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I began my previous article with the words: ‘In these unbelievably crazy times when Western elites are bringing us closer and closer to a nuclear apocalypse…’

As I have said, The West’s Darkest Hour is not a news site, unless important things are happening. I was dismayed recently that the mainstream racial forums remain silent on the subject, with the exception of The Unz Review such as this article by Pepe Escobar, ‘The West Is Hell-Bent on Provoking Russia Into Hot War’.

Film Final solution Reinhard Heydrich

Heydrich, 1

In these unbelievably crazy times when Western elites are bringing us closer and closer to a nuclear apocalypse, why not intersperse my re-readings of Little Lulu (see what I said yesterday in the comments section) with other fictional dialogues, but this time Reinhard Heydrich’s? Yes: nothing could be more opposite than the Lulu stories I read when I was ten, and Heydrich! But because of the crazy days, both characters now come together in my mind…

At the height of his career, Heydrich held the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer and General der Polizei. Heydrich was also Reichsprotektor of the Czech Republic. If many normie historians consider him the darkest figure of the Nazi elite, we must study him closely, as Christianity reversed all our values.

Hitler described Heydrich as ‘the man with the heart of iron’. As a consequence of his repressive actions, throughout his career Heydrich was known by various nicknames: ‘The Executioner’, ‘The Butcher of Prague’, and ‘The Blond Beast’. As the founding leader of the Sicherheitsdienst he investigated resistance to the National Socialist Party to combat it through arrests, deportations and executions.

Heydrich was also responsible for the Einsatzgruppen, the special commandos who accompanied the advancing German armies and carried out mass executions of communists, intellectuals and Jews by firing squad or gassing. In late 1941, after he arrived in Prague as Reichsprotektor, Heydrich sought to eliminate opposition to the German occupation by deporting and executing members of the Czech resistance.

Heydrich was attacked and seriously wounded near Prague on 27 May 1942 by a Czech commando as part of Operation Anthropoid. The commando had received special training from British ethno-traitors and was sent to the Czech capital by the government-in-exile to assassinate the Reichsprotektor. Heydrich died from his wounds a week later.

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The Wannsee Conference (German: Die Wannseekonferenz) is an Austro-German television film by Heinz Schirk, released in 1984. It portrays the Wannsee Conference in docu-fiction form, with Reinhard Heydrich as the main character.

The film describes in real time (over 90 minutes) the meeting in Wannsee of Third Reich executives and officials in charge of planning, under Heydrich’s direction, the final solution of the JP. As there is no verbatim transcript of the meeting, the dialogue was necessarily fictionalised. However, I find it so fascinating that I will be commenting on it in several posts.

‘Heydrich’ said:

The Führer is especially disappointed about England. He hoped they would acknowledge our legitimate requests: Living space in the East, appropriate status in Europe, solution to the Jewish question through emigration. We could have reached an agreement. We are of the same race. The Jews have taken over Downing Steet as well. The Führer has lost all patience. Why spare our Jews when we are obliged to settle accounts with world Jewry?

Yes: in Europe the English were (and are) the ethno-traitors par excellence. At 16:07 Heydrich acknowledges that Himmler himself fainted during an execution of the final solution programme, and adds:

Nothing dishonourable in that. It proves we Germans are humans. But it is dishonourable not to carry out what the future of our people demands [exterminationism], whether it is pleasant or not. It is dishonourable to be a weakling—which we in the SS are not.

Those who belong to the American racial right are dishonourable not only because they fail to embrace exterminationism as the way forward, but because these Christians and neochristians seek to ‘baptise’ Heydrich and the others involved in the final solution by denying the historicity of the ethnic cleansing that the Third Reich began to implement in the conquered territories to the East.

Let us be clear: the Russians wouldn’t now be empowered with nuclear weapons if the Anglo-Americans hadn’t committed the greatest blunder in recorded history! But even more serious is the Christian ethos that reigns in virtually all Westerners, including atheists.

I confess that I have recently felt very great respect for several rabbis who have been explaining why the genocide perpetrated by the Israelis in Gaza is an honourable enterprise. I would suggest that visitors to this site watch these videos, which have even made their way onto YouTube. Of course, the rabbis say these things from the point of view of what is good for the Jews in general and the Israelis in particular. It is the same logic as Heydrich’s but from the other side.

In other words: the genocidal passion of the Book of Joshua is the healthy thing. Pure social Darwinism! On the other hand, the universalist love that St Paul preaches to the gentiles is wicked, especially since this Jew knew fairly well that such love could only harm the Romans and benefit the Jewish people. But since the values have been reversed since Constantine and his successors, now whites see everything backwards. That’s why I recently wrote a psychobiography of Nietzsche: he was the first to detect this psychological trick.

Don’t get me wrong! I am not saying that we should go bananas like Argentine President Milei and go to a rabbi to have our foreskins cut off. What I am saying is that we should imitate the winners: the exterminationist rabbis but from Heydrich’s side. Can’t white nationalists see something so obvious, something that Nietzsche saw so clearly since 1886 in texts already quoted in my anthology The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour?

Heydrich is our ‘rabbi’ so to speak: the one we have to listen to even if the dialogue of the German-speaking film is as fictitious as the Lulu stories I keep re-reading….

Audios Savitri Devi

After Carolyn…

In the penultimate podcast of the Manifest Destiny Series in Volkish site, ‘Show 101: She’s Back’ (I already said something about Show #100 and have yet to listen to #102) the participants talk, once again, about my favourite author: Savitri Devi. I was pleased that they mentioned Counter-Currents (CC) in a derogatory way because only Hitler saves, not the bourgeois racialists on this side of the Atlantic.

After Carolyn Yeager fell ill and discontinued her National Socialist sympathetic podcasts, Manifest Destiny is the only NS podcast I know of. It is curious that the bourgeois Greg Johnson, the editor-in-chief of CC who is also the custodian of the Savitri archive, has published Savitri Devi’s Gold in the Furnace. Curious, I say, because his ‘racialist’ ideology is at the very antipodes of Savitri’s.

In podcast 101, I was surprised that a few seconds before the 28th minute Jake (was it him?) mentioned my ‘four words’ in the sense of avoiding unnecessary suffering of the victims executed in the so-called holocaust. I didn’t expect that! (Himmler himself forbade unnecessary cruelty in his ethnic cleansing campaigns). Also, unlike Carolyn and the commenters who used to comment on her website, those at Manifest Destiny are aware of the Christian Problem and what we have called here the Christian inversion of Aryan values.

Incidentally, I just modified a couple of tags: Jewish Question (JQ) is now called Jewish Problem (JP), and Christian Question (CQ) is now called Christian Problem (CP).

There was something that pleased me after the first hour of discussion: the beautiful is the good and true, an idea that dates back to Socrates. Like David Lane, I cannot conceive of how to save the Aryan race without the cult of the beauty of their physiques, which is why I have insisted so much on images of English roses on this site.

At around 1:35 the participants spoke about something I consider fundamental. They used the word ‘duty’ as a quality of overmen. Savitri had already spoken of this in the first chapter of her Memoirs when she coined the phrase ‘the religion of the strong’. Duty is something that naturally radiates from a personality that, to use Jungian language, has already touched the ‘Self’ with its ego. There is hardly anyone like this in the world today, true National Socialists; it seems that in the Second World War they were all killed.

Before 1:40 one of the participants mentioned that Savitri said that National Socialism would eventually be reborn in Germany. When I see the resounding failure of American white nationalism, so incapable of breaking away from bourgeois and Christian values, it seems to me that this woman might be right.

We shall see what happens now that European leaders, including the German Chancellor, are beating the war drums to start a hotter war against Russia. To continue relentlessly with such strident rhetoric will only end with Berlin, Paris and London under well-deserved nuclear mushrooms. One thing is certain: with or without nuclear war it is a win-win situation for us! A territorial bite at eastern Ukraine when Russia wins, even without a nuclear exchange, will destroy NATO and the European Union…


Little Lulu

Macron, ‘le petit roi’, has been making pronouncements that make one think, along with equally stupid pronouncements by Polish, English and even Swedish leaders, that Europe will soon go to war with Russia.

As Gonzalo Lira used to say before the Ukrainian government assassinated him, during its death throes the Beast is kicking left and right. It is hard to know whether these death throes will trigger a nuclear war or whether the Beast will simply drop dead after the fuss it is making. But since it’s not clear that we’ll see the end of the world as the mortally wounded Beast drops dead, why not revisit the photo albums of our childhoods, or what we read as children? In times of urgency, it is refreshing to look back on our golden years…

A week ago I discovered that an American uploaded lots and lots of Little Lulu stories on his website. I’ve set out to remember my golden years by re-reading them, but before doing so since last week I re-read the thirty or so surviving issues that I still have at home. I started collecting them in the late 1960s and had a large collection, most of which was lost due to family trouble.

The first thing that struck me now that I reread is that there is a big difference between the various illustrators of the stories (more than three or maybe four I guess). Although signed by ‘Marge’, the author was actually an Aryan male, John Stanley (pic left). True, Lulu is based on a character created by Marge Buell in 1935, a woman who finished writing her bichromatic newspaper comic strips in 1947. But the Lulu that would become famous was the one created in full colour by Stanley. Marge’s strips were metamorphosed into a magazine, with very funny drawings in the 1950s by Stanley.

One of my surviving issues even lost the cover and is in a deteriorated but readable state. If I had known how to preserve them as a child, I would have put each comic in plastic bags. In one of the leafed-out stories I read recently, I was struck by the fact that all of Lulu’s schoolmates—dozens of them in one of the stories apparently drawn by Stanley—were white, and in the supermarket in the same leafed-out issue all the ladies were white.

The stories were ideal for children of the time: when the West was much saner than it is today. There is an interview on YouTube with Frank M. Young who, on being diagnosed with cancer, wanted to reminisce about his old days through an anthology published in 2019 of the early issues of Little Lulu. It was thanks to Young that I learned that Stanley worked on Little Lulu until the late 1950s when he burned out. Stanley had written thousands pages of stories of which he himself had illustrated about 700: fourteen years of constant work.

The fact that Stanley signed as ‘Marge’ when he was the sole author is symptomatic of the incipient feminism that would grow like a cancer in his country. But the 1950s didn’t seem treacherous. Many years ago I told one of the few racist friends I had in Mexico that the United States seemed to me ‘a big Germany’ in a territorial sense. Those were times when I hadn’t heard that white Americans had betrayed each other. When I was reading Little Lulu in the late 1960s and early 1970s, I didn’t perceive the betrayal, even though in one of the stories, at a costume party, Lulu dressed up as Abraham Lincoln because she admired him. But with all the characters being white, how could the child that I was harbour suspicions?

It would be interesting if other boomers like me would read this post and tell me that they too had been fans, as children, of Little Lulu… For the moment I would just like to share my inner experiences about a couple stories now that I reread several stories out of the hundreds I read as a child.

The first is a story I read, or rather was told by my dad as I seem to barely remember, when I was about seven years old. I was with my parents in the port of Veracruz and I remember my dad buying the magazine that contained the story in which poor Lulu loses her shadow.

For connoisseurs of the magazine, one of the curiosities of the comic was ‘the story within the story’. When Lulu’s very small neighbour Alvin misbehaved, Lulu would tell him a story to calm him down: a story that always featured a poor girl, who Stanley drew as Lulu herself, albeit in raggedy clothes. My seven-year-old memory is that in the story Lulu told Alvin, a shadow seller passed by in a carriage of shadows lost by their owners. It was an incredible feeling to read the whole story so many decades after reading it for the first time.

But the biggest shock came with what I had a feeling was my favourite story. In the story ‘The Shadow of a Man-eater’ from a special issue devoted to Lulu’s best friend Tubby, the memory I was left with was something of a teenage story, not a children’s story like the typical Lulu tales (as the story is).

The only thing I remembered with any clarity was the image below. But my—now I see wrong—memory was that Tubby had a sleepless night at Wilbur van Snobbe’s house and there he had seen the shadow of the lion. I didn’t remember that it had happened in his own house (it had been in the house of the rich van Snobbe where there had been a jewel robbery).

I didn’t remember any of the plot until yesterday when I reread the story so many decades after I first read it. The only thing I remembered was that the lions weren’t real and that Tubby was trying to solve a case because he liked to play detective. Yesterday when I reread the story I remembered some details, but in my memory those details weren’t associated with the lion story. It seems that the only thing that stuck in my memory was the image above: the moment of suspense that I experienced more than half a century ago was what registered in my mind!

I find it healthy to recreate the distant past of our lives: especially to evoke the times when everything seemed to be going well for the white race, when children’s comics seemed to be written in an ethnostate where not a single character of colour appeared.

Axiology Might is right (book) Racial right

Might is right, 1

by Ragnar Redbeard

Editor’s Note:

I don’t presume to have read all of Ragnar Redbeard’s book, but I might be adding some excerpts in a new series, such as the following passage from the preface.

It is interesting to compare this book published in 1896 with the lectures of those on the American racial right 128 years later (e.g., this recent one), who are still stuck in unwarlike Christian ethics.

The mysterious Redbeard (a pen name) wrote:


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Virtue is rewarded in this world, remember. Natural law makes no false judgments. Its decisions are true and just, even when dreadful. The victor gets the gold and the land every time. He also gets the fairest maidens, the glory tributes. And—why should it be otherwise? Why should the delights of life go to failures and cowards? Why should the spoils of battle belong to the unwarlike? That would be insanity, utterly unnatural and immoral.

Behold the crucifix, what does it symbolize?
Pallid incompetence hanging on a tree.

In the wars of the Great Cæsar, and Grim Hannibal, in the times of Belzchazzar, the Pharaohs and all; the days of Rienzi and Roland the Bold; all banners are waving for women and gold.
It is might against might, remember, by land and sea, man against man, money against money, brains against brains, and—everything to the winner.

Racial right

Cancer patients

The brief exchange between Will Williams, an anti-Christian racialist like us, and a Christian commenting on Counter-Currents, reminds me of my dilemma: I want to save Anglo-Germans from the ongoing extinction but most are like a cancerous patient who refuses to see that his cancer is due to smoking.

In other words: the rampant self-loathing from which today’s Aryan suffers is ultimately due to Christian ethics and guilt that grows every day like cancer. For example, the alluded Christian stated: ‘despite [William] Pierce’s brilliance, his agenda is seen as morally repugnant’ by racial right groups—not realising that to wipe out orcs is the only way to survive (remember: millions of them have already invaded the Aryan lands)!

Fortunately, Jared Taylor, the granddaddy of American race realism, is already realising that his country is a goner, as we can see in his latest video.

How long will it take my northern neighbours to appreciate what I say on page 73 of my recent psychobiography on Nietzsche?

Alfred Rosenberg Friedrich Nietzsche


Editor’s Note: Below I quote excerpts from a speech by Alfred Rosenberg at a commemorative event on the occasion of the centenary of the birth of Friedrich Nietzsche on October 15, 1944, in Weimar (the full speech can be read here):

Nietzsche also knew this very well when he wrote: ‘The discipline of suffering, of great suffering, do you not know that only this discipline has created all enhancements of man so far?’ Only such common suffering heightens the tension of the soul, only the sight of a great and general fate strengthens the spirit of invention and bravery in the struggle. Only such suffering can call upon human beings, i.e., an entire community that feels suffering in common, to great achievements. And this prerequisite for the transformation of his prophecy into a people reflecting upon itself had to be denied to Friedrich Nietzsche…

That is in line with what we have recently been saying: that the white man must suffer once again to cleanse himself of all the mental infection he suffers from, even if that means the suffering resulting from a Third World War.

‘But may it [the German spirit] never believe’, Nietzsche added at that time, anticipating almost everything, ‘that it can fight similar battles without its household Gods, without its mythical homeland, without a “return” of all German things!’ ‘Let no one believe that the German spirit has forever lost its mythical homeland, for so clearly it still understands the birdsongs that tell tales of that homeland. One day it will awaken, in all the morning freshness of a monstrous sleep: then it will slay dragons, annihilate treacherous dwarves, and awaken Brünnhilde, and Wotan’s spear itself will not be able to bar its way!’

See what I said in January of last year about The Mastersingers of Nuremberg. With the honourable exception of Carolyn Yeager, who never played degenerate music on her podcasts, this is something that contemporary neo-Nazis will never understand.

Here a hope was expressed that literally went to everything, demanded not only a cleansing from all overgrowing foreign plants and their juices but confidently expected it, a true inner rebirth leading back to the ultimate roots from which it longed for the supply of power for a great future…

‘The time for small politics is past: the next century already brings the struggle for domination of the earth, the compulsion to great politics’.

Given this overall evaluation as well he still hopes once more for a rigorous German heart, for the German form of scepticism, for a ‘spiritualized Fridericianism’, and he expresses it more than once that today, where in Europe only the herd animal comes to honour and bestows honours, an entirely different human type would have to assume rule to reverse this destiny.

Thus a profound criticism of the entire social structure sets in, a criticism of the Marxist, even then already falsely termed socialist movement, as it cannot be thought out more consistently and annihilatingly even today. For him Marxism is the thoroughly thought-out tyranny of the lowliest and dumbest, that is of the superficial, envious and three-quarters actors; it is indeed the conclusion of ‘modern ideas’ and their latent anarchism. Nietzsche turns above all against the attempt to abolish the concept of property because abolishing this concept of property had to breed a destructive struggle for existence; for man has no providence or self-sacrifice towards anything that he possesses only temporarily; he deals with it exploitatively, as robber or as dissolute squanderer. And amidst this criticism already arises the indication of a way out:

Keep all paths to small fortunes open, but prevent effortless, sudden enrichment; withdraw all branches of transport and trade that favour the accumulation of large fortunes, which is to say, especially money trading, from the hands of private individuals and companies, and regard both those who own too much and those who own nothing as dangerous creatures to the community…

With that, the presentiment of the Marxist dictatorship which we see marching against us as a mortal enemy from Moscow is clearly predicted. It has allied itself with that force which Nietzsche presented as particularly dangerous, without our wanting to assert that he was then able to survey the whole structure and psychology of the East in every detail.

But Nietzsche knows that probably, despite all cognition, the development once initiated cannot be reversed in a short time, and therefore he predicts that from this mixture of liberalism, plutocracy and anarchy the great crisis of Germany and the whole European continent would have to emerge. He is profoundly convinced that from this hodgepodge initiated by the entire liberal movement, meanwhile expressing an untiring hatred against Rousseau as the intellectual originator of these currents, Europe would someday have to arrive at the most terrible all-encompassing confrontations, but then perhaps also at severe tyrannical phenomena. He writes: ‘The democratization of Europe is at the same time an involuntary event for breeding tyrants, understanding the word in every sense, including the most spiritual’…

He was looking for this voice of wanting to understand and friendship. He also made some friends, but gradually, with an ever-sharper realization of an impending spiritual and political fate, his former companions also stepped back. The companions of his scholarly years sink into the bourgeois world. Richard Wagner also does not seem to want to go the way forward, and in this painful yet to the end still distant reverence, the greatest inner crisis in Nietzsche’s life comes to light, when he declares that Wagner, as an artist, to whom he now believes he must spiritually oppose, also alienates those people in Germany who are worth working on…

While this or that of those prophets of our time may be particularly close to us in some areas, Friedrich Nietzsche was probably the greatest figure in the German and European intellectual world of his day as an overall personality and as an unswerving recognizer of an entire epoch that was about to perish! One thing must be considered with all his later confessions and criticisms: if in his remarks he only suffered wounds and therefore took a fighting stance against the immediate causes of these wounds, the same would have happened if he had lived in France or England or another state for a long time. Because everywhere the same phenomena of decline were at work to decompose old grown traditions without thereby creating new ties and setting up new ideals. The whole world paid homage to base values.

This evokes what I recently said about internal jihad: that one must repudiate one’s nation project to save the Aryan, referring to a ‘nation’ that has been founded on the worship of Mammon (and this even refers to post-WWII Germany).

The revaluation of the values of passing liberal humanity into an ideal of the noble, hard personality, making greatness possible, is essentially Nietzsche’s doctrine that runs through all his works. If in recent times his ‘will to power’ has been particularly emphasized, this core has been rightly highlighted as that character resistance centre from which both the well-founded treatises and the ecstatic proclamations of ‘Zarathustra’ and the harsh attacks of his last writings can be explained…

In truth, there have been no power institutions that have had as hyenas of life an effect like the heartless capitalists of the international stock exchanges, never such a chloroformization of entire peoples as has happened through the all-Jewish press, and never has a power attack on the great culture of a continent been prepared more insidiously than after these influences through the Marxist dictatorship movement. What Nietzsche prophesied, European anarchism, was on the way…

So the forces that are now struggling with each other have not newly emerged; they are prefigured by the liberal movements of the 19th century, by the over-technicization of a new era, by the unbridled rule of money and gold, by the monopolization of the entire news system in Europe by racially alien hands. The European cultural citizens, tired of the sedation of their resistance forces, are now overwhelmed by a long-dammed destructive passion from the East, which, in a strange alliance with Jewish-West-leaning Marxism, has shaken not only Germany but the whole European continent to its foundations. When we proudly declare that National Socialist Germany alone still defends this old Europe today, when we can perhaps say in a slightly different sense than Nietzsche in the 19th century, but still from an even greater depth, that we are the ‘good Europeans’ today, that is a historically honestly won right…

But despite this realization, we still feel in our experience the great train of a new era and know that what has carried us and gives the German nation the inner will to inflexible resistance today is also based on that deep shock of the lonely Nietzsche, which carried him through a painful life, which often led to despair and accusations in solitude, but was always at the same time driven forward by the unconditional necessity of such an avowal to the future…

This is how we, National Socialists, see the workings of those powers today which, coming from the past, began to become a dangerous force of disintegration in the 19th century and today lead to the most terrible disease of the European essence in a large, suppurating process, and at the same time we see some prophets demandingly raise their voices amidst this fateful currents to break these creation-hostile values to help realize a new order of life.

Among them, we honour the lonely Friedrich Nietzsche today. After stripping away all that is tied to the times and all too human, this figure stands spiritually beside us today, and we greet him across the times as a close relative, as a spiritual brother in the struggle for the rebirth of great German spirituality, for the shaping of generous and spacious thinking and as a proclaimer of European unity as a necessity for the creative life of our old continent, rejuvenating itself today in a great revolution.

If a new visitor is not familiar with our recent psychobiography on Nietzsche, he could do so now.

Videos War!


In the article ‘Lost manhood’ on Monday I wrote: ‘That will be the beginning of Europeans regaining their manhood, and if Russia feels threatened in the Ukrainian war and gets tough by nuking bases in Poland or Romania that host menacing F-16s, much the better!’

One might think that won’t happen: that NATO won’t dare send those planes that could be used as carrying nuclear weapons: something similar to the Cuban missile crisis when I was a little boy, but in reverse, with NATO putting the Russians under an existential threat.

But yesterday, in an interview conducted by Judge Napolitano with Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern, all three touched on the subject. At this point, Johnson said: ‘They [NATO] are going to send F-16s…’

I don’t think the people who now preside over the western states are sane. Here is a brief reminder of what nuclear war between the United States and Russia would mean:

Of course: if Russia strikes, say, Poland with a tactical nuclear weapon (where the F-16s are going to be stationed), the US shouldn’t retaliate by attacking Russian territory. But I don’t trust these madmen anymore…



Hello Herr Ceasar,

With this [my recent article ‘Internal Jihad’], you mean to live an honorable, respectful life free of degeneracy is greater than a life of only looking for immediate violence?

My response:

Not exactly. What I mean is what I have referred to elsewhere as ‘the struggle against the introjects’.

Introject, as we know, is the program that our parents installed in our minds, aggravated by what we hear at school.

Internal jihad means something like running an antivirus throughout our minds that aims to combat these introjects.

That is something that the racial right doesn’t dare to do, since it would mean (1) questioning the religion of their parents from the sacred words, and (2) questioning the very project of their nation.

See this entry from 2018 to clarify what I mean by a mind infected with bad introjects to which an internal jihad must be applied. The explanation of why I chose the image above for this post comes from what I wrote in that year.



by Vlad Petre

Salutations once again Mr. Tort,

I hope you are doing well and I congratulate you for your recent articles regarding Nietzsche and his anti-Christianity. For too long mainstream culture has misrepresented and misunderstood the aforementioned German philosopher, using his works to promote nihilism and decadence. Nietzsche’s ideas represent a revolt against modernity and Abrahamism (and its offsprings: liberalism, communism, feminism, etc.), urging the reader to return to a heroic, politically-incorrect Pagan worldview.

There’s been something on my mind recently that I believe only followers of the fourteen words can truly understand. This e-mail handles the topic of animal and child’s rights…

I am no expert in anthropology, but there seems to be a natural predisposition, especially for individuals belonging to southern/oriental races for cruelty, Machiavellianism, deception and backstabbing. If that is the case, it should not come as a big surprise that the Nordic Aryans, as well as some Asians such as practitioners of Buddhism, are among the few human groups who have shown signs of true altruism towards kids and animals. The Scandinavian countries were the first to adopt laws which prohibited corporal punishment of younglings and when the National Socialists came to power in Germany, some of their first political actions revolved around the banning of vivisection and the protection of animals from abuse and cruelty… And yes, I agree, that slaughterhouses ought to be abolished.

The Nordic god-like Übermensch promoted by the Third Reich embodied not just traits like the desire to attain glory, to conquer and to destroy the evil and the inferior but also to show compassion and kindness towards fellow Aryans and Mother Nature. When I was watching the movie Triumph of the Will on the internet, what I enjoyed most were the scenes with the boys from the Hitlerjugend camping outside, close to Nature, exercising, training and overall having fun. No obnoxious teachers to bore and berate them, no abusive parents, no sick Christian priests to terrorise them with doctrines of eternal hellfire, and no fat ugly blue-haired feminists telling them that their masculinity is toxic. A heaven on earth I would say.

Why can’t today’s white nationalist movements and conservative right-wing groups be like that? Many of them are jokes, poisoned by bourgeoisie Christian culture. A true white nationalist, for example, would want to exterminate the mudbloods of North Africa and the Middle East, with the intent of restoring the Macedonian Empire and turning the Mediterranean Sea into a Roman lake again.

Eastern Europe isn’t doing better either.

It is not the conservative traditionalist utopia many naïve Westerners think it is. There are many groups here who advocate the traditional Orthodox Christian family ideal but never have I heard them talk about parental abuse or how Christianity’s toxic doctrines mentally scar children. These are of course taboo subjects that would completely destroy the image of the traditional Christian family…

To conclude, the salvation of the White race will come not from the bourgeoisie liberal democratic neo-Christian West, nor the post-Soviet Orthodox Christian Conservative East. As Buddha said, a middle path must be taken. That middle path is the creation of a National Socialist Nietzschean pagan nordic Imperium which strongly emphasises the well-being of Aryan children as well as Mother Gaia’s four-legged children. Only then we can make the world a better place and atone for the sins we have committed throughout time against Nature.

Thank you again Mr. Tort for your time and patience and I wish you good luck with your next projects for The West’s Darkest Hour. May Nietzsche’s blonde beast carry the banner of Kalki and lead us to a new Satya Yuga.