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Child abuse Hojas Susurrantes (book) Quotable quotes

Toxic parents

‘Narcissist parents lie, cheat, delude themselves and even murder their offspring’s souls to project and maintain a false image of themselves, because admission of responsibility would threaten their false self-image’, wrote someone who understands trauma.

Interestingly, Lulu Inc. is allowing my books dealing with child abuse, so I will try to publish once again the translation of the first of my books on the subject.

Friedrich Nietzsche Quotable quotes

Nietzsche quote

‘After the next European war, people will understand me’.

Friedrich Nietzsche Quotable quotes Real men

Nietzsche quote

Happy those remote times when a people said: ‘I want to be the master of other people!’

Friedrich Nietzsche Pseudoscience Psychiatry Quotable quotes

Nietzsche quote

Yesterday I came across a quotable quote from Nietzsche:

‘The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much “truth” he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified’.

It reminded me that many white nationalists aren’t strong, in that they don’t tolerate the truth about their religion, which arose out of Jewish subversion and under the pen of the first evangelist at a time when the Romans were destroying Jerusalem. These nationalists have the JQ diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted and falsified in what we have been calling ‘monocausalism’ because they don’t want to grow up. But I would like to talk about something else.

I said recently that the scandals with the pseudoscience behind Covid and the sexual butchery of the LGBT movement—especially the ‘T’ folk—where surgeons are literally cutting off teenage penises and breasts, are beginning to move some quarters to question the medical establishment. However, as I was saying last week, voices have long been raised questioning another area of medicine: psychiatry.

In the old incarnation of this site a young Englishman told me that if anyone read my views on psychiatry, they would think I was a crank. Obviously, this young man hadn’t been aware that in his country the anti-psychiatry movement arose in the 1960s and that the Englishman Ronald Laing, a critic of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, had been criticising that book before he died. I pointed out to this young man the link to my text critical of psychiatry from its origins.

But my text is rhetorically flawed.

The fact is that such an enormous subject, as is the fact that pseudo-science has been taught in universities since the 19th century, seems implausible if we limit ourselves to reading texts. From a psychological point of view, we need lectures given by eloquent speakers who have studied psychiatry and disseminate their findings in front of an attentive audience.

Dr James Davies did that recently, and best of all, in front of a white audience.

Davies researched how the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—the handbook of psychiatrists in America—has been put together. I had known all this for two decades, thanks to my reading of the dissident psychiatrist Peter Breggin. But, as I said, reading anti-psychiatric books or articles isn’t the same as listening to a speaker who expresses his ideas in such a didactic way.

Nietzsche’s quote applies not only to those who don’t want to see that JQ and CQ are two sides of the same coin, but to those mental infants who cannot conceive that a pseudo-science, psychiatry, is being taught in universities.

Lord of the Rings Quotable quotes

Forbidden ring

by Adit

Christianity used to have a lot of political clout, and they think they [the American white nationalists] can somehow harness that clout. It reminds me of the Lord of the Rings where it is suggested they could wield the ring against the enemy. ‘No one here can wield the ring: it only answers to its master’. Ethno-nationalists can’t wield Christianity because it is Universalist. If you try it will only corrupt and consume you. I wish they could get that through their heads.

Quotable quotes

Best quotable quote of 2022!

What does Russia’s break with the West mean?


The modern West, where the Rothschilds, Soros,
Schwab, Bill Gates and Zuckerberg triumph is the
most disgusting phenomenon in world history.

—Alexander Dugin

Quotable quotes

Strom v. Spencer

Kevin Alfred Strom responds to patriotard Richard Spencer with a Tweet:

‘The Washington regime is the most gigantic engine of treason against our people that could possibly be conceived. Loyalty to that regime is inconceivable to any honorable man or woman’.

Friedrich Nietzsche Judea v. Rome Quotable quotes

The forbidden Nietzsche

‘Ignore [normie studies about the philosopher] and read only Nietzsche himself; not the academic or intellectualised interpretations because they never understand him and because since 1950, his thought has actually been forbidden in fundamental ways’. —Husafell.

Want to get a taste of the real philosopher? Read some Nietzsche quotes on pages 84-90 of the masthead of this site.

Quotable quotes Racial right

Forfeiting internal jihad

Quinon proficit deficit—He who doesn’t advance goes backward, the question with the racialist right. As I said a couple of days ago in the comments section of this site:

The problem with white nationalists is that they are forfeiting internal jihad. To carry out external jihad, you first need to revalue the values that your parents instilled in you, through honest soliloquies in the silence of your bedroom: internal jihad.

Basically, what nationalists do is keep their parents’ operating system and try to add racialist or reactionary programs to it. Such a naive strategy won’t work. We need a real Nietzschean transvaluation, the most radical operation of the mind I can think of: substituting an operating system for another one (again, cf. what we say about ‘medicine’ in the above post).

Quotable quotes

Varg Vikernes quote

You should by now be aware of the fact that Christianity is an immigrant religion; it’s a Jewish religion, just like Islam. It’s anti-European, and it was forced upon our forebears.

If you haven’t understood this by now, it must be because you choose not to understand it. You don’t want to admit it. Or perhaps you’re just dumb as fuck.

If you ask a Christian to choose between Jesus—the Jew—and his heritage—his blood—, a true Christian will always choose his crucified criminal Jew, at the expense of his own blood.

And that’s all you need the know, really, about Christians and Christianity; their loyalties and whether they are a resource for Europe.

If you ask me though, to choose between Odin and my blood, I can tell you that Odin is my blood.

My blood is Odin.

If you accuse me of being divisive when we need ‘unity’, I can tell you that I only want unity with true Europeans.

I don’t want unity with Marxists, Liberals, Capitalists, Communists, Muslims or Christians. They all fall into the same category.

So when you Christians say ‘we have to unite against the Jews!’, I can tell you: You Christians, you are the Jews.