web analytics


Tomorrow they’ll be upgrading the account of this site by moving it to a newer server equipped with an updated operating system. This upgrade necessitates a change in the IP address for this site. Consequently, while I’ll be updating this new IP on Cloudflare, before the migration has been successfully completed, The West’s Darkest Hour will probably be for some time invisible.


Hitler in English

Yesterday a terrific idea occurred to me: Why not translate all of Hitler’s public speeches with the voice of an English speaker whose native language is English, and upload them to the Internet, adding subtitles so that his message is clear and transparent?

When speaking a couple of days ago about Miguel Serrano we hinted that, in addition to an exoteric Hitlerism, there is an esoteric Hitlerism: the latter, what we try on this site. But normies need exoteric Hitlerism (esoteric Hitlerism was only for the SS, or the few initiates in 21st century NS). And what better than the words of the Führer himself dubbed into English?

If it were possible to do so, I think it would be a great emotional bomb for listeners, who have never heard Uncle Adolf in his own words (only through the filter of malicious Allied propaganda).

But to carry out this idea, a team is required. My native language is neither German nor English. The equipment would require at least one native English speaker with a clear voice, as well as a technician who synchronizes the recording with the image as is done in movies: practically the work of a film studio.

Although it would be laborious and perhaps expensive, the result would be very impressive, and I suppose that a huge number of English speakers would visit that channel to hear Uncle Adolf’s message for the first time in their lives.

Exoteric Hitlerism is for the masses!


Discuss here

Tomorrow, 1 January 2024, a new featured post will appear, ‘The Wall’ that replaces ‘The River Nymph’.

As I usually do, the featured posts are closed to comments; but here, visitors, old and new, can leave their comments about ‘The Wall’ or any other topic. It’s an open thread for discussion.



Jamie said today:

I suppose if you keep actively posting and participating in sites like the occidental dissent…

Remember that in the past a troll has been impersonating me on Occidental Dissent using my full name. I rarely comment on other forums and when I do I only use my initials: C.T.



For ten hours, my Internet service provider experienced a power outage in its data center. I hope everything is back to normal!


Technical problems

The comments section wasn’t working yesterday (it even prevented me from commenting!) but thanks to the intervention of a technician, the problem has apparently been fixed. Let me know if the problem persists:

[email protected]



Watch a brief YouTube video here.

It was in 2009, when I hadn’t yet woken up to the Jewish question and was immersed in the content of Gates of Vienna, a counter-jihad site, that I discovered a quote from Melanie Phillips about “the West’s darkest hour” and thought it was the perfect title to start my own blog.



This site requires some technical adjustments and will soon be put under maintenance mode: a process likely to be completed within 24-48 hours…



I’ll spend this day seeing, with my techies, if we can fix this thing where the theme software (blogsites’ jargon) I use, ‘Equable Lite’, automatically turns quotes into brown.

Once that’s fixed I’ll be able to continue reading, and quoting, some passages from Weikart’s book on Uncle Adolf’s religion.

I find this book fascinating as it corroborates my suspicions that Hitler and those closest to him were perfectly aware of the CQ.


WDH texts in German

Yesterday I added a few words to the sticky post, indicating the German translations of some pieces originally published in the old incarnation of The West’s Darkest Hour.