and the Sun, 10
The National Socialist struggle against international Jewry took, in broad day-light, the form of a tremendous holy war against Marxism—the latest large-scale Movement ‘in Time’—and, in a much subtler and indirect manner, yet, with equal deadly determination, that of a relentless action against all spiritual or pseudo-spiritual, open or secret organisations equally ‘in Time,’ the influence of which is, in fact, no less than that of Marxism, directed against any attempt at an Aryan regeneration ‘against Time.’ It took place and will, one day, be resumed—for no ‘de-nazification’ policy can hinder the play of the invisible Forces—with the necessary Dark Age methods.

Marx and Engels in the printing house of the Neue Rheinische Zeitung.
War against Marxism seemed and still seems to be—and no doubt is, in the practical field,—the first task of National Socialism, only because Marxism represents, to-day, the most immediate menace; because it is the most successful brand of the old, very old Jewish mass-poison for Goyyims’ consumption, intended to bring about the decay of all races, the end of all true nationalisms, and the limitless increase of a Jew-ridden humanity of poorer and poorer quality in a duller and duller—uglier and uglier—world; in one word, the consummation of the downfall of Life upon this planet. Which does not mean to say that other brands of the same, the effects of which are less obvious, less rapid, are not, in the long run, just as dangerous, if not even more so.
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Editor’s note: The problem with Savitri’s Hindu POV, which mythologically covers many millennia, is that I regard the neo-Nietzschean as the ‘man against his time’: only two thousand years of Jewish infection. In contrast, the periods used by Savitri, inspired by the Indo-Aryan religion, are much longer.
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The greatness of the National Socialist Movement in this respect, lies less in the fact that it has, more vigorously (and efficiently) than any other party—or Church—fought against the ‘Communist danger,’ than in that, that it has pointed out the right reason why the latter is ‘a danger’—the danger—and fought it for that reason alone.
Considered from the point of view of cosmic Wisdom, Communism, or rather Marxism, is not a danger because it threatens the owning classes of this earth with dispossession and the subsequent unpleasant compulsion of daily labour, and aims at the total abolition of capitalistic economy. That,—the main cause of all the ‘hullabaloo’ against the Communists outside National Socialist circles—is a detail, and a minor one at that. The world has nothing to lose through the disappearance of capitalists and of the rotten system they represent. On the contrary! And, although private ownership, inasmuch as it be the product of personal work, and not of speculation, is recognised in the National Socialist Party Programme as ‘a legitimate right of the individual,’[1] I would go so far as to say that, even so, it would not be an irreparable catastrophe, were thatalso to be wiped away in the storm of radical economic changes.
Marxism is also not a danger because its true adherents—people who live thoroughly ‘in Time’—have little leisure for Christian and other metaphysics and, in particular, little curiosity about what might happen to them after they will be dead. Nay, it is no danger because Karl Marx’s basic teaching concerning history—his famous ‘historical materialism’—attempts to explain all evolution in Time without the help of the hypothesis of ‘God’ and of the human ‘soul.’ That—the main cause of the uproar against ‘Communist atheism’ among Christians and other spiritually-minded people; and the main excuse set forth by the Catholic Church to justify its ban on the ‘materialistic’ doctrine—is also a detail. And the idea of God, as the overwhelming majority of Anti-Communists uphold it, is vague, anyhow; vague, and of no practical use whatsoever. The danger of Marxism lies, as Adolf Hitler has pointed out in Mein Kampf [2] and in numberless speeches, solely—absolutely—in the fact that its conception of man as a mere product of his economic surroundings and of destiny as a play of purely economic forces, implies the denial of the importance of race and personality;—the denial of the natural hierarchy of races and of the irreducible differences in kind and in value between one race and the other, no less than that of the natural inequality of individuals, even within the same race. In other words, it lies in the fact that Marxism is man-centred—not life-centred—and equalitarian; in contradiction with the spirit of Nature, not in harmony with it; false, from the standpoint of cosmic wisdom, like historical Christianity (the source of those moral and spiritual values, in the name of which the capitalistic Democracies are, or rather pretend to be Anti- communistic) and like all Jewish teachings for Aryan use, but not more so. It lies in the fact that, among all such teachings ancient and modern, Marxism is in addition to that, by far the most popular and the most militant. As I said: for the time being, at least, the most successful.
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Editor’s note: Savitri published this book in 1958 when many neochristians had taken Karl Marx as their second Messiah. After Savitri, some racialists wiser than today’s white nationalists, such as Francis Parker Yockey and Michael O’Meara, realised that American capitalism was even more dangerous to the Aryan than Marxism.
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Adolf Hitler has rightly stressed that the definitive victory of such an Ideology would mean the end of life upon this planet—which is precisely the aim of the more-than-human Forces of disintegration that stand behind world Jewry. The tragedy, however, is that it would not mean such a rapid and dignified end as one might imagine. It would mean, first, a general and irredeemable bastardisation of the whole human species and an unbelievable increase of the number of human beings—’producers’—at the expense of the rest of life—increase, till the last beautiful wild animals are killed off and the last patch of forest cut down, to make place for more worthless two-legged mammals;—and then, when all the possibilities of nourishment which the earth can provide even with the assistance of perfected agricultural technique, are exhausted, war for food;[3] bitter, savage war to the finish (also with the assistance of perfected technique) until the doomed species has blown itself to pieces. It would mean, in other words, ‘the reign of quantity’ in all its horror, and then,—in the absence of any biological élite capable of starting a new Time-cycle—a full stop; on this planet at least, the final victory of that death-tendency which is, from the beginning, inherent in every manifestation within Time. And it is that which Adolf Hitler,—the Man ‘against Time’—has striven to avoid, through his struggle against Communism, i.e., against applied Marxism.
The non-Communist world—nay, the Anti-Communist world,—has understood neither the nature of the growing menace nor the real meaning of the National Socialist Struggle. Moreover, most of those who, in and outside Germany, before or during the Second World War, have answered Adolf Hitler’s call to arms against the Communist danger, and most of those who, to-day, realise how right he was, seem to have seen and to see in his struggle hardly anything more than the ‘defence of the West.’ But it is not ‘the West’ alone that was, and is, threatened in its biological substance, and consequently in its further evolution, by the latest man-centred, equalitarian Weltanschauung of Jewish origin incorporated into the latest powerful world-organisation—one could say: the latest Church—under Jewish leadership. It is the entire Aryan race: the man who, in Cape Town, Sidney or Ottawa, has, up till now, kept his Germanic blood pure, no less than the ‘European’ of Germanic blood; no less than those Aryan minorities of Asia that the racially conscious European is too often tempted to forget or to underestimate: the Persian, to the extent he has, specially throughout the last one thousand five hundred years of the most stormy history, withstood the curse of blood-mixture; the Indian Brahmin and Kshattriya, whom the Caste System has, up till now, kept aloof and protected; in particular the Brahmin of Kashmir, outwardly at least, one of the finest types of Aryan humanity.
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Editor’s note: Savitri is wrong here. In the comments section of a recent article in The Unz Review about the Indo-Aryan religion, a commenter observed something sagacious: he had not seen any Brahmin who could pass for Nordid.
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It is, nay, all pure or relatively pure races of the world that are menaced, including the non-Aryan; including the Semitic nucleus of the Jewish people themselves—and no one knows that better than those racially-conscious Jews, once holders of highly responsible positions within the Communist Party, who have been, during the last few years, charged with ‘Zionism’ i.e., Jewish nationalism, before Communist Courts and sentenced to long terms of hard labour, when not to death.[4] (Adolf Hitler has written: ‘After the death of his victim, the vampire himself dies, sooner or later.’[5] The poison of man-centred, equalitarian internationalism, intended to bring about the ruin of all races—specially of the Aryan—for the benefit of the Jew, is ultimately bound to work also against its originators. For the Death-forces are not selective. They spare nobody;—not even their agents.) The fact is that, at the root of that disregard for personality and specially for race, which characterises Marxism, lies the conceited belief in ‘man’ as the measure of all things; in ‘man’ as ‘the master of Nature’ (not merely a part of it; a living species among others); and the illusion that anything endowed with a more or less human shape is of unquestionable value and must be allowed to live, nay, kept alive at any price; the sickly superstition of ‘man’—that ‘Jewish lie’ which Adolf Hitler so brilliantly exposed in the eleventh Chapter of Mein Kampf—as opposed to the true, aristocratic Religion of Life.
But the lie is, as I have said, no monopoly of the Marxists; no consequence of Karl Marx’s particular conception of man as the product of his economic environment. It is the common basis of all man-centred,equalitarian philosophies old and new, Jewish and non-Jewish,[6] and specially of the Jewish philosophies of international scope, which all draw an arbitrary line between ‘men’ and the rest of living creatures, thus denying, the oneness of the realm of Life and the universality of its iron laws. It is, in particular, the moral basis of historical Christianity.
It matters little what hypothesis or what dogmas be set forth, in order to make it sound like truth. The important fact remains that the Jewish lie,—snare of the Dark Age—is accepted as truth by the Anti-Communist forces of the West outside the National Socialist Movement, primarily, by the Christian Churches (the ‘bourgeois’ political parties just do not count). The fact remains that these forces share with the Marxists themselves, be it under a different form, the superstition of ‘man,’ origin of the attitude that leads to decay. And that is why none of them was, or is, Anti-communist in the true sense of the word. Not only did they and do they not fight Marxism on account of the real danger it represents, but every one of them would, ultimately, represent the self-same danger as it, were they to day as militant and full of faith as they once were. They are, at the most, the rivals of conquering Marxism—or would like to be. While in non-Christian countries, the Christian missionaries are precisely the people who, through the alarming increase of a half-educated, bastardised population, seething with discontent (the immediate result of their equalitarian preaching coupled with medical aid) prepare the way for Communism with miraculous efficiency—extending to the whole world (be it in the manner they are the last ones to desire) the mischief which the Dark Forces have once wrought in the Near East and in Europe, through Christianity itself.
In other words, the National Socialist struggle against Marxism is merely the most obvious aspect of the general—infinitely more than political—deadly struggle of the bold new faith in Light and Life against every form of untruth—every doctrine setting up ‘man’ against Nature, every cult of imperfection, in this last part of the Dark Age. It is not to be separated from the struggle against the Christian Churches, against Free Masonry, and all such international and antinational so-called ‘spiritual’ bodies as unduly distort and exploit teachings originally ‘above Time,’ in order to forward the aims of the Death-forces.
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Editor’s note: These words remind me of California, where I lived for two and a half years: home to hundreds of New Age cults. In my last comment, I mentioned the name of the neochristian cult in which I lost my best years…
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Only the latter struggle had to be more subtle, for practical reasons easy to understand.
[1] See the Twenty-Five Points. Das Programm der N.S.D.A.P. und seiner weltanschaulichen Grundgedanken by Goltfried Feder [The Programme of the NSDAP and its Fundamental Worldview] (Munich: 1939), p. 35.
[2] Mein Kampf, pp. 420 and following.
[3] Hans Grimm has very accurately pointed this out in his beautiful book Warum? Woher? aber Wohin?(1954).
[4] See the charges against the eleven Jews in the Prague Trial (1952) and against Anna Pauker, former Commissar in Rumania.
[5] Mein Kampf, p. 358.
[6] ‘Man is greater than everything; there is nothing above him’ is a saying attributed to one of the famous Bengali Vaishnavas of the 14th century.
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The Lightning & the Sun by Savitri Devi (Counter-Currents Publishing, 2014, unabridged edition) can be ordered here.