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Evropa Soberana (webzine) Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 11

Wilhelm Petersen, unknown boy

The selection and the elimination carried out in a territory belonging to a specific species means that only those who have succeeded in the conditions of that particular area reproduce in the long term. Conversely, whoever does not overcome these conditions disappears. As the researcher V. Eicktedt has done, let us take as a basis that Europoid Nordic humanity with light skin has been particularly marked by the uniform and isolated Nordic-Eurasian (Siberian) habitat of the ice age.

We can easily imagine the consequences of a natural selection and elimination in that space. Only those who had been subjected to the harshest conditions of existence could survive and perpetuate for the next millennia. Reproducing and perpetuating was granted only to those who finally revealed themselves superior to that climate and to that inhospitable aspect of the earth; to those who were, in short, stronger than Nature thanks to their inflexibility and their hardness. Only the qualities that allowed the victorious man to overcome Nature were perpetuated and consolidated by the means of hereditary transmission.

Notebook of the Schutzstaffel (SS) No. 7 of 1942. The biological sense of the selection. Habitat produces a certain type of selection, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.2.

Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 10

Propaganda NSV, promoting the figure of the Nordic mother as the most important biological weapon of all: birth.

The young peasant remembered the stories that the black-haired merchant from the South had told him. There would be people who avoided the memory of the dead because they were afraid of the dead. Remembering it, Eib shook his head. Why fear the dead when, despite everything, they were still part of the clan? Don’t the ties that unite the generations go back so far that no one knows their origin, and will not continue through future generations in a future from which nobody knows the end? Had not the dead transmitted their patrimony to the living as a sacred legacy to be respected?

The man from the South had spoken of demons and ghosts, of disturbing beings in whose bodies the dead lived, of beings who played a macabre game with men, thinking only of harming them and bringing them misfortune. How much would death have changed the parents who rested under these hills? Incredible, no, impossible: the young peasant answered his own question. He who had been okay in life could not be different in death. Whoever had worked for the welfare and the future of his clan and his people could not, once his ashes are buried in the bosom of the earth, become the enemy of his own race.

It is possible that in the villages of the South, they frightened the living during the lonely nights. The men with black hair were of such a different nature, of such a sombre character; maybe their dead were different from ours.

Notebook of Schutzstaffel (SS) No. 7 of 1938. Solstice.

Evropa Soberana (webzine) Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 9

Wolfgang Willrich, Thekla Reiff

The Nordic race is more or less strongly represented in all regions of the Reich, both North and South, West or East. Many men within our people cannot be assimilated exactly to a precise race. Except for the representatives who seem pure race; each race lies at the bosom of all peoples in a more or less strongly mixed form.

Nordic inheritance predominates in the German people. The Nordic race is not only the predominant race, but its blood is present in almost all Germans. The concepts of ‘blood and soil’ do not form an empty notion but constitute our destiny. The objective pursued by the selection of the German people has also been defined. It is done by remaining faithful to the vital law of your creative race.

The share of Nordic blood in the hereditary mass of the German people rises to approximately 50%. In addition, the genealogy shows us that every German is a carrier of Nordic blood.

Thus, the German people is a racial community in the truest sense of the term. History interpreted in terms of a raciological principle has long shown that the Nordic race produces a much greater number of eminent men than the other races. The Nordic race is first and foremost the custodian of the genius of the German people. Great achievements in all areas have made it the leading race of humanity. No other human race has produced so many spiritual leaders, army chiefs, and eminent statesmen.

In the course of intrepid expeditions, the Nordic man conquered vast territories, founded States and created civilizations. By the year 1000, the Vikings had reached America. The Nordic spirit revalued and colonised vast territories.

One of the most notorious qualities of the Nordic race is self-control. The Nordic race has inspired the warlike conquests. Probity and will power, allied to self-confidence, strongly reinforce the feeling of independence. These qualities certainly diminish the intuition, and the Nordic man incurs then in great danger of getting lost and wasted. The Nordic feels a great predilection for sport and combat: he loves danger. He is thus found more frequently than other men in the professions that entail danger. But we must confess that the character of the individual is more determinant than the colour of the hair. The individual belongs for the essential to a race whose virtues are professed by action.

When each country of Europe is examined in its racial composition, it is found that in almost all States the same races are found. We find the Nordic race outside of Germany, in the Scandinavian countries, in England and in the Netherlands, as well as in Russia, in Italy, in France, in Spain, etc. But we also find, for example, men of the oriental type in the various European countries. The important thing, after all, is not to issue a general racial judgment on a people. It is more about studying the predominant elements of each race in a specific town. And it is noted that, on a purely numerical level, the Reich is already leading the other peoples as far as the Nordic blood part is concerned.

In a totally legitimate way, Germany can pretend to lead the Nordic-German peoples.

‘Believe and fight’, The German people and the Nordic race, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Nordicism and National Socialism, 8

by Evropa Soberana

Wolfgang Willrich, Officer of paratroopers

The SS Doctrine. The SS was organised as the elite of the NSDAP with the intention of being composed of men of Nordic blood and steel health. As demonstrated over time, the SS was not just a stallion farm, but also the most effective shock unit of World War II.

The central sphere of the Nordic race includes the southern regions of Scandinavia, Jutland, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, and extends to the heart of Germany. [1]

From the most remote times, the Nordic man was a sedentary peasant. He invented the plough that, later, other peoples adopted; he cultivated cereals and had domestic animals. The enormous population increase of this Nordic humanity encouraged him to acquire new territories and expand, in successive waves, to the bordering lands: into the European space and vast territories of Asia. The original settled population was marked with the seal of the Nordic customs, even if often residence was only temporarily.

The statement that ‘light comes from the East’, as science once claimed, is false. It should be said better: ‘force comes from the North!’

SS Magazine ‘Believe and Combat’, directed to the SS of the German popular groups of the Southeast, the origin of the Nordic race, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

The great civilisations created by the Indo-Germans of India, Persia, Greece and Rome, irreproachably testify about the Nordic creative spirit, which has disappeared with the decline of the Nordic ruling class. Even today, we are aware of the natural kinship that exists with those cultures that have the same origin.

‘Believe and fight’. The importance of the Nordic race for humanity, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

The technical evolution of today has also been the product of men of Nordic race. Such is the case, for example, of the new Turkey, the boom of North America or the progress of the Far East to an equivalent level.

In the places of mixing with the neighbouring races, the influence of the Nordic race has constantly proved to be extremely innovative and has led to tendencies of active development, raising the highest cultural creations.

Magazine ‘Believe and fight’, The importance of the Nordic race for humanity, taken from ‘The SS Order’, OSS I.3.1.

[1] Note of Evropa Soberana: This map combines the distribution of hair and light eyes. It is not meant to be totally accurate map but it give us an idea.

Hermann Göring Nordicism Schutzstaffel (SS)

Modern day national socialists

by Joseph Walsh

I don’t think you are over-the-top with your recent post on Heimbach and the rabbits. National Socialism had very high moral standards as created and exemplified by Hitler. You ensure that Aryans understand those standards with your blog. Most present-day Aryans do not live up to those standards. They are Aryans by blood but Untermenschen (subhumans) in character. One of the tasks of the racialist movement is to create a better man (what Nietzsche called the Übermensch). Hitler is the Aryan that has come the closest to being an Übermensch in the history of our race. For example, Göring, even though he banned vivisection, used to enjoy the hunting of animals which appalled Hitler. Also, I don’t think you can expect Americans to become National Socialists like the Germans were, at least not anytime soon. Europeans stand a better chance I think.

Another thing that annoys me about Heimbach is his promotion of National Socialism as being for all races and nations. This contradicts what Hitler says: “The National Socialist doctrine, as I have always proclaimed, is not for export. It was conceived for the German people.” (Hitler-Bormann Documents, Feb. 21, 1945). A primary feature of National Socialism is Nordic supremacy, that is Hitler wanted the best Aryans of Nordic blood (i.e. the SS) to become lords of the earth, as stated in Mein Kampf. This automatically rules out National Socialism as being an ideology for all races as no other race is going to want Nordic domination (and many Whites will also not want Nordic domination).

Modern day Aryans play down or ignore the aspects of National Socialism they do not like such as non-acceptance of degenerate music, Nordic superiority, kindness to animals, even in some cases they tolerate homosexuals! This is because they do not have the discipline or integrity to be National Socialists as the Germans of the 1930’s and 1940’s did. There has been a tremendous decline in White people’s character since 1945. If our race is to achieve greatness again we MUST improve our character through intense discipline. At the moment Whites are a joke.

Schutzstaffel (SS) Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 43



Night of 1st-2nd November 1941

I do not doubt for a moment, despite certain people’s scepticism, that within a hundred or so years from now all the German élite will be a product of the SS—for only the SS practises racial selection. Once the conditions of the race’s purity are established, it’s of no importance whether a man is a native of one region rather than another—whether he comes from Norway or from Austria.

Catholic Church Christendom Counter-Reformation Protestantism Reformation Schutzstaffel (SS) Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 53



13th December 1941, midday


Time to solve the religious problem—Condemnation of the organised falsehood—The SS and religion—Negro taboos and the Eucharist —The Mussolini makes a mistake.
The war will be over one day. I shall then consider that my life’s final task will be to solve the religious problem. Only then will the life of the German native be guaranteed once and for all.

I don’t interfere in matters of belief. Therefore I can’t allow churchmen to interfere with temporal affairs. The organised lie must be smashed. The State must remain the absolute master.

When I was younger, I thought it was necessary to set about matters with dynamite. I’ve since realised that there’s room for a little subtlety. The rotten branch falls of itself. The final state must be: in St. Peter’s Chair, a senile officiant; facing him, a few sinister old women, as gaga and as poor in spirit as anyone could wish.

The young and healthy are on our side. Against a Church that identifies itself with the State, as in England, I have nothing to say. But, even so, it’s impossible eternally to hold humanity in bondage with lies. After all, it was only between the sixth and eighth centuries that Christianity was imposed on our peoples by princes who had an alliance of interests with the shavelings. Our peoples had previously succeeded in living all right without this religion. I have six divisions of SS composed of men absolutely indifferent in matters of religion. It doesn’t prevent them from going to their deaths with serenity in their souls.

Christianity is an invention of sick brains: one could imagine nothing more senseless, nor any more indecent way of turning the idea of the Godhead into a mockery. A negro with his taboos is crushingly superior to the human being who seriously believes in Transubstantiation.

I begin to lose all respect for humanity when I think that some people on our side, ministers or generals, are capable of believing that we cannot triumph without the blessing of the Church. Such a notion is excusable in little children who have learnt nothing else.

For thirty years the Germans tore each other to pieces simply in order to know whether or not they should take Communion in both kinds. There’s nothing lower than religious notions like that. From that point of view, one can envy the Japanese. They have a religion which is very simple and brings them into contact with nature.

In my view, H. S. Chamberlain was mistaken in regarding Christianity as a reality upon the spiritual level.

What a happy inspiration, to have kept the clergy out of the Party! On the 21st March 1933, at Potsdam, the question was raised: with the Church, or without the Church? I conquered the State despite the malediction pronounced on us by both creeds. On that day, we went directly to the tomb of the kings whilst the others were visiting religious services. Supposing that at that period I’d made a pact with the Churches, I’d to-day be sharing the lot of the Duce. By nature the Duce is a free-thinker, but he decided to choose the path of concessions. For my part, in his place I’d have taken the path of revolution.

I’d have entered the Vatican and thrown everybody out—reserving the right to apologise later: “Excuse me, it was a mistake.” But the result would have been, they’d have been outside!

When all is said, we have no reason to wish that the Italians and Spaniards should free themselves from the drug of Christianity. Let’s be the only people who are immunised against the disease.

Heinrich Himmler Real men Schutzstaffel (SS) Sturmabteilung (SA) Table talks (commercial translation) Women

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 61



Night of 3rd-4th January 1942

Recruitment of the SS—Himmler’s value—Origins of the SS and the SA—Women love males.
The SS shouldn’t extend its recruiting too much. What matters is to keep a very high level. This body must create upon men of the élite the effect of a lover. People must know that troops like the SS have to pay the butcher’s bill more heavily than anyone else—so as to keep away the young fellows who only want to show off. Troops inspired by a fierce will, troops with an unbeatable turn-out—the sense of superiority personified! As soon as peace has returned, the SS will have to be given its independence again—a complete independence. There has always been a rivalry between troops of the line and guards-men.

That’s why it’s a good thing that the SS should constitute, in relation to the others, an absolutely distinct world. In peace-time it’s an élite police, capable of crushing any adversary.

It was necessary that the SS should make war, otherwise its prestige would have been lowered. I am proud when an army commander can tell me that “his force is based essentially on an armoured division and the SS Reich Division”.

Himmler has an extraordinary quality. I don’t believe that anyone else has had like him the obligation to deploy his troops in such constantly difficult conditions. In 1934, “the old gentleman” was still there. Even afterwards, a thousand difficulties arose.

Being convinced that there are always circumstances in which élite troops are called for, in 1922-23 I created the “Adolf Hitler Shock Troops”. They were made up of men who were ready for revolution and knew that one day or another things would come to hard knocks. When I came out of Landsberg, everything was broken up and scattered in sometimes rival bands. I told myself then that I needed a bodyguard, even a very restricted one, but made up of men who would be enlisted without restriction, even to march against their own brothers.

Only twenty men to a city (on condition that one could count on them absolutely) rather than a suspect mass. himmlerIt was Maurice, Schreck and Heyden who formed in Munich the first group of “tough uns”, and were thus the origin of the SS. But it was with Himmler that the SS became that extraordinary body of men, devoted to an idea, loyal unto death. I see in Himmler our Ignatius de Loyola. With intelligence and obstinacy, against wind and tide, he forged this instrument.

The heads of the SA, for their part, didn’t succeed in giving their troops a soul. At the present time we have had it confirmed that every division of the SS is aware of its responsibility. The SS knows that its job is to set an example, to be and not to seem, and that all eyes are upon it.

The men of the Nordic countries have been softened to this point, that their most beautiful women buckle their baggage when they have an opportunity of getting their hooks on a man in our part of the world. That’s what happened to Goring with his Karin. There’s no rebelling against this observation.

It’s a fact that women love real men. It’s their instinct that tells them. In prehistoric times, the women looked for the protection of heroes. When two men fight for the possession of a woman, the latter waits to let her heart speak until she knows which of the two will be victorious. Tarts adore poachers.

Schutzstaffel (SS) Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 69



22nd January 1942, midday

The gift of command comes naturally to everyone in Lower Saxony. Wasn’t it from there that Great Britain got its ruling class?

Thanks to its method of recruiting, the SS will be a nursery of rulers. In a hundred years’ time from now, we’ll control this whole empire without having to rack our brains to know where to find the proper men. The essential thing is to leave behind the pettinesses of the parochial spirit. That’s why I’m so glad we’re installed in Norway and all over the place.

Art Benito Mussolini Schutzstaffel (SS) Sturmabteilung (SA) Table talks (commercial translation)

Uncle Adolf’s table talk, 80



31st January 1942, evening

Possibility of collaboration with France—The era of Italian Fascism— The birth of the SA.


The Jew is so stupid that he himself saws through the branch on which he’s sitting. In 1919 a Jewess wrote in the Bayrischer Kurier: “What Eisner’s doing now will recoil upon our heads.” A rare case of foresight.

France remains hostile to us. She contains, in addition to her Nordic blood, a blood that will always be foreign to us. There must be two Frances. Thus, the French who have compromised themselves with us will find it to their own interests that we should remain in Paris as long as possible.

But our best protection against France will be for us to maintain a strong friendship, lasting for centuries, with Italy. Unlike France, Italy is inspired by political notions that are close to ours. I was thinking of the Italian delegation I received yesterday. I met men who have rulers’ qualities such as are very much to my taste. What handsome individuals, and what a resolute air! Those are men who could play a part at the top level.

The Fascists paid with their blood much more than we did. The story of the conquest of power in Italy is a heroic epic. It always warms my heart to think of it. I can understand their emotion when they once more live through the time of the March on Rome.

Why should such men suddenly become worthless as soldiers? It’s quite simply because they lack a command. The Italian people are idealistic, but the cadres of the Italian Army are reactionary.

It was in 1921 that I first heard Fascism mentioned. The SA was born in 1920, without my having the least idea of what was going on in Italy. Italy developed in a manner at which I was the first to be surprised. I could see fairly clearly the orientation that it would be proper to give the Party, but I had no ideas concerning paramilitary organisations. I began by creating a service to keep order, and it was only after the bloody brawls of 1920 that I gave these troops the name of Sturmabteilung (SA), as a reward for their behaviour.

I had taught them the technique of concentrating their efforts on limited objectives, and at meetings to attack the opponent table by table. But it was confined to that. When the brassard proved no longer sufficient, I equipped them with a specially designed cap. That was after Coburg. The skier’s cap didn’t cost much. It was all done in a very empirical manner. Nothing of that sort was thought out in advance.

The SS started with formations of seven or eight men. In these we gathered the tough ‘uns. Things developed spontaneously, and subsequently acquired a speed comparable to that of developments in Italy. The Duce himself has told me that at the moment when he undertook the struggle against Bolshevism, he didn’t know exactly where he was going.

From the cultural point of view, we are more closely linked with the Italians than with any other people. The art of Northern Italy is something we have in common with them: nothing but pure Germans.

The objectionable Italian type is found only in the South, and not everywhere even there. We also have this type in our own country. When I think of them: Vienna-Ottakring, Munich-Giesing, Berlin-Pankow! If I compare the two types, that of these degenerate Italians and our type, I find it very difficult to say which of the two is the more antipathetic.