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Aryan beauty Maxfield Parrish


for the new religion for Whites

In a previous thread Stubbs responded to one of my comments:

I have, and I’m not really a theist. I’m more along the lines of Pierce or Heidegger or something. The problem with trying to emulate the NSDAP on this one is that they were able to use a lot of “meta-political” work done prior. They had Kant and Hegel and Nietzsche and so on, which wasn’t ideal but was at least a start.

Their religious dogmatism was mostly limited to things like banning freemasonry or not letting atheists into the SS, which wasn’t “separation of church and state” but wasn’t exactly a reformation either. They had to deal with the same problem as us: ending nihilistic atheism through something besides Christianity. It requires a new way of thinking, but I don’t see how the German people of 1940 could have been ready for it. They hadn’t witnessed the collapse of their entire civilization, they weren’t going to believe that God was dead just because Nietzsche claimed it. Now we know.

Maybe I’m being a little too bombastic; I don’t really care whether “the Spirit proceeds from the Son who proceeds from the Father” or “both the Spirit and the Son proceed from the Father”, but that doesn’t mean religion shouldn’t be debated in the public sphere, as a matter of right and wrong, and not merely a “personal opinion” to be tucked away. I see secularism as a sort of spiritual pacifism, and pacifism on the highest questions (is there a God?) trickles down to even the most basic issues (who are we to say homosexuals can’t marry?).

So let me think of some fundamental questions that need to be answered: Why does it matter if the White race exists, if the rest of the humans are happy? Why does it matter if the White race continues to exist if I personally live my life out in comfort? Why should I be concerned with the White race if it only recently evolved from our ape-like ancestors, knowing that change is a part of the universe? Why should I be concerned with the existence of the White race if every White person is mortal, and preserving each one is futile? Why should I be concerned with preserving the White race if all White people who live will suffer, some horribly, and none would suffer if they were wiped out? Why should I as an individual put effort into helping my race when it’s very unlikely that my personal effort will tip the scales? Why should I bother living at all, if my life is not immediately entertaining to me?

These are big questions. Maybe no one in the 1930s would ask why Germans must survive, but Pierce’s student has become the norm in 2013. I don’t think we can just give a smattering of different reasons and call it good enough. We’re going to need answers, and we’re going to actually need to agree on what the answers are, and how we got them, and that means no separation between religion and politics. Incidentally, this also makes a Christian-pagan-atheist alliance very difficult, and I think each position will have to divorce itself from and, at most, work in parallel with the others. Eventually something will become “king of the hill” and it will flip the world upside-down.

This is my response:

So let me think of some fundamental questions that need to be answered: Why does it matter if the White race exists, if the rest of the humans are happy?

That and the rest of your questions are easy questions—for me. But I acknowledge that trying to respond in a blog entry is extremely difficult (William Pierce tried to ponder along similar lines in the very first of his weekly speeches). The real problem with this topic is that it involves something that we may call “psychoclasses,” a subject I mention in those pages of my book where I try explain psychohistory.

If regarding music you belong to a superior psychoclass to those of the masses, you will find it impossible to “prove” your superiority unless you are a scholar of musical science (see e.g., this response by Roger to one of James’ articles on music at Counter-Currents). I can grasp what Roger says intuitively. But I am not a music scholar. I can’t use language to prove that those who like the crassest forms of pop music are spiritual degenerates. Similarly, it’s all too easy to recognize a beautiful or an ugly face you see in the real world, but when trying to use mere language to describe that face to, say, the police, you will see that you need a visual representation of it.

It is the same regarding your questions above. As I told you in that thread, to me the beauty of the white Aryan woman (some would argue that leptosomatic ephebes fall in this category too) could transform itself into a new myth. To use Michael O’Meara’s words in Toward the White Republic:

For it is myth—and the memories and hopes animating it—that shape a nation, that turn a “motley horde” into a people with a shared sense of purpose and identity, that mobilize them against the state of things, and prepare them for self-sacrifice and self-rule.

Myth, not race realism, not stats on black-on-white crime or an excruciating analysis on the Jewish problem, will create the white ethnostate. Let us not use only those old tones anymore when trying to communicate with the broader population. Remember those words written specifically by Beethoven (rather than Schiller) for his Choral symphony:

Oh friends, not these tones!
Rather, let us raise our voices in more pleasing
And more joyful sounds!

For the emergent individual, classical music is the manifestation of a spiritual stage; the crassest forms of pop music and sexual permissiveness, the manifestation of a degenerative, hedonistic stage. The problem with the new myth that potentially could galvanize Whites is, of course, that like music it cannot be articulated except by means of using the right hemisphere of the brain; in this case, the visual arts.

Terre et Peuple, Blut und Boden

Catalina, the crown of the evolution, a girl I met in 1980

The above illustration comes from the brush of the American painter Maxfield Parrish. That Westerners in general and Americans in particular have been degrading their psyches into descendent spirals since World War 2 is evident when keeping in mind that it was estimated that a copy of one of Parrish’s masterpieces, Daybreak, could be found in one out of every four American households in times when Hitler was in power.

Even later, when I was a child in the 1960s, I remember how the American and British cultures still celebrated spiritually the beauty of the Aryan woman. I was a child when the original Prince Valiant came up in every Sunday paper, a comic-strip where the female characters were depicted as hyper-Nordic beauties and the institution of marriage (and the femininity of women) was solid.

Whites need to evolve, make a quantum leap from their current degeneracy to their previous stage. This cannot be done as some young people in the movement say, by invoking the year of 1936—as the Spanish Civil War was, literally, the last ditch of the Christian era (ask me: who studied in the Madrid High School of Mexico City). Following Hegel’s dialectic I would say that Christian numinousity can be merged within its antithetical secularism, giving birth to a synthesis that would be neither Christian nor secular in the current liberal sense.

Let me finish this post with the last paragraph of my essay “Gitone’s magic,” a sort of Platonic response to Counter-Currents’ explicitly “gay” agenda:

I imagine modifying the Northwest Republic tricolor flag by means of placing the colors horizontally and adding the full image of Parrish’s Garden of Opportunity in its middle. Not because in our search for the inexplicable superiority of the Venusinian we males should try to imitate Gitone or Tadzio, which is impossible. But because only the unreachable archetype of the eternal feminine will lead the white race to the Absolute.

I don’t know why, but I confess that every time I read this last line I find myself almost on the verge of tears…

21 replies on “Prolegomena”

If regarding music you belong to a superior psychoclass to those of the masses, you will find it impossible to “prove” your superiority unless you are a scholar of musical science

Do you think this applies to Religion i.e. Christians? In that those who have experienced a kind of Religious Ecstasy (transcendent experience) will never return to a ‘lower’ metaphysical framework. Obviously a majority haven’t experienced this, which is where Islam and Judaism have an edge through their strong clerical schooling…

The point being that ‘myth’ is only one component. Without the ‘initiatic rites’ that are designed to bring one closer to the Eternal, you will not create the required fervor for this task.

For the emergent individual, classical music is the manifestation of a spiritual stage; the crassest forms of pop music and sexual permissiveness, the manifestation of a degenerative, hedonistic stage. The problem with the new myth that potentially could galvanize Whites is, of course, that like music it cannot be articulated except by means of using the right hemisphere of the brain; in this case, the visual arts.

I hadn’t given this idea enough consideration. An Introduction to Metaphysics was obviously supposed to be a very analytical piece, but Heidegger still had to reference Greek poetry to help get his point across. One of his biggest complaints was that modern language simply wasn’t adept at handling the concepts he was trying to convey in a literal sense. All major religious leaders seem to fall back on a heavy use of metaphor.

Would we find more success if we used more imagery, visual and textual, to try and convey our ideas? Probably, we have more than enough dry essays that nobody’s going to read anyway. I guess that’s why Counter-Currents does movie reviews, although I don’t think I’ll be watching many of them.

Hyperborea Rising has a neat collection of art, with a lot of pagan themes to it. It’s worth looking at if you haven’t seen any of it.


My response to Stubbs “what does it matter if whites exist?” and as long as I live in comfort, so what? I would say that without white people there will be no comfort! All major inventions which provide “comfort” were created by whites: how about living in comfort without antibiotics just for one. A simple infection, from a splinter, could cost you your comfort permanently. How about ethics? Perhaps Stubbs has not been in the ghetto to witness the almost total lack of civilization.

Civilization is hanging on a thread in ghettos all over the country, they cannot do it for themselves. I live near Chicago and can tell you having witnessed the destruction of my childhood home, you do not want whites to be gone, it will be hell. Alex

There are still plenty of upper-middle class Whites cloistered in their suburbs who have antibiotics and live under law and order, but do nothing to help their race, and often actively work against it for social status and other personal rewards.

This is in fact the optimal way to maximize individual comfort: flee from the conflict until you die, and let the people who live after you deal with their problems themselves. Maximize what you take from the race and minimize what you give back to it. If cornered then you fight back to whatever degree is necessary, but abandon your friends and your descendants at the first opportunity to save your own skin. Testifying in the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Pure selfishness, basically.

What part would scientific knowledge have in a new White spirituality? we have the advantage of building a spiritual system that is pro-science, no religion on earth except Deism and perhaps the Greeks schools are pro-science.

The concept of evolution, the ancient age of the Earth, the vastness and beauty of the universe, with some emphasis on math and lot of emphasis on White history would be ideal for a creation story. We could start with trying to create a Scientific Cosmogony.

Then a more refined history of the White race, several morality stories, some basic laws and then we could end it with several poems with a deeper spiritual meaning and we would have our Bible.

Any religious system that doesn’t acknowledge evolution is starting to get really awkward…

Evolution is nonsense, we were created by Nordic aliens in Atlantis as an experiment. Whites are part neanderthal and part alien; there physical body is the result of a hybridization project of supernatural entities who came to earth with advanced technology. The church (led by the Jews, who are the progeny of a separate race of space aliens) has kept this fact hidden by destroying all evidence which once existed pointing to this historical reality, but it was once taught by all ancient cultures.


Denying evolution is the basis of leftist thought, because they see every human being as equal in worth, value and intelligence and as a product of upbringing and not genetics.

I always find it funny when the left defends the theory of evolution against creationists, because they don’t belief in it themselves. at least not when it involves human beings.

So any white religion would need a complete acceptance of evolution, not just for the universe and life on earth, but also for human beings. Every human being, every race and ethnic group is the product of evolution.

Evolution is nonsense, we were created by Nordic aliens in Atlantis as an experiment. Whites are part neanderthal and part alien; there physical body is the result of a hybridization project of supernatural entities who came to earth with advanced technology.

Well evolution would still work then, it would just have been altered by another (also evolved?) creature. We’d be like dogs rather than wolves, but we’d still know why bats have fingers and snakes have leg-bones. And if you draw a line from a legged fish to a modern Aryan a Neanderthal has to be pretty damn close to the top anyways. Even chimps are actually much more advanced than many realize.

Erratum already corrected:

“…it was estimated that a copy of one of Parrish’s masterpieces, Daybreak, could be found in one out of every four American households in times when Hitler was in power.”

White spirituality should be about men coming to terms which their own mortality and answering the question of mortality with a fruitful life. St. Augustine, Pascal, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche all had this in mind when they told us to keep death close in mind. The only answer is a personal one. Perhaps, this isn’t the place to say this, but I believe whites are part animal and part divine; although the former predominates, it is a responsibility to make the latter possible in our personal lives.

Maybe you would feel more at home amongst fellow Christians, then you could deny evolution all you want and talk about the ladder of creation from minerals to God and how we fit in right between the animals and the angels.

I’m sure there are some sort of “angels” out there that would wreck our race big time if we ever fought and understand things on an entirely different level. I don’t know if we’ve ever encountered one though.

The original meaning of the Latin word ‘religio’ – from ‘religare’, to tie fast – was never used until Constantinian times to describe the ‘superstitio nova ac malefica’ represented by Christianism and has nothing to do with the metaphysical or fideistic concepts introduced by monotheism. It is simply what binds together the members of a political and ethno-cultural community. As such, religion has two aspects: the myth – the representation that we choose to have of our own past, and more generally of the universe, in relation to the future, the destiny that we want to create; and the rite – the evocation and celebration of our being together with the intention of provoking a general mobilisation of spirits, the nationalization of the masses: a necessary condition for the new European nation to have a destiny worthy of its own past, worthy of what we once were and could be again. This is the real religious question.

A book has just been writtten dealing in depth with these existential questions: “Suprahumanism. European Man and the Regeneration of History”. It will be published in the next few weeks, but, in the meantime, those who are interested may read some extracts here: www. suprahumanism.com

In the second half of the nineteenth century, a new historical tendency – antithetically opposed to egalitarianism – made its entrance: it has been labeled ‘Suprahumanism’. Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical work, and Richard Wagner’s artistic and metapolitical production, inaugurated this new current of thought. Their activities exercised tremendous influence in fin-de-siècle Europe and in the first half of the twentieth century – both negatively, provoking rejection and reaction, and positively, inspiring philosophical and artistic development, animating spiritual and religious action, and, finally, finding political expression (Conservative Revolution, Fascism, NS).

“Suprahumanism” describes this new revolutionary outlook on man, world and history. It argues that man is the only creator of cultural forms – of history – since the will to power resides in him (William Pierce, together with German Idealism, would say that the Life Force becomes self-conscious in man). Now, at the beginning of the XXI Century, it is required that European mankind achieves a quantum leap in consciousness or, as Chechar states, that a new ‘psychoclass’ emerges. This ‘metanoia’ – spiritual conversion or ‘repentance’ – is the conditio sine qua non for the rebirth of Aryan Europe – the regeneration of racial Europids.

Today’s alternative is between ‘globalization’, entropy and narcissistic consumerism, in a scenario of ever more dehumanizing effects, and the possibility of a community deciding to take charge of its own destiny and to regenerate humankind – reaching ever higher. I hope – and I believe – this community will be Europe: Imperium Europa.

What if we’re able to detach from and analyze the process of detaching and analyzing? Could we work back to zero?

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