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Daybreak Publishing Karlheinz Deschner Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (books)

Deschner, book 2

Imperial silver denarius of Charlemagne
inspired by Roman models. This representation
is the closest thing to a contemporary
portrait of the Imperator.

I have decided to discontinue the translations of Deschner’s monumental work that I started doing for this site in August 2013, ten years ago.

The reason is simple, as I explain in the forthcoming preface to the second abridged book, people know about the Christian crimes of the second millennium but hardly anyone knows about the crimes of the first millennium:

Editor’s foreword

The two-book abridgement of the contents of the first volumes of Karlheinz Deschner’s Criminal History of Christianity, originally published in German, is intended for white nationalists. Both nationalists and historically literate people are unaware that Christianity was not imposed on the white man by preaching but by imperial violence. I chose the images for the covers of these two books, Constantine and Charlemagne because they seem to me to represent not only how a cult of Semitic origin was imposed on the whites of the Mediterranean by order of the Roman Empire, but a few centuries later on the Northmen through genocidal wars.

The historical material collected by Deschner is very different from the psycho-historical material collected by Tom Holland in his 2019 book Dominion (page 3 of this book which the reader holds in his hands mentions an abridged version of Dominion available on my website The West’s Darkest Hour). Holland discusses the traces that Christian morality, from its origins, caused the rampant egalitarianism that burns the West today. On the other hand, Deschner collects the cases of Christian crimes hardly known to Christians and non-Christians alike, as it is the winners who write history; and since Constantine the imperial church was particularly successful in destroying the books of its critics (in the case of the Saxons annihilated by Charlemagne, they did not possess a culture as advanced as that of the Greco-Romans).

We have all heard of the crimes of the Catholic Church in the second millennium of Christianity: the Inquisition for dissenting men and the burning at the stake of innocent women labelled witches. But the crimes of the first Christian millennium are virtually unknown: a blind spot that this two-volume translation of a fraction of Deschner’s work aims to cure. As I have stated on my website, to save the white man from the coming extinction it is necessary to become aware of both sides of the coin: the crimes of first-millennium Christianity (Deschner) and how Christian morality permeates today’s secular world (Holland).

Last month I finished abridging Tom Holland’s book to popularise it through PDF abridgement. Now it is the turn of Karlheinz Deschner’s book.

César Tort
July 2023

If there is little point in continuing to translate other Deschner books on, say, the Inquisition in the second millennium of Christianity (as it is well-known history), the discontinuation of these translations with Charlemagne’s immediate successors seems pertinent to me.

The entries published in this site from the 1st instalment of the Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums series to instalment 100 constitute the first book, Christianity’s Criminal History Vol. I, which can be read through the featured post. In the following days, I will review the syntax of Christianity’s Criminal History Vol. II (entries 101-183), which will have the cover of Charlemagne. Therefore, I will upload a few posts here while I am busy with the next PDF which will also be available for free to the visitors of this site.

We would appreciate your support in this venture, especially monthly donations, even if it is a modest amount so that we can continue in this endeavour. Thank you.

4 replies on “Deschner, book 2”

You’re the first person I saw mentioning mentioning Richard Carrier years ago, so I thought I should show you something. This is probably even more shocking:

link 1, link 2

I’m still digesting Gmirkin’s ideas. I only discovered his books a few weeks ago, by accident, while listening to a totally unrelated podcast, but to me, like I said, this is even more disturbing in a way than the the Carrier stuff. Other people before Carrier had already suggested that Jesus was a salvational myth fictional character. Gmirkin on the other hand is breaking new scholarship grounds (I’m interested in Biblical studies myself, especially the Old Testment).

I removed most of your links. There were a lot of them and I left only the first two. If you post YouTube links here or any other platform, please be frugal.

The issue with such far-reaching models is that it’s all too easy to lose solid ground, jumping off the precipice into a trillion possible schizo theories – the Flavian Jesus hypothesis being a relevant example. Just go to the Unz Review comments to see the most inane nonsense imaginable.

Still, the Elephantine papyri as an argument for a late consolidation of the Jewish national myth are fascinating. But what’s the use of it? If I were to guess right now, I could suggest that Judaism emerged from the trauma of the legendary Asians’ defeat at the hands of Alexander’s Nordics. That would explain its zealous potency, as National Socialism too emerged after a terrible lost war.

Judaism against the Greeks; Christianity against the Romans!

Lawrence recently responded to with such insults that I realised he was a troll, but he won’t post more comments on this thread.

P.S. True, many commenters on that site you mention are clueless. Sometimes I don’t know which is worse: receiving as few visits as I receive on this site, or receiving hundreds as Ron Unz receives and finding yourself in Babel’s tower.

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