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Armor, a commenter in another thread, said:

“The way you use the word monocausalist reminds me of how Hunter Wallace liked to divide the white nationalist scene between the vanguardists and the mainstreamers.”

It’s because, perhaps, I have not been clear enough:

1.- Monocausalists – Most of the commenters at Age of Treason, and people like Dave Duke whom I deeply respect. These people believe that there’s but one cause of our woes: the subversive Jews. For instance, Tanstaafl here, in late Summer 2007, quotes himself:

Isn’t it absurd that anyone would even think to blame Christianity or WASPs for the rise of PC and its catastrophic consequences? Isn’t this in fact a reversal of the truth? Hasn’t the rise and spread of PC eroded the power of Christianity, WASPs, and whites in general? Blaming them is in effect blaming the victim.

Yes, there are Christians, WASPs, and whites who have fallen for the PC brainwashing. Yes, there are some who have taken it so deeply to heart that they work to expand and protect it. That’s the nature of PC. That is its purpose. To control the minds of the people it seeks to destroy. The left, at its root, is all about destruction.

You don’t have to be an anti-Semite to notice where these ideas originate from and who benefits. But you do have to violate PC to say: Jews.

For strict monocausalists, “there is nothing wrong with whites.”

2.- Bicausalists Type A – Those who, like Greg Johnson, Alex Linder and some commenters at Linder’s VNN Forum, believe that Jews are the primary cause of our woes, though there are other important factors as well. Unlike Tanstaafl, these bicausalists also blame our parents’ religion. For instance, Johnson recently commented against Christianity at Counter Currents and last Saturday Linder briefly discussed with Carolyn Yeager the role of Christianity in debilitating the Aryan mind when dealing with the subversive tribe.

3.- Bicausalists Type B – Those who, like Tom Sunic, Manu Rodríguez and I believe that there’s something seriously wrong with us, extremely wrong actually. Whites’ mental issues (which include a Calvinist type of Old Testament Christianity that conquered North America) are the primary infection, and the Judaization of the West, a secondary infection (like AIDS / pneumonia, etc).

A popular image to visualize this later type of bicausalism would be through the archetype of Isildur, a character of Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings.

Armor said:

“Now of course, if White people were naturally as aggressive and prone to violence as the Arabs, their society would be harder to penetrate for the Jews…”

But ethnically we were even more aggressive and prone to violence than the Arabs (who became sand-niggers with time). I trust you have read my controversial entry on Portugal, where several of my sources agreed on the fact that in the first centuries of our era the Iberian Goths burned at the stake their fellow Aryans that dared to mix their precious blood.

Pace Duke, James Edwards, Yeager and so many white nationalist Christians who have been saying “Happy Easter” in the white blogosphere these days, Christianity changed all that, and not only in Iberia: something that they’ll never acknowledge.

We need a new generation of nationalists who, unlike the conservative Spaniards of today (whom I find intolerable by the way) or of yesterday (silly burners of heretics instead of dispatching the miscegenators) leave universal Christianity behind.

(This entry was expanded on April 27)

11 replies on “Bicausalism”

These people believe that there’s but one cause of our woes: the subversive Jews.

Do you have any examples of that?

I don’t recall it being said at Age of Treason that there is one, and one only, cause of our woes.

Bicausalists Type B…“Now of course, if White people were naturally as aggressive and prone to violence as the Arabs, their society would be harder to penetrate for the Jews…”

Your argument is that there is a Jewish problem, and that the reason for this problem is that Whites allowed there to be a Jewish problem.

That’s still monocausal in that you are admitting the Jews are the problem. You are simply relieving them of any blame for being the problem and attributing it to one giant enormous amorphous White culture, with a specific inflection to one giant enormous amorphous Christianity.

Do you have any examples of that?

Yes: Helvena said at Age of Treason that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with us, implying that we are 100% innocent.

That’s still monocausal in that you are admitting the Jews are the problem.

No: because the Islamic nations never got infected with the “Judaization of the Muslim world” even though they have been geographically closer to the tribe. There must be something wrong with us.

…with a specific inflection to one giant enormous amorphous Christianity

Not amorphous at all! You can read Griffin’s many posts on the Yankee question or Sunic’s Homo Americanus: they make my point crystal-clear.

Sorry, I’m missing your example. Do you have a link to this quote by Helvena?

No: because the Islamic nations never got infected with the “Judaization of the Muslim world” even though they have been geographically closer to the tribe.

Again, you are confirming that Jews are the problem. You are just saying that we allowed them to be a problem, unlike the Muslims, and therefore you attribute this to “universalist” Christianity.

Do you have a link to this quote by Helvena?


But the whole mindset of the monocausalists is totally paranoid—paranoid beyond repair. Judge it by yourself. Just today a regular commenter has, again, called me “jew”—only because I don’t share his pet “single jewish cause” hypothesis so common in the white movement!

Again, you are confirming that Jews are the problem.

Not exactly… The whole point is that the white people have a sort of HIV/AIDS which makes them vulnerable to Semitic depredations: a virus for the mind that the Muslims don’t suffer.

But it is far more than that actually. Stay tuned. Today I’ll translate for WDH what Manu said in Spanish above and I moved to another blog. Perhaps I’ll choose the title of “Foundations of bicausalism” for my next entry.

Unfortunately, it will take nothing less than the total shattering of our civilization as we know it for Whites to shake away the mental yoke of Christianity.

Monocausalist: Type B – Those who recognize that Christianity and the Jewish problem are not mutually exclusive. The former is a product of the latter. Christianity, and its modern offshoot Cultural Marxism, are the means which facilitate the end result, which is the Judaization of the west.

Western man isn’t flawed in any genetic sense. Any “mental issues” which can be attributed to him are the result of him being corrupted. His high trust, highly altruistic nature, combined with his ability to empathize with other lifeforms(a trait which is unique to him) is an asset when he is surrounded by a folk community which shares these instincts. These are the traits which allow the complex, highly organized societies he builds to function smoothly. They only become a problem in the absence of strong aristocratic leadership, where parasites are allowed to prey off him.

Parasitism is the fundamental problem lying at the root of the self destruction of western man.

A deadly parasite has snuck into the ant hill, killed the queen(the aristocracy), and is now tricking the workers into raising more parasites, which then sneak into other ant hills( nations) and repeat the cycle.

Marxism is the mental and spiritual poison these parasites feed their Aryan host in order to turn the workers into their willing tool. It is the acid they use to dissolve their host’s sense of group identity and kill any instinctive attempt to defend their collective genetic interests.

The ultimate goal of Marxism is to atomize the society to the point where the masses have been completely stripped of their group identity, and therefor no longer work to defend the collective welfare of their folkish community. Instead they begin to compete against each other as individuals in a desperate scramble to consume the communities resources. Once this atomization has been achieved it becomes quite easy for the parasites to move in and work together as a group to seize the levers of power.

Christianity is Marxism 1.0. It brought about the first great inversion of our organic values. It destroyed the religious traditions and mythology which were a true reflection of Aryan mans soul, and the foundation of his identity; and replaced them with a Semitic alien surrogate designed to corrupt his instincts. It is a deadly spiritual poison that a tribe of parasitic fiends has infected us with in order turn us into their willing host.

Christianity irreparably fractured western man’s identity and brought about the collapse of the cultural tradition pioneered by the ancient Hellenes, causing western culture to regress a thousand years. This cycle is about to repeat itself today. We have already passed the critical threshold where the cycle can be reversed. Western Civilization will self-destruct again, and the regression will be worse this time as there are no healthy Aryan tribes left (like the Germans after Rome) to rebuild.

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