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Editor’s note:

I have just added an update to my post yesterday on Adam Green’s videos, which corroborate, based on pronouncements by orthodox rabbis, our main thesis, so well explained by Evropa Soberana’s essay on Judea vs. Rome.

Countless times I have mentioned that essay on this site, which I call the ‘masthead’ of The West’s Darkest Hour although I am not the author, but a retired Spaniard (or departed, since he hasn’t resurrected his site after it was cancelled).

Here is my translation of the opening paragraph with which Soberana begins his master essay on Judea vs. Rome, which he posted in several posts of which the link above is only the first:

In the third part, Christianity and the Fall of the Roman Empire, we will look at processes that marked the early development of Christianity, that strange synthesis of Jewish and Greco-Decadent mentality that, from the East, devoured the classical world to the bone, undermining Roman institutions and the Roman mentality to the point of its total collapse. However, we will begin by focusing on the Roman provinces in the East, especially Judea, which were seized by Rome from the heirs of Alexander the Great. What were Greek-Jewish relations like? What role did the Romans play in Asia Minor and the management of the Jewish problem? What are the real roots of Israel and the current instability in the Near East? It will be worthwhile to expand on the subject to familiarise oneself with the basis of what is today the biggest geopolitical conflict on the planet.

Adam Green

I just received this comment on the previous post:

Cesar, have you watched Adam Green of Know More News’ takedowns on Christianity, arguing it’s a Jewish scam? He makes many of the same points you make but in video format, posting lots of video evidence as well. If you haven’t seen him I think you’ll like his stuff [two links].

On Adam Green’s Twitter account, I clicked on the video of the pinned tweet and I’m looking at this video. I am liking that Green sees Christianity as an extension of JQ (I wish white nationalists would pay attention to this guy).

I think tonight I’ll watch the rest of the video…

11:30 pm. I’ve watched it. In another of Green’s videos we can even see several rabbis confirming it!

______ 卐 ______

Update 18 January

See my exchange with JR1C in the comments section. I’ll be watching Green’s videos. As JR1C says: they are a perfect complement to what we’ve been saying here with purely Aryan sources (e.g. Evropa Soberana’s literary legacy).

But with this corroboration from the orthodox rabbis themselves of our thesis, that Christianity is a psyop created by 1st-century rabbis, the support for our main thesis has been strengthened.

For those unfamiliar with what we have said here on the subject, see my quotations from David Skrbina’s book.

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Translation of the last paragraph:

In short: it has not been argued that all Romans were of the Nordic type. It has been argued that Nordic blood predominated among the Italic invaders, who were the ancestors of the later dominant Roman aristocracy, the only true Roman citizens, who imposed their ethos on the whole Empire and spread their spirit throughout it, marking the ‘Roman style’ with an unmistakably Nordic stamp.

European beauty

Medieval town of Tallinn, Estonia

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 9

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Translation by the editor of the hatnote quote:

‘The civilising, initiating force did not reside in the South: it emanated from the North. It came from Thrace, Orpheus, Museo and Linus. The Greek warriors appeared tall, white, blond… the highest expression of beauty, of majestic power, was for the Olympians nothing other than the reproduction of the Aryan type: blue eyes, blond hair, white complexion, tall, slender stature’ (Arthur de Gobineau, An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races).

European beauty

Ukraine 2021

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Editor’s note: Translation of the hatnote quote

‘Lonely one, you are going the way to yourself! And your way goes past yourself, and past your seven devils!’ (Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra).

European beauty

Saaremaa in Estonia

Evropa Soberana (webzine)

Evropa Soberana, backup 7

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Editor’s translation of the last sentence:

Conclusion: As long as intervention in human reproduction is not a reality, crossbreed only with individuals of similar genetic and racial quality to yourself. Be guided by traits of body, soul, health and skin tone, eyes and hair.

European beauty

Kadriorg Palace