If the economy slips badly, there will be hell to pay. More and more people will listen to the dissidents.
—William Pierce,
“Get Set for War,” 1996.
If the economy slips badly, there will be hell to pay. More and more people will listen to the dissidents.
—William Pierce,
“Get Set for War,” 1996.
Economy will soon have “day of reckoning
when you’ll see the very, very big crash”
As the stock market surged close to all-time highs and the Federal Reserve hinted it wouldn’t raise interest rates, former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) reiterated his fears that the US economy is not sustainable, predicting a huge crash in the near future.
“I look at the markets as being unstable, which means some days they go up a lot and some days they go down rapidly, but they don’t advance very far when you look at real growth,” Paul said on CNBC’s Futures Now on Thursday. “The [Federal Reserve] won’t allow this market to drop. This is why I’ve always leaned toward the assumption that the Fed is never going to raise interest rates deliberately. I think the market will raise interest rates.”
On Wednesday, the Fed released a statement that indicated it would not raise interest rates at this time, leading stocks to surge on Thursday. The Nasdaq topped its intraday high from March 2000, while the S&P 500 closed less than 1 percent off its all-time high.
Paul blamed the Chairman of the Federal Reserve for causing economic instability, noting that their every word can be interpreted by the market actors in radical and unexpected ways, leading to “havoc.” Market-determined interest rates, he suggested, would lead to more stability and better results for the economy.
“And we live in a chaotic world that’s totally unreal—people don’t depend on savings for their capital, they depend on the Fed. And the Fed says the slightest thing about, ‘Oh, maybe we shouldn’t print so much money til next week’, you know, all kinds of things can happen,” he added. “Eventually the value of money, the purchasing power of money will require that interest rates go up. But that is the game they’re playing, they fool a lot of people and as long as people believe the majority of the players still believe this, they’ll still be involved and they’re gonna make a lot of money.”
One of the things that Paul is adamant will happen is that the stock market will crash, bringing with it the entire US—and possibly world—economy with it.
“It could be tomorrow, it could be a month, it could be a couple years because it all depends on a psychological acceptance of the system,” he said. “I don’t think there’s any way to know what the time is but, you know, after 35 years of a gigantic bull market in bonds, believe me, they cannot reverse history. You cannot print money forever and deceive the markets forever.”
“Eventually, the markets will rule, and that’s only a question of when that will happen. And, of course, I run a little bit scared because I think there will be a day of reckoning,” Paul added.
Paul blames the “fallacy of economic planning through monetary policy” for the instability in the economy.
“You cannot have it, it’s artificial, it has nothing to do with freedom and free markets and capitalism and sound money, but it’s all artificial, it’s all political and that is why we are so vulnerable,” he said. “So we’re all on the verge—the country, the world is on the verge of looking more like Detroit and Greece than anything else. But [in] time that will happen—it’s probably not going to happen tomorrow or next month, but it will happen because this is unsustainable.”
Paul said he thinks the market correction is “going to be a lot more than anybody anticipates.”
“What I’m looking at is the ‘big one’, where all the malinvestment, all the mistakes made, all the pyramiding, all the unworthy debt that has been created, sovereign debt—our sovereign debt is really not payable… there’s no way the debt is going to paid—so the debt has to be liquidated, and that will come, but the big question is when will it come,” he said.
In the stock market crash of 1929, which marked the beginning of the Great Depression, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 11 percent of its value in one day.
“But as far as corrections go, I think 10 percent is puny. I think it’s going to be much greater and it will probably go a lot lower than people say it should… you know, markets overshoot,” Paul added.
And when the markets overshoot, Paul said, the result will be far worse than when the economy crashed in 2008, leading to the Great Recession. Because this time, the US won’t be able to bail the economy out.
“I don’t think it’s just going to be a correction. I think what will happen is the efforts made in ‘08 and ‘09 to correct all these mistakes will resume itself. That was just a notion of what the markets wanna do, but because they could bail out the big guys—the banks and big corporations—they were able to tide it over and restore confidence, so to speak,” Paul said. “But eventually though, the restoration of confidence in the system that doesn’t deserve confidence will be resumed. They will lose the confidence, and that is when you’ll see the very, very big crash.”
In this audiovisual interview on the coming collapse of the dollar James Rickards explains the content his book The Death of Money, which I recently read.
Quite a few white nationalists are not only behaving like pillowed ostriches about real economics. They are as irrational about economics as the typical liberal is regarding race, gender and sexual orientation. See for example this article by Greg Johnson published a few months ago. He wrote:
It seems exceedingly unlikely that any country or group of countries can replace the dollar as world reserve currency, even if they wanted to.
Johnson simply ignores that many countries are already bypassing the dollar as their reserve currency.
Last week Johnson wrote another article for Counter-Currents,
“2014: The Year in White Nationalism.” He shares the “skepticism about Austrian economics-driven dollar doom predictions” but offers no shred of data or arguments whatsoever. Only flat statements, exactly what he does in that same article about energy devolution.
I’ll annotate something when the crash of the dollar steamrolls those nationalists who, behaving like ostriches instead of doing their homework, will be unprepared when it hits the fan.
This “Accelerated” Crash Course, a 2014 video that includes both the coming currency crash and peak oil crisis, condenses over 4.5 hours of detailed material into less than an hour to view:
Full transcript: here.
This month the pro-white webzine American Renaissance (Amren) published ten articles for the series “Race and America in 2034” questioning whether in the following decades the West will suffer major changes, or experience business as usual. Judging by the titles of their articles, it looks like they lean toward the latter: business as usual.
Since I have given up American-style racialism in favor of German-style National Socialism and its precursors (see e.g., my recent entries on Gobineau, nordicism and Nordish Hellenes), I won’t bother reading them. But I doubt that the Amren contributors have dared to look through our crystal ball. In fact, almost all white nationalists and race realists are unwilling to look thru it and see that—:
1. The dollar will collapse soon;
2. With all probability the crash will cause high-rocketing unemployment, riots, looting and perhaps even famine in some areas, not only in the US. Unlike New Orleans after Katrina, the tension won’t be solved soon after the catastrophe occurs. On the contrary: racial tension in the most ethnically “enriched” cities will escalate, especially in the US;
3. The System and the current anti-white Paradigm won’t collapse but, in due time, the aftermaths of the currency crash will start to converge with a runaway energy devolution that, by the end of the century, will probably dispatch the surplus of worldwide population created as a result of quixotic Christian ethics.
Apparently, like the rest of westerners, the contributors to Amren articles have blinded themselves to avoid seeing that the convergence of catastrophes is really coming.
Americans are approaching a critical juncture in the cycle of a civilization’s decline. Debt and debasing of the currency is the hallmark of all civilizations in decline. A common feature in the history of collapsing civilizations and empires is when the rulers in debt are borrowing money to simply pay the interest of the debt. Considering the global nature of the economy, and that many of the world’s fiat currencies depend on the dollar, the end of the world as one knows it is nigh.
Americans probably don’t have until the next decade for an inevitable default. However, the ability to manipulate the masses with mass media propaganda and hide the extent of the problem, until it is too late, has been amazing.
For historical and economic details, see the blog Sovereign Man (here).
I [Koos Jansen] had the privilege to meet with Jim Rickards, while he was in The Netherlands for one day, to do an interview about his new book The Death of Money. Accompanied by friend (and author of the book The Big Reset) Willem Middelkoop we met at the hotel were Jim was staying and for one and a half hours we fired questions at him. Below you can read the highlights of the conversation:
March 12, 2014
Koos Jansen: Do you think there will be a collapse in the worldwide monetary system, including chaos, social unrest and bank failures because all policy makers will do too little too late?
Jim Rickards: My new book, The Death of Money, is about the demise of the dollar. A world wide monetary collapse and the collapse of the dollar are the same thing. The dollar is the keystone of the system today, if the world loses confidence in the dollar the whole system collapses. Could there be disruptions, social unrest and other problems before the monetary system collapses? I think we’re seeing them already, in the Ukraine, in the Crimea and the Chinese navy sending vessels to these islands they are in disputes with near Japan. US monetary policy was also a contributing factor to protests in the Arab Spring’s early stages. We’re seeing signs happening already and that will continue.
I do expect that policy makers will continue to pursue the wrong policies, they won’t make the structural adjustments that are needed; unemployment remains high, growth remains weak and deflation continues to have us in its grip. These are all things that will lead to social instability, income and wealth inequality and we could see a lot of stresses before the collapse of the monetary system.
Central banks and governments have made it clear that the big banks can’t fail. That’s what they stated, all these too big to fail banks will not be allowed to fail. Now what are the consequences once they’ve said that? It invites reckless, parasitic and exploitative behaviour on behalf of the bankers. This allows them to grow too large which destabilizes the system. I don’t think we’ll see big bank failures along the way, but big banks will fail as part of the collapse. It’s the policy of too big to fail that leads to the dysfunction of the system that will lead to the collapse.
Koos Jansen: Will the coming collapse of the monetary system be more severe than any prior one?
Jim Rickards: The point I’m making in the book is that the international monetary system has collapsed three times in the last one hundred year. In 1914, 1939 and 1971. So it does happen, it’s not that unusual. When it happens is not the end of the world. What it means is that the major trading powers, the financial powers, come together and reset the system. There is actually a name for this, it’s “the rules of the game”. That’s not a phrase I made up, it goes back one hundred years. So the major powers will rewrite the rules of the game, but here’s the problem. The last crisis we had the Fed reliquify the world. There were tens of trillions of dollars in swap lines with the ECB, they guaranteed all the bank deposits in the US and they guaranteed all the money market funds in the US. It did prevent things from getting worse, but the problem is the Fed raised their own balance from $800 billion to $4 trillion after the liquidity crisis. We had a liquidity crisis in late 2008, but we haven’t had one in the last five years. So now what happens if we have a liquidity crisis tomorrow? They’ve got no more dry powder; they can’t go to $12 trillion.
The next crisis will be bigger than the last one, and it will be bigger than the Fed because they already trashed their own balance sheet. Then the only balance sheet left is the IMF’s.
Koos Jansen: How will the power be distributed in Asia after the monetary reset?
Jim Rickards: It will be based on gold.
Willem Middelkoop: I know wealthy Americans taking measures like getting a second passport and moving their money offshore. Do you see this happening in your surroundings?
Jim Rickards: Yes, I see it all the time. There are billionaires who build vaults in their own houses because they don’t trust Brinks.
Willem Middelkoop: What does that tell you?
Jim Rickards: It tells me that they see what I see, in some ways, but not willing to talk about it. They’re ready for the collapse but want to milk the system in the meantime.
For Rickards’ CV see here. The whole interview can be read here.
Although Mike Maloney is afraid, like almost all westerners today (including quite a few white nationalists) of Hitler and his movement, I see this latest video of his course as the opening of a window of opportunity for us national socialists after the American dollar crashes in the near future.
Watch this video that mentions the rise of the Third Reich—but not as a warning, as Maloney sees it. Watch it as our best chance to pursue political change in both this continent and at the other side of the Atlantic (where they are also mistaking currency for real money).
Maloney didn’t read my previous entry on Liberalism by Yockey, of course. Although I see Austrian economists like Maloney as Cassandras insofar as they are accurately predicting the coming collapse, it goes without saying that I don’t endorse individualism in a capitalistic society, which easily leads to the worship of Mammon. However, this is not an entry to debunk libertarianism but to show how, as Maloney says at the very end of this episode, the Central Banks and even their think thanks “still don’t get it.”
(See also the four previous videos on the course:
Episode 1 – Episode 2 – Episode 3 – Episode 4.)
“As I have said many times before, the economic crisis of 2008 was only a speed bump on the way to the main event. I believe that before the end of this decade there will be an economic crisis so historic that it will eclipse the crash of 29 and the subsequent great depression. I also believe it is both unavoidable and inevitable, because it is merely the free market releasing the stored up energy from decades of economic manipulation. Yes… bad things are going to happen, but it could be the best thing that ever happened to you.”
—Mike Maloney
Note: Economics is not my forte and therefore I cannot discuss the complex issues of these new series with skeptical commenters. I would recommend those who completely reject what Maloney says to go to his own site, subscribe if necessary (it’s free), and discuss it there.