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Degenerate art Who We Are (book) William Pierce

William Pierce’s blunder

Recently Will Williams commented on this site. In 1992 Williams became Membership Coordinator for Pierce’s National Alliance, continuing with the Alliance until Pierce’s death in 2002.

Today I was about to read what Williams linked, ‘Ideology of the National Alliance’ but then I realised that not even they mention Pierce’s only non-fiction book, his story of the white race. This means that the ‘Alliance’ that Pierce left behind makes no hard copies for his book.

Although this vindicates my initiative to have an abridged version of Who We Are within The Fair Race, I cannot put all the blame on the National Alliance. Piece himself committed a great mistake when in the 1990s he used his savings to acquire partial ownership of a records company of degenerate music.

Before Americanizing his movement, Pierce was closer to German National Socialism.

The first issue of National Socialist World appeared in the Spring 1966 and was edited by Pierce. The publication was quarterly and would have a run of only six issues, the last one being in 1968. The publication had an appeal to a well-educated elite, each issue having over a hundred pages. Three thousand copies were initially printed and a promotional mailing was sent to libraries, news agencies, and some prominent right-wing politicians. The mailing generated a hundred and twenty subscriptions.

Had Pierce remained closer to the German movement of the previous decades, he wouldn’t have committed a gross blunder: spending his precious savings in a company of degenerate music. With that money he would have founded, instead, a publishing house. Presently, his legacy would appear backed by a house of more than half a century, and Who We Are wouldn’t be out-of-print.

16 replies on “William Pierce’s blunder”

Hi Caesar. Health issues have drawn me away from being active online this past year, but it looks as if I’m going to be around a while longer and I hope to participate more in the coming year. I really respect and appreciate the work you do to keep the fire burning.

I knew WLP and worked for him many years off-and-on, and was at the Alliance headquarters during that time when he was making the decision to acquire ownership in the record company. Be assured, Pierce himself did not appreciate that kind of music in the least. While considering this opportunity, he had some cds of one band that he passed around to staff members to ask their opinions of it. I admitted that I enjoyed the lyrics of some of the songs, but didn’t care for the music itself at all. He replied, “It’s not music. It’s anti-music.”

Obviously, Pierce’s decision to acquire ownership in the record company was for reasons apart from his appreciation of this kind of music (he had none). Rather, the decision was made on this being a means to an end: To attract the White youth who showed some racial identity (in particular, skinheads), and recruit the best of them into the organization with the idea that those with the greatest potential for carrying the flame could be properly educated over time and one day assume leadership roles.

I actually was in agreement with this. I think it was a good strategic move to attempt recruiting our youth to the cause. WLP was attempting to use the tools available at the time to gather into the organization our youth who showed some potential, and there weren’t many tools for that purpose at the time. (The internet was not yet ubiquitous in our lives as it is now.)

One alarming thing I notice in “the movement” today is that it is composed of mostly older White men; that is, baby boomers. We sit around and discuss amongst ourselves the dire state of affairs and despair over the jewish problem (or the Aryan problem, for those with deeper insight). But where are the voices of our youth? I don’t hear them. That causes me to lose hope.

I understand your argument that instead he should have put his efforts and funds into establishing a publishing house to keep his message alive. Perhaps you are right. Hindsight certainly gives greater clarity of vision. But still one must wonder, if Pierce’s life hadn’t been cut short, whether or not his efforts in this regard might not have borne fruit.

Best wishes to you for a Happy Yuletide.
I knew WLP and worked for him many years off-and-on, and was at the Alliance headquarters during that time when he was making the decision to acquire ownership in the record company. Be assured, Pierce himself did not appreciate that kind of music in the least. While considering this opportunity, he had some cds of one band that he passed around to staff members to ask their opinions of it. I admitted that I enjoyed the lyrics of some of the songs, but didn’t care for the music itself at all. He replied, “It’s not music. It’s anti-music.”

Obviously, Pierce’s decision to acquire ownership in the record company was for reasons apart from his appreciation of this kind of music (he had none). Rather, the decision was made on this being a means to an end: To attract the White youth who showed some racial identity (in particular, skinheads), and recruit the best of them into the organization with the idea that those with the greatest potential for carrying the flame could be properly educated over time and one day assume leadership roles.

I actually was in agreement with this. I think it was a good strategic move to attempt recruiting our youth to the cause. WLP was attempting to use the tools available at the time to gather into the organization our youth who showed some potential, and there weren’t many tools for that purpose at the time. (The internet was not yet ubiquitous in our lives as it is now.)

One alarming thing I notice in “the movement” today is that it is composed of mostly older White men; that is, baby boomers. We sit around and discuss amongst ourselves the dire state of affairs and despair over the jewish problem (or the Aryan problem, for those with deeper insight). But where are the voices of our youth? I don’t hear them. That causes me to lose hope.

I understand your argument that instead he should have put his efforts and funds into establishing a publishing house to keep his message alive. Perhaps you are right. Hindsight certainly gives greater clarity of vision. But still one must wonder, if Pierce’s life hadn’t been cut short, whether or not his efforts in this regard might not have borne fruit.

Best wishes to you for a Happy Yuletide.

Be assured, Pierce himself did not appreciate that kind of music in the least.

I knew that already.

To attract the White youth who showed some racial identity (in particular, skinheads) and recruit…

But this is a non-starter. You cannot start something with people of unsound mind. See what happened to Siege readers.

I actually was in agreement with this. I think it was a good strategic move to attempt recruiting our youth to the cause.

But not degenerate youth. You see: the fact that the torch went out after Pierce’s death proves that he did something wrong by appealing to such people. He should have continued appealing to those of sound mind that read National Socialist World in the 1960s. Hitler and the top Nazis never appealed to the degenerates of Weimar Germany.

But where are the voices of our youth? I don’t hear them. That causes me to lose hope.

Those are playing in Anglin’s playground.

if Pierce’s life hadn’t been cut short, whether or not his efforts in this regard might not have borne fruit.

But the problem started since he repudiated the name of National Socialism and tried something more akin to the American spirit. In that old journal he still referred to Hitler as the mentor in absentia of the NS American movement. The National Alliance purposely changed the original spirit believing that it would appeal to the American types. (The same error MacDonald commits now: trying to appeal to respectable American conservatives with tenuous racial overtones instead of the proper fanaticism.)

Incidentally, in the entry I said ‘more than half a century’ having in mind not the time when Pierce used his savings in degenerate music, but when he was still publishing the old journal.

Thank you for your response, Cesar. Your points are well taken. I only choose to clarify one thing: WLP and everyone else who either worked on the national office staff or were in leadership positions (down to the local level of the organization) all shared the national socialist ideology. (They were anti-Christian also, for that matter.) I have not communicated with either Will Williams or Kevin Strom in many years. But I dare say that they themselves would tell you they are national socialists.

When responding to Mike Wallace’s question about this on the 60 Minutes program, Pierce said, “I admire many things that Hitler wrote, many of the programs and policies that he instituted in Germany, but we do not blindly copy anyone else’s policies or programs. We’ve formulated our own program in view of the situation that we face here in America today.”

Like Hitler, Pierce speaking to the public didn’t always state explicitly those things he knew the great majority of our people weren’t ready to comprehend. It may sound odd that the author of The Turner Diaries and Hunter would shy away from openly professing national socialism or recognizing Hitler as the Hero of our race. Perhaps that was a mistake. But certainly Pierce never repudiated either Hitler or national socialism.

He was a close friend of Rockwell, but did not believe dressing the membership in brown shirts or parading with swastika armbands was necessary, desirable, or organic to present-day America. Also, whereas Hitler was able to gain power through legal and largely non-violent means, Pierce was convinced that the situation in America was even more desperate and must deteriorate to the point of chaos and armed revolution before before any necessary and lasting changes could come. His life was devoted to developing an organization that was the vanguard of a White revolution that would bring about a national socialist victory in America.

I know you are aware of most of this yourself already. And I agree that much of your criticism is valid and worth consideration. I write this primarily for any of your readership who may not be overly familiar with Pierce’s writings or thinking. My thoughts expressed here are only in regards to Pierce and the National Alliance as it existed under his leadership. I have not been a member of the National Alliance since Pierce’s passing, and therefore cannot speak about the organization as it is since then. I do have the highest regard for both Will Williams and Kevin Strom.

They never published hard copies of the book. The image above is (I might be wrong) from an edition of Ostara Publications. But OP doesn’t hold the copyright of Who We Are. Perhaps National Alliance complained and OP’s publisher withdrew the book?

That’s a shame. And strange. Would you happen to know why they did that? Shouldn’t it be important to publish as many pro-white books as possible, especially ones that tell the story of the white race?

Thank you for the reply, and Happy Yuletide.

How can a racist Weltanschauung be reconciled with the fact that the last race to have retained the religion of the Aryans are the shitskins of India? Even the pre-Judaic Greeks had their myths corrupted, purportedly due to Pelasgian influences, what’s to say of later Europeans.

Savitri Devi (in your linked picture) called Hitler destined to be a loser/martyr, but Kalki would come either way. Is such cosmic fatalism Aryan or shitskin in nature? Reminds me a bit of the common trope of modern American pop culture, “live to fight another day”.

What if everything is just random? And there never was intelligent life on this planet? And people like Hitler are only once in a millennia exceptions that only confirm the rule? Ever have read of The Great Oxidation Event?

That event is in fact of great inspiration to me. Because I [amicably] disagree with Savitri Devi that there is perfection in the world. The only truth is existence. No actor – no action. That is why I care not for what shitskins do and how they behave – they are of a different tribe, and thus deserve extermination.

César is saying America has been of no use. Of course, I won’t claim they invented the White identity (die Raſsenkunde predates them) I, however, see no shame in appropriating the caricature image of a racist as of a close-minded bigot – courtesy of Judeo-Christian propaganda.

I too would not excuse the Europeans of old for clinging to their traditions in vain. A modern radical youth seems more radical to me. Has César skipped Murdoch Murdoch on BitChute?

Not exactly ‘of no use’. I still have in mind Paul Johnson’s book on the US and I admire the fact that the conquering pioneers were of pure Nordid stock. (And I’ll always remember the happiest years of my childhood when I read Tom Sawyer.) The problem is that since the first migrations Americans carried the latent HIV virus of Christian ethics, that became AIDS in the secularized 1960s.

I was not involved in any of them but remember the tribulations of Panzerfaust Records com and Resistance Records com in the early days of internet around 2000.

At the time they were the first “WN” site to professionally sell and promote on the internet and did cause a stir. Unfortunately they never progressed much beyond their skin-head and hate-core music fan base, and some of their founders turned out to be scum-bags.

This old WN v1.0 was a dead end in developing an effective force in any way and was pretty vacant about culture. (I guess the charlottesville rally was the end of WN 2.0 civic nationalist.)

I guess the charlottesville rally was the end of WN 2.0 civic nationalist.

What we need is simply to tell the story of the white race (e.g., the texts I translated from Europa Soberana). WN 2.0 was pathetically missing of such vital step.

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