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Real men

Internal jihad

There is something I would like to clarify about what I said in ‘On eunuchs’, where I linked the open letter to a dead race by David Lane, the creator of the 14 words.

I am not saying that it is time to start a civil war because there are not half a million soldiers on each side of the Atlantic. On that I differ from Lane, who mentioned Bob Mathews and Tim McVeigh in his open letter.

What I mean by reclaiming manhood, the theme of these days, is the following.

I am not a Muslim, but since we cannot practice any external jihad against the ethnocidal System at the moment, that warrior spirit must be directed towards an internal jihad. The phrase ‘internal jihad’ or ‘greater jihad’ refers to a believer’s efforts to live his Muslim faith to the best of his ability. It is considered more important than the jihad of external violence:

In our case, that inner jihad is nothing less than questioning the religious beliefs of our parents because Christian ethics are the basis for understanding the mass psychosis suffered by Westerners today.

Lane is right that there are no real men in the West any more, and that is why the Yeager podcast I referred to at Midnight is worth listening to. But without those million warriors it is obvious that all that male fury, all that militarism or craving for a new fascism and Yang spirit must be redirected toward our inner selves to fight the last vestiges of Semitic malware.

This explains my obsession to have read so many biographies about Nietzsche and to eventually gather the most fascinating anecdotes in Crusade against the Cross. As we saw there with the transfiguration from pietistic Lutheranism to Amor fati that psychotised him, not even Nietzsche himself expelled all vestiges of Christianity from his mind!

But now we can, thanks to the authors whose texts I have been collecting in the featured post (the one linked right after the image are excerpts from Skrbina and Holland’s books).

Audios Real men


Less than a month ago I linked in a post an interview of Carolyn Yeager with Severus Niflson.

There’s another interview that reminds me of what I said yesterday in ‘On eunuchs’ and the day before in ‘Lost manhood’. I originally heard this interview on Yeager’s site a dozen years ago (here).

You can download the audio alone (here). I would suggest listening to Niflson starting at 1:25.

As Yeager is apparently ill and no longer uploads new posts, it would be great if someone could download this latest interview to his hard drive. I don’t know how to download audios from the internet.

I hope Yeager gets well. This is a problem with older folk: we need someone to back up our work before it’s too late…

Racial right

On eunuchs

A Eunuch’s Dream (1874, Cleveland Museum of Art) depicts a eunuch who wanted to marry a harem slave. He experienced a vision of her while smoking his opium pipe, but her little companion holding a knife dripping with blood reminds us that the eunuch’s anatomy precludes the fulfillment of his dream.


______ 卐 ______


I started the Crusade Against the Cross series, now a book, a month ago. Before I return to what I used to do, quoting Simms’ book on Hitler, I would like to say a few things about the racial right. I never tire of analysing the subject precisely because of what I was saying yesterday about how Europeans lost their manhood.

On this side of the Atlantic, whites also lost their manhood, although at least some of them still defend some of it with the Second Amendment. But that’s not remotely enough. What racialists need now is to shift their paradigm: from believing that the Jewish problem is the primary cause of white decline, to realising that the Christian problem is that primary cause. And to do so requires balls: intellectual manhood that racialists on this side of the Atlantic still lack.

Recently, for example, Counter-Currents (CC), one of the most representative sites of American white nationalism, surveyed its visitors. I was enthusiastic about this initiative and answered the survey questions myself.

In doing so, I noticed that the survey taker asked many questions from the System’s POV. For example, he asked the respondents whether they considered themselves to be male, female or a third sex (we can imagine a survey of imperial Germans if the Third Reich had won the war!). Likewise, the CC survey asked whether the respondent suffered from autism or ADHD.

For years I have complained that racialists haven’t realised that psychiatric labels like ADHD are relatively recent, and have been used to tame brave male children with drugs. I brought this to Greg Johnson’s attention himself, as he read my article ‘Why psychiatry is a false science’ in an expanded version in which I included some passages about ADHD and white children.

The problem with the kind of questions like the one in the CC survey is that they don’t adequately rebel against crazy or pseudo-scientific fads (that there are more than two sexes or that there is such a thing as ADHD). But that wasn’t the worst of the survey. It would have been fascinating to see how many of the respondents were Christian, or sympathetic to Christianity for example. But on Saturday, Johnson published an article saying that he will keep some of the poll results to himself! What a disappointment. And we cannot know if any CC readers were upset, because Johnson is known to sometimes not let some comments through (I gave up trying to comment there when he wouldn’t let me discuss Nordicism).

Now let’s turn to another of the most respected sites on the American racial right: the one chaired by Kevin MacDonald. Tobias Langdon is a featured author at The Occidental Observer. On Sunday, Langdon published an optimistic article that opens with these words:

“The West is doomed!” “France is finished!” “Britain is over!” I’ve never understood expressions of despair and defeat like those. They’re obviously self-indulgent and harmful things to say, so how could people with any common sense and self-control utter them? Unless those people aren’t what they pretend to be, of course. No genuine friend of the West should announce that “The West is doomed!” Or announce the same of any part of the West, whether they happen to live there or not.

Langdon goes on to say that fortune favours the brave and that defeatism has been a capital crime in wartime. But he omits one small detail! No one in the mainstream articles of today’s racial right is saying what, a dozen years ago, Michael O’Meara was still saying about an eventual armed revolution. And it is precisely because of this lack of revolutionaries, albeit at the moment only at a theoretical level, that it makes perfect sense to say that France or Britain are finished (David Lane had said so in ‘Open Letter to a Dead Race’). But of course: like CC, Langdon writes for an audience of eunuchs.

There was one commenter who took issue with Langdon and posted this. Remarkably, another commenter defended Langdon Christianly, even talking about the god of the Jews as if (1) that god exists, and (2) capitalising the word ‘God’ as implying that we Gentiles must worship it. That’s fairly common on that supposedly Jew-wise webzine!

Before this site gets back on track, I must quote from the last page of Crusade against the Cross, actually a quote from the last page of Nietzsche’s Der Antichrist:

Law against Christianity [1]

Given on the Day of Salvation, on the first day of the year one (30 September 1888, according to the false calculation of time).

War to the death against vice: the vice is Christianity

First article.—Every type of anti-nature is a vice. The priest is the most vicious type of person: he teaches anti-nature. Priests are not to be reasoned with, they are to be locked up.

Second article.—Any participation in church services is an attack on public morality. One should be harsher with Protestants than with Catholics, harsher with liberal Protestants than with orthodox ones. The criminality of being Christian increases with your proximity to science. The criminal of criminals is consequently the philosopher.

Third article.—The execrable location where Christianity brooded over its basilisk eggs should be razed to the ground and, being the depraved spot on earth, it should be the horror of all posterity. Poisonous snakes should be bred on top of it.

Fourth article.—The preacher of chastity is a public incitement to anti-nature. Contempt for sexuality, making it unclean with the concept of ‘uncleanliness’, these are the real sins against the holy spirit of life.

Fifth article.—Eating at the same table as a priest ostracizes: you are excommunicated from honest society. The priest is our Chandala, —he should be ostracized, starved, driven into every type of desert.

Sixth article.—The ‘holy’ history should be called by the name it deserves, the cursed history; the words ‘God’, ‘saviour’, ‘redeemer’, ‘saint’ should be used as terms of abuse, to signify criminals.

Seventh article.—The rest follows from this.

Friedrich Nietzsche – The Antichrist

I quote this just to show the gulf that separates me from the typical American racialist. Unlike Langdon’s goofy optimism, I am convinced that to save the Aryan man it will be necessary to implement the ‘Law against Christianity’ when we revolutionaries come to power. There is no other way to save him since it’s precisely Christian ethics that has been screwing the Aryan mind.


[1] Nietzsche’s ‘Law Against Christianity’ has been eliminated from numerous editions of The Anti-Christ: A Curse on Christianity because the editors simply cucked before the Judeo-Christian ethos of the masses.

Degenerate art Philosophy of history

Lost manhood

Since the conflict in Ukraine, the lectures of John Mearsheimer, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, have become fashionable. I have seen quite a few of his interviews, including some recent ones. Despite co-authoring a book on the Israel lobby, Mearsheimer is a normie in every sense of the word, though he can see international relations in a much more realistic way than the vast majority of Westerners do. Mearsheimer’s insights have made me understand the dynamics of how states interact with each other. But his greatest contribution to my understanding of the West’s darkest hour was one of his pronouncements on Europe.

It had been a mystery why this site receives hardly any feedback from Germans, even though I touch profoundly on Germany as we recently saw in Crusade against the Cross. But it’s not just them: why have the men of the countries that in the past played crucial roles in Western history—besides Germany, England, France, Italy and Spain—lost their manhood?

Let it be clear that Mearsheimer is not only a normie, but a patriotard. In a recent interview, a Dutchman asked him whether Europe could become (again) a regional hegemon. Mearsheimer replied that no, that Europe would do well to remain subordinate to his country, the United States. However, thanks to that and another of his recent lectures, I believe it was the one in Australia, Mearsheimer, using very different words from mine, explained why the French and the Germans have lost their manhood.

This is a psychological phenomenon.

Readers of my anthology On Beth’s Cute Tits will remember a passage in which we said that, in an environment of great abundance, males tend to become feminised: what we might call the empire of yin, like the bonobo apes (as opposed to chimpanzees, in whose environment there is no such abundance of fruit and the more aggressive Yang reigns). The point is, and here Mearsheimer helped to enlighten me, that for seventy-five years NATO has served as Europe’s sole gorilla, and the once proud European nations have, since the end of World War II, accepted their role as vassals protected by NATO’s military umbrella so that they could devote the bulk of their GDP—oh heroic materialism!—to worshipping Mammon. As I said, Mearsheimer used very different words, but I am translating his message into a much rougher language.

Yesterday I was saying that my blood boiled when I saw ‘walking tours’ supposedly on Sparta and other ancient Greek cities. The human figures they put there to brainwash us—or rather: to aggressively lobotomize us—have skin the colour of the Mexicans I see every day on my walks. On today’s walk, I even saw a whiter and lighter-haired woman than the women with negroid features that they show us in those videos of the ‘classical world’ (and I live in an area of brown people!).

Those popular videos denote the level of the most abject psychological conquest to which the Europeans have been subjected. NATO dominance is the key, I said, because, parallel to the worship of Mammon, the explanation of why Europeans fail to protect their ethnicity is clarified by the presence of the gorilla.

If Mearsheimer is correct, and it seems to me that he is, we might deduce that when the dollar collapses and American military bases have to be dismantled and their men returned to the US, Europeans will be forced to rebuild their armies while NATO and its epigone, the European Union, disappear. That will be the beginning of Europeans regaining their manhood, and if Russia feels threatened in the Ukrainian war and gets tough by nuking bases in Poland or Romania that host menacing F-16s, much the better!

The punishment that future history has in store for Europeans who let themselves be castrated and lobotomised for the sake of a bourgeois life must be apocalyptic so that they wake up from the treacherous ultra-feminisation in the yin empire they have created for themselves. As we have already said, the sins of Westerners are such that only an Indo-European Kalki could save us.

I would like to end this entry with some words from the Spaniard Eduardo Velasco that I have quoted more than once:

Let us compare today’s Europeans with the Spartans. We are extremely dismayed when encountering such physical, mental and spiritual degeneration! Such stultification! The European man, who used to be the hardest and most courageous on Earth, has become a weakling rag and degenerated biologically as a result of comfort. His mind is weak; his spirit fragile, and on top of that he considers himself the summit of the creation! But that man, just because of the blood he carries, has enormous potential.

The rules on which Sparta was seated were eternal and natural, as valid today as yesterday, but today the dualistic mens sana in corpore sano has been forgotten: the physical form has been abandoned producing soft, puny, deformed monsters; and the mental poisoning has produced similar abominations in the realm of the spirit.

The modern European knows no pain, no honour, no blood, no war, no sacrifice, no camaraderie, no respect or combat; and thus he does not know the ancient and gentle Goddesses known as Gloria or Victoria.

Passages from ‘Sparta and its Law’, one of Velasco’s essays in The Fair Race’s Darkest Hour.

Classical sculpture Film Racial studies

Walking tours

in the Aryan past

To fully understand my most recent book Crusade against the Cross it is necessary not only to have read its appendix where the theme of the Italian Renaissance is touched upon, but preferably also to have read Nietzsche’s masterpiece: The Antichrist. Nietzsche was a critic of culture. Only then could we understand what I said to Berk yesterday in one of the recent discussion threads:

But Nietzsche’s idea was never to execute Luther, simply that the power of the image of Renaissance sculpture and paintings was already transvaluing values (the God of the Sistine Chapel is actually a Zeus), and the Italians would have finished transvaluing them if it hadn’t been for the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.

One of the things that make my blood boil the most is that on some YouTube channels, it has become fashionable to use beautiful ‘walking tours’—a sort of Bran the Broken’s magic of touching the Weirwood tree to see the remote past—, for example, this video on ancient Sparta, Corinth and Olympia. What makes them impossible for me to watch is that they replace the historical population with dark-skinned mudbloods!

That the ancient Greeks, before they interbred, were blond and blue-eyed is clear from this article in American Renaissance (currently being discussed in hundreds of comments on The Unz Review). We have also contributed to the subject by translating this essay by Eduardo Velasco (later collected in The Fair Race). And let’s never forget two essential books to understand our point of view: William Pierce’s story of the white race, and Arthur Kemp’s story.

I know very little about the magic of computing, or how the people who upload these videos made them. But if I had the means I would do the same about, say, cities like Sparta or Thebes that for several centuries resisted miscegenation and whose inhabitants, descendants of the Dorians, were blue-eyed blonds. Even Athena, the goddess of ancient Athens before the massive miscegenation of the Mediterranean occurred, was blonde and blue-eyed.

Our videos would be similar to the one I linked above, but we would replace the fictional mudblood figures they put with figures that look like their real ancient inhabitants. The last thing the ethnocidal System wants is for the contemporary Aryan to regain his self-image, and lost self-esteem after WW2, by reclaiming history.

Crusade against the Cross (book)


Thus, the Nietzschean doctrine of eternal return was strongly influenced by Christian concepts of eternal life. Same song, different tune! Like the Freemasons, and despite the anti-clericalism that Nietzsche shared with them, none of them was free of the malware that our parents installed in our souls. With his Zarathustra, Nietzsche himself thus became a neotheologian, and the same could be said of the much more recent New Age, and even of secular neochristianities as I have so often exposed on my website. There is always a neotheological tail that drags even the most radical racialist into the abyss, as Balrog’s whip of fire dragged Gandalf into the bowels of the earth. Our mission is to cleanse these last vestiges of Christian programming, however recondite they may be hidden in the Aryan collective unconscious: something that can be done by fulfilling the commandment of the Delphic oracle, to know thyself (which is why I have written introspective autobiography).

Crusade against the Cross:
The tragic life of Nietzsche
, page 52.

Axiology Intelligence quotient (IQ) Racial studies


My last book, Crusade against the Cross, contains a passage in which I refer to Hollywood contributing to the prolefeed with films that end with the drama being resolved (unlike in real life, where much ends in tragedy, as the Greek tragedians Nietzsche spoke of saw). An example of this American mentality that there are no tragedies, only dramas, can be seen in a YouTube interview of anti-racist Lex Fridman with scientist Richard Haier about The Bell Curve, ‘the most controversial book ever published in science’.

Within a minute from this moment, the interviewer gives away that he has malware installed in his mind: ‘It’s just, it is difficult in a way that… we are limited by our own biology. It’s difficult, and it is, ahem, at least from the American perspective you like to believe that everything is possible in this world’.

Because Fridman is accustomed to the American ideology that the individual of any race or gender who sets out to succeed can make it in the US—the malware precisely!—, he is pained, almost panicked one might say, that there are genetic differences in intelligence. Such science, I would add, would strike a hard blow to the accepted wisdom of the human mind. This is because the psychological mythology of the US is based on Calvinist ethics that the ‘human soul’ is ‘free’ to choose.

‘Common grace’ is a theological concept in Protestant Christianity that refers to the grace of ‘God’ (the mythical god of the Judeo-Christians) that is supposedly common to all humanity, and is limited only by unnecessary cultural factors. It is ‘common’ because its benefits are experienced by or intended for the entire human race, without distinction between one person and another; and it is ‘grace’ because, according to this Reformed thinking of 19th and 20th century Calvinists, it is unmerited and sovereignly bestowed by their god.

Fridman’s interview evokes once again what in my most recent book I called ‘neotheology’: his rationalisations and fears about IQ studies are expressed at a purely secular level. Those fears remind me of an older interview, between David Rubin and Stefan Molyneux, in which the latter was hurt by the IQ difference between the races (though at least Molyneux accepts the data).

What neither Molyneux nor Fridman ask is why, once we move out of countries that emerged from Christianity in general and Protestantism in particular, people no longer suffer from this ‘ogre of the superego’ as far as racial studies are concerned. In Crusade against the Cross I also mentioned that I exchanged emails with Robert Sheaffer last year, a Nietzsche scholar, but I omitted that he told me that race and IQ studies are the most controversial and radioactive subjects in science.

This is true if one only looks at one’s cultural navel. Go to countries that never were, or continue to be, Christian, and neochristianity disappears completely. The Chinese, for example, not only expel Muslims and discriminate against blacks, but they can study eugenics freely in their universities without any guilt whatsoever.

Whites were like the Chinese, and even more racist. I first read The Antichrist forty-eight years ago, and I remember then coming across the passage in which Nietzsche speaks of Manu’s laws in the Indo-Aryan religion (which resemble the Nuremberg laws): a time when no white man was tearing his hair out over this racism simply because the Aryan collective unconscious hadn’t yet been infected with this ogre of the superego.

Crusade against the Cross (book) Daybreak Publishing

Nietzsche PDF

The PDF that brings together the last twenty-one entries on Nietzsche’s tragic life (and two appendices) is now available, here.

In the PDF, I have corrected as many syntax errors in the entries as I could detect.

If a sponsor were to come along who would allow us to have a small publishing house (or alternatively that there was a publisher willing to publish our books), the first thing we would do would be to print books like Crusade against the Cross so that visitors who wanted to have hard copies on their bookshelves could do so.

In the series of the previous weeks, I omitted the image of Franz Overbeck (1837-1905), who is seen here with his wife. Had it not been for this theologian friend of Nietzsche, who made a handwritten copy and sent it to Peter Gast, the manuscript of The Antichrist might have been lost to posterity.

Thank you, Franz, for not allowing what, in my opinion, is the tragic philosopher’s masterpiece to be lost!



Tomorrow they’ll be upgrading the account of this site by moving it to a newer server equipped with an updated operating system. This upgrade necessitates a change in the IP address for this site. Consequently, while I’ll be updating this new IP on Cloudflare, before the migration has been successfully completed, The West’s Darkest Hour will probably be for some time invisible.

Friedrich Nietzsche Racial right


against the Cross, 21

Sometime before he sent his mad letters, when Nietzsche was charring in Turin, he wrote Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is, which no longer contains any new ideas. Ecce homo was only the presentation of his books under the delirium that he was soon to split history in twain. A few months later, when the martyr of the spirit was interned in the psychiatric hospital in Jena, Adolf Hitler was born. Nietzsche would later be taken by his mother to Naumburg. When her mother died, Elisabeth took her brother to Weimar, where he lived until 1900. The interior of that house, the Nietzsche Archive, can be seen in the video linked in my post this morning.

Adolf Hitler grew up, matured and, when he was already at the height of power, visited the house of the Nietzsche Archive. As a reward for the visit, Elisabeth gave him a relic: her brother’s walking stick!

Unfortunately Hitler didn’t win the war, so the West is now ruled by an anti-Hitlerian, anti-Nazi, anti-national, anti-White, anti-Gentile, anti-male and anti-heterosexual ideology. Because the Anglo-Americans ‘won’ the war, and told—and tell—the story that rules the West, I have to reiterate what I have so often said about the other side of the Wall.

Many among the racialist folk are actively deluding themselves by not recognising the Christian problem. The old saying ‘You can’t solve a problem if you can’t first define it precisely’ applies to those who believe that there is only the Jewish problem and not a Christian problem. Most racialists ignore the history of Constantine and his successors not only explained in some PDFs of our featured post, but even available in books still in print, such as The Darkening Age.

But the problem are all Westerners. From the mighty Woke liberals to the comparatively small racialist reaction, via traditionalist Christians, liberal Christians, agnostics and atheists, all find themselves bending the knee before the cross. Just look at the news these days: kids on the campuses fanatically worshipping the cross, imagining there the recently crucified Palestinian! At the opposite pole, those who belong to the anti-Semitic racial right also worship it, as can be seen in the number of articles in The Unz Review: both authors and commenters pity the same crucified Palestinian! Not to mention the traditional Christians who, literally every day, kneel in their churches in front of an image of the crucified rabbi.

While it is a breakthrough that one aspect of the Jewish Problem is finally beginning to be discussed—the state of Israel—what these people, Christians, atheists, liberals and white nationalists are unable to see is that it is impossible to win the battle by having the cross as the sign in the sky through which they will win. It is impossible to win with Christian ethics because it is a suicidal path that practises the most aggressive dysgenesis.

Unlike all of them, the National Socialists at the top of the Third Reich repudiated not only anti-racism but the very essence of what it means to kneel before the Cross: that a crucified victim is, by definition, morally more worthy than the crucifying Romans. That is why Himmler gave texts about Genghis Khan to the SS: to prepare them psychologically about what, once values are transvalued, we have to do.

Nietzsche was dazzled when he saw how Christians inverted Greco-Roman values through precisely the symbol of the cross:

This reminds me again of the invaluable words of Paul. ‘The weak things of the world, the foolish things of the world, the base things of the world, and the things that are despised, hath God chosen’: this was the formula; decadence was victorious in hoc signoGod on the cross –. Have people still not grasped the gruesome ulterior motive behind this symbol? – Everything that suffers, everything nailed to the cross is divine… Christianity won, and with this, a nobler sensibility was destroyed, – Christianity has been the worst thing to happen to humanity so far. – – [The Antichrist, §51]

The Christianity of Nick Fuentes and the rest of the white nationalists who fantasise about a new religious awakening in their country won’t save the Aryan man from extinction. We already saw what happened when the Iberian Christians conquered the Americas: they immediately became mongrelised despite their Jew-wise Inquisition. Fuentes and company will never save us because the one nailed to the cross was the rebel who raised his hand against Rome; more recently the slave that the English liberated, last century the holocausted Jew, the black American; this century the deranged transexual, etc., and the bad Aryan is supposed to have crucified him.

I would like to end this series with the plea that Nietzsche’s self-immolation after running towards the sun was not in vain.

Let us begin a movement parallel to American white nationalism: a movement in which, though minuscule for the moment—The West’s Darkest Hour—we have already taken up the crusade against the cross!

It’s time to show the nationalists that there is a higher idea than the dumb and stubborn monocausalism they preach. What does it matter if so few people visit this blog, or that hardly anyone comments on the discussion threads of my posts? What matters is to plant the insignificant—microscopic I dare say!—mustard seed in the hope that it will eventually grow and compete with the plant planted two millennia ago by Saul of Tarsus—the worst thing to happen to humanity so far!

I teach you the Overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him?… The time has come for man to set himself a goal. The time has come to plant the seed of his highest hope. —Thus Spake Zarathustra