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New Testament Racial studies Savitri Devi Schutzstaffel (SS) Souvenirs et réflexions d'une aryenne (book) Third Reich Tom Sunic

Reflections of an Aryan woman, 74

One of the earliest epigraphically attested reference to the word
arya occurs in the 6th-century b.c.e. Behistun inscription.

Moreover, it was not only with the initiates of the Forbidden City of Lhasa (and perhaps with the Dalai Lama himself) that the spiritual elite of the SS Order—which was that of a new traditional civilisation in the making, if not currently in gestation—sought contact. To my humble knowledge, there were also similar meetings in India: meetings that few people in the West suspect, quite apart from the political conversations that may have taken place with certain Hindu leaders, such as Subhas Chandra Bose, in India and Germany before and during the Second World War.

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Editor’s Note: With the benefit of hindsight, it is relatively easy to see that this esoteric search was a fool’s errand. Given what happened in real history, what the Nazi elite ought to have studied was already written in the German language. I refer to the texts by Nietzsche that we quote at the appendix to the masthead of this site (pages 84-90, here).

Now that Christian axiology has reached its apex, albeit in secularised form, it is clear that Evil, with a capital ‘E’, always came from Judeo-Christian ethical injunctions in secularised form.

It is not that the 21st-century priest of the sacred words is feeling superior to the Nazis of the previous century. Rather, they lacked the perspective that we have so far. For example, what we said last November about the evangelist Mark, who invented the fictitious figure of Jesus just after the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem, is something that no German Nazi ever thought of.

The exegesis of the New Testament had to develop to the degree that it has developed today—and I am referring to the non-existence of the historical Jesus—for us to realise that the whole New Testament thing was, from the beginning, a very subversive text aimed against Rome (this is very clear in the last book of the Bible).

There was nothing to be looking for in Tibet or India. The Third Reich would have done well to take New Testament studies where Richard Carrier has recently taken them. But as the Irish commenter Gaedhal said on this site, American racialists are even more primitive than liberal Christians in that they don’t even want to know that the New Testament has been subjected to rigorous scrutiny since the German Enlightenment (cf. what we have been saying about Reimarus). Apparently, I am the only one who has pointed out these studies in the racialist forums of the new century. But let’s move on to Savitri….

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Since 1935, a cultural magazine, The New Mercury, had been published in Calcutta, very ably edited by Sri Asit Krishna Mukherji, in collaboration with Sri Vinaya Datta and some others. The Fuhrer’s speeches, of which the official press, both in English and Bengali, reported only excerpts, were spread in extenso, especially if they were, as was often the case, of interest beyond ‘politics’. One of them, which particularly caught my attention at the time, was on the subject of ‘Architecture and the Nation’. But the said journal also published studies on everything that could tend to bring to light a deep, non-political connection, going back very far and very high, between the traditional Hindu civilisation as it has never ceased to exist, and the traditional Germanic civilisation, as it had existed, long before Christianity, and aspired to be reborn. These studies revealed in their authors, in addition to the indispensable archaeological erudition, serious knowledge of cosmic symbolism. Several of them were, needless to say, centred on the Swastika.

They seemed to show, indirectly, the exceptional character of a great modern state which recognised as its own a sign of such universal significance; engraved it on all its public monuments, and printed it on all its banners. At the same time, they suggested the aspiration of this great State to renew contact with the primordial Tradition, from which Europe had already detached itself for centuries, but of which India had kept the invaluable deposit.

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Editor’s note: Let me clarify this matter a little more. All this searching for India’s Aryan roots is good. What was wrong is not seeing the Christian enemy next door: the Anglo-American slaves of Judeo-Christian ethics, who would murder this revived Aryan baby through the Hellstorm Holocaust (read Tom Sunic’s Homo Americanus). In other words: the priority should have been to know their fanatic enemy, the Judaized Anglo-Americans, and looking for the Aryan roots should’ve been a secondary matter. Savitri continues:

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I have no evidence that the Ahnenerbe played any part in the publication of the New Mercury. This seems to me all the less likely as this special section of the SS was itself only founded in 1935, the same year as the said magazine. But I know that the latter was at least partly financially supported by the government of the Third Reich. Germans, and representatives—German or not—of German firms in India were supposed to subscribe to it. And at least one of them, to my knowledge, was recalled to Germany, having been dismissed from the direction of the branch which he governed for years, for having refused to do so and declaring that ‘this new-style propaganda’ (sic) did not interest him.

The founder and editor of the periodical, Sri A. K. Mukherji, remained in close contact with Herr von Selzam, the German Consul General in Calcutta, as long as he remained in that post. And this official representative of Adolf Hitler gave him, on the eve of his departure, a document addressed to the German authorities, in which it was specified in no uncertain terms that ‘no one in Asia had rendered the Reich services comparable to his’. I saw this document. I read it again and again, with joy, with pride, as an Aryan and a Hitlerite, and as the wife of Sri A. K. Mukherji. I have already alluded to it in these reflections.

I can’t say whether or not the services referred to therein went beyond the rather narrow confines of Sri A. K. Mukherji’s activities as editor of a fortnightly, traditionalist journal, both Hindu and pro-German. It would seem that they had outgrown them, for the journal had lasted only two years; the British authorities having banned it towards the end of 1937, shortly after the definitive ‘turning point’ in the evolution of British policy towards the Reich. In any case, I didn’t know Sri A. K. Mukherji personally at that time: his name only evoked, for me, the existence of the only magazine of distinctly Hitlerian tendencies that I knew in India. But one thing leads me to believe that his knowledge of esoteric Hitlerism, i.e. of the deep connection of the Führer’s secret doctrine with the eternal tradition, was in no way comparable to the vague impressions I might have had on the same subject. In the very first conversation I had with him, after having had the honour of being introduced to him—on 9 January 1938—, less than two years later, he was destined to give me his name and his protection, and asked me incidentally what I thought of Dietrich Eckart.

I knew that this was the author of the famous poem Deutschland erwache, the fighter of the very first days of the Kampfzeit, who died a few weeks after the failed putsch of 9 November 1923 at the age of fifty-five: the comrade to whom Adolf Hitler had dedicated the second part of Mein Kampf. I was still unaware of the existence of the Thülegesellschaft, and was therefore far from suspecting the role that the poet of the national revolution had played with the Führer.

I enthusiastically displayed my pitifully little erudition. My interlocutor, who had rendered, and would soon render, to the Third Reich (and later to its Japanese allies) ‘services comparable to those of no other’, smiled and moved on to another subject.

9 replies on “Reflections of an Aryan woman, 74”

“With the benefit of hindsight…
It is not that the 21st-century priest of the sacred words is feeling superior to the Nazis of the previous century. Rather, they lacked the perspective that we have so far.”-CT

What has become clear to me over the years is that Hitler, or, to be precise, the defeat of Hitler in 1945, was the necessary catalyst for the complete triumph of Jesus over the collective psyche of the White race. The modern mass suicidal insanity one can witness in the collective behaviour of Whites since 1945 would not have occurred in the 20th and 21st centuries had it not been for the appearance of Adolf Hitler. Therefore Jesus+Hitler (Hitler’s defeat in 1945)=the triumph of the Christianity (Jesus the Jew) over the Aryan.

I think it is wise to see Jesus and Hitler (regardless of the fact that Jesus is a mythological archetype) as the two crucial figures behind the unfolding of Western history (and thus world history) since the fall of Rome. Although Jesus and Hitler are polar opposites they also feed off each other historically, in a synthesis and dynamism, and there are also similarities between Jesus and Hitler. What I’m saying is that Jesus and Hitler become Yin and yang.

Jesus. King of the Jews. Christianity. Crucifix. The Bible.

Hitler. King of the Germans (or Aryans). Nazism. Swastika. Mein Kampf.

This ‘yin yang’ polarity of Jesus and Hitler proceeds from the conflict of opposites that is the Jew vs. the Aryan
Jesus is the archetypal Jewish deceiver.
Hitler is the archetypal Aryan Man.

If the Aryan becomes functionally extinct by the end of this century then it was the case that the Jews decisively defeated the Aryan race during WWII. Therefore 1945 (or really, Stalingrad in 1943) was the metaphysical triumph of Jesus the Jew over Hitler the Aryan. In that case it could be said that God is a Jew (a kike named Jesus), the Jews are God’s chosen people, Hitler committed suicide and the ‘white race’ is going extinct i.e. total defeat of the Aryan Man!

Only the remainder of the 21st century will reveal what the climax of the ancient war between the Aryans and the Jews will be.

You are mostly English, right?

‘If the Aryan becomes functionally extinct by the end of this century then it was the case that the Jews [my emphasis] decisively defeated the Aryan race during WWII’.

As a non-Anglo-American, I would rather say that they, the Anglo-Americans, decisively defeated the Aryan race during WWII (i.e., committed ethnosuicide). See what I said last November at the bottom of this post about our friend Tom Goodrich, my ‘Editor’s note’.

Okay, fair enough. I’d still rather say the Jews.

Even after the military defeat of Germany in 1945 the White race still ruled the entire world. The United States of America had the largest military in the world and the most powerful weapons in the world as their brutal defeat of the Japanese had demonstrated. The British Empire was intact, and still existed. Few white males realized that all white power was about to suddenly crumble because the entire white race was about to suddenly enter into a collective suicidal masochistic insanity. The defeat of Germany in 1945 didn’t necessarily have to mean the extinction of the white race (although with the benefit of hindsight we can see that it did, this wasn’t 100% clear in the 1940s and 1950s.)

Most Germans cucked too after their defeat. They were all on Hitler’s side when he was winning but by the 1950s you could barely find a National Socialist in Germany. As the saying went “You won’t find anyone in Germany who voted for Hitler.” The true test is remaining loyal in defeat and upon defeat most Germans apologized for Hitler, abandoned all loyalty to him and sucked up to the Jews. The Master Race? No, not really.

Anyway, the descendants of the English and Americans of the 1940s reap the consequences of the Anglo-American defeat of Hitler today. The consequences are: the complete end of the Americans and the British as white nations.

‘Okay, fair enough. I’d still rather say the Jews’.

Because, claims to the contrary, you’re not a bicausalist B but still a bicausalist A.

‘The true test is remaining loyal in defeat and upon defeat most Germans apologized for Hitler, abandoned all loyalty to him and sucked up to the Jews’.

It would be more accurate to say that the Germans cucked before the invading Americans: the worst nation in the history of the West from the point of view of the 14 words. Otherwise such a claim seems to be saying that the Jews dominate the zeitgeist of the West, not that whites willingly gave themselves over to evil as they did in the 4th to 6th centuries and beyond, until Charlemagne.

Have you already read Sunic’s book about the Americans that I cited above (or even the Nietzsche quotes I linked)?

“Because, claims to the contrary, you’re not a bicausalist B but still a bicausalist A.”-CT

I’ve gone over this time and time again in my comments from years back on your blog and I really don’t care about playing this game Cesar. It’s all swings and roundabouts. Whites are lying scum, Jews are lying scum. Hitler deserved to kill himself, the Jews deserved The Holocaust. I’m not taking sides because I no longer have a stake in the outcome. Even the best white males are limited creatures. Humans are a hopeless species. I’m an individualist misanthrope at heart.

“Have you already read Sunic’s book about the Americans that I cited above (or even the Nietzsche quotes I linked)?”-CT

I’ve met Tom Sunic twice and I’ve read a number of his books, he made good points but I don’t really care for reading Sunic again.

I am also a misanthrope, so I became an exterminationist.

Rather than land in jail this year, it would be better if you fled to Mexico and relaunch the podcast but this time discussing our differences, face to face.

There are no people who discuss these things aurally. We would be the first. For white nationalists, these topics are taboo.

I dare to think that such a program would be a hit on racialist forums.

“I am also a misanthrope, so I became an exterminationist.”

I stopped seeing the best (i.e. most intelligent or rather most truthful) white males as the ‘last hope for the human species’ some time ago. I don’t care about correcting mankind any longer.

“Rather than land in jail this year, it would be better if you fled to Mexico and relaunch the podcast but this time discussing our differences, face to face.”

No, I’ll stay in England and face jail. I’m indifferent to whether I’m murdered by niggers in jail for being ‘racist’ (oh, no! ha ha) or whether I come out of jail and live to be an old man. Nor do I really care about the fate of the white race any longer. As I said, I don’t feel I have a stake in the outcome any longer

“There are no people who discuss these things aurally. We would be the first. For white nationalists, these topics are taboo.
I dare to think that such a program would be a hit on racialist forums.”

I’ve done enough trying to “save the white race” over the past decade. I doubt anyone else who posts on your blog can say they’ve been in court for charges relating to terrorism! I’m now planning to spend the second half of my life (I’m in my mid-thirties) observing the human drama on Earth continue to unfold from my detached, misanthropic perspective.

That can only mean you don’t feel the exterminationist hatred that I feel. About an hour ago I saw the video clips on YouTube about the movie Greenland, which puts an asteroid and its fragments wreaking havoc on humans like they did on dinosaurs 65 million years ago. But I won’t see the whole movie because, as a priest of the 14 words that I am, I barely see a black among the protagonists and I automatically stop watching the movie.

But the point is that, for me, if the white race becomes extinct, I would really want a Chicxulub-type asteroid that fell in Mexico 65 million years ago, to fall again to exterminate all non-whites that survived after the extinction of the White Man.

And it is that exterminationist hatred that keeps me alive, and what makes me never get depressed. (As I said in one of my books that appear on the sidebar, depression is the very antithesis of hate; whoever hates cannot be depressed—ever.)

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