us that we win when we lose. The New Testament is full of enigmas like the last being first, the meek conquering the earth through their meekness; whores and tax-collectors (i.e. traitors and collaborators) being more heavenward than scribes and Pharisees; I am weak when I am strong.

That one wins when he loses is very much in this vein.

This is why I love: ‘Sieg Heil’. Christ tells us that we win when we lose. Hitler tells us that we win when we win. There are no oriental paradoxes, or enigmas or headscratchers from Herr Hitler. Nope: Hitler gives us the “straight dope” as a negro might phrase it in his ebonics.

Free speech / association

Free speech

by Gaedhal

Thank Yahweh, that instead of a Gestapo, we have a Stasi/s.[1]

Unless protest and speech have within it the potential to provoke violence, at least in the abstract, then one does not possess the freedom of speech. Indeed, this is American Jurisprudence… at least for the time being. This is why Alex Linder was not sent to prison for his praise of Hero Bowers. Sancte Bowers, ora pro nobis. So, in the United Kingdom, one does not possess either the freedom of effective speech, or the freedom of effective protest. Despite the lofty baroque refrains of Rule Britannia, Britons are, thanks to their defeating themselves in World War 2, slaves.

If Hitler had won, we would not be free… however, we would be free-er. Regardless of the political system, absolute liberty is a delusion. We would be free of negro subhumans from Rwanda stabbing our little girls to death, for one thing. We must constantly remind people of that alternative universe in which the good guys—as opposed to the Jews, Christians and Communists, i.e. the Allies—won World War 2.

One can be deeply critical of National Socialism, as Linder and I are, and still maintain that ’twere[2] better if the axis had won World War 2. I take Tom Metzger’s position. I would have been sent to Dachau, a camp for political dissidents, for being more based than the Nazis.

Is é an tSláinte an Buaidh!
Victoria Salus!

Victory is Salvation!


[1] Stasi – Communist East German Secret police. (Also ‘/s’ is an internetism that means: the preceding was sarcasm.)

[2] twere – An old-fashioned form of: ‘it were’, an English subjunctive. It were better means: ‘it would have been better’.


by Gaedhal

Mark Lester played the title role in Oliver

We are disenfranchised. We will become a minority in our own homelands. It is far too late in the day to reverse this through electioneering. Thus, rioting is a tool—an extremely imperfect, and error-prone tool, of having our voices heard. However, war is error-prone. In wars, innocent bystanders always get hurt. In war, there will always be collateral damage. This is regrettable. However, we are in a war for the 14 words. What Southport demonstrates is that our homelands are no longer a fit habitat for white children. In Southport, we failed to provide a future for three white children, such that they were stabbed to death by a Rwandan sub-human.

The beauty of the white woman must never perish from the earth. Look to the grave of Ashling Murphy, almost goddess-like in beauty, stabbed to death by a Romo (descended from Injuns) sex-crazed gypsy.

Voting harder will not solve anything. You cannot vote your way out of a genocide. You cannot vote your way out of a situation that you never voted your way into, to begin with. You cannot beat democrats at their own game. Democracy is a system designed, from top to bottom, to keep guys like you, me, Alex Linder, and Uncle Adolf, permanently out of power. We have just had 14 years of Conservative rule. If anything, the rate of the Great Replacement went up during that time. The great cities are already ‘majority minority’ to employ an Orwellian phrase.

Note though that whilst leftists will provide political cover for rioters on the left, conservatives never provide the same political cover for rioters on the right. Conservatives never quote the apotheosised Docktah Mautee in Looter Kiying to excuse the desperate actions of disenfranchised whites. Conservatives are not on our side… indeed, they are in direct competition with us. As Alex put it: Nazism is the only sensible politics for young white straight men.

If Hitler had won, those three girls might have been fluent in German as a second language. However, thanks to allied victory, they are the sport and prey of wild dangerous negro subhumans. Mr Churchill: I would much prefer English children to speak German—which itself, like English, is an Anglo-Saxon language—rather than their being the sport and prey of Rwandans, Pakistanis, etc.


Fear of damnation

by Gaedhal

I apologise for these bombards, however classical literature is great stuff, and, as Miller, Walsh, Gregor, McDonald et al. argue: it is immediately relevant to the study of ancient Semitic religions like Judaism and Christianity.

Cicero was an anti-Epicurean, however even he ditched ‘the underworld’. The Catholic Bible, in its Latin and Greek editions, uses the same words for ‘Hell’, or ‘the Underworld’ as the Greco-Roman pagans: infernus—‘the Underworld’—, ‘Tartarus’ and ‘Hades’.

Pagans, mercifully, decommissioned these centres of ghostly torture. However, the Christians—spiritual terrorists that they were—recommissioned this greatest weaponry of priestcraft. The Catholics even went so far as to invent a temporary Hell that one could pay his/her way out of, by means of the sale of indulgences!

Christianity, and its notions of Hells, Purgatories and Limbos, is the greatest calamity to have befallen Europe. I haven’t fully overcome my irrational fear of these places, even though my rational mind has traced the anthropological origins of such places. Even the smallest chance of there being a lake of fire, which flays one alive for all eternity, is enough to drive one mad… and down through Christendom’s bloody course it had indeed driven droves mad.


______ 卐 ______


The Editor’s two cents:

At the bottom of his statement, Gaedhal adds this image of one of the classic literature books he has been reading. From the American continent, I sympathise greatly with what Gaedhal tells us from Ireland.

I have alluded many times on this site to a philosophical autobiography I wrote in three volumes. If one day my publishing dream were to come true and that trilogy were to be published under a single cover, on paper as thin as that of Bibles and in such an elegant edition printed by a press as only Catholic publishers possess for some fancy missals for example, perhaps I could title that thick volume Hojas (Leaves), referring to the fifth and last chapter of the first volume.

There I mention an internal persecutor caused by my Catholic father’s mistreatment of me in my teens and twenties. That inner persecutor was the fear of eternal damnation.

That’s something that, even with decades of ‘therapy’ in the form of all the reading I have done debunking Christianity, still haunts me, albeit in a much-diminished form compared to the Legion of demons that assailed me in my youth. When I lived in Spain a woman told me that old people still suffered from this fear. And in the historical past there were millions who did!

Above, detail of a Matthias Grünewald painting. The painter ignored Renaissance classicism to continue the style of late medieval Central European art. His Isenheim Altarpiece (1512-1516) thus depicts the spirit of the Dark Ages.

Can you see why I say that the mature National Socialist reads Hitler’s after-dinner talks as a more adult phase than Mein Kampf for the masses of Germans? It was in one of those talks that Uncle Adolf said that Christianity had introduced ‘spiritual terror’ into the Aryan world. In my opinion, it is impossible for the Aryan to heal unless he gets that Vampire off his back.

If my trilogy becomes available in English it will be much easier to understand the POV of The West’s Darkest Hour.


by Gaedhal

Chomsky, when speaking of ‘body’, because he is a peerless genius—he is also a linguist and computer scientist—no doubt had in view Lucretius’s materialist poem: On the Nature of Things. What the Greeks called: atoma kai kena literally: uncuttable [monads] and emptiness(es) Lucretius rendered as: ‘Corpora et inane’, ‘bodies and the void’. What Chomsky seems to be saying is that there is no body, only void. Are not “massless particles” as Chomsky goes on to discuss a type of void?

I was reading Lucretius, earlier, and he assures his readers that not only does Hell, and its ridiculous torments not exist: it cannot exist.

‘It will now be reckoned, at this point in our [atheistic materialist] poem that not only does Cerebus, the Furies, the Plutonian infernal darkness, Tartarus vomiting from its throat fire and brimstone, etc. not exist… neither can it exist.’

A paraphrase and not a direct quote from Lucretius.

Lucretius rejoices, also, that Sisyphus is not tormented in Tartarus by having to roll a rock up a hill, and have it fall down again. Lucretius seems to anticipate Hitchens and antitheism by saying: not only is religion and its terrors not true, we are actually rather fortunate that religion and its preternatural terrors are not true. There was a missionary spirit in Epicureanism. They saw themselves as healers, abroad in the world to heal men’s minds from the mental torture caused by religion. They were in a sense like the New Atheists of their day.

Europe could have been spared the worst crime against humanity ever conceived, i.e. the Hell delusion, had Epicurus and Lucretius prevailed against Christ.


by Gaedhal

St. Colman’s Cathedral, County Cork, Ireland.

I would criticise atheism more, however, atheists are a tiny fraction of the Irish population. I expend my antitheistic energies upon what is causing the most harm. If I walk into town, I meet two illegally placed religious posters threatening me with Hell. Christian privilege means that Political Posters must come down, but posters threatening people with eternal post-mortem torture in the name of a fictitious legendary rabbi who floated off into the sky, 2,000 years ago, are never taken down. As a secularist, I would be equally opposed to illegally placed atheist posters. Secularism guarantees a neutral public space for us all.

And so atheism isn’t causing that much harm in Ireland. On the contrary, the divers hoisted Rabbi cults have caused 1600 years of harm in Ireland. Ireland hasn’t even begun to secularise, yet. Ireland is still, very much, a Christian theocracy. Our constitution begins by invoking an arithmetic-defying trinity of gods, and it ends with ‘Do chum glóire Dé agus onóra na hÉireann’ (This [constitution] has been composed for the glory of God and the honour of Ireland).

However, atheism can cause some harm. In this video, Seth Andrews drew a doodle of a cat, and Matt Dillahunty promptly tattooed this onto his thigh. Dillahunty just looks mentally ill, these days.

I agree with atheism on a single point: I claim to know, as a fact, that no classically theistic gods exist.

Mercifully, neither Seth nor Matt have reproduced. Hopefully natural selection will eventually put an end to this version of atheism.

However, all of the other things that atheists believe, my soul violently kicks against. Chaotic determinism, Heat death, Eliminative materialism etc.

Bible Tom Holland

Slave cult for Goyim

by Gaedhal

I have laboured under the delusion that ‘Sieg Heil!’, in German, meant ‘praise victory!’ I thought that ‘Heil’ was an imperative verb. Aber nein! (But no!) Heil is a noun. Thus, what ‘Sieg Heil’ actually means is: ‘Victory [in this life is] Salvation!’ And this is an extremely antichristian sentiment. In Christianity, it is God who avenges. When Job said:

‘For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth’ (Job 19:25 KJV).

He could very easily be saying: ‘I know that my avenger liveth’, as the Hebrew word: ‘goʔel’ can mean both: ‘avenger’ and ‘redeemer’. ‘Redemption’ and ‘vengeance’ are similar concepts.

Anyhow, in Christianity, it is victory in the life to come that is salvation.

However, the Jews have the correct idea: ‘salvation’ or in Hebrew: ‘shewangah’ is simply: ‘the ability to live in an ethnostate in one’s ancestral homeland’. The Jews care not for post-mortem paradises in the skies. Neither do Nazis. Nazis want their own homogenous ethnostate in their ancestral homelands.

‘No pride, no honour!’—Aron Ra (a leftist).

Indeed! Pride is tabooed by Christianity. However, what was the slogan of the SS?

‘Meine Ehre heisst Treue’ (‘My honour is called loyalty’).

In Nazism, pride is a good thing, whereas in Christianity, it is the worst of sins. Indeed, ‘Ehrmann’, the name of a prestigious American Bible scholar—although, the final ‘n’ is truncated from how he spells it—means: ‘honourable man’.

This is why I think that saint Paul equivocates when he says:

‘For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob’ (Romans 11:25 KJV).

In my view, what he is saying is that by ‘saving’ the Goyim, by converting them to an auxiliary slave cult that promises a mythical post-mortem paradise, then the Jews will be saved in the sense that Jews understand it, i.e., they will have a homogenous ethnostate in their ancestral homeland of Palestine.

Thanks, largely to Christianity, the Jews were indeed ‘saved’ in the sense that they understand it, in 1947 with the creation of the state of Israel.

The reason why the Jews are bombing the living daylights out of the luckless Palestinians is because they are perfecting their salvation. There still exist filthy Goyim dogs in both Judea and Samaria, and Gaza. The Jews will not consider themselves fully saved, until the Goyim are either exterminated or evicted from the West Bank and Gaza.

Who lets the Jews get away with this? The Christians. Biden is a Zionist Catholic. Catholicism is the largest sect of Christianity. Michael Johnson will not countenance calls for an Israeli ceasefire. Thus, it is not sufficient for antitheists just to criticise Christianity and Islam. The root of this rotten Abrahamic tree, i.e. Judaism, must also be strenuously criticised.

In short, I think that Tom Holland is largely correct. Nazism was a repudiation of Christian moral axiology. Christianity is otherworldly. Nazism, like Judaism, want Sieg or Shewangah in this life! Christianity sees humanity as fallen and incapable of good. Nazism says: you can act, even without the grace of a Jewish desert god, with faithfulness and honour. Thus, Nazism is Pelagian i.e. it posits that man has no need of the gods to act in a virtuous way. Christianity says Pride is a Sin. Nazism says: My Pride is called Faithfulness.

The slave cult for Goyim, in both Romans and in the Petrine epistles demands passivity in the face of government tyranny. Nazism starts revolutions in beerhalls. When the Nazis had an uprising or Putsch then they were directly disobeying Romans 13. This is a point that Andrew Seidel brings up concerning the American Revolution in The Founding Myth. When the American Revolutionaries rebelled, they defied Romans 13. Thus, Seidel argues, that the American Revolution was also antichristian in spirit.

Funnily enough, both the American Revolution and the German Revolution seemed to begin in beer halls. In America, seemingly, it was the Green Dragon Tavern. It is a talking point on the left that the American Revolution, and its subsequent westward expansion inspired the Nazis.


The Bible

by Gaedhal

Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jew himself, points this out in A Real Case Against the Jews. Why, he asks, do you Antisemitic Christians accuse us, the Jews, of writing The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion—most likely written by an Orthodox monk in collaboration with the Russian Secret police, the Okhrana—when it is provably true that we wrote the Bible!

And what sort of world does the Bible envisage? Well Yeshangyahu—or Anglicised to “Isaiah”—tells us. The goyim shall bow down to the Jew and lick the dust off the soles of his feet. The leaders of the Goyim shall keep the feast of Booths in Jerusalem. Incidentally, when we see our leaders cringing at Yad Vashem and Auschwitz, and when we see our leaders visiting the Wailing Wall, this, in my view, is the beginning of the self-fulfilment of Isaiah’s “prophecy”. In my view, the Holocaust is simply another holiday, like Purim or Channukah, that was added to the religious calendar. The leaders of the Goyim are already keeping Jewish holidays by observing “Holocaust Remembrance Day” and visiting the Wailing Wall. Indeed, the term Holocaust comes from the Greek Old Testament, and means: ‘A whole burnt offering to Yahweh’.

As the Psalms say: ‘Why do the Goyim rage and imagine a vain thing?’ The ‘vain thing’ referred to here is the temerity to imagine a life free from Jewish domination. As the acolytes of Karl Marx would put it: Revolution is inevitable. Or as Star Trek puts it: “Resistance is futile: you will be assimilated”.

The New Testament is no better. Rabbi Jesus shall be the “Messiah” or anointed king ruling a worldwide empire from Jerusalem. Any resistance to His rule shall be met with lethal force. Jesus treads the winepresses—filled to the brim with goyim blood. The Protestants in Northern Ireland, sing of being knee-deep in Fenian—i.e. Catholic—blood. Well, the Jewish soldiers and Jewish horses in Revelation shall be bridle-deep in Goyim’s blood. Jesus wears a tunic dipped in Goyim blood. Jesus kills the children of Heretical sects of Judaism, after first subjecting their founders to a gangbang.

‘Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols. And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds. And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.’ (Revelation 2:20-23)

The Bukkake being concluded, Jesus will strike the children spawned by such a coupling with death. Revilo P. Oliver called Revelation ‘a hymn of hate’, whereas Steve Wells, of The Skeptics’ Annotated Bible calls it the worst book in the Bible. John, in his fever dream, dreams up more and more inventive ways to murder his religious and ethnic enemies.

Ravage was amazed that Christians would accuse Jews of writing the Protocols, when it is provably true that they wrote the Bible, and that the Bible has much the same ends. I never read the Protocols, myself, so I don’t know.

However, accusing Jews of writing the Protocols requires no epistemic humility. However, admitting that you and all of your ancestors for more than a thousand years have been duped by the Jewish long-con of Christianity does require epistemic humility.

Some people are congenital atheists. Aron Ra, Alex, and Christopher Hitchens never bought the Christian swindle, even though they were brought up Christian. With me, it was not so. I was well and thoroughly duped and gulled by Christianity for about 30 years. However, I have the epistemic humility to admit this.

As Mark Twain put it: it is far easier to dupe people than to get them to admit that they have been duped.