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Blacks Degenerate art Dominion (book)

Dominion, 35

Or: How the Woke monster originated The opening pages of the next chapter, ‘Love: 1967, Abbey Road’ are so important in showing how the virus of Christian morality continued to mutate into neochristian morality, that I will quote them almost in full: Sunday, 25 June. In St John’s Wood, one of London’s most affluent neighbourhoods, […]

Dominion (book) Tom Holland

Dominion, 33

‘Wherever you find them, beat up the Fascists!’ The name derived from the palmy days of ancient Rome. The fasces, a bundle of scourging rods, had served the guards appointed to elected magistrates as emblems of their authority. Not every magistrate in Roman history, though, had necessarily been elected. Times of crisis had demanded exceptional […]

Dominion (book) Vladimir Lenin

Dominion, 31

Or: How the Woke monster originated [Andrew] Carnegie, then, proudly surveying his Diplodocus, could feel that its bones had been provided with a fitting reliquary. He was not, though, the only foreign visitor to London that May who believed that a proper understanding of science would enable humanity to attain world peace. One day before […]

Dominion (book) Slavery

Dominion, 29

Or: How the Woke monster originated The duty of a Christian nation, so Rawlinson’s colleague had advised him, was to work for the regeneration of less fortunate lands: to play a ‘noble part’. This, of course, was to cast his own country as the very model of civilisation, the standard by which all others might […]


Idiot chess players

2023 Postscript When I wrote the above book I was asleep in the womb of the System as far as the most elementary historical and socio-political realities were concerned. It was only in 2021 that I modified my old text by inserting, here and there, some disconcerting phrases on Jewish and racial issues. While these […]

American Revolutionary War Axiology Dominion (book) French Revolution

Dominion, 26

Or: How the Woke monster originated So far, I have only quoted a few paragraphs from the chapters of Tom Holland’s book. But the ‘Woe to You Who Are Rich’ section of the ‘Enlightenment’ chapter is so important that I will quote it in full. That section shows no more and no less how Christianity […]

Dominion (book) Enlightenment Voltaire

Dominion, 25

Or: How the Woke monster originated One might ask: Why doesn’t this site pay homage to Voltaire or the French philosophers, so anti-Christian they were? The answer is devastatingly simple. They were all secular Christians, what we have been calling neochristians (read Ferdinand Bardamu’s essay in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour). They all broke with […]

Dominion (book) Oliver Cromwell

 Dominion, 23

Or: How the Woke monster originated So far I have collected some passages from the ‘Antiquity’ and ‘Christendom’ sections of Tom Holland’s book. The last section is entitled ‘Modernitas’ and begins with a chapter on Reformed England. Oliver Cromwell c. 1655 by Samuel Cooper. In England, where the self-identification of Puritans as the new Israel […]

Dominion (book)

Dominion, 18

Or: How the Woke monster originated In 1516, any lingering hopes that Ferdinand might prove to be the last emperor were put to rest by his death. He had not led a great crusade to reconquer Jerusalem; Islam had not been destroyed. Nevertheless, the achievements of Ferdinand’s reign had been formidable. His grandson, Charles, succeeded […]

Destruction of Germanic paganism Dominion (book)

Dominion, 8 

Or: How the Woke monster originated In the summer of 772, fifty years after Boniface’s felling of Thunor’s oak, another tree—the greatest of all the Saxons’ totems—was brought crashing down. Fearsome, phallic, and famed across Saxony, the Irminsul was believed by devotees of the ancient gods to uphold the heavens. But it did not. The […]